Monday, December 16, 2013

Salvation Army bell ringer gets assaulted for saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas."

Courtesy of WCPO Cincinnati:  

Some might call it the “December Debate.” Do you greet people with “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays?" An Arizona woman, who’s also a bell ringer for the Salvation Army, says she was assaulted for choosing the wrong one. 

Kristina Vindiola says a woman hit her outside a Phoenix Walmart after she said "Happy Holidays." 

"The lady looked at me,” said Vindiola. “I thought she was going to put money in the kettle. She came up to me and said, 'Do you believe in God?' And she says, ‘You're supposed to say Merry Christmas,' and that's when she hit me." 

Vindiola says the woman hit her in the arm and then went inside the store.

WTF? Since when did the Republican "War on Inclusive Christmas" turn physical?

And what kind of a self identified Christian thinks it is okay to strike another human being simply for demonstrating religious tolerance? Do these people have any understanding of Jesus whatsoever?

That lady should take legal action. And she is.

....the bell ringer who said she was assaulted now plans to take legal action. 

"She should've just been happy I said 'Happy Holidays,' but I got hit because I didn't say 'Merry Christmas,'" Vindiola said.

Good for her!

Now if we can just find some way to make this Sarah Palin's fault.


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    "Now if we can just find some way to make this Sarah Palin's fault."

    Isn't it? The world knows it is, she's been blaring it all over the place since her "book" came out.

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Sarah Palin's 'book' of LIES.

    2. Anonymous5:37 PM

      You beat me to it, 4:34 PM! That bitch is loving every goddamn minute of it and she's not even a Christian! Just found a new way to make money off the sheeple. Believe you me, that family thrives off bullying, violence, and murder. She's licking her chops BIG time.

    3. Anonymous8:29 PM

      man i wish i had the money to buy a house across from sarah's in phoenix. i'd put the biggest 'happy holidays' sign you could ever find on the front lawn pointed right at her. but it would really be more to piss off her 'sarah fan club', cause its not like she actually gives shit about baby jesus or religion or merry christmas vs happy holidays at all. its all about stirring up the contorversy for $$ for sarah.

  2. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I blame palin and Bill O'Reilly for this bullshit.Couldn't you miserable bastards leave people alone.Never heard this crap before this year and I blame palin and her shitty book.All I see on facebook now is posts about how happy holidays is wrong.Burn in hell you fuckers.

  3. Anonymous4:44 PM

    What a surprise !!!!! A Walmart customer. This fabricated outrage has to stop.

    1. Anonymous3:21 AM

      most likely a Faux News viewer as well, She probably went shopping after a segment of that idiocy and had to punch someone.
      I dont' give to the Sa because they are homophobic morons, but no one deserves to be punched for greeting someone politely.

  4. Anonymous4:45 PM

    What was Sarah Palin doing in Phoenix this weekend?

  5. Anonymous4:54 PM

    O/T but needs to be said ..... Of course Santa is white .... if he were black ...... some asshole in Florida would have shot him by now!

    1. Be careful now in what you say about Floridians. Some of us may not all be geniuses, but at least were a hell of a lot smarter than Palin and her cult members. Besides, the Floridian's that give us such a bad name are usually the ones who moved from the North to Florida. Being a Floridian, moved from the north to Florida myself, I have an obligation to defend my fair State from you carpetbaggers. As for our governor for those who are not heard much about Gov. Scott, he is a loyal follower of the Koch brothers and will eagerly obey whatever they ask for him to do. After all, our governor didn't just get rich by just filing false or duplicate Medicare claims to the government while he was ahead of a major hospital chain. After getting caught, he was even able to walk away with a $330 million golden parachute while the hospital chain got fined over $660 million by the government. He can't be too stupid if he can get away with that.

    2. Be careful now in what you say about Floridians. Some of us may not all be geniuses, but at least were a hell of a lot smarter than Palin and her cult members. Besides, the Floridian's that give us such a bad name are usually the ones who moved from the North to Florida. Being a Floridian, moved from the north to Florida myself, I have an obligation to defend my fair State from you carpetbaggers. As for our governor for those who are not heard much about Gov. Scott, he is a loyal follower of the Koch brothers and will eagerly obey whatever they ask for him to do. After all, our governor didn't just get rich by just filing false or duplicate Medicare claims to the government while he was ahead of a major hospital chain. After getting caught, he was even able to walk away with a $330 million golden parachute while the hospital chain got fined over $660 million by the government. He can't be too stupid if he can get away with that.

