Thursday, February 27, 2014

Data reveals that Chicago charter schools expel students at an alarming rate. Hey, got to keep those test scores high.

Courtesy of the Chicago Tribune:  

As it continues to modify strict disciplinary policies in an effort to keep students in the classroom, Chicago Public Schools on Tuesday released data showing privately run charter schools expel students at a vastly higher rate than the rest of the district. 

The data reveal that during the last school year, 307 students were kicked out of charter schools, which have a total enrollment of about 50,000. In district-run schools, there were 182 kids expelled out of a student body of more than 353,000. 

That means charters expelled 61 of every 10,000 students while the district-run schools expelled just 5 of every 10,000 students. 

It's the first time the district has released student suspension data for every school and also the first time it has released data on expulsions for charters. For charter critics, the numbers will buttress long-standing complaints that the privately run operations push out troubled students, allowing their schools to record stronger academic performances.

Sure must be easy to keep those test scores high when you can kick all of the disruptive or academically challenged kids to the curb whenever they threaten to bring them down.

In public schools expelling children is the last resort, and there are all kinds of modifications made to a struggling students education plan, or behavioral plan to help them to be successful.

I know I have helped to develop these, and implement these.

To put it bluntly, if I had been a student in a charter school it is highly likely that I would have been expelled in the tenth grade. If not before.

Instead I graduated with honors, and was considered a leader in my school.

You cannot turn behaviors around, and help make successful those who are a challenge, if your bottom line is a dollar sign.


  1. Beldar Rahm Conehead9:47 AM

    C'mon, Gryphen, don't be a hater, yo!

    It's nothing personal. It's just bidness.

    Anyway, if you're so smart and into the whole education thang, why don't you come up with your own business plan to make large amounts of public money off of Amercia's children?

    And if, by chance, while you're getting a whole lot more richer, a few of those kids get a little bit more edumacated along the way, it's a win-win for everyone!

    (Remember the Vietnam War Rangers wore those helmets on which they wrote "Education is our business and business is good"? Or something like that?)

    But, yeah, it's mostly a win for the owners of the charter schools.

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    O/T but more Obama 'assassination porn' courtesy of the right wing:

  3. Jim In Texas11:06 AM

    Absolutely Charter schools cook the books. Then add in the Southern state Christian Madrassas where there is no required accountability at all, and it's not looking good for our Technical future.

  4. Anonymous11:27 AM

    OT -- Brancy plays the race card again. Sigh.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Patricia Heaton is a right wing nut job. It's more and more obvious that Nancy French is going rogue and cares more about her own agenda than having any resemblance to Bristol Palin.

      How pathetic is Nancy French that the only way she can get attention is by pretending to be Bristol Palin.

      It reminds me of failed-screenwriter Becky Mansour, who couldn't get anyone to read anything she writes herself, so she speaks through Sarah Palin. Talk about a career dead end.

    2. Nothing really to do with charter schools, but am tired of hearing false rhetoric about "right-wing nut jobs," and about black history in the U.S. -- Although facts and footnotes may not help, I believe you need to have them in an intelligent debate. Please read about the founding of the Republican Party, in 1854 -- as an anti-slavery party: -- My parents long ago were Democrats, but believed in individual freedom and responsibility, hard work, and no handouts. They lived on Chicago's south side in the 30's and 40's -- and slowly, they saw Democrat politics (Daly, then) drive people out of the city. They investigated Republicanism. Earlier in American history - Republicans rallied against: Black Codes, Jim Crow laws, and other discriminatory laws pushed by Southern Democrats. The KKK was founded by Democrats; and in 1865, Congressional Republicans unanimously backed the 13th Amendment...78% of Democrat House members and 63% of Democrat Senators voted "no." But, oh - that was then, right? OK --- President Dwight Eisenhower pushed to pass the Civil Rights Act in 1957...John F. Kennedy voted against it while he was a Senator. He also opposed the March on Washington led by Dr. King in 1963. JFK and brother Bobby had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI - it wasn't just Hoover doing it on his own. Republicans established the NAACP - did you know that? So, let's see: the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is signed by LBJ; but Democrat Senator (and Clansman) Robert Byrd filibustered along with 22 other Senators in an attempt to stop it. Republican Everett Dirksen rallied enough other Senators to invoke closure, stopped the filibuster, and got the bill passed. 82% of Republicans voted in favor, on 66% Democrats dad. MLK was a Republican until meeting with JFK and RFK (men who'd held him in low esteem previously), and they helped him escape a jail encounter. As for black men of importance earlier, I just want you to see two quotes, and then if you can find some non-revisionist history books anywhere - start reading. You are misled and poorly educated about the truth. "There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs - partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. ~ Booker T. Washington --- "i am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress.' ~ Frederick Douglass

