Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Want one.

"The stockings were hung by the chimney with flair,
In the hopes that Richard Dawkins soon would be there."


  1. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Way to take your country back a-Christians!

  2. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I would never buy that!

    But I would buy a pagan one :)

  3. Randall5:27 AM

    Want one.

  4. Crystal Sage6:31 AM

    Anyone see Jon Stewart's take on The War on Christmas last night? Hee-larius. Of course Sarah Palin was featured in the piece. Must see TV.

  5. You know, Gryphen, there's a vast middle between conservative Christian belief and practices and Atheism. Not all religions are bad.

    I know many liberals who are also believing and practicing Christians. They receive personal benefits from their beliefs. And I am a reform Jew who also finds strength and solace in my religion, which stresses personal responsibility and giving back to my earthly community.

    "Tsedeka" - or the giving of charity is stressed as part of Judaism, and I take my giving very seriously, whether it is to progressive Democratic candidates or one-on-one charities designed to help the less fortunate. I have also raised two sons to share the beliefs of my religion.

    And I know many Unitarians and other Christians who practice a life of sharing. That does not consist in any way of forcing our beliefs on others.

    You can't and shouldn't condemn ALL religious practices, it's just not fair to many of us.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Yes he can and so can i. You believe in an imaginary sky faerie and think your imaginary friend is actually real.

  6. Anonymous10:13 AM

    But really phoebes, it's okay to live one's life not giving to others and not being concerned with others. Not everyone has the philanthropic gene and plenty of us are happy living life with little concern for or contact with our neighbors. Religious or not, some of us simply do not engage with others and it's okay; we're all wired differently and for some giving and caring floats your boat but for some of us it's not even a consideration.

    1. Thanks for the note, Anon@10.13a and I agree with you completely. What I was questioning was Gryphen's seemingly to blanket all religious folk together.

      If you want to live simply, that's great. No one says you need to give out money - but I assume you're also not giving out religious advise and prosyltising your neighbors. That's fine in my book.

  7. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Anonymous10:52 AM--So you, in all your self-righteousness, condemn and ridicule anyone who doesn't share your beliefs. Then you mock them. Whatever your belief is, it belies your own unsettled and angry attitude. If you are representative of your "faith", then you are a very poor, spiteful and ignorant fool.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Yes, I do. I mock adults that think imaginary beings are real. Or I should correct myself, not all, not the ones that are diagnosed with a mental illness.
      I don't believe in any imaginary creatures, not your God, not Zeus, not Apollo( well except the Olympic skater) not Odin, not Ra, not any imaginary creatures, not a one. And your phoney outrage is laughable, I never said you couldn't believe in imaginary creatures, that is your right, but I do not have to respect your imaginary creature.
      So yes, I do laugh at grown adults believing in imaginary beings. That doesn't make me spiteful or ignorant. It says I am intelligent, well educated, and have a sense of humor.

  8. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Another fun "god" gift. The God Detector.

  9. Anonymous8:02 PM

    It blinded me with SCIENCE!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.