Wednesday, December 11, 2013

You want to see Bill O'Reilly's head explode? Just show him this.


  1. Leland2:05 AM

    He'll just slough it off by saying they weren't real christians and that they were "encouraged" to leave England.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      To Christians, the holiday of Christmas is one of the least important aspects of their religion. Christmas was adapted from various and sundry pagan traditions. Christmas is for fun. Following the gospels is more the point.

    2. Leland2:30 PM

      If you say that about REAL christians, I can agree with you because it is the spirit of it that is important. (Of course, even they will argue the point about the pagan theft!). But unfortunately, it isn't the true christian who is screaming at the top of their lungs about christmas this and christmas that. I can think of half a dozen loudmouths in that category, as, I am sure could you. Someone like that pig at the top of the posting comes to mind.

  2. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Totally O/T but if you can still eat meat from any place other than where it is humanely slaughtered and raised, you have no soul.
    WARNING, this is extremely graphic and the video will make you puke. Do not be eating anything if you watch or read this.

    1. hedgewytch8:36 AM

      One of the top reasons I only eat wild meat, or meat that has been locally, sustainable raised.

  3. Anonymous4:46 AM

    His head will explode? You promise?


    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      :-D I laughed out loud.

  4. Randall5:25 AM

    I'm pretty sure Bill O'Reilly's head exploded long ago.

    He's become a caricature of himself ever since Fox News surrounded him with sycophants and toadies.

    Case in point: when is the last time you saw Bill O'Reilly confronted with a new bit of information that made him reassess his position on the issue?

    Answer: not in a long, long time. Bill shouts down and even turns the mic off of anyone that questions his "wisdom". He's even convinced himself that HE knows truths behind Lincoln, Kennedy and even Jesus Christ that no one else knows, and he writes books to prove it.

    He's even confided that GOD Himself talks to Bill at night, sometimes while he's sleeping.

    Yes - Billy's brain imploded and his head exploded long ago.

    1. Anonymous6:24 AM

      We really need to get BOR, Limbaugh and Hannity off the airwaves. They are corrupting our nation!!

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      >>Billy's brain imploded and his head exploded long ago.

    3. Leland2:34 PM


      You are implying that BOR ever HAD a brain by implying it imploded!

  5. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Billo looks like Mr. Magoo!! Did he forget his teeth - again?? No wonder his wife cheated on him, must be awful to always be wrong.

  6. Olivia5:37 AM

    Now he will have to write another goddamned book revising that little bit of history and making up some new shit to put in it.

  7. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Hey, BOR, Palin, Hannity; Pope Francis Got Person Of The Year!



    1. Anonymous6:21 AM

      And, President Obama is doing a hell of a good job in spite of BOR, Hannity, Palin, McConnell, Cantor, McCain, etc.

    2. Leland2:37 PM

      And Time listed E. Snowden as #2!

  8. LisaB25955:51 AM

    So . . . you think a religious law outlawing Christmas celebration somehow proves some point? They were Puritans. They frowned on almost anything that didn't support Calvinist doctrine (hello, Protestant work ethic.)

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Yes, it proves that celebrating Christmas is not even necessary to being a "real" Christian.

  9. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Yes LisaB25IQ, it does. these are the "Founding Fathers" that those folks always cite as the basis for their current behavior.

  10. Anonymous6:42 AM

    They also outlawed marriages in the church, holding marriage to be a civil, not a church matter. This is outlined in the same document. Mic Mac

  11. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Oh, now this is getting really hysterically funny. Next will come the Wiccans, the Krishnas, the Scientologists...they've opened Pandora's Box with their drive to force their 'christianity' on the public!

    Hindus join Satanists demanding equal placement on Oklahoma capitol grounds

    Members of the world’s oldest faith would like to join a display of religious symbols at Oklahoma’s state capitol, joining a Judeo-Christian tablet and a proposed Satanist monument. The Universal Society of Hinduism plans to submit an application to the Oklahoma State Capitol Preservation Commission for permission to place a statue of Lord Hanuman on the statehouse grounds. “If the Oklahoma State Capitol was open to different monuments, we would love to have a statue of Lord Hanuman, who was greatly revered and worshipped and known for incredible strength and was (a) perfect grammarian,” said Rajan Zed, president of Universal Society of Hinduism.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Freedom of religion for me, not thee.
      Right-wingers never follow an indignant thought to its logical conclusion. If you demand Christian religious displays on public property then the same privilege must be granted to all religions ... no matter how distasteful you may find them to be. Freedom of religion applies equally to everyone.

