Thursday, December 05, 2013

Sarah Palin at Liberty University. Update: Palin responds to Bashir resignation.

Look! It's the ghost of false pregnancies past!
Courtesy of Liberty University:

In a sit-down, conversational interview on stage with President Jerry Falwell, Jr. and Vice President for Communications Johnnie Moore, Palin talked about her motivation to keep standing for “time-tested truths” — the same truths Liberty upholds — when she is attacked by the mainstream media for her conservative views. (Really? Liberty University stands up for the fake pregnancy stories and misrepresentation of our country's values that Sarah Palin stands up for?)

“This is what inspires me — you,” she told the arena of more than 10,000 students. “ … What inspires me and allows me to keep going and standing strong is being in a place like this.” 
Courtesy of Facebook
“You guys are doing an awesome job; it’s amazing, the infrastructure, additions to the amenities, what a wonderful force for good in this part of the nation and for the world,” Palin said. 

Coming off a 15-city tour for her new best-seller, “Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas,” (Is it really still a "best seller" when it is at number 664 on the Amazon best seller list?)  she talked about the larger message that the Christmas story brings today. 

“My book is about protecting the heart of Christmas, which is really about protecting the heart of America,” (That's right kids the pagan holiday Saturnalia, today mostly represented by the Turkish St. Nicholas, and celebrated by plunging ourselves into debt in order to buy the newest, most expensive factory assembled  soon to be obsolete electronics, equals America.) she said. “Because the message of Christmas is the message of hope and change, not the stuff you hear coming out of Washington. (Wait, what?) … It’s the Judeo-Christian faith that provided all the foundation in our charters of liberty, our Constitution, our Declaration of Independence. It was a faith–filled people who understood how blessed our land was and the opportunities we have, our wonderful work ethic, all the things that have made America so exceptional.” (Such as killing off its original aboriginal inhabitants, raping the land for its precious minerals and resources, and polluting its air so that our children are born with allergies and birth defects.)

She said the tour is about more than a book; it is about restoring our nation’s principles. (Of greed and commercialism.)

“That’s why I appreciate Liberty University,” she said. “You will be a force for good, understanding the importance of Christian faith and a Christian education. You are the future leaders of this country.” (Let us all hope that's not true.)

Students submitted their own questions for Palin, which ranged from who her biggest inspiration is (her youngest son, Trig, who has Down syndrome and has taught her “the world’s standards of perfection are not God’s standards of perfection”) to her family’s favorite Christmas memories (eating moose chili and traveling “over the river and through the woods” by snow machines). ("Over the river and through the woods?" Hmm I wonder if they are off to "Grandfather's house?" And I certainly hope that the snowmachine knows the way through the "white and drifted snow." I swear there is not one original thought in this imbecile's head.)

She left students with a lesson she’s learned as a leader: 

“Fear not. Again, it’s that message of Christmas; remember the angel came to Mary in a situation with less than ideal circumstances (Yeah she was knocked up and needed to explain it to her husband.) … and that message needs to be received by each one of you here today as you get out there in a pretty rough and tumble world. You’re going to be inundated in the workplace with cultural and societal pressures trying to beat you down (That's Palin speak for "educate you.")… remember that message from that angel. … The greater message was that everybody is made so uniquely, with certain gifts and talents and passions and interests for a reason, to get out there and do good for the world. … When it comes to families, when it comes to jobs, please remember that you do have purpose and you do have destiny — God don’t make no junk. ... Success is letting Him shine through you so that others will be attracted to that light — the eternal destiny is really what matters.” 

Looking back at where God has taken her, Palin still calls her rise to a position of leadership “bizarre,” (Well there's something we can agree on.) but credits it as God’s work. (And here he thought the platypus was the worst of his screw ups.)

“Put your life in God’s hands — you never know where you’re going to end up.”

Yeah you could end up promoting a poorly conceived ghostwritten book on a book tour that is  falling apart faster than that space station in the movie "Gravity."

If there were actually 10,000 students there you KNOW they were compelled to attend. No way do 10,000 young people, even Liberty University brain washed young people, voluntarily turn out to have their IQ's lowered by this simpleton.

I wonder where she will go next? Perhaps there is a local prison who could lock there inmates into a room to hear her demonstrate her lack of knowledge about America and Christmas?

Or better yet an institute for the insane. THAT would make her feel right at home.

Update: Here is the video of Palin discussing Bashir from Fox and Friends. 

And here is a synopsis provided by Mediaite: 

“In this world, you are going to be hurt and attacks will come your way,” Palin said. “I just hope attacks like that doesn’t make people hesitate.” 

“One of the things about his attack is it was scripted,” Steve Doocy observed. “The people at NBC had a chance to review it and said – they obviously, or apparently, all agreed.” 

“It was refreshing to see, though, that many in the media did come out and say, ‘Look, our standards have to be higher than this,” Palin observed. 

Brian Kilmeade asked if the Sarah Palin of 2008 would have reacted then to this manner of attack as she did. “At this point I’m used to it,” Palin replied. “That’s kind of a sad state of affairs to have to admit that, at this point, I am used to it.” 

“Six years ago, I probably would have been personally hurt by such an attack,” she revealed. 

Asked if anyone representative from a women’s advocacy group had reached out to her, Palin noted that she never “heard from one feminist.” 

“I’m sure they’re getting to it,” Elisabeth Hasselbeck suggested sarcastically. 

Palin concluded by disclosing that she feels “callused” and is no longer surprised by these types of attacks on her character.

Okay I just threw up n my mouth a little.

ANYBODY who believes that Palin is the victim of ANYTHING is a moron. The woman has been playing this victim card since she was a child, and the fact that there are still so many who cannot see through it pisses me off.


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Sarah Palin/Martin Bashir

    1. Anonymous6:30 AM

      Now he can find a "Ril" journo job where he can say truth like AJ! Fuck MSNBC everyone should boycott it as Fox news light. Notice Rachel nor anyone came to his defense like KO? B/c they will be fired too!

    2. Anonymous6:57 AM

      The same way Rachel never came to Keith's's a pretty closed community over there. And for CNN to give Beck an hour to spew his hatred and lies is beyond belief.

    3. Anonymous7:00 AM

      “Six years ago, I probably would have been personally hurt by such an attack,” she revealed.

      They are labeling what Martin Bashir said as an attack, no mention of a history lesson or analogy. He was pointing out her ignorance. He was frustrated with the downplaying of racism.

      Whether he went too far or not is another thing. The point he wanted to make has been obliterated.

      He is free to work at a far better job. Hopefully, to write a book as well.