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Is that why he was elected?

  6. Anonymous4:57 PM

    It IS Sarah Palin's fault.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      What a bitch. It's not even Jesus' birthday.

    2. Anonymous5:26 AM

      And if she knew anything about anything, she'd know that "holidays" derives from "holy days."
      (Stupid bitch)

    3. Anonymous11:14 AM


      btw is that picture from last year or is he that small?

  7. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Immature. And it's sad how people can be. Sharing an opinion about a religion or tradition you celebrate isn't supporting violence or the denial of other cultres or traditions. It's sad that there are areas that ban Christmas ornamentation or other holiday staples because they don't want to insult "people." Um, NOTHING should EVER be banned. There's a difference between telling an employee to say "happy holidays" and BANNING something because it COULD be offensive. NOTHING is offensive.

    Land of the FREE.

    And no one person is to blame for anything in the world. Especially when today is FAR less violence and hate filled than even 40 years ago

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Really? Pedophelia shouldn't be banned? Employers don't have the right to ban, say, mini-skirts for their employers? They shouldn't be able to ban foul language to customers? Why should they not be allowed to direct their employees to say "Happy Holidays" if they want to include ALL their customers in the greeting?

      Yes, LAND OF THE FREE. Freedom for ALL, not just you. That includes freedom for employers to decide how to celebrate the holidays that occur in December and January.

      Happy Holidays!

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Hey .... I just know the Tooth Fairy is white !!

    3. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Nothing is offensive? Are you for real? What if your religious tradition is killing Jews because they "killed Jesus?"

      And let me tell you something. I grew up in a town where there were only a couple of Jewish families. At my (public) high school graduation, a priest was called up to the podium to lead a prayer. He invoked the name of Jesus as "our lord." Do you think that was a little bit alienating to me as a non-Christian at my own (public) high school graduation? I personally didn't care one way or another if there were some Christmas decorations in school or if we sang Christmas carols in choir (although we also sang at least one Chanukah song as well). But it IS offensive to officially sanction a person to project his religious beliefs on people at their own graduation.

      Land of the FREE doesn't mean the minority's rights can be trampled by the majority.

      Finally, you are more than welcome to decorate your own house and your church with as many lights and crosses and ornaments as you'd like. Public places, on the other hand, belong to everyone. Someone tells you that you can't put up a nativity scene? Get the fuck over it.

    4. Anonymous6:45 PM

      I dare you to come into my business and tell, me what i will tell my employees. This world is very violent and there is a lot of hate and violence and plenty of offensive things happen. Come out in the real world with the rest of us.

    5. Anita Winecooler7:14 PM

      And here, in a nutshell, is the source of the problem. I just feel sorry for ignorant people, they can't help what they are, but they're so damned proud of it!

      "BANNING something because it COULD be offensive. NOTHING is offensive."

      Say a group's culture feels it's appropriate to paint swatikas on all churches, would you defend them? It's the land of the FREE, right?

      See what I mean by "Ignorance"?

    6. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Sorry, but physically assaulting someone does not qualify as "sharing an opinion ".

      I was raised Roman Catholic and I say Happy Holidays all the time because I have friends and colleagues of many faiths, and some with no religion at all. I respect them and expect that they respect my decision to no longer follow any organized religion.

      That's what this is all about...RESPECT. Don't force your religion on me and I'll respect your choice to worship, or not, as you please.

      Members of a civilized society do not demand that everyone respect them while they trample over everyone else's rights.

    7. Anonymous3:35 AM

      "Especially when today is FAR less violence and hate filled than even 40 years ago"

      I'm pretty sure you're too stupid to grasp the intense level of ignorance in that statement.

      Back in 1973 school shootings were unheard of and STG laws were not even an NRA wet dream. Killing people was actually considered UN-christian 40 years ago.

      You must be a palin.

    8. Anonymous4:13 AM

      "Happy Holidays" has been an appropriate and well used phrase for many years. Bing Crosby sang a song about it! What is sad is that this year, because Sarah Palin has raised the ante in Fox News' annual war on Christmas, there is even more palaver about it. Everything that is said by those on the right in waging their war on Christmas represents their complete rejection of the real meaning of the holiday. What Sarah Palin has done is incitement. She is likely in large part responsible for having incited the Walmart shopper (hmm, Walmar?) to attack the Salvation Army bell ringer. A little like "targeting" certain candidates and members of Congress a couple of years ago? Sarah Palin's "targeting" of candidates and her fake self-righteousness in waging her war on Christmas shows just how despicable she really is and she's doing it all to make a buck.

