Saturday, February 15, 2014

Columnist for the conservative Media Research Center has a ghostwriter write his columns for him while he takes all the credit and almost all of the money. Hmm, now who does that sound like?

Courtesy of Jim Romenseko:  

The conservative Media Research Center often urges liberal news outlets to TELL THE TRUTH, but the Reston, VA-based press watchdog isn’t telling the truth about its own leader: Brent Bozell doesn’t write the syndicated column that appears under his byline. 

It is longtime MRC media analysis director Tim Graham who writes “almost everything published under [Bozell's] name,” a former MRC employee tells me in an email. “That includes his weekly column. Same goes for his books, which at least carry Graham’s name in a secondary billing, but also aren’t written by Bozell (but Bozell keeps 80-90% of the advance and all profits!)”

Not only does Bozell take advantage of Graham, but apparently there is substantial resentment over that fact.   

Two other people with ties to MRC confirmed that Graham is Bozell’s ghostwriter – and that Graham is not happy with the assignment. 

“Tim just resents having to do it,” says a former employee. 

Graham’s wife, too, is so angry about the arrangement that she refuses to attend Media Research Center events. 

“She hates Bozell,” I’m told. “The forced ghostwriting is the issue,” says an ex-employee. (Laura Haugan Graham did not respond to an email sent Wednesday via Facebook. I also emailed Bozell and Graham for comment on Wednesday, but did not get responses. I called the Media Research Center offices on Wednesday and left a message that wasn’t returned.)

I have to say that this is really not all that surprising as I believe that the majority of crap that is spewed by these so-called Right Wing intellectuals in books and newspaper columns is actually written down by people who paid attention in school and were not angry that all the big words made their head hurt.

Of course they tried to excuse Bozell's use of a ghostwriter by suggesting that President Obama has help writing his speeches.

This is what Pittsburgh Tribune-Review columnist and National Society of Newspaper Columnists president Eric Heyl had to say about that: 

“The argument that the columnist should be allowed to use a ghostwriter because the president has speechwriters is as limp as pasta left overnight in boiling water. The comparison is ludicrous. The columnist doesn’t have to spend much of his time dealing with a dysfunctional Congress or fretting over Iran’s nuclear program.”

Not only that but the President's job is to run the country, a small part of which is to give the occasional speech, Bozell's job is to write this column and a few books. THAT is his job, and he is not even doing it.

Besides I think we all know that if you locked President Obama in room by himself where he was required to write a speech, he would emerge with an incredible one that would probably both inspire you and move you to tears. After all the man can write!

However apparently Bozell, and I believe a great number of these Right Wing "writers," can't. And the credit they receive for being well versed in their subject matter is as phony as one of Sarah Palin's wigs.


  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I don't get it: just WHY does he HAVE to write for that douchebag? If he has a contract, that contract can be terminated. Also, too, wouldn't it be just DANDY if he were to put in some BIG whoppers once in a while in both books as well as columns?

    Otherwise... Not surprised A BIT about their untruthfulness.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      I wondered the same thing myself. He HAS to write the columns and the books Really??

      Pat Padrnos

  2. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Maybe THIS is why all these blowhards are scared to death of Black men! They associate Black men with Pimps. They think their gig will be exposed.


  3. Not that I have any sympathy for Tim Graham, but either he writes for Bozell or he doesn't have a job. I worked once for a loudly talking head, and drafting speeches (and much, much more) was an uncredited part of my gig. Aggravating!

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      I can understand your frustration. I once worked for The State of California and had to train someone to take my place. I did that, of course, but it broke my heart. He was a recently discharged Viet Nam Vet and they were placed - at times - before others who had already been in their jobs.

      Pat Padrnos

    2. A hug of fellowship to you, Pat. I worked for The State of California in several capacities. For more than five years, as an employee of the University, I was told that not-full-time employees weren't eligible for sick leave or vacation pay.

      Guess what? We were. A year after I'd moved out of state, a massive class-action lawsuit proved that we did. I don't know which angel put my name AND current address on the list of ex-employees, in those pre-Internet days. But one day I got a check for more than three thousand dollars... most welcome!

  4. Anonymous11:23 AM

    G -

    Just read an amazing article on Alan Colmes Liberaland titled "1 in 4 Americans Don't Know the Earth Circles the Sun".

    Pat Padrnos

  5. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Isn't it rather narcissistic for any American to think that their job is comparable to the job of POTUS? They can belittle that position as much as they want, but it is what it is.

  6. Sally in MI11:45 AM

    I'm confused. If Graham 'resents' his job so much, why doesn't he QUIT? If this charlatan is taking 90% of the money, why doesn't he quit? Something is fishy here, and you know what someone says about fish.

  7. Caroll Thompson12:12 PM

    The conservative movement has come a long way since William F. Buckley, Jr.

    It seems they have taken the conservative out of the equation and all they have left is a movement.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      If you will forgive my crudeness - I always thought Bozell looked constipated.

      Pat Padrnos

  8. Boscoe2:01 PM

    I wonder how many of "Bozell's" columns were about "makers" vs. "takers" and "the moocher class"?


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