      Palin 'won' a battle with help from RW and lazy libruls, but she is still ignorant. The proof is continually on air and in her ghost written material.

      Now all of media lost big time b/c they are beholden to the Fox/Palin standards. Lie, lies and liars, and Fox won that case in a court of law.

    4. Some people need a good smiting, but it doesn’t happen right away. Still, it usually happens, and often out of the blue. Keep up the good work, IM.

    5. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Dems are really lazy as a group when comparing them as to how the Republicans gang together and are very organized as to their talking points. Plus, they continually interrupt or talk over someone that interviews them! Republicans are hurting the country as to their obstruction and lies and Dems are hurting it too, by looking very disorganized as a group! President Obama cannot do stuff by himself and they don't even come out as a group and support him -he was elected twice by the majority!

      Our government is a mess! Just look at some of the worst Republicans we have in Congress which include McConnell, Cantor, McCain, etc. They actually smile on the cameras even though doing horrid things to the poor and middle class!

      Now Palin is referring to the dialog of Bashir as an 'attack'? What utter bullshit! The only one that has come out in support of Bashir has been Alex Baldwin! Where are Ed, Lawrence, Rachel and Chris for crying out loud? I'm very, very disappointed w/MSNBC and their management. They need to get some balls as a group!!! Beginning w/their management! They are wimps when compared to the likes of FOX!

      Bashir should NEVER have been fired....what he actually said (or tried to teach as to slavery) has been blown completely out of proportion.

      Palin should be held down as far as I'm concerned and people allowed to shit in her mouth....Bashir didn't even say that, but it's been said he did!!

      Palin spews nothing but shit and has since prior to McCain and she losing the election to President Obama in 2007!! Thank god he was elected and sworn in in 2008 and again for his second term.

      Palin is a racist, evil, vindictive, uneducated, nasty woman. It's way past time she be taken off the stage forever.

    6. Anonymous7:23 AM

      The sad part is that Olberman gave Rachel her start and she did zero to support him when MSNBC dumped him. Same for Bashir! Rachel, Ed, Lawrence and Chris have really disappointed me! Where are their balls?

    7. Anonymous8:09 AM

      She keeps daring the media to expose her faked pregnancy and wild ride. At the end of the fox and friends video she says that she'll RILLY go after anyone who comes after someone who is defenseless. Sarah, do you mean your adopted son you callously named after his condition, Tri-G? Yeah, you are calloused, alright. A calloused evil bitch.

    8. Anonymous10:10 AM

      With Bashir gone, I am down to watching Rachel, but I don't think this will lasat. I am disappointed in Maddow. It is looking to me like she is the Diva with her mini me's Chris Hayes and Melissa Harris Perry.

      I am very sorry that MSNBC has gone the direction of Faux news.

    9. Anonymous10:23 AM

      8:09 AM

      She can dare all she wants because the media will not expose her, not MSM. It would take a court date, depositions before they would say boo about it. With absolute proof from a court of law the media would continue to down play. She has been bought and the Senator from Arizona will go to his grave glorifying his choice for a non vetted VP candidate. Senator McCain's legacy it too important to him. He does not want to leave his children disgraced by revealing the criminal he is. It would bring back up all his old shenanigans. Carelessly wrecked fighter planes, the financial havoc he caused for many others, Cindy McCain stealing from her children's charity so she could feed a dope dependency and all.

    10. Anonymous12:03 PM

      I just called Phil at MSNBC to give him a piece of my mind. It was kind of funny because I started to do the SNL thing of "Really?, you fired Martin over Sarah Palin, Really?" Anyway, I ended with "good luck with the ratings."

      Here is the number if anyone wants to call.
      212-664-2456 DIRECT LINE to Phil Griffin's Office

      H/T to the person that posted the number.

    11. Anonymous3:30 PM

      12:03 PM Thanks.

      212-664-2456 DIRECT LINE to Phil Griffin's Office

      Keep calling and all else. Don't let them slip out of this without a mark.

  2. Glad to see the idiot brought her word salad along with her.

  3. Anonymous6:38 AM

    “This is what inspires me — you,” she told the arena of more than 10,000 students. “ … What inspires me and allows me to keep going and standing strong is being in a place like this.” 
    -Sarah Palin

    If she is so inspired by that school then why doesn't Sarah Palin enroll her children into that school? Oh that's right, her children doesn't want to get into debt.

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Her children don't have anything close to the educational credentials for even a non-college like 'Liberty U."

    2. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Anonymous5:42 PM

      Here's a question for the students at Liberty University. Sarah Palin was gracious enough to speak at your school, why can't you ungrateful students pass the hat around so multimillionaire Sarah Palin's dysfunctional children can attend your school without her children going into debt? Don't you have an Asperger or Borderline Retarded Scholarship Fund you can give those kids?

      If not maybe you can start one?

    3. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Palin spawn is not Asperger. They are like the parents. Not Asperger at all. More Borderline but may not even be borderline. At best very low IQ and rotten to the core cultists.

    4. Anonymous7:42 AM

      I doubt Sarah attended for free, those students paid, oh yes they paid, it was just hidden in their tuition.
      And yes, why aren't Sarah's girls wearing their purity rings and attending Liberty, well....mostly because neither has an IQ above 85 and they can't keep their pats on.

    5. Anonymous8:30 AM

      What inspired Sarah to dress like a tramp for such a conservative school? They have a dress code and she looks as if she is heading to the nearest place to party. Where is her holly jolly Christmas sweater?

    6. Anonymous8:31 AM

      If she was so inspired, why did she dress like a tramp?

    7. Anonymous9:00 AM

      It is the culture.

  4. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Palin's repulsive.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      That is her eating disorder that accentuates her mental demise and the repulsive physical tragedy. She is a victim of her own sickness, the denial causes her to project.

      Media standards will not allow anyone to help someone with her degenerative disease. It is all about money and keeping the BIG LIE going.

    2. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Her own masters, family and fanbots hate her more than anyone else.

    3. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Looks liek she violated LU's dress code:

    4. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Why would anyplace want a person that is clearly dying from a disease that afflicts many young people and yes, elderly eating disorder victims?

      The one thing where Sarah Palin is actually a victim and all you get is silence. Everyday they watch her die only means they hate her more.

      What else can they do but project and say others are haters?

  5. Anonymous6:49 AM

    "My role is to accept his apology and be humble enough to accept it and move on," Palin said Thursday on FOX News Channel's “FOX & Friends," without discussing whether Bashir should have been fired by the network instead of resigning

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Horse hockey. That bitch never forgets a perceived slight. As I said last night, this is all to sell her in-the-toilet book. Wait until 2014....