    2. Leland2:40 PM

      7:26? Try convincing the xtian extremists of that and they are likely to attempt to pound you into the ground!

    3. fromthediagonal4:35 PM

      That petition by Rajan Zed, president ot the Universal Society of Hinduism has to be interesting, as the application mentions "Lord Hanuman, the Monkey King" who, in his words, was among other attributes, known for incredible strengths and being a perfect grammarian.

      Now, I do not know about you, but my sarcasm meter has just gone off the charts! Please correct me if I am wrong!

  12. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Fox Panel Erupts Over Satanic, Festivus Displays: It’s a ‘Mockery’ of Christianity!

    On Tuesday afternoon, the Fox News-led War on Christmas™ made its way into the studios of Fox News itself, with Gretchen Carlson, Catholic League president Bill Donohue, and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach tag-teaming American Atheists president David Silverman over some rather unique displays being put up in state capitals across the country; one a Satanist display, the other a Festivus pole made of beer cans.

    Carlson found them unbelievably offensive, asking, “Are we making a mockery of everything regarding Christianity in this society?” Boteach found it ridiculous and offensive, arguing that there is no imposition of religious worship in the United States, while Silverman argued it should never be the place for the government to take sides.

    Silverman asserted there’s a right to a Satanic display, but Donohue actually made the argument that the First Amendment “is contidioned on time, place, and manner,” and even went so far as to compare it to the KKK demonstrating on Martin Luther King Jr. Day or Neo-Nazis showing up on Yom Kippur.

    Carlson found the beer-can Festivus pole to be so outrageous, saying she doesn’t want to tell her kids, “There’s baby Jesus behind the Festivus pole made out of beer cans!” Silverman insisted the season does not belong to Christians alone, and when Donohue called him out for quoting the Bible, he shot back, “I can cite it better than you.”

    Watch the video below, via Fox News:

  13. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Christmas is a Pagan Holiday – Get Over it Already

    Sarah Palin can complain about “Angry atheists” trying to “abort Christ from Christmas,” but it is Christians who aborted Odin from Jól (Yule) and renamed it Christmas. If you want to know the reason for the season, you don’t have to look back to Christ but past him.

    Tim Wildmon is upset that “Not All Christians Believe There Is a ‘War on Christmas.’” He claimed yesterday in a column on Charisma News that, “The very word itself—Christmas—is a reminder that this particular holiday is the celebration of Jesus Christ. Those who promote political correctness and extreme multiculturalism resent this because it is exclusionary in their view.”

    Wildmon goes on to demonstrate why my Heathen ancestors thought it best a man keep his mouth shut lest he expose his ignorance:

    Christmas is the exaltation of one particular religion that makes a claim of being the only true religion, and that is unacceptable to the movers and shakers of contemporary American popular culture, elitist academia and many in the mainstream media, news and entertainment.

    Leftists…he must mean the radically liberal U.S. Constitution which cares not a whit for Christian claims but mandates that before the law, all religions are equal.

    And it is not just public figures who repeat this nonsense. Have you ever had one of those irritating discussions with a friend or family member who insists that if you’re not going to celebrate Christmas, you should get rid of your Christmas tree and not exchange presents (because Jesus really wanted you to exchange presents on his birthday)?

    Except that the “Christmas” tree is actually a Pagan tree. And unsurprisingly, “Tree worship” is an old sin. The Bible says “God don’t play dat.” It’s no surprise that Asherah, divorced (and banished from historical memory) wife of YHWH, was represented by trees. She must be laughing somewhere.

    The Puritans the Religious Right pretends to admire so much recognized that decorating a tree from a Pagan gesture. Why cannot the Religious Right? After all, the Puritans also liked to persecute the helheim out of their neighbors for having different beliefs.


  14. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Lucien Greaves: Satanic Monument Message In Line With 'American Values Of Inclusiveness & Equality'

    Lucien Greaves, spokesperson for the New York-based Satanic Temple, visited HuffPost Live on Tuesday to discuss his group's plans to erect a Satanic statue on the steps of the Oklahoma statehouse.

    "We absolutely do intend on putting a monument up, and we're not sure on what grounds it could possibly be rejected. I've seen a lot of naysayers saying it is impossible we'll be approved," Greaves said. "I don't see how it's possible we couldn't be approved."

    "Our monument, alongside the Ten Commandments monument, sends a strong and direct message, and that message is more in line, I think, with our American values of inclusiveness and equality in the eyes of the law," Greaves said.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.