Thursday, December 05, 2013

This is essentially why I don't watch the local news anymore.

I cannot tell you the number of times that I have yelled at my television, "That news is 3 days old. It's not 'news' anymore. It's ancient goddamn history!"


  1. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Same here!

  2. Anonymous4:20 AM

    I only watch for the weather........seems the local weatherman is far better at forecasting local conditions......

  3. Anonymous4:33 AM


  4. Anonymous4:58 AM

    I stopped at least 5 years ago. It's wonderful. Like a vacation from a hypochondriac, doom-predicting, attention-whoring, lying co-worker.

  5. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Glad to hear I'm not alone. I really yell at them when they quote RW talking points they've gotten from the mainstream media. Fortunately that doesn't happen ofter as we're a blue state, but they still prove they're not much into real journalism.

  6. Olivia5:08 AM

    I don't watch it because if I wanted to see that damned goat slide down a hill with a hat on it's head, I would have checked out youtube.
    Also, they use far too many paid for canned bits provided by entities pushing a message.

  7. Anonymous5:16 AM

    I swear Gryphen, Rev. Al's researchers just pop on over here for content. Many times while watching his show, I've said to my husband, I already read that on IM today!!

  8. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Remember when CBS prided itself on rooting out the FACTS and having real journalists inform us?

    I suspect that with most television/radio/few newspapers left, being owned by multinational corporations, there is little to motivate them to tell the truth about how they have ruined America.

  9. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Yeah I quit watching a long time ago too. What mindless drivel they try and pass off as the news. Like Fox News, I think only old people watch the news these days. Sad state of affairs.

  10. I had to stop when the Lorena Bobbitt case was dominating the D.C.-area local news. Having turned on the television quickly hoping to catch the weather report, I couldn't turn it off before one of my then-young sons screamed, "She cut off his WHAT?!?"

    One of his younger brothers shrieked, "She threw it WHERE?!?"

    Buh-bye, five o'clock news!

  11. I stopped watching the news the day a reporter stuck the microphone in the face of a distraught father, who's mentally ill wife had just killed their baby by putting it in the oven, and asked him "How does that make you feel?" I turned it off as he screamed, "How the hell do you think I feel?!!" That was many years ago and I haven't looked back.

    Who knew that those would be the good old days?


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