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      role? then she is just playing a part.

    3. Anonymous8:47 AM

      She accepted apology to make herself look good. She knew what her masters have planned to win this war. They want to lift her up to appear as a good well educated Christian married woman and mother of five.

    4. Anonymous9:02 AM

      8:30 AM She does make mistakes and she does have occasional lapses into reality.

  6. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Sarah looks at the 10,000 students ... and then realizes her kids are too dumb and lazy to ever be in college.

    Sarah and Todd must be so proud of their children!

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM


    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      So was she!

    3. Anonymous7:28 AM

      So was he!

    4. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Did they look under their seats? Suckers didn't even get a $1.00 I bet.

    5. Anonymous7:40 AM

      I don't think the Liberty Univ. students are particularly bright. They are not the best of their generation, that's for sure or they wouldn't be "studying" there.

    6. Anonymous8:57 AM

    7. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Beaglemom they are as bright as any brainwashing will allow.

    8. Doubt the folks at Liberty "University" learn much other than bible stories - which most folks learn from their church when aged about 5

  7. Olivia6:53 AM

    Poor moron doesn't understand that she is not vilified because she is a woman so there is no need for "feminists" to speak up. She is vilified because every time she opens her pie hole she says something so incredibly idiotic, there is no defense for her on any level.

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      She is a lying manipulating idiot.

  8. Anonymous6:54 AM

    "In this world you are going to be hurt and attacks will come your way," she said.
    -Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      History lesson is an attack? What kind of standard is that?

    2. Anonymous7:28 AM

      To a Palin, a history lesson IS an attack.

    3. Anonymous8:17 AM

      When can the media and nuts handle this history?

    4. Anonymous8:33 AM

      If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Sarah's comment about debt and slavery deserved to be criticized. That was not a personal attack. Bashir was setting the record straight. The comment that stung was suggesting that Palin would not like to be on the receiving end of the treatment that the slaves got.

    5. f u mccain8:39 AM

      Being attacked with words is like slavery.


    6. Anonymous10:07 AM

      "In this world, you will get attacked consequently, you will get hurt." is what she should have said. Seriously, what is up with the word salad? Some journalism major.

  9. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Her false boobs are gone again!!! She is one weird idiot!

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Hey, she was just being "respectful" so she left the boobs in her suitcase. Makes perfect sense... to her.

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      There is some serious mental illness going on and the Republicans will do any and everything to hide it.

      The boods almost look normal compared to her previous standards for her political body applications:


      Keep revisiting until the truth can no longer be denied.

  10. Anonymous7:07 AM

    She said, "My book is about protecting the heart of Christmas, which is really about protecting the heart of America" -

    That doesn't make any sense. A true christian shares the message freely. Freely He (Jesus) gave His life for others, and freely we should give, the scriptures say. There's nothing stopping Sarah from writing editorials or giving speeches for free, or facebooking her 'heart of Christmas' or her other inspirational (cough) message on the gospel. But, she doesn't obey God, she sells her message.

    Her message should just be about the one thing she promotes, Christmas. So why are Christmas and Washington inclusive; Washington has absolutely nothing to do with America. She needs to point out one verse that mentions "America". It doesn't. The NT isn't about kingdom building, it encompasses every individual from all nations.

    What is the "heart" of America to Sarah? Why can't she just come out and say what's on her mind? What does the book's message have to do with Washington's "hope and change" theme? The "heart" of Christmas is a message that is specific, and there are hearts out there who need something more than boats and second homes and snow machines. There are people who have no way to pay for their healthcare and have been jobless for months and now can't depend on food stamps. Is that the part of the heart of Christmas that you were talking about?

    Now, if she were running for something, even dog catcher, she might have a chance to show the world her "biblical example" by sharing the beatitudes to people, her colleagues, and media. How come that old nasty media keep saying awful things about her? Could it BE that she isn't no nice and says some awful non-christian things about others and mocks others? Did she ever consider that?

    She has no title, no specific job, she just keeps pumping out books, editorials, interviews, speeches and then hides behind facebook. Who knows what kind of christian example this woman demonstrates? No one can find her. No one knows where she lives. No one sees her out there doing good and volunteering and involving herself in helping human suffering. All she does is talk and write and take OPM's money. That's all she does. What a phony. She is the biggest fake and phony in American History. There's another part of the bible that is even more amazing that the birth of Christ and that is the Resurrection. There must be some wise students at LU that see through her mask, because after reading this article, it's pretty evident that she has had a real encounter with the true God, because she'd be trembling in her boots for doing what she's been doing.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Christmas = America

    2. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Commercial Christmas = the heart of America, which to Palin and her crony TeaTHUGlicans is crass consumerism.

  11. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Yet no acknowledgment about the practice during slavery of defecating on human beings, which was the point of Bashir's comment. I'm convinced, more than ever, that the world exists to protect the overprivileged like Palin and her ilk

    1. Fuck you and Burn in HELL, McCain!10:02 AM

      Bashir's ENTIRE point has been buried.

      Bashir was attempting to point out how badly Palin fucked up when she tried to compare debt to slavery.

      Bashir basically was saying, "Bitch - If you can say that, then you have NO. IDEA. what slavery was like!!

      And you should experience just a *TASTE* (ew) of what it was REALLY LIKE to be a slave!!!

      But, EVERYTHING that was done to slaves was completely and totally barbaric!

      -Limbs were cut off
      -People were branded
      -Rape was a daily occurrence
      -Attacked/eaten by dogs
      -Having your children/wife/husband taken from you
      -Severe beatings, lashings
      -18 hour work days/365 days a year

      and then, apparently, there was occasion for someone to shit in another person's mouth.

      So. He was attempting to make a point about mind-bending brutality, and he was forced to choose the LEAST OBJECTIONABLE method used on slaves.

      It should be noted that nothing was ever done *to* Sarah Palin, but she has out-victimized slaves.


      Holy Shit, the woman is the devil.

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      @10:20: Very well said, thank you.

    3. Anonymous11:33 AM

      I am sure there are millions of Americans who would like to victimize Palin. She deserves any negative, illness or pain that confronts her and I'm sure it is coming. No one on this earth is more deserving of it. She's the devil incarnate! Evil through and through!

    4. Anonymous11:42 AM


      Well, she is nearing the final stages of anorexia so it looks like your prayers have been answered. Her brain is being consumed and her heart muscle will be next. Not a pleasant way to perish, but it is irreversible and she looks pretty close to that point.

