Monday, January 20, 2014

In Netflix documentary "Mitt," Romney essentially admits that he too is a "taker."

This all comes from the Washington Examiner article concerning the new documentary.

Get a load of this exchange: 

As he spoke, Romney held the notes he had made during the debate (candidates are not allowed to bring any notes with them to the stage, but are allowed to make them during the debate). Romney pointed out that in every debate he began by writing "Dad" at the top of the paper. 

"That's what I start with: 'Dad,'" Romney explained. "I always think about Dad and about I am standing on his shoulders. I would not be there, there's no way I would be able to be running for president, if Dad hadn't done what Dad did. He's the real deal …" 

"You're the real deal," said one of Romney's sons. 

Romney didn't pause. "The guy was born in Mexico. He didn't have a college degree. He became head of a car company and became a governor. It would have never entered my mind to be in politics, how can you go from his beginning to think, I can be head of a car company, I can run for governor, I can run for president?" 

Romney wasn't finished. "The gap — for me, I started where he ended up. I started off with money and education, Harvard Business School, Harvard Law School. For me it's moving that far" — Romney held two fingers close together — "for him, it's like that," Romney said, holding his arms wide apart.

I found that to be a VERY telling exchange, and one that came right after the first Presidential debate that many believed that Romney had won decisively.

Not only was Romney admitting that without the leg up provided by his wealthy father he would not be running, he was also admitting that he did not think he could beat the President in a second debate: 

"Sitting presidents have a very hard time in these debates," Romney told the family. "They feel like, who is this whippersnapper coming up here who knows nothing? And so they don't prepare, and they just think they can waltz through it. Then they get crushed in the first debate, and then they come back."

Of course Romney proved that he was correct in that assumption, and President Obama crushed him in the second debate and essentially sealed the deal as to who would win the election. 

However going back to the remarks at the beginning of this post, it seems to indicate that Romney understood that much of his success, if not all of it, was due to the accomplishments of his father.

This of course helps to explain gaffes like suggesting that 47% of Americans are takers and would never vote for a Republican, and that all young people have to do is ask their parents for tuition in order to attend college.

It also illustrates that Romney himself should be identified as a "taker," as he was somebody who not only allowed his father to pay for his education, and get him his first jobs, but also used his name in order to open doors and find donors when he decided to run for office.

What Romney, and many others who come from wealthy families, fail to understand is that THEY are the most egregious "takers" of all.

Without the benefits of a wealthy father, the best education that money can buy, and the influence of his father, Mitt Romney might well have ended up as the manager of a local Office Max instead of the most recently defeated Republican candidate for president.

Yet he, and others in the GOP, become indignant at the idea that those who come from more modest means might need a government that gives them a hand with their education, or helps pay the bills when they are unemployed, or subsidizes child care so that they can work.

It is this lack of compassion that turns many of us off when it comes to Republican politics, and it had much to do with why we are not today hearing what a President Romney has to say on this MLK holiday.


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Everything else aside,I could not vote for a person of the Mormon persuasion...........intellectual weakness is not to be tolerated.......

  2. No surprise there. Show me a republican that is not a taker.

  3. Anonymous5:16 PM

    "Proceed, Governor..." -Barack Hussein Obama

  4. If corporations are people, my friend, what's the difference between corporate subsidies and WIC or SNAP or Medicaid, etc.?

    And does the Lt. Gov. of NJ remind anyone else of a blond $arah?

    1. Anonymous3:36 AM

      Younger, better word-twerker, way less salady, IMO.

    2. Super Fan In Atlanta9:49 AM

      Better word-twerker, way less salady....OMG! I'm laughing my ass off and can't stop.

  5. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

    Gryph, I saw a preview to this slopshow, Romney's in a hotel room on election night, one of the sons is on his laptop, and Romney's talking to the son saying "This doesn't look good". The son hits "Fox news" on his "favorites" tab, and puffs his dad's ego a bit.... in walks Ann, hair done in the style she wore with the red dress, dressed in a dark blazer outfit, plops next to Mitt and says "What's going on? What's Happening?" Mitt looks up at her with this look of total defeat and says "It's not looking good".
    Ann's face turns bright red, she exhales deeply, and the blood leaves her face. The look in her eyes was hard to describe, it was like SHE wanted Mitt to be POTUS even more than he did. I was waiting for laser beams and smoke leaving her ears.

    Reading this post made me realize even more that Mitt was running on DAD'S coattails. Seems he didn't have the fire in his gut and was "going through the motions", because, you know, White Privilege and Wealth.

    1. Anonymous3:38 AM

      White horse prophecy; America hanging by a thread, Mormon to the rescue...

  6. Anonymous6:38 PM

    More and more, the GOP is demonstrating that they are determined to create a caste system in this country. They truly believe that people who are not wealthy are of less value than the 1% and should not be afforded any of the rights of a civilized society.

    They seems to be intent on recreating a feudal society where they can rule without consequence and be served by the peasants who were stupid enough not to be born to wealthy families.

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM

      Not much different than it was eons ago....check the history books!

  7. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Lack of compassion, yes, but also lack of comprehension.