    9. Anonymous5:46 AM

      Anonymous6:25 PM

      Nothing is offensive? Are you for real? What if your religious tradition is killing Jews because they "killed Jesus?"
      Didn't Palin go after John Stein and say he wasn't a "christian" (he was but b/c of his name) and imply SHE was the Christian one (and to vote for her)
      I say Happy Holidays for all FAITHS or no FAITH!
      Fuck Fox and Palin!

    10. Anonymous11:23 AM

      5:49 PM duh... tooths is awesome white so Tooths Fairy is cool white


    11. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Neither the Sarahpac letter or Martin Bashir are offensive.

  8. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Every time palin stirs up shit, someone gets hurt.

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      She should be named on the suit as well as BOR Faux news etc. But HER name Snortin' sarah needs to be at the flippin' top!!!

      Oh what ever happened to "Season's greetings"? Is that taboo also,too?

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      She'll have her "white" Christmas no matter where she's at. Whether she'll see another is up to those who might get off the gravy train long enough to gst her help.

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Good point. From putting bullseyes over political figures (and causing the deaths of 9 people, including a little girl), to stoking the know-nothings into a self-righteous jihad against anyone who has the misfortune to be in their path.

  9. Crystal Sage5:05 PM

    How ironic is it that the Salvation Army, a very Christian group that does a lot of charity work - especially in the Christmas Season would be attacked because one of the volunteers said, "Happy Holidays"? I am constantly getting Facebook posts about this, asking me to agree that "Merry Christmas" is the preferred (and only) way of greeting someone this season. Never gave it a second thought until this phony War on Christmas™

    1. BabyRaptor7:54 PM

      The Salvation Army is garbage. They refuse shelter and help to LGBTs, pay disabled workers less than 3 dollars an hour, and support laws denying rights to anyone not straight.

      Then again, most "very Christian" people are garbage too.

    2. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Plus, I've heard that if they respond to you in a fire, you get a bill afterwards. Is that true?

    3. Crystal Sage10:22 AM

      I have been a volunteer for the Salvation Army for several years. I have never observed discrimination against those in the LGBT community, however, II have seen the Sally Ann respond to fires and natural disasters, providing lodging, clothes and food for the victims. No questions asked; no bills were sent. In my community, the SA administers the utility help for low income people.

      When my father was a fire chief and there was a big fire, the Salvation Army showed up with coffee and sandwiches and even warm, dry gloves for the firefighters.

      I am sorry, BabyRaptor that your experience with the Sally Ann was negative. I do believe you're in a very small minority.

    4. Anonymous12:14 PM

      I know someone who was in a SA program for about a year. He liked the work but said there was a lot of stealing going on. Not the little people but from the top. They got all the good donations. Also added to the land fill with many good usable things (not into recycle, helping the planet). If a little person was caught in a minor theft or infraction it was serious. The manipulators at the top could do all kinds of things. You wouldn't dare tell on any of the hanky panky with people of higher rank. He called it a cult. That one was in Pasadena, many wealthy people.

      The Salvation Army is a Christian denominational church and international charitable organization structured in a quasi-military fashion.

  10. Randall5:06 PM

    That Christian woman did exactly the right thing:
    resort to violence because someone didn't knuckle-under to HER idea of what the season is all about, by God.

    After all - doesn't the 1st amendment guarantee the right of
    to strike whomever disagrees with them?

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      No, Randall, it only guarantees the rights of the Right Kind of Christian to do whatever they damn well please and expect everyone else to knuckle under.

      Of course, depending on where you are, what qualifies as the Right Kind of Christian will change.

      It's all very confusing and now my head hurts from trying to figure it all out.

  11. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Those Christians are a tough bunch; must still be pissed about being fed to lions by the Romans.

    Peace on the upcoming Solstice.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      The Romans gave that up when they realized that the lions were eating up all the prophets.

      Tom, in FL

    2. Anonymous7:35 PM

      5:54 -
      That's the difference between the Romans and the 1% currently running our country. They're fine with lions eating up all the prophets as long as they don't eat up all the profits.

