Sunday, January 19, 2014

Rep. Mike Rogers and Sen. Dianne Feinstein seem to agree that Edward Snowden had help stealing NSA data. Possibly from Russia.

(The Snowden remarks start at the 3:30 mark.)

This synopsis courtesy of Raw Story:  

On Meet the Press Sunday, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Michigan Representative Mike Rogers (R), said that he believes Edward Snowden may have been working for agents of the former KGB. 

“Let me just say this,” Rogers said. “I believe there’s a reason he ended up in the hands, the loving arms, of an FSB agent in Moscow. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.” 

He accused Snowden of being an amateur, saying “it’s like having the janitor at a bank who figured out how to steal some money deciding matters of high finance. This was a thief who, we believe, had some help to — who stole information the vast majority of which had nothing to do with privacy.” Rogers was referring to the idea, popularized by Glenn Greenwald, that Snowden’s central concern wasn’t with sharing state secrets so much as informing Americans as to the scope of government intrusion into their lives. 

When NBC’s David Gregory pressed Rogers on the question of who helped Snowden, Rogers said “that are certain questions we have to get answered…he didn’t look for information on the privacy of Americans, he was stealing information that had to do with how we keep Americans safe.” 

“Some of the things he did were beyond his technical responsibilities,” Rogers said, suggesting that Snowden lacked the technical capability to acquire the information he did. Also suspect, according to Rogers, was “how [Snowden] arranged travel before he left, how he was ready to go. He had a go bag, if you will.”

As you can see Dianne Feinstein essentially backs up Rogers assertion, and they say that the evidence is leading them to believe that Snowden is no hero, and may in fact have distributed information, information that we as of right now know nothing about, that is potentially very detrimental to the country and the military overseas. 

I have never run into a story that I have found to be as mercurial as the Snowden story, but if these two intelligence experts are to be believed much of the beatification  bestowed on Snowden may be premature and in fact history could prove him to have a significantly villainous nature.

Let me know your take.


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    From Day 1 I had a feeling he was a villan, one working for the Koch brothers.

    1. I, for one, don't think that at all. And not working with the Ruskies, also, too. ES did this on his own. Go back and read how he landed in the airport in Moscow. Accidental circumstances.

      As for Feinstein, ever since her creepy behavior at that news conference where she announced that Moscone and Milk had been killed and now she was mayor, she's been feeding off their corpses. What she's saying now is political CYA.

      Same for Rogers.

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Snowden is an American hero.
    Revealing Obama's surveillance state.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Yeah, and if something terrible were to happen you would be the first crybaby to exclaim, "why didn't Obama keep a closer watch on our enemies"? Afraid we're going to listen to your lame ass phone sex tapes? Snowden has been a plant from the day he got the job. His boyfriend/lawyer and he had this all worked out with the teapublicans. Snowy will never be allowed back home. Have a nice fucking life.

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Oh, step off it, dipshit. This stuff started in 2008. AND -- I believe it was authorized by your beloved PATRIOT act. So...guck off.

    3. abbafan6:20 PM

      Kiss my ass 4:49! Fuckin' Dubya and that old bastard Cheney ( the REAL power behind everything!) initiated all of this surveillance when that fuckin' Patriot Act was pushed into law without any consultation!

    4. So why didn't he reveal "Bushes surveillance state" or the surveillance of every administration since time eternal. What is so different about President Obama?

      Get a life outside of hating on the President. He won two elections - with over 50% of the vote - who else has done that in the last 50 years?

    5. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Right because Obama passed the Patriot act, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, squawk!

  3. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Fuck you

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Fuck Who?

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      5:42 I was referring to the troll at 4:49.

    3. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Atta girl.

  4. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I have thought from the first that he had assistance from someone here, could be Koch brothers, as well as help from Putin. This was well planned and I never thought that Snowden had the smarts to do it alone.

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      5:09 PM,
      Believe everything you read don'tcha?

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      There's an article in the most recent New Republic focusing on Assange, Snowden, and Greenwald. The author cites years of examples of their own writing gleaned from various blogs and internet forums.