    3. Nothing really to do with charter schools, but am tired of hearing false rhetoric about "right-wing nut jobs," and about black history in the U.S. -- Although facts and footnotes may not help, I believe you need to have them in an intelligent debate. Please read about the founding of the Republican Party, in 1854 -- as an anti-slavery party: -- My parents long ago were Democrats, but believed in individual freedom and responsibility, hard work, and no handouts. They lived on Chicago's south side in the 30's and 40's -- and slowly, they saw Democrat politics (Daly, then) drive people out of the city. They investigated Republicanism. Earlier in American history - Republicans rallied against: Black Codes, Jim Crow laws, and other discriminatory laws pushed by Southern Democrats. The KKK was founded by Democrats; and in 1865, Congressional Republicans unanimously backed the 13th Amendment...78% of Democrat House members and 63% of Democrat Senators voted "no." But, oh - that was then, right? OK --- President Dwight Eisenhower pushed to pass the Civil Rights Act in 1957...John F. Kennedy voted against it while he was a Senator. He also opposed the March on Washington led by Dr. King in 1963. JFK and brother Bobby had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI - it wasn't just Hoover doing it on his own. Republicans established the NAACP - did you know that? So, let's see: the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is signed by LBJ; but Democrat Senator (and Clansman) Robert Byrd filibustered along with 22 other Senators in an attempt to stop it. Republican Everett Dirksen rallied enough other Senators to invoke closure, stopped the filibuster, and got the bill passed. 82% of Republicans voted in favor, on 66% Democrats dad. MLK was a Republican until meeting with JFK and RFK (men who'd held him in low esteem previously), and they helped him escape a jail encounter. As for black men of importance earlier, I just want you to see two quotes, and then if you can find some non-revisionist history books anywhere - start reading. You are misled and poorly educated about the truth. "There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs - partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. ~ Booker T. Washington --- "i am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress.' ~ Frederick Douglass

    4. You're right about the history of the Republican Party. However, that Republican Party no longer exists. Today's party is not what it was under Lincoln or even Eisenhower. Try finding some history on the Southern Strategy to see how the party began to change under Nixon and Goldwater.

      Moreover, what description other than "right-wing nut jobs" would you use for a party that consistently puts the interests of the wealthy and of corporate America ahead of those of the ordinary middle- and lower-class people, that seeks to make voting increasingly difficult, if not impossible, for those who are oppose their policies, that has embraced those who would install a christianist theocracy and impose their religious beliefs and legalize discrimination against those who do not agree with them, that prefers people barely subsisting or even dying so they can maintain their overflowing Everests of wealth?

      The party doing all those things (and more) is today's Republican Party. They are (extreme) right-wing and their refusal to listen to facts make them nut-jobs. Calling them "right-wing nut jobs" is just being polite. They should be called much worse names.

  5. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Charter schools are a total scam.

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      We have public charter schools that are held to the standards of any other public school. Our public schools are excellent, which means our charter schools are what they should be, a form of alternative education for kids who would benefit.

  6. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I can see this happening but it's not true of all charter schools. Both my children attended charter school, their education was excellent. Their school was demanding and yes, a challenge for some of the kids (as can be seen in any school). What I find unacceptable and intolerable though, is seeing kids in the public schools get a pass. They are failing yet the system keeps passing them along to the next year when in reality, that child should be held back. Do I have an answer, no, but I can say public schools are equally problematic. My final comment, I have nothing, absolutely nothing but admiration for teachers in any system. They are hard working and deserve far more compensation and acknowledgement than they currently get.

  7. Anonymous1:06 PM

    OT. It's 52 and sunny here in the Valley. I don't want to jinx us by mentioning it but wow, how awesome is it to be sitting in an adirondack chair on a snow free deck in late February! Any other Alaskans enjoying this amazing weather?

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      I'm in western NY and the wind chill here is -12. I can't see across the street because the snow is coming down hard and blowing around.

      Would you like to take your arctic temperatures back now? Please?

  8. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

    Yep, run schools like businesses, test them every day and make busy work for "teachers" to feed the profits. While the administration asks "What's in if for me" and normal kids feel berated and unable to learn, then blame underfunded public schools. Wasn't that the game plan from the beginning?

    1. The game plan from the beginning was to privatize two pots of public tax payer dollars that previously were untouchable: education and social security.

      Vouchers failed but they managed to get their hands on the education tax money through charters and NCLB.

      Now that there is a little distance from the Wall St. melt-down, they'll be bringing up privatizing social security again.

      Money is the root of all evil when you are ethically and morally bankrupt.

  9. Reporter obviously weak in math.

    In easy to understand comparisons: Charters expelled 6.1% and public schools expelled 0.5%. Six percent versus HALF of a percent.

    You better believe charters expelled mostly minorities, especially African American males, it was due to behavior problems (plus low test scores) and that they charters kept the money.

    This is what educators have warned the public about charters from the very moment charters were proposed by the Republican party. When it's all about profit, the only ones that benefit are the corporations and their stock holders. It's NOT about the children, it's about money.


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