  12. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Who do these people think they are? If anybody ask me if I believe in God, I would reply "It's none of your business" or perhaps "It's none of your fucking business" depending upon who ask. Let the hitting begin!

  13. If this happened in Texas that bell ringer would be arrested because "Merry Christmas" is the only legal way to wish anybody anything this time of year in that state. It was an act of mercy she was only hit.. a real Christian would have used at least a hand gun and claimed self defense for abuse and repression....

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      I believe burning at the stake is the sanctioned punishment for not saying Merry Christmas. Maybe torture and hanging.

      Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

    2. Anonymous8:47 PM

      6:27 Yea, let's start w/Sarah Palin the devil incarnate!

  14. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I'll continue saying "Happy Holidays" and dare any whacked out teabagger to come at me bro. I Will stand my ground. Be warned.

  15. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

    If I saw that, I'd teach that woman the story of how the angel got on top of the tree I doubt she'd do it again, . And there'd be a lot less tree showing, believe me.

  16. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I would have looked her straight in the face and told her to get the Christmas spirit and to be kind to all especially during the holidays! Fuck her!

  17. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Palin has to take some of the blame, alright...but the entire Fox network is at fault.

    The constant barrage of manipulation of the weak willed and fearful, is of epic proportions.

    People will now repeat verbatim what they are instructed to by the staff of Fox, saying Anti-American things which only a few years ago, they would have called treasonous.

    Their hatred of others is not natural...its a product of the tsunami of propaganda which Fox defecates upon the nation, non stop.

    This type of violence will escalate as time goes by.

  18. Anonymous3:55 AM

    These people are simply crazy. Isn't there a Bing Crosby song (from many years ago) called "Happy Holidays"? It is nothing new to say "Happy Holidays." The phrase included Christmas and New Year's Day in its original meaning and has been used more recently to cover other seasonal holidays that people celebrate.

    Did the woman committing the assault realize that the Salvation Army is a fundamentalist Christian organization? Not my favorite charitable organization but one that certainly helps a lot of poor people. And that's the Christian thing to do - especially at this time of year. Sarah Palin and her pseudo-Christian storm troopers are beginning to act just like Hitler's storm troopers did in the 1930's. Trying to make Christmas into their own personal "hate event."

  19. Anonymous6:12 AM


    Francis Dumps U.S. Cardinal Who Is Outspoken Critic Of Abortion, Gay Marriage

  20. Anonymous7:42 AM

    It’s Conservatives Who Really Want Christ Out of Christmas

    They’re terrified America’s tiny number of atheists will change the meaning of the holiday. But conservatives are the ones who are really at war with its message.

    The War on Christmas is on! This epic battle pits the forces on the right who demand that we say “Merry Christmas” to everyone regardless of their faith—or lack thereof—against those who prefer to say “Happy Holidays.”

    How fierce has this so-called “war” become? Well, Sarah Palin is travelling across the country alerting people that “angry atheists” want to “abort Christ from Christmas.” Palin is like a modern day Paul Revere—you know, the guy Palin told us warned the British in 1775 that the British were about to attack the colonists.

    Bill O’Reilly, the “Father Christmas” of the War on Christmas, recently clamored that there are dastardly people who want to, “banish any mention of Jesus in the public square.”

    And apparently these atheists—who represent about 1.6 percent of our population—are so dangerous that it compelled Texas Governor Rick Perry to enact the “Merry Christmas law” earlier this year to ensure that public school teachers could say “Merry Christmas” without fear of attack.

    But here’s the glaring hypocrisy of the right: they want to keep “Christ in Christmas,” but they don’t want to keep Christ’s teachings in the policies they advocate. It’s as if there are two Jesus Christs. There’s the one in the Bible who advocates helping people in need, especially the poor. And then there’s the Jesus that conservatives worship, whose philosophy is to callously slash programs that help the less fortunate, from food stamps to health insurance to unemployment benefits.

    I’m not a religious scholar, but it doesn’t take a Ph.D. in religious studies to comprehend the basic teachings of Jesus....

  21. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Mind Blowing Fact Proves That Christian Churches Cannot Provide For The Poor

  22. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I don't know if he is a Christian but he is a good racketeer.
    Who knew Zimmerman is a painter?

    Where can you download MS Paint


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