Friday, December 27, 2013

The RNC decides to wish everybody a Happy Kwanzaa. Excrement, meet fan.

Courtesy of Forward Progressives:

 On December 26th, the following was posted on Facebook by the Republican National Committee: 

“From December 26th through January 1st, many families will take time to celebrate African culture and history. Kwanzaa is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to honor the importance of family and community, and it reminds us of the great diversity in America. Happy Kwanzaa!” 

Now if you’ve been paying attention to the new Republican base, you can imagine how well this statement went over. 

But rather than force you to use your imagination, please allow me to present The Rabid Hordes. In their own words: 

From Art Robinson comes “This is America, not Africa, either you are American or not, if not, leave the USA!” 

Terry Crowder is super upset because fake war on Christmas and ‘MERIKUH and “You can’t celebrate Christmas even using the “C” word is wrong and offencive [sic] to other cultures but you can promote Kwanzaa? America is truly going down the tubes when when not everyone is treated equally. Where is the “DIVERSITY” when you omit Christmas” (The "C" word? Boy have I been saying THAT wrong!)

Of course, Dennis L. House jumped into the mix with “An FBI directed commie made up holiday? Really?” 

There were quiet a few right-wing white people who were very butthurt by the lack of diversity for…well…white people. 

White people like Brian McTamaney who added his two cents by pouting “How is celebrating one race of people good for diversity in America? WTF is with this post?” 

Given that other than Black History Month, every freaking day is White People Day. I’m not really sure why Brian’s panties are so bunched up. Maybe his hood was too tight. 

Moving on to a few of my personal favorites, we have Stan Garver. Stan seems to be lacking in so many things; empathy, basic intellect, a soul. He writes “If Kwanzaa is an African-American celebration of family and community, not many of them must observe it. Instead they have broken families and trash their communities.”

And of course there were many, many more. If you do not believe me just click the link.

But remember, and this is very important, the Republican party is not, repeat NOT full of a bunch of racists. 

Just ask them, that's what they'll tell you.


  1. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Wow. The RNC is just cursed these days isn't it?
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      Good! I'm glad! Let the RNC reap what is has sowed! It sowed the TEABAGGERS and now we have gagging maggots weighing in at every turn.
      Let the RNC wonder WTF am I? Who are these people and then look, REALLY look at Stoopid Palin, Teddy cruz, Fecal matter santorium....yea, this is what you get when you coddle guns and racist assholes!
      Now what are ya going to do about it?
      RNC has to take out these fuckwads and get some "decent" people. Not teatards if that is possible in this day and age.
      No I'm not going to click on the link either. I value my sanity, I'll take your word for it G... :)

  2. See, Piper-diaper, this is why good kkkristyun folks like us can't have nice things.

  3. Boscoe5:25 PM

    ROFL! Too perfect. The only hope for a future with Republicans in it rests on being more inclusive with minority voters. The RNC knows this. But they fully embraced the cancer in 2008 (remember when Palin was campaigning with BOCEPHUS? Search the guy on Ebay and revel in the vast line of products featuring his face and Confederate flags.)

    Palin did a FANTASTIC job of dividing Americans into 'rill and "other", pointing out "small town" white rednecks as the only 'Merkins that mattered with every speech she gave. There was no doubt in anyone's mind, left OR right, who she meant when she said: "rill 'mercans", and she never claimed otherwise.

    And then they doubled down on the cancer in 2012 with the clown car of ignorant anger-filled primary hopefuls culminating in Mitt wearing brownface on Univision. All of this, aided and abetted by Faux and propagandists like Limbaugh and Levin fueled the hillbilly-American sense of oppression and outrage and basically empowered them to speak their ignorance and hate openly WITH PRIDE as if they represented mainstream thought that others were just too cowardly to utter. And they DO believe that to be the case now, so good luck getting them to stop, Reince.

    It is beyond malignant now, there's nothing the RNC can do. Any attempt to openly embrace minorities will be met with hillbilly poutrage on a massive scale. The Republicans aligned themselves with human filth and can no longer wash it off. They are have allowed themselves to be defined by it.

