Monday, January 27, 2014

Nothing to see here, just two gay dads raising 12 adopted kids.

You know I think the conservatives are right, gays are not good parents.

They're freaking saints!

I have helped to raised a lot of kids, and let me say that these two guys are my new heroes.


  1. Anonymous4:27 AM

    You know, for all the bitching the Right Wing does about the effects of single parent homes on children, you'd think they'd be delighted to see an intact couple with a strong male role model. Two of them in fact. Geesh!

    1. Olivia6:22 AM

      You would also think that they would be in favor of easily obtained birth control to prevent abortion, but logic and facts aren't a strong point with those whack a doodles.

  2. If I could get into a time machine and go back to 1976, I'm not sure I could convince my 22 year old self I'd be able one day to be legally married to the man I began sharing my life with then. So adopting kids was something that wasn't even dreamed.

    Whether you're straight or gay however, I am of the group that believes you should have them when you're young and dumb, but more pointedly, while you have the vigor to keep after them, and hopefully get them grown and the hell out of the house while you still have a pinch of will-to-live left. Because if you really mean to do it right, kids. are. work. Heaven bless these guys, and keep them healthy and strong.

  3. Anonymous5:25 AM


    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Yes, totally's an amazing life they are creating for their family.

  4. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Wonder if they have room for one more? ME!
    I am just blown away by these guys!


  5. Anonymous6:26 AM

    My heroes also. In the olden days (1960s), I used to respond to anti-gay folks that the gay men I knew bought houses and renovated them and made the neighborhood better, AND paid taxes for schools and other services they were not using.

    NOW, I see gay partners doing the very hard and vary important work of making a difference to children like these: a HUGE difference. Bravo!

  6. This is beautiful.

  7. SHARON9:02 AM

    Thanks for this post......we need some human inspiration stories with the right wing hate machine gearing up. Imagine what the alternative life would have been for these 12 lucky kids?

  8. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Kudos to them. I as a woman realized very quickly that I was not cut out for motherhood after spending an afternoon with a friend who had a crying baby (3 hours crying!) Its nice that be they men/men, women/women or men/women that someone is willing to take on that seeming insurmountable task of raising children. It's not for everyone, not one, not two and certainly not 12! It takes a special personality to welcome children into their home and these men seem very well equipped to handle that challenge.

  9. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

    "They're saints" No truer words have ever been spoken. The world needs more people like these two parents! We have people literally throwing them away, exploiting them (Hellloooooooooo Bristol!) and they're basking in the limelight of fake small c christian celebritydom, being held up as examples of good parenting.
    We're starting the "empty nest" years. They're all out of the house, all in higher educationl, one's engaged and the experience is nothing like I imagined it would be. I can't imagine going through this alone or with twelve children.

    Once again, though this IS exceptional, stories of same sex parents will one day be common. It's the heart that counts, not the method of arrival.


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