Friday, February 21, 2014

Conservatives freak out over sci-fi show's use of original Pledge of Allegiance.

Courtesy of the Friendly Atheist:  

In the year 2024, they apparently still say the Pledge of Allegiance in school, but it doesn’t include the phrase “Under God” and there’s still controversy when people don’t stand during its recitation. 

At least that’s the world envisioned in the new CW show “Star-Crossed.”

Now as many of you probably already know, the original pledge did not contain the words "under God."

However that did not stop the conservative outrage.

Personally I think the show is probably onto something, I have every confidence that in the future we will probably no longer have religion forced down our throat at every turn.

Then we can live finally in a country that REALLY appreciates the separation between church and state.

You know, like our Founding Fathers intended.

(H/T to Raw Story)


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    i have said the pledge in republican events and they always super emphasize UNDER GOD...........i always super emphasize justice FOR ALL.

    for some i think it is more important to have god than justice, much less justice FOR ALL.

    weird way to be a patriot

    1. I emphasize “One Nation INDIVISIBLE." Silly boy am i, here by the Billy Graham Freeway. Seriously.

  2. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I refuse to say the two added words. Under is against my be subservient to anyone, including a magical bean. God??? yah...OK. Is that the pedophile that got a 12 year old pregnant with Yasweh???

    Even the Catholic pope says it's OK not to believe in magic.

  3. And in other crazy religious news...

    No Mars for Muslims: Fatwa issued.

  4. angela10:40 AM

    Damn--these people are so dumb. A little history means nothing to them. Most of the idiots (if you go by Fox viewership being the base of the conservatives) were actually on the planet when the pledge did not have "under god" in it. Morons.

    O/T did anyone read the Dallas Morning News op-ed asking
    Greg Abbott why he is palling around with a man who sings about sex with underaged girls? Hmmm. Of course Sarah is just fine with that too I guess. You know, cause if Greg likes
    Nasty Ted. . . . . .

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Greg Abbott campaign surrogate Ted Nugent’s paean to sex with underage girls ‘Jailbait’

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM

      The Media Encourages Racism By Selling Ted Nugent’s Hate Speech As An Apology To Obama

  5. "The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by the socialist minister Francis Bellamy (1855-1931)."

    Okay, all together now: "SOCIALISM!"

    1. Snowplows and salt trucks. That's my kinda socialism, you bet'cha.

  6. Since junior high I have not said the Pledge of Allegiance, my reason then was "...liberty and justice for all", I refused to say a lie as I told the girl's dean I was sent to for my refusal. She made me just stand. Now I refuse to say it for another reason "under God". People came here to get away from religious persecution and freedom from religion, not to found a country based on Christianity. They taught that in school when I was a kid, no doubt it has now been removed from the curriculums.

  7. Anonymous11:12 AM

    it's amazing how little US conservatives know about American history. The "under God" bit was added during the Eisenhower Administration, part of the Communist hysteria wrought upon the country by, guess who, the conservatives!

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Al @ 10:44 & Anon @ 11:12 says it all. Thanks.

      Paul in Indiana

  8. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I am sorry but the whole pledge of allegiance kind of freaks me out, maybe it's the Canadian in me or that I traveled to soviet block countries during the cold war but during my citizenship ceremony when a little girl of three recited it word for word it screamed indoctrination. I won't even get into the whole under God thing or that the old salute was taken by the Nazis.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      I visited a Young Pioneer Palace in Moscow in the late 1980s with a group of high school students I was chaperoning. The children performed for us and showed off their art, dance and music skills.

      Although the kids were adorable and very proud to put on a show for us, the uniforms - and the uniformity - gave me an icky feeling, as though I was on the set of a bad science fiction movie. For some reason, I was particularly bothered by the giant bows the littlest girls were wearing in their hair. I'm not sure why that bothered me so much!

      I now work in an elementary school and we say the pledge every morning. The kids don't even pay attention to what they're saying, so the indoctrination aspect is pretty much lost on them.

  9. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Arizona Pizzeria Takes Stand Against Anti-Gay Discrimination Bill, May Refuse Service To Legislators

    As a longtime employer and feeder of the gay community, Rocco's reserves the right to eject any State Senators we see fit to kick out...

  10. Chenagrrl12:03 PM

    I am a believer and I try to live and act with Christian values, but I never say "under God," because I believe that Pres. Eisenhower's original intent of gratitude for a greater good is being perverted to be an exclusionary club. The unity poem works just fine without the phrase.

  11. Anonymous12:07 PM

    So, this is the Conservative hero of the moment, the man who Sarah Palin celebrates? THIS is what this man represents and promotes? Absolutely vile beyond words!

    So Some Ted Nugent Lyrics

  12. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I'm buying stock in a hemorrhoid cushion factory because christians are cornering the market on "butt hurt".

  13. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I so hope you are right! As an agnostic, I'm sick and tired of these 'supposed' Christians on the right shoving their ignorant beliefs on the rest of us. When are they going to learn that less and less in the USA believe in 'their' higher power? Most of them don't even live their teachings - look at the Republican men in Congress and the governors across our nation.

    They are scum - creating hate, anger, racism, could care less for the people they are suppose to serve and care and do not recognize the 'other' religions in Ameria!

    Voting is so, so important!

  14. Anita Winecooler5:29 PM

    Under who's God? They never mentioned which god when they changed the words. Funny how two words can turn people's world upside down. What difference would it make if the words weren't there? It's still a pledge of allegiance.


    Look up Bellamy Salute. It's one of those indoctrination thingies. No thinking required.

  16. Ignia5:55 PM

    How about we present our argument this way, and we might actually find some agreement and get it done. I believe we would call it rephrasing the argument.

    "I refuse to grant divinity to Obama. Remove the words "Under God" from the pledge of allegiance, so those librul teechurz have our kids worshiping Obama!" (Remove the sarcastic misspellings of course; we wouldn't want our sarcasm to show.)

    Expected responses and counter-arguments that can be used:

    Reasoning: The use of the words "under god" grants divinity to the nation, because if America is God-Ordained, the visible leader of that nation becomes God-Chosen, and can be viewed as holy.

    I think that's something that even the religious could get behind.

  17. The original pledge of allegiance also had use raising our hand with finger forward of our body, and saluting during the pledge. That was removed from schools when Hitler changed the meaning to Heil. Remember, that nationalism creates an environment of obedient, conformist slaves.

    "One Nation Under God" means we are united for a purpose, for a cause. God is not a Christian, Jew, Muslim or Hindu. God is God the creator.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.