      My conclusion from reading it: Snowden really isn't that smart. Smart-aleck, yes, but thoughtful? No way. Strategic? No way. So....??

      That's judging him on his own words. So, I guess a better rubric than "believe everything you read?" might be "Consider the source."

      Snowden himself.

    3. Anonymous10:47 AM

      8:21 AM,
      There are people who will believe what they want. Time will finally tell the truth, unless a GOP operative invents something new to add.

  5. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Feinstein an intelligence expert? That's an oxymoron If I ever heard one.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      I'm pretty sure you don't grip the concept of that term, maybe you should stick words you DO, duh.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Sen. Feinstein is as much an intelligence expert as Sarah Palin is an energy expert. A DINO who can always be relied upon to support the corporate line.

      The smears on Snowden are not surprising. There has never been a major whistleblower who has escaped being smeared like this - allegations of homosexuality, mental illness, treachery, etc. It's the SOP of the securocrats and their political shills.

    3. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Daniel Ellsberg.

  6. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Snowden is a traitor.

    And a cowering coward.

    The next time terrorists murder Americans Snowden's relatives will have to hide and denounce him.

    1. Anonymous9:14 PM

      If Bush were President you would be dry humping your Ed Snowden bear every night.

  7. I don't believe Snowden intended to end up in Russia - I think GG promised him the dream life somewhere outside of the US - and then discovered he could not meet the promise.

    Someone was pulling the strings on Snowden - who it was may never be known. Given he fled to HongKong as his first port of call is interesting.

  8. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

    Amazing that a democrat and a republican agree on what I felt was the case from the beginning. I have a strange feeling about the olympics in Russia this winter, they don't deserve to be stewards of the Olympics after giving Snowden a platform and as much borsht as he can eat.
    Another is Dennis Rodman. He spoke against his country in North Korea (Sarah and Dennis's American Ally) while singing happy birthday to the short dude with lifts and high hair. Now Dennis put himself in Rehab claiming an alcohol problem. Can we drop him in the middle of N Korea and take away his passport? That should sober him up pretty quick!

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Something is terribly wrong when Russia is given the Olympics! We have a dictator (Putin) who is publically anti gays and associates them w/going after children!

      America (and other countries) have many gay (declared and not) Olympians! Why are we sending them there? How can we be assured of their protection while in that country? Why in the hell was Russia chosen? It does not make one bit of sense!

      And, on top of it all, we have terrorists threatening to do damage in the midst of the Olympics that begin next month. I so fear for the kids participating!

  9. Anonymous6:32 PM

    In case anyone forgot, the Patriot Act was started under Bush after 9/11, Obama allowed it to continue.
    I am surprised anyone was surprised when the NSA spying was revealed.
    It's more disturbing Snowden was allowed to have access to information he did not have clearance for. There is something off about him, the fact he went to China and then to Russia is quite disturbing. If he worked for the Koch brothers he would not have left the country. Snowden is a traitor not a hero, his theft has placed every American, friend, and foe at risk.

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      What I find amazing today is what idiots and naïve Americans we have in our country!

      Spying has gone on for eons...national security methods have been used for years...all countries have spied on each other (friends and enemies!) in some manner for eons.....torture continues to be done by the USA and other countries (to folks determined to be enemies)...the FBI and police forces in America spy on fellow Americans (Martin Luther King is one proven example being discussed today!)...and, President Obama isn't the first POTUS using any of these methods! All former POTUSs have done so too!

      Republicans, Democrats, Dictators, Prime Ministers, Queens, Kings. etc. - all have done it to protect their countries and will continue doing so!

      We have terrorists today - both inside and outside the USA. Do Americans want to be protected? I would suspect so! And, most expect our government to do so!

      Another difference in our world today is the 'immediate' media circulation throughout the world. Truth and lies are spread very quickly - documented and undocumented stories - stories (w/no research) that are spewed over and over again from one network to another - governments (to include our own) spread hate, fear and racism and some actually want the USA to participate in more wars throughout the world! Something that cannot be afforded (financially and in death and injuries) and is NOT supported by Americans!