    5. Anonymous12:23 PM

      @10:20 Well said.
      And she out-victimized six dead people in Tucson, one of whom was a beautiful 9 year old girl. Don't forget that she gave her "Blood Libel" speech in competition with President Obama memorial speech for the victims. Words cannot describe Sarah Palin's vileness. Horrible woman. Horrible.

    6. No kidding, Anonymous @ 11:42 AM, it looked to me like they had a sit-down interview with Sarah Palin because she was too weak and anorexic to stand for an hour.

    7. Anonymous3:40 PM

      11:42 AM speak true. Her wonderful family and friends are all complicit. Of course there will be no murder charges because no one can speak truth to power and watching the slow painful death of an anorexic happens and is acceptable.

      Not saying that treatment would have helped, but they would have given her a chance.

  12. Anonymous7:31 AM


    Please, anyone reading this post with any real information about the lies of Sarah and Todd Palin, please contact Gryphen. Encourage your neighbors and friends to do the same. It's way past time.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM


      The destruction of our country is getting worse. End all complicity with the Palin family fraud.

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Levi, also, too. If not Levi, someone be a hero. Save our country. You may also help precious little Trig and Tripp.

  13. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Excellent post G! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    __ She said the tour is about more than a book; it is about restoring our nation’s principles. (Of greed and commercialism.) __

    How better to restore principles than by selling a commercial book that shows she is heartless? Over charging for a fake "Christmas" book isn't greed? You gotta love the "best seller" misrepresentation.

  14. Anonymous7:39 AM

    "Looking back at where God has taken her, Palin still calls her rise to a position of leadership “bizarre,” but credits it as God’s work."

    I call it bizarre, too

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      If she thinks what she is doing is God backed, she's crazy! She's doing SARAH'S "work."

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      She's paving the way for her Mega Church and televangelist traveling show.

    3. Anonymous9:57 AM

      No, Mrs. Palin, it wasn't God's work. It was McCain's huge "mistake." I so wish he would apologize for putting her on the national stage.

    4. Anonymous10:14 AM

      9:33am She's paving the way for her Mega Church and televangelist traveling show.

      I think she's got the Tammy Fay look down pat!

    5. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Palin isn't going to live long enough to have a mega church. Cracks me up thinking about it - HER a church? The evil, unloving, unkind, ungiving woman at a pulpit! Yuk!!!

    6. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Palin really seems to forget that her god has NOT opened ANY doors for her.

      Her only door opening will be to Hell.

    7. Anonymous11:55 AM

      They may keep her on life support for decades in a long suffering Terri Schiavo tribute and fundraiser. If that doesn't work out for them they will have her embalmed and set up having dinner with Todd... {Eva Peron} if that doesn't convince naysayers of her Traditional Thanksgiving Dinner, status what will?

      She will be thin and forever made to look young, of course.

    8. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Srah Palin QUIT the only "leadership position" she ever held. And she's right, the fact that she ever got there was bizarre!

  15. Anonymous7:44 AM

    “It was refreshing to see, though, that many in the media did come out and say, ‘Look, our standards have to be higher than this,” Palin observed.

    What a hideously destructive farce this is. We can all agree our standards must be higher. Not twisted and evil.

  16. Anonymous7:52 AM

    whoaaa, someone's behind in getting their botox shots

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      She looks like SHIT on a shingle!

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      They are posting low quality tiny images so you can't tell how devoid of humanness her body is. Don't forget the disease that controls her is also eating her internally. She is feasting on her own organs. Someone should post about her disease and in intricacies of what goes on in a body like that. It is metaphor for Sarah Palin, you would not even have to mention her name in connecting with the facts of her disease.

      What we are watching is the outside of what the denial is doing to Palin and her party.

      How any media is willing to support with lies that pos is a crime.

    3. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Never thought I'd be happy to see a disease progress... in Palin's case, I find myself able to make an exception. May her demise as a result of it be painful and swift.

    4. Anonymous11:20 AM

      It's so obvious no one really cares about her. She's put out there to spew hate and racism - period! Even her own family doesn't appear to support her. She's been a horrible woman, wife and mother and it is all coming back to haunt her!

      I can hardly wait to see her demise! Hell truly awaits her - the fine, fine christian woman she is NOT!

  17. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Don't forget THIS part from the LU speech:

    “There definitely is a war on Christmas,” Palin said Wednesday morning.
    Palin said “revisionists” are at work to turn the Christmas season into a “winter solstice season,” creating a greater divide between church and state."

    I think the funniest thing in the world would be if, during a live interview, a 'serious journalist' just asked the Zipper-Jumpsuited Wonder :

    "Sarah, what came first, the chicken or the egg?"

    Trust me, the answer would be comedic gold that would last for decades.

  18. Attendance at convocations is required for ALL students and listed as such on their 'About' page:
    "Ten Liberty University Distinctives"
    10.) Required attendance at convocations and chapels three times weekly.

  19. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I live in the Roanoke TV viewing area--which covers Lynchburg, and other than mentioning she was the final convocation speaker (and yes, students are pretty much required to attend), there was NO coverage yesterday about her visit. Since she spoke in the morning, she should have made the evening news at the very least.

    Instead, most of the local stations were focused on breaking news about the body of a missing teen possibly being found. This unfortunately seems to be the case although there is no official confirmation yet.

    The irony is that any possible Sarah coverage was bumped by an 18 year old black girl--yet again. And as for Sarah's Roanoke bookstore visit--that will probably be bumped for the girl's funeral.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Poor Sarah. Always the victim.

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      The body found near Lynchburg was confirmed as that of the missing teenager. By all accounts, she was a wonderful young lady, excellent student, beloved by her neighbors & family, and looking forward to beginning her studies to become a lawyer. So sad...

  20. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Looking like a has-been hooker, as usual, even at this uber-Christian "university." Way to go, Sarah: always appropriate in your appearance. I guess the f#%k me boots were the finishing touch, eh?

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      She represents Christianity, she and Bristol Palin are the faces of all things Christian. She dresses perfect for her part and she has the look of a perfect Christian. Think of the work and money that will be saved when Americans are more anorexic? Jesus won't have so many fish to multiply. Native Americans won't need cookies blessed by Palin and Grahame.

  21. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Palin is a tool and an idiot tool at that. The Tea Bags, Republicans and RWNJ are redesigning journalistic standards to be all like Fox News 24/7. The it is okey to lie, misrepresent and manipulate standard. Palin is nothing without the liars and the money they put behind her to wipe out their competition and what is right and good for the American people. Heaven forbid the poor and middle class would have health care and a sane minimum wage. The tool Palin brand is used to sell war and this battle they won is a boost to their take over.