  8. SHARON7:45 PM

    I know I am off topic for this post but shit.....everyday when I read The Daily Kos there is another article coming out about the incredible corruption in Cristie's circle of officers. Now it is about the Lt Gov....which is just like him for revenge and bully tactics. I read a long story about exactly why he killed that new tunnel project, it was announced by Christie to be way more expensive than anticipated and NJ could not afford it. Well...that was total bullshit according to Ray La Hood (Obama's cabinet member for transportation). Christie lied and pretended to publicly support the idea while working with his Port Authority cronies to steer the money to local road projects because the state had no money. One of the big promises during his campaign was not to raise taxes on fuel (NJ is one of the lowest) which is why there is no money for repairs.....duh. Now here is the thing....the projects done around the state were never under the jurisdiction of the port authority which means.....their funds should not have been re directed there, it belonged going to the new tunnel which according to their approved studies was within the estimated costs. This was a huge project to eliminate tons of congested traffic going in and out of NY in the future benefiting NJ & NY...not to mention the jobs, supplies, etc....I have raged about this before. Until now I never understood why he nixed it...but there you go. Instead of heralding the largest modern infrastructure in the US in who knows when.....a tunnel under the Hudson ffs that would be in the history books for engineering alone, but no...Christie couldn't wait that long, he took the quick route for bragging rights. See NJ...look at what I did without raising your fuel tax...damn I am wonderful. I really wish this would be national news...this is really big.

    I hope this man drowns in his lies....I was actually living back in NJ (taking care of mom) during the election and I knew he was a lying, corrupt attorney back then. I hope the entire administration goes to jail.

    1. I'm with you. He's going down because of his own hubris. There is blood in the water and the sharks are circling for a REAL scandal. They've got one here.

    2. Anita Winecooler4:50 PM

      I'm with both of you. I lived in Pre Christie NJ for eleven years. Not only is the gas cheaper because of lowest gas tax, they won't let you pump your own. I did work for the state and had the privilege to see many rich neighborhoods. The roads are a disaster, huge potholes, there's no postal service, you have to go to the post office to pick up your mail, and the taxes they pay are through the roof.
      I went to a meeting and found out that the citizens "preferred" the nasty roads, they stop outsiders from site seeing and snooping around. They prefer to pick up their own mail because they're afraid people will steal their stuff from the mailboxes BUT they wanted the parking lots in houses of worship to be maintained by the towns.
      I felt like I was in an episode of "Stepford Wives". This was when Florio was in office, and thought he was the most corrupt politician ever, but Christie takes the cake.

  9. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Mitt had daddy issues. Just like Dubya. They are both sorry excuses for men. Their sons and daughters will, on the average, be worse off than they are in this regard.

  10. Anonymous7:56 PM

    One of your best closings Gryphen.

  11. Randall2:25 AM

    I agree with what you said, Gryph, but I'd also add:
    not only do Republicans, at least many of the Republicans I know, not only do they lack compassion but some of them are down right mean.

    They not only don't offer a hand-up to those less fortunate:
    they actively take steps to make it more difficult to rise above one's station.

  12. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Ann Romney would have been the same kind of FLOTUS as Nancy Reagan, runnng the show. Gazing adoringly at her Ronnie, while consulting a fortune teller. Ann Romney is a bitch on wheels, Mitt chose her because she has the balls in that family. I doubt we have heard the last of them, one of their sons will likely run. Just like the Bush family, they think they are royalty and deserve to have the ultimate power.

  13. Anonymous4:03 AM

    "The gap — for me, I started where he ended up. I started off with money and education, Harvard Business School, Harvard Law School. For me it's moving that far" — Romney held two fingers close together — "for him, it's like that," Romney said, holding his arms wide apart.

    And that's why his father was a good leader and a great man and why Mitt is so totally hopeless. And it's also why Obama is 10 times the man Mitt will EVER be!

  14. Anonymous4:22 AM

    As we did in 2008, we Americans "dodged a bullet" in 2012. Romney like most, if not all, Republicans lacks empathy; in fact he disdains it and would sneer at anyone who showed genuine concern for those who feel the pinch of having less. It's one thing to be born wealthy; it's another thing to be unable to feel for people who struggle to make ends meet. The Romney family is replete with people who are the elite "takers" in this country without one iota of feeling for those with less. His wife, sons, and I fear grandchildren, are all exactly the same.

  15. Anonymous5:41 AM

    I remember most how his wife came across during the campaign and I didn't like or respect her! Many were anti Romney because of her...could not envision her in the White House!

    President and Michelle Obama are, and have been, absolute standouts and I say thank you every day that I voted for President Barack Obama both times!

  16. Beldar J Conehead6:36 AM


    ASSISTANT manager of a local Office Max...

  17. Anonymous6:43 AM

    No sympathy for plutocrats.

  18. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Romney's mother talking about the family being on WELFARE as "refugees" from Mexico (!) after departing the polygamy compound.

  19. Anita Winecooler4:56 PM

    I showed this to my husband, and he shrugged his shoulders and said "Does he need money THAT bad? Who films their own political demise and markets it to the public?"
    Can anyone imagine the uproar had Candidate Obama done the same thing?


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