    Congratulations McCain, you murdered the Republican party.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Boscoe5:25 PM
      Great comment...but who is "BOCEPHUS?" No I'm not going to google him or look him up thanks, everytime Sarah opens her mouth a few more brain cells die in everyone's brain (as evidenced above in the RNC poutrage)
      Dogs howl, etc.

    2. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Hank Williams, Jr.

    3. A J billings8:45 PM

      Boscoe: yes, when Granny Palin was in a small town in Carolina, everyone knew exactly what type of nasty vicious prejudice she was referring to by saying:

      " in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America"

      By which she meant that "all the rest of you elite coastal big city edumacated fancy pants librul commie bastids are traitors.

      She got so much flack for that, that she "apologized" in true Paylin fashion by claiming the cowards answer that "If that's the way it has come across, I apologize,"

      Which is classic $arah Fucking Palin.

      Sling the mud, slander everyone, whore yourself out to whatever media meme is catch of the day, and lie afterwards if you must.

      Yeah, sure $arah, we know you didn't *read* what Duck Dick Phil said about them gays and colored folk before you opened your ditry pie hole and commented on the anus post

      Just you wait til someone drops the bomb on you for your lies and crimes. I tell you there will be parties and much joy in Mudville when you are shamed into silence.

    4. Anonymous7:14 AM

      A J billings8:45 PM
      Great comment!
      Yes corks will pop in Mudville USA!

  4. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Sarah 'Skank' Palin's nasty cousin Ann Coulter aka the Cryptkeeper's Daughter is in her usual holiday cheer penning a vicious, racist column related to Kwanzaa.

    The hate just oozes out of her every word!

    1. Boscoe6:39 AM

      Thnks for taking one for the team, but I'll just take your word for it. Watching Coulter's desperate attempts to shake one last nickel out of the pants of conservatives just makes me sad.

      On the other hand, I guess I've finally realized that characters like Coulter and Limbaugh are what passes for "comedians" in the conservative world.

  5. Ailsa5:52 PM

    I read someone announce that if you wanted to celebrate a non-American holiday you should go back to where you came from to do it. I guess there goes St. Patrick's Day.

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Chjristmas is NOT American, either is Christianity. Yep, lets go back to the real American celebrations.

    2. Also scratch Valentine's Day, Easter and Halloween.

      Christmas is european too so forget that.

      Gee, not many 'merkin holidays left except for the Fourth of July, Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, Labor day and Arbor Day.

      Notice how 3 out of 5 'merkin holidays have to do with war, fighting and dying?

      Oops. I forgot a few more.

      Thanksgiving, Mother's Day and Father's Day.

      Well, that balances things out.

      Retailers have been trying to squeeze profit out of Thanksgiving for decades but people just won't go for chocolate turkeys, brown and orange bunting or buy little pilgrims for their front yard. Without Christmas, Thanksgiving is a retail bust.

      In fact, most of these holidays aren't money-makers. Jewelry, candy and flowers move for Mother's Day but other than that, none of these holidays help the bottom line.

      Without those old time traditional non-American holidays, American retailers would never break even let alone make a profit.

      And let's face it, those old time pagan celebrations were the most fun. Easter, Halloween and Christmas. Best decorations, food and activities.

  6. angela6:19 PM

    Ah yes, the drooling howls of jack legged cousin humpers.
    The part I like is that the GOP now owns these poor sad, racist, homophobic, xenophobic nutbags. And ownership is nine tenths of the law . . . . .

  7. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I seemed to have missed it. Did Sarah wish her Jewish friends Happy Hanukkah? We know that she keeps her menorah out on her kitchen counter all December, whether it's Hanukkah or not-- but I think we missed it. Oh, that would have meant saying, "Happy Holidays," which would have included Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, and Happy New Year, and we all know that Sarah has forbidden anyone to say, "Happy Holidays." Happy Holidays, Everyone!

    1. Anonymous8:28 PM

      She didn't even wish her Facebook and twitter friends Merry Christmas. So much for good tidings and great joy.

    2. Anonymous9:33 PM

      8:28 PM. Seriously? No Merry Christmas on Christmas?