    Is there anyway to counter it?

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      I have a better idea, just ignore it. I find that getting my news from the Daily Show and the Colbert Report works just fine. I'm informed, but not pissed off by the cable news networks or print/internet journalists who are not doing their jobs.

    2. Anonymous9:49 AM

      AJAM is looking better and better for my source of news. And of course Colbert and Stewart!

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Good advice. When a drone drops a nuke on your family picnic just ignore it.

  22. Anonymous8:17 AM

    "Because the message of Christmas is the message of hope and change" Hope and change. HOPE AND CHANGE!

    Amazon 668 and falling, falling, falling!

    Hey, Sarah, how's that hopey changy thingy workin' out fer ya?

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      For the moment she is happy with the change that media is willing to protect her. It gives her hope.

    2. Anonymous9:37 AM

      What she really means is that she HOPES you will give her your CHANGE...

  23. Anonymous8:29 AM

    When she said, "remember the angel came to Mary in a situation with less than ideal circumstances" I was truly expecting that in the next sentence she would bring up her born-again-virgin daughter "Bristol". I'm surprised she didn't.

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Yea, virgin birth my ass! That Mary really set the standard for slutty women everywhere!

    2. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Speak of the devil. Skip the turkey back. Or if that is not enough, just delete any reference to reality from Junior's Facebook comments.

      Fast forward to hiring high priced commercial seasonal decor consultants to carry out the fake family traditions (just like years before, heh?)

      Nice pagan tree.

    3. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Is that the house in Arizona?

    4. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Who knows what house?

  24. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Today, Bristol, I mean the paid ghost writer at Bristol's blog and facebook, the two of them are writing about the Iranian guy who converted to Christianity, and is currently in an Iranian prison. Sarah has written about him several times, too. The truth of the matter is that the guy was born in Iran, and even though he married an American, he is considered an Iranian citizen by Iran. He has made ten trips there setting up Christian churches and orphanages, going against the state religion of Islam.

    The Palins seem so concerned about this guy who is in prison. Doesn't Sarah understand that slavery was far worse? The British excused slavery because the slaves weren't Christians. Sarah dismissed slavery as just like owing someone a debt. How about this guy in the Iranian prison, Sarah? Is he just like owing someone a debt of money?

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      American/Iranian man is a fine Christian distraction for Brancy. They can skip the family crap about wonderful traditions like Thanksgiving. How to slice the back meat of a turkey. Bristol's secret life in Arizona won't have to be revealed and to hell with Tripp visiting Levi, Sunny and Breeze.

      What matters is Nancy French still has a job and she can milk some unfortunate man's situation by misinterpreting and falsifying facts. That is sure to bring him back to his life in America and his family.

      Gee, what else is new?

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Fuck Bristol

    3. Anonymous11:30 AM

      11:08 AM
      You missed the pontoon. Pimp daddy hired a trial fuck Bristol specialist and he is getting them a tradition holiday tent.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

      lol 11:08!! Whoever volunteers, make sure you double wrap that rascal!!

      Yes, on her "blog" she accuses President Obama of "leaving Saeed behind", which makes sense in her world. Guess she's read the "left behind" series, and thinks President Obama is God?

      Why are they so against Government intervention, except when it comes to christians in other countries doing the work of the church? Shouldn't her beef (excuse the pun, no offense to cows) be with the church and NOT President Obama?

  25. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Glen Rice inspired Sarah Palin.

  26. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Martin Bashir.

    A good man.

    He did not resign because of Sarah Palin.

    The last good man Sarah touched was Glen Rice.

    Curtis Menard kept his distance, wouldn't let Sarah near him.

    Martin Bashir resigned because Alec Baldwin cried.

    Alec's heartfelt apology was graciously accepted by Martin.

    Sarah remains a punching bag to both.

    And in the news.

    Democrats win.

  27. Pat in MA8:41 AM

    arrrgh, why is SHE not held accountable for the lies and the venom she spews against the President and others also too.
    Ignorant harpy.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Because she's an unemployed nobody? Just a guess.

    2. Anonymous11:11 AM

      10:21 Exactly! I don't get why people on here talk about her like she is some serious politician or something. No need to be enraged by her callous actions, she wasn't even invited to the RNC for cripes sake! She's been over since 2008, folks.

    3. Anonymous11:32 AM

      11:11 AM

      Where are you reading about her being some serious politician? Let us know, I want to read that part.

    4. Anonymous3:25 PM

      10:21, an unemployed nobody who managed to make someone else unemployed. Do not for a moment underestimate this bitch's intent and malice.

  28. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Time to unleash the Kracken...........

  29. Anonymous8:50 AM

    The idiot is still saying "time tested truths"?? ROFL
    Get a new line you braindead moron.
    And WTF is "additions to the amenities" I don't think she knows what amenities are. LMAO

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      She is a broken record.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      What the hell are time tested truths? Please ask her that question and see what she spews.

    3. Anonymous2:22 PM

      I think "additions to the amenities" means: Bendy Straws

  30. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Why is TRI-PP named after Todd's prostitute Shailey?
    Why hasn't Bristol gotten a job yet?
    Why did Willow drop out of school?
    Why doesn't Sarah wear a wedding ring?
    Why did Sarah shove a pillow up her shirt and call it Tri-G?
    What happened to Curtis Menard?
    What happened to Dar Miller?
    Why did Sarah burn the church adoption records?
    Why can't Sarah read?
    Why doesn't she get her wonky eye fixed?
    Why has she had so much plastic surgery?
    Why does Sarah do drugs?

    1. PalinsHoax9:44 AM

      Why does she always look like she's just rummaged through the kitty litter box.

      Then when she opens her mouth and speaks, she confirms that she has indeed rummaged through the cat's littler box.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      In order to avoid being called a slanderer, I will preface my answers to the above questions as they are just my opinion.
      A: Trig is likely with his real mom, Bristol. Trig serves little purpose now as his life as a prop for Sarah has expired.
      A: Likely Levi knew about Todd's dealings and Levi named his son Tripp to remind Todd that Levi knew.
      A: She doesn't want a job, she wants to be a celebrity.
      A: Willow dropped out likely because his older siblings dropped out and her parents didn't care for education themselves.
      A: The pillow was used to fool people that Palin was pregnant to cover up for one of Bristol's pregnancies which would have hurt Sarah's political aspirations.
      A: Dead - ask Todd.
      A: Dead - ask Todd/Sarah.
      A: Burned the records so Sarah could protect her political/celebrity aspirations. Most people on this board and Alaska know that Dar was killed by someone who had the most to gain with the records being destroyed - Sarah.
      A: Sarah can read but likely has a learning disability.
      A: Not sure.
      A: Sarah is not happy with her looks and perhaps thinks she needed a make over to look more like a celebrity.
      A: Sarah hates her life (fear of being found out - so many lies have been told) and wants to feel better.

