Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why gun accidents in America are so very, very common.

Courtesy of Dallas News:

Bullets found in "unloaded guns" at The Dallas Gun and Knife Show at Dallas Market Hall in Dallas, Texas on Sunday, January 5, 2014. All guns are checked at the door an ammo found in guns are put in this water jug.

"Don't worry, its' not loaded" may be the most common last words heard by those who are about to die in this country.


  1. angela3:04 AM

    Well, since any old lunatic or incompetent is allowed to own a gun in this country--this is to be expected.

    Crazy story. At a family reunion a few years ago a couple of crawling babies were put in a playpen under a tree to nap. One of my aunts needed a place to put her purse. She put it in the playpen. A group of us were chatting when she mentioned that she had a loaded gun in her purse and wanted to keep it away from the kids running around. She actually said--oh it will be safe in the playpen. I have never moved so fast in my whole life. The shock on everyones face was classic. Stupid cow.

    These are the kinds of people who are allowed to own weapons. Just one of these ignoramus makes me want all handguns banned.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Why would anyone need a gun at a family reunion? What was she so afraid of that she needed to be packing heat? I'm nearly 37 and have been in some sketchy situations, but I have NEVER been in one where I felt a gun would improve the outcome.

    2. Anonymous5:36 AM

      There's a reason the Army uses the term "Negligent" instead of "Accidental" when referring to incidents involving a gun.

  2. Amazing that the gun lovers are not arguing about having to check their guns at the door - they argue that they should be allowed to carry loaded guns every place they go.

  3. Boscoe7:28 AM

    It is common for gun owners to carry their weapons with a round in the chamber. You know, just in case their life depends on their quick-draw skills. 'Cause you don't want to waste that critical tenth of a second racking the slide when a "bad guy" is drawing a bead on your family! That's how they think.

    Sad, but true.

  4. Anonymous7:56 AM

    The gun lovers always say that the most dangerous place to be is in a gun free zone, especially in a place where there are signs banning guns ( See the recent furor over Toby Keith's restaurant). According to them , the safest place to be is surrounded by armed gun lovers. Isn't it interesting that all those gun dealers didn't want to be safe??? They didn't even mind that the signs outside ( which you can see if you click through to the article) stated that all guns would be checked and no ammunition would be allowed. By their logic, that would make them sitting ducks.

  5. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Gun dealers I guess only care about themselves. Good republicans only care about themselves. .Hell, with people who have to grocery shop, eat, or go to school.

  6. Anita Winecooler4:52 PM

    That jar illustrates how cavalier people become about dangerous weapons. When they're always around, they become "items" one needs to carry, like lipstick, a cell phone, car keys, etc. They become so common, the owners forget/don't realize/don't care as long as they feel "safe" and their "rights" aren't being violated.
    Well, how about the rights of unarmed people to feel safe and that THEIR rights aren't being violated?
    But arguing logic with SOME gun owners is like trying to teach the Palins about etiquette, manners and acting like civilized people.

  7. gun shows are really like by the gun lovers and there is big crowd in such type of gun shows. It is important that person don't know about gun safety rule should not be enter.

  8. Anonymous1:35 AM

    See, this is why one of my earliest memories is of my dad drilling into me the rules of gun safety because we did indeed have guns in the house. Sadly these reckless fools tend too avoid Darwin's wrath and end up taking out little Timmy across the street instead.


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