    3. Sally in MI3:31 AM

      Nope. Just pix from her brother of presents wrapped in grocewry bags and bored guests awaiting the present race that is Eskimo bingo...not even a glass of water or a cookie in sight either.

    4. Anonymous7:18 AM

      But,but, but....doncha understand? snortin' sarah is like gawd! just the FACT she exists is ENOUGH for her braindead followers! She is ABOVE wishing them "merry xmas" and won't until she wants $$$ from their pockets! Until then is fuck you, but they are too stoopid to know...

  8. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Since they can't really attack Pres. Obama with racial words, they use these other means to get their point across. Anyway they put it, they are still racial bigots!

    1. Sally in MI3:30 AM

      Where have you been? They have no qualms about attacking the President and his family with 'racial words.' None of them...from elected officials down to the lowest redneck in LA or Alabama...racial slurs have been tossed aroud daily toward this man and his lovely family.

    2. Boscoe6:27 AM

      Now, now, Sally, you're clearly both right here. :P

  9. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Why anyone would cast a vote for a Republican is beyond me. From the United States Congress, to the governor of a state, to the state legislators to Mayors and Assembly members of towns and cities. None will get my vote in the upcoming election!

    They are racist - started the KKK all those years ago - have been obstructionists - have tried to take down President Obama from his first day in office 2009 (Mitch McConnell/Kentucky is on record for having said that was their goal and he is up for reelection!!! Vote him OUT Kentucky...they are going to be throwing money in your state to get him reelected. Get the voters out to vote!) - have made the poor, poorer - are destroying the middle class - were responsible for shutting our government down - all the while getting richer themselves and paying less and less in taxes!! Screw them!

    Oh, and don't forget that they are obstructing the vote of minorities across the nation via their governors and legislators - fighting immigration and on and on. Oh, and they are supposedly family oriented and Christians! Give me a fucking break!

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      technically the kkk was originally founded by southern democrats
      todays incarnation of dem/repub is the antithesis of a century and a half ago

    2. Boscoe6:29 AM

      Yeah, it's a weird thing that I still don't understand, at some point the repubs and dems kinda swapped brains. I remember being confused by that in High School but never did further research.

    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      the swap took place in the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

  10. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Why don’t we embrace social evolution and the love and tolerance it represents?

    1. Sally in MI3:37 AM

      Why, because that would be the Christian way to live...the GOP is Christian in name only. They try to co-opt religion just like they co-opt patriotism. They try to make liberals the bad guys, when we are the ones who actually love our nation and all her people, while they simply love themselves and whatever they can squeeze out of this country for their growing bank accounts. I think the light is dawning on people though. When fake hillbillies who have millions are held up as some kind of hero for being racist, the tide will turn. Hopefully, it will drown this evil and we can get back to building a nation of inclusion that works for more than 1% of us.

    2. Because there's no profit in it.

  11. Anonymous10:15 AM

    If I didn't know better, I'd think the RNC was trolling!

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Trolling for votes, that is. The "business" Republicans are kicking the TeaVangelical base out of bed because they are tired of their win-at-any-cost behavior. Even the US Chamber of Commerce is done with them after the shutdown proved to be rather detrimental to business and the bottom line.

      Within the true heart of the GOP Profits trump Ideology, and the country club Republicans can no longer shame themselves by sleeping with the great unwashed base, even for votes.

      TeaVangelicals out, Minorities in.

      Just the newest strategy of the GOP to attempt to stay relevant but I think minorities won't be so easily hoodwinked.

  12. Anonymous12:14 PM

    This from the group that disrespects our wonderful President every day of the year......................these words mean nothing when their actions scream so loudly..........

  13. Anita Winecooler6:22 PM

    At first, I thought this was from the Onion, but after clicking and reading the comments myself, I realized this is the GOP's attempt at including more people of color under the tent. I guess the white folk didn't get that memo. And waiting for the first day to "Announce" it is pretty desperate if you ask me.

    Here's a little advice for the GOP, stick with what you know, Bigotry, hate and exclusion have worked so well for ages, why change now?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.