  31. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I *HATE* that fucking bitch...

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      You don't hate her half as much as her own fake Christian family, friends ect.

  32. Anonymous9:07 AM


    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      The "suggesting someone defecate in Sarah Palin's mouth" is a loose interpretation. I think a better petition is in order.

      That lie about suggesting or saying would be better off to end.

      QUOTE: "When Mrs. Palin invoked slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms that if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, then she would be the outstanding candidate."
      Bashir did not suggest. He did say 'she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance.'

      The rest was history.

  33. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Palin could have actually used Bashir's comments
    ( BTW-he did not mention defecation and did not order anyone to defecate in her mouth ,
    that was Breitbart's sick interpretation , but, why should facts get in the way ..) anyway- she could have been classy
    and adult ( I know...)
    and just made Thistlewood's horrific treatment of his slaves her primary focus.
    Here's the hilarious unintended consequence of this- Palin will forever be associated with
    the act of defecating in her mouth.
    Sarah Pooplin.
    And she dressed like a tramp at Liberty University.
    They do have a dress code .
    " Liberty University students abide by a standard of dress. It keeps our campus looking crisp and professional! "
    "Anything tight, scant, backless, see-through, low in the neckline or revealing the midriff (in any position)
    is immodest and unacceptable."
    Immodest, unprofessional and unacceptable is Pooplin's motto.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Breitbart's sick interpretation... Breitbart published the false narrative letter by none other than Sarah's own SarahPAC. The FEC doesn't have an issue with shady letters. FEC or DOJ won't even investigate fraud, libel or slander.

      Don't for get Dr. Cathy's last minute moose crap of a letter.

  34. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Why does the bitch always get her way? What kind of sway does this disgusting narcissistic twerp have over the press? And where is karma these days? Taking a vacation? Karma, get back on that plane and fly to AK or AZ, wherever said harpy is and knock loudly on her front door.

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Seriously, why does she always get her way. She is loving this attention. Why isn't the media talking about all the hate that she spews? Her attacks on Obama and others. I hate that this woman knows how to bend people's minds.

  35. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Neither Sarah Palin, nor Martin Bashir, matter in the least to me, and cannot ruin my day, my holiday, or my life.
    Palin wallows in the muck, and is stained by it.
    She will never rise from it, and if she thinks having Mr. Bashir fired is an accomplishment, well, she can live with the "politics of vitriol" for the rest of her life.
    She is full of shit, and likes it, and her followers like it, too.
    So.....I'm bored with them.
    I'm going to go decorate my tree, and play games with my family, and watch it snow.
    I am happy and full of goodwill and love.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM


    2. Anonymous12:52 PM

      No one is more dull witted and boring than a Palin. What I like to ignore are their screechy voices when they spew the lies. I do like Martin Bashir and can listen to him.

      I am happy and love Martin Bashir.

      Excellent history lesson, btw.

      I am happy and love history.

  36. Anonymous10:28 AM

    " It’s the Judeo-Christian faith that provided all the foundation in our charters of liberty, our Constitution, our Declaration of Independence."

    What an ignoramus - Plato's Republic upon which much of our form of governance was based? the neoclassicism of the 18th century?

  37. Liberty University has a dress code. Count the number of SP's violations.

    Liberty University students abide by a standard of dress. It keeps our campus looking crisp and professional! We ask that when visiting Liberty University and attending classes, guests honor the dress code set forth by the university.

    The following information will give you the "inside scoop" on how to fit right in while you visit!

    Appropriate Class Dress: Class Dress must be worn in academic and administrative buildings before 4:30 PM on weekdays and in all classes, regardless of time. Appropriate dress for class includes sweaters, loose-fitting tops, sweatshirts (no inappropriate logos), skirts and dresses that hit at the top of the knee, pants, which would include capri/cropped pants and neat jeans (no holes, patches, or tears), and footwear (sandals or flip-flops are acceptable).

    Additional Information: Dresses and skirts should be no shorter than the top of the knee (sitting or standing). Skirt slits should be modest; open slits should be no higher than the top of the knee, closed slits should be no higher than two inches from the top of the knee. Shoulder straps should be no less than two inches wide. Anything tight, scant, backless, see-through, low in the neckline or revealing the midriff (in any position) is immodest and unacceptable. Slips should be worn under thin material. Earrings and/or plugs are permitted in ears only with the exception of a stud nose ring. No other facial piercings or plugs are allowed, including tongue.

  38. Anonymous11:05 AM


    Asked if anyone representative from a women’s advocacy group had reached out to her, Palin noted that she never “heard from one feminist.” 



    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Sarah Bitch only thinks about himself. Why would Sarah Bitch come to the aid of any woman. Mayor Sarah Bitch threw Wasilla women and little girls who were raped under the bus. It is if Sarah Bitch believes in the Boys Will Be Boys theory. That these boys are just having fun.

    2. Anonymous11:30 AM

      And Sarah calls herself a Christian.

    3. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Why would any women's advocacy group come to Sarah Palin's aid? What has Sarah Palin done for women? Has Sarah Palin spoken up against sex trafficking in Alaska or anywhere or is it that subject to close to home?

    4. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Menopausal Mrs. Palin has so much testosterone running through her veins these days that she can hardly be called a woman.

    5. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Women I know think Palin is a disaster! The worst example in the country of an American woman....she's nasty, mean, evil, ugly in spirit and growing to be physically awful looking as she ages and the evilness permiates her skin!

    6. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Palin's organs will shut down and she is eating herself alive, I doubt she has to worry about being menopausal. Lord only knows what they shoot in her veins these days. You are right can't call it a woman.

      How can her own family hate her so much they leave her to deteriorate and for the camera to shoot?

    7. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

      Any feminist worth her title would leave her to the wolves. What has she done for women's causes ever? She charged rape victims for their own rape kits, and she wants to hide behind feminists skirts? Silly woman.

  39. Anonymous11:11 AM

    The creepiest thing about Christians is they will not criticize one of their own. It is hard to believe all the people in this auditorium find her engaging and above reproach for the horrible things she says about people who she thinks are not her tribe. It appeals to the lowest qualities in a human. "My tribe, or the highway." Just creepy.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Republicans, also, can't talk anything but rainbow farts about a fellow R. So much for separation of church and state. Rs are overwhelmed by fake Xtains. One and the same now.