      Pay attention folks - read - go back in history - study - don't believe everything you hear! Educate yourselves! And, pay attention for whom you vote in all elections - national, state and city!

  10. Anonymous6:33 PM

    ive No reason to buy what these corp-media types hype.
    they bought SPs preg story, they bought WMD story.
    jeez, whats their street cred. none.

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      6:33 PM,

  11. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I find it totally hilarious that they thought that Snowden needed help! roflmao!

  12. Anonymous8:06 PM

    It is odd that while Greenwald is safe from extradition in South America, Snowden didn't have the 'sense' to sneak off there in the first place before this all broke open. It is weird that this supposed smart guy went first to China - of all places - and then wound up in Russia. Not very bright and if Assange's people were the ones advising him on where to go, then they didn't have his best interests at heart. The whole thing stinks.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Greenwald appears much smarter to me than Snowden...they were both in this together. Have zero respect for either!!

      Both in hiding - what the hell does that tell you?

  13. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Seriously, if you are in doubt about how feel about what has been revealed then I feel sorry for you. Your moral compass is either broken or does not exist.

  14. Anonymous9:33 PM

    "7:11 PM I find it totally hilarious that they thought that Snowden needed help! roflmao!"

    hey, i hear ya.

  15. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I never thought that snowden is a hero. He is a lunatic traitor. period.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      The asshole is hardly a hero!!!

  16. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon10:25 PM

    Snowden is a courageous defender of the US Constitution.
    Feinstein is both a servant and a member of the 1%.

  17. I used to go to the city council in SF just to hear Feinstein talk in the 70s, now I just wish she would just STFU. Her accusations are an illogical diversion so the public will look away from the fact that she knew about and condoned massive spying on the citizens of the US and others all over the world. Why is that not the focus of outrage rather than the beautiful fact that it was revealed? After all aren't people in the US supposedly under the impression they live in a democracy and have rights? Snowden had planned his escape well he would not be in Russia, he would have gone to Iceland or South America. They claim secrets were released that endangered people and yet not one story has been told where this happened.

  18. Anonymous3:27 AM

    He's a thief and a traitor. He has jeopordized the safety and security of the U.S.
    I also think there is much about the NSA surveillance within the U.S. that hasn't been explained, but to do so would further risk our security, so people just jump on the "blame Obama" train without really kinowing anything of substance or depth about the issue.

  19. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I think Snowden is a traitor, should be brought back to America and put on trial. Then, hanging and/or a shooting squad would and should be his fate!

    We have the capabilities of finding him and getting him back to the USA and I'm sure it will be his destiny!

  20. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Snowden is not a traitor. Ridiculous accusations, which are irrelevant.

  21. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Snowden supported the NSA and its tactics under Bush, but changed his tune when the black president was elected. He's also a NRA/2nd defender and enthusiast. Snowden is just a tea party racist who made it to the world stage.

  22. I consider yours to be a fairly smart blog. If so many commenters on even this bog are so easily led by the nose, then I despair for America.

    Whether Snowden is a hero or zero is irrelevant. What matters are the revelations. It is clear that NSA spying was egregious, illegal and breached international norms. American congressmen on the intelligence committee tried to warn us of that, but due to their positions, couldn't be specific.

    Governments whose job it is to administer the law, broke the law. Instead of addressing this important issue, which is at the core of ANY democracy,   Feinstein points elsewhere and says, "Oh, look: Snowden is such a poo-poo head!" And all you idiots look there and say, "yeah! Snowden is a poo-poo head." Or "no he's not!", forgetting that nobody's been held accountable for breaking the very laws that underpin American democracy—a democracy that the government is supposedly protecting from the terrorists!

    If Democracy is compromised by the loss of privacy, the terrorists have already own, no matter how many bad guys you kill.


  23. Anonymous3:53 AM

    +1 for this ^^ because that is the only relevant argument.

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