    2. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Oh honey, you don't know the xtians that I know. They are more than happy to judge, criticize and generally mock just about anyone, but only behind closed doors ya know, 'cause judging is jesus' job, right?

      Self proclaimed christians are some of the cattiest people I know.

    3. Christians criticize each other all the time, that's why there are thousands of different denominations.

    4. Christians criticize each other all the time, that's why there are thousands of different denominations.

    5. Anita Winecooler6:05 PM

      The ones I've encountered, mostly catholics, only go to mass to judge other women's appearance and gossip about who's steuping who and catch up on the week's soap opera news.

  40. Anonymous11:22 AM

    When was this taken? Hiding behind her well medicated prop she still couldn't show how she looks or tell the truth. Bristol's love bug is looking so sweet.
    Suck lemons Sunny gurl... MawHAHAHAH

    Happy proud Bristol. When will she reveal her diet secrets?

    Tripp is a barrel of fun.

  41. That insufferable ugly racist old fatass stupid bitch. She can incite murders and mayhem and nothing is done. Fuck mccain & msm.

    She isn't ex vp candidate she is ex vp "losing" candidate who got the position bc gop thought she was hot, the idiots.

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      And, she isn't Governor Palin of Alaska - she is the 'quitter'. No one I know in Alaska refers to her as 'governor'! She never 'earned' that title! Remember, the work was too hard and she quit!!!!

  42. Anonymous11:39 AM

    What has Sarah Palin done for women?

    What has Sarah Palin done for DS children and DS organizations?

    Sarah Palin is only interested in herself.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      What has Sarah Palin done for Alaska? Sarah doesn't even wear her Alaska state flag pin anymore so fuck her.

    2. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Where are they posing with the 2013 Christmas trees? Alaska? How is that not doing for Alaska? Bristol may be skooling in Arizona but her favorite Hump Daddy is all Alaskan. How is that not doing for Alaska?

    3. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Who cares if she wears an Alaskan pin? Alaskans are embarrassed by the piece of shit! She doesn't even make appearances in Anchorage or Juneau when in Alaska. And, she doesn't even show herself in the Valley area of Alaska where she lives - on the dead lake in Wasilla.

      She knows she's not regarded well - hence living more in AZ than AK.

      She was proven to be unethical by the Alaska Legislature when 'quitter' governor. She and Todd have a horrible history in the state - not following the laws, two possible murders, one fire they supposedly set to destroy records, kids that are juvenile delinquents whose records have been sealed/covered up, etc. They are evil people through and through and Alaskans want nothing to do w/them!!!

      They have done zero that is beneficial to Alaska. Everything has been for THEM and they ran when they saw what was coming down against them within the State of Alaska. Remember, Sarah and Todd were co governors because she could not do the job on her own. It was too hard!!! (Her words, not mine!)

  43. Anonymous11:39 AM

    What were Palin's repercussions after the Gifford's shooting incident in addition to those who lost their lives in Tucson?

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Nothing! She needs to be strung up because she caused these injuries and deaths in Tucson. Hell will await her no matter what happens to her on earth - according to her supposed 'christian' teachings!

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Hang her as an ornament on that big pagan tree set up at the motel.

  44. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Sarah Palin: "There's A Place In Hell For Women Who Don't Support Other Women"

    Sarah Palin has a reserved front row seat.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      She charged for rape kits and used as her excuse for firing Wooten that he was trying to get more federal funding for sexual assault investigations.

      Also, she called Hillary a bitch.

  45. Anonymous12:20 PM

    The Palin Brand isn't wasting anytime proving their Christmas traditions this year.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Freak. So now her insinuation is that the holiday police will stop you from having a Christmas tree in your own home? God I hate the c**t and her half-wit enablers.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      She is about to 'buy the farm' may as well focus on the half-wit enablers who have no doubt set up a plan to make money off of her death. She is their Elvis. Can't you see her buried on the lawn by the Dead Lake. Perfect.

  46. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Think about this. Narcissistic Sarah Palin doesn't get any attention in Wasilla or anywhere in Alaska so she has to go to the lower 48 for attention and money.

  47. Anonymous12:40 PM

    "We're not going to colleges and universities and doing drug raids. We're going to the projects. We're going into the poorest, most deprived and desperate areas." --Bryan Stevenson, Equal Justice Initiative, Dec. 4, 2013

    How many times did Falwell, Jr. break laws while he was a student at Liberty U? (I've heard stories from a man who claimed to have been his roommate.) How prevalent is drug use among the current student body?

    Please. Please. Please watch Stephen Colbert's interview last night with Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative. Please.

    The interview shows the real reason Sarah and the rightwing spun Bashir's remarks into an attack against Palin. The right desperately needs to nullify our history of slavery and racism in order to justify their horrendous politics.

    Stevenson poignantly discussed the devastation that's rooted in racism and bigotry and that...

    "We are all actually responsible for our failure to tell the truth about our racial history."

    "We actually have to get the entire country--black, white, Latino, religious minorities, everybody--to be more truthful about what discrimination and bigotry does to us all. It's not just a problem for people of color."

    MSNBC, it's executives and it's anchors and reporters, blew it. It would have been easy to aggressively defend Bashir and elevate all of us...especially, since they could have used Palin's own word to make a case for Bashir's 1st Amendment rights.

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Sweet, and oh so truth.

  48. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Save the trees.

    Where the hey is this tree? At the Best Western? Is that the family tradition? Photo ops at the motel? Or did Todd pay off some dolt by buying him a tree and paying a decorating staff if dolt will pose as a pretend bf?

  49. Whatever happened with this?

    Sarah Palin Sued in Federal Court Over Juneteenth Snub, Seeks Public Restitution
    A federal lawsuit was brought against Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin demanding retroactive issuance of the 2007 Juneteenth Proclamation and public restitution.

    The focus of this action is to hold Governor Palin accountable and to uphold the integrity of our emancipation holiday
    Washington, DC (PRWEB) March 6, 2009

    Jazz musician and America's Hot Musician judge Gregory Charles Royal filed a federal lawsuit against Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin yesterday for allegedly violating the law by failing to issue the 2007 Juneteenth Proclamation as set forth by the Alaskan Legislature. The holiday observance, which celebrates the freeing of the last remaining slaves in Galveston, Texas on June 19, 1865, has been adopted in 29 states and was signed into law in Alaska in 2001. The bill known as HB 100 specifies that the "governor shall issue a proclamation observing the day."
    The civil rights complaint for injunction and other "equitable relief" filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia (case no. 1:09-cv-00428), stems from a prior complaint with the Alaska Personnel Board for the same allegations under the Alaska Ethics Act. According to documents, the board could not take action under the ACT citing such allegations were not due to personal or monetary gain. The complaint also stems from a press conference held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on October 7, 2008 by Royal who claimed Palin made a racially disparaging comment to him back in 1990 while touring Alaska with the Duke Ellington Orchestra. During that press conference, several representatives of the Juneteenth celebration in Alaska spoke to reporters about their concerns regarding Governor Palin's race relations in Alaska.
    Royal, who recently made national headlines as perhaps the first person to successfully use rap in an appellate court brief (, said, "The focus of this action is to hold Governor Palin accountable and to uphold the integrity of our emancipation holiday". "Can you imagine the dangerous precedent of public officials deciding which legal holidays they choose to observe when carrying out their ministerial duties?"
    In an emailed response from Governor Palin's Press Secretary Bill McAllister, the governor's office admits the failure by claiming it was a "clerical error". Notwithstanding that according to Black Alaskan leaders such as Gwen Alexander, Palin nor her representatives took part in any Juneteenth celebrations- as was customary of prior governors, Royal states: "This clerical error should then be quite easy to rectify with a retroactive issuance and public apology".
    To view the complaint, go to (

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      Speaking of lawsuits, whatever happened to the suit against SarahPAC for illegally using a September 11 photo owned by a NJ newspaper?

  50. Anonymous12:51 PM

    How come Sarah Palin never speaks at any college in Alaska? She only speaks in the lower 48.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      She would be laughed off of the stage. Real Colleges don't want her.

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      She only does scripted, staged bull with other charlatans and freaks. She is the biggest coward of current times. She would not be near a credible school or college. She do har scool.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

      Why does she never speak at colleges she "attended" and/or matriculate from? Would be a nice gesture of gratitude and respect on the proud alum's part. On second thought, does she even have a diploma with latin words on it? Photos in yearbooks? Teachers who recall her excellent grammar and diction?

  51. Anonymous12:54 PM

    During the McCain campaign (2008), what was Sarah's intention when she - dressed only in a towel - greeted two male campaign staffers when they came to her hotel suite for a meeting? Seduction? Bribery to get her way? Behavior intended to entice the men into a compromising situation perhaps for blackmail purposes?

    Whatever her purpose, it didn't work. Vice Presidential behavior? That incident was reported in the book Game Change but didn't appear in the Game Change movie. Sarah was and still is mentally ill.

    Who were the men? Anybody know??

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Glen Rice and a friend.

  52. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Sarah Palin loves going to the lower 48 without her family.

    Piper is growing up without her mother and will eventually turn into her older sisters and that's not good.

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      lol LOVE your libel.

    2. Anonymous4:47 PM

      All classy people with morals.

    3. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Is it worse or better that she's growing up without her mother?

  53. This stupid useless retarded clown better have a unmarked grave; less she wants to start a yearly pilgrimage of people to her grave to shit and piss on it.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      She better get on it. Look at Skeletal, she isn't long for this world if her family and friends keep hating her (passive aggressive fools).

    2. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

      Are you kidding? Her family would open a theme park and charge admission!

  54. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I hope everyone is contacting the heads of MSNBC - as well as their lousy journalists - I use to watch them all of the time, but will no longer. They should have stood up for Bashir and gone after Palin! It makes me sick they were lazy in not uniting together FOR Bashir. They've harmed the Democratic party, themselves and US.

    Palin is 'scum' and needs to be handled accordingly. She's evil and a horrid racists.

  55. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The only positive thing I see coming from this whole sorry drama is now every time Sarah is out in public or on the tube spouting her gibberish, a large portion of the audience is going to look at her mouth and think *shit*.

  56. Anonymous1:41 PM

    It could be a Governor's husband or wife.

  57. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Her positive? LOL. We at IM know who she tries to pull into her old had fantasy world. I agree with some of you. Man that sally P or I mean sp is known to throw her words too. She looks like her mother more and more every single day. No matter how low her shirts go, her fishes are almost at her stomach now. She can't wear short sleeves because her arms are flabby and old. She is putrid is what she is. Where is the story on pimpy husband or ex-husband? Put Shailey on the news how Alaska is lawless when it comes to that putrid family. Glenn Rice write that erotic book of yours. oh man, all this plus the sponge bob square pillow incident will be so awesome to read. Anyone? from Alaska? come on now....

    1. Anonymous4:47 PM

      grow up. YOURE the one who is a negative nancy

    2. Anita Winecooler6:21 PM

      Putrid sums it up well. Glenn's waiting till her book tanks to write his memoir "All cats are grey when the lights are out My life so far trying to live down an act of charity at a young age"

  58. Anonymous3:51 PM

    hope change? wow she finally, after what almost eight years got our lovely President's message!!!!

  59. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Why would people even pretend like they know a preschool schedule or that they know specific details of things they couldn't know? That's like a hallmark of psychotic behavior.

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Pretending is not a "hallmark of psychotic behavior." Psychosis is about delusions and hallucinations, loss of control, and a break from reality.

  60. Anonymous5:46 PM

    The woman spews the most vile word vomit about our "shucking and jiving" President as well as anyone who doesn't share her world view and then has the audacity to play a victim. Ultimate narcissist.

  61. Anita Winecooler6:24 PM

    "God don't make no junk"

    About the truest self descriptive thing that came from her potty mouth. "Don't" and "no" in the same sentence is a double negative, which means God DOES make junk and Sarah is the living proof, and pretty damn proud of it!!!

  62. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Martin Bashir Did Not Actually Say ‘Someone Should Defecate in Sarah Palin’s Mouth’

    For the record, because facts and context matter, Martin Bashir did not actually say “someone should defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth.” All night long, twitter has been inundated with conservatives screaming about “sh*tting” in liberals’ mouths as revenge. This is not what he said, but rarely can we have a discussion with conservatives that doesn’t begin with their outrage over allegedly being treated as poorly as their leaders treat others.

    I’m not defending what Bashir said, but I am defending context and facts. Bashir inferred the mode of punishment as an example of understanding what slaves were subjected to.

    Bashir’s comments were in response to Sarah Palin’s comparing slavery to the national debt. Jake Tapper was appalled and asked her if she wanted to dial it back, since millions had died, been tortured and raped in slavery. Nope. She is not one to be “politically correct”, she proudly told Tapper.

    Sarah Palin Thanks The Media for Doing Her Dirty Work and Getting Martin Bashir Fired

    On Fox and Friends today, Sarah Palin thanked the mainstream media for once again doing her bidding by getting Martin Bashir fired.



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