Sunday, February 16, 2014

Evangelist does not think that hating on the gays in the 21st Century is challenging enough, decides to speak out against interracial relationships instead. Because apparently in Tennessee it is still 1951.

What troubles me the most about this racist diatribe, is that the congregation is filled with people who, instead of being offended, welcome this kind of talk as evidenced by the speaker's swagger and confidence that his message is being well received.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

“Today we have so much fussing and stewing about this segregation of white and colored and everything. Why don’t they leave it alone? Let it be the way God made it.” 

Reading from a prepared text, Brother Reagan warns his congregation that he is probably “going to make some people mad.” 

“There is a move in the message, of blacks marrying whites, whites marrying blacks.” Reagan explains “And folks think that is alright, but you know, my God still has nationalities outside the city.’ 

To the “amens” of his congregation, Brother Reagan read, “Hybreeding, hybreeding, oh how terrible. They hybreed the people. You know it’s a big molding pot. I’ve got hundreds of precious colored friends that’s borned again Christians. But on this line of segregation, hybreeding the people. What, tell me what fine cultured, fine Christian colored woman would want her baby to be a mulatto by a white man? No sir, it’s not right.” 

Reagan also told his congregation that “If God wanted a man brown, black, white, whatever color he wanted him, that God’s creation. That’s the way he wanted it.”

I actually watched this the other day and did not post it then because it pissed me off so much I was afraid I would pound my keyboard right through my desk.

However after waiting a day, I still find myself incredibly upset by this, and the fact that this piece of garbage attempts to excuse his racism by claiming that he is "not putting one race above the other" is insulting to my intelligence.

After all it is the desire to keep the white race pure that inspired the KKK and the neo-Nazi movement in this country.

They called it race mixing in those days.

Today we call it loving each other for what we have in common, while accepting that which, and this includes what's on the outside, seems to make us different.


  1. I got a Cajun really angry when I told him we were all Africans at one point. I considered adding that he and I had a smidgen of Neanderthal, but I knew that was pushing it.

    How does the good Brother explain Neanderthals? They were clearly white people.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      My husband did that genetic test, 23 and me, and found out his cajun family had not only Native American but( gasp) 11% black. While my husband wasn't shocked he sent a copy to his racist cousin :)
      Now, not everyone has Neanderthal in them, but my husband did.
      I ( one of the HYBREED products) had very few surprises and no neanderthal

  2. Anne In DC9:51 AM

    He's a good example of someone who fears the changing of demographics in this country. That change includes people of different races dating, marrying, and having children together. If you ask me, he's still stuck in the early 20th century. Besides, if he feels the way he does, he must object to the presence of us African-Americans since many among us like myself are obviously a blend of more than one race. He is among those who are rightly called false prophets or wolves in sheep's clothing because he is actively preaching racial bigotry and doing it in God's name. He evokes for me the insanity of the miscegenation laws in this country that led to the persecution of the Loving couple from Virginia who were an interracial couple (she was black and he was white) who were persecuted endlessly. It was only in 1967 that the miscegenation laws were overturned, and they were instrumental in that. His mentality, and that of those who agree with his preaching, are what so much of the hatred of our president stems from.

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      This guy is a great example of why churches should not be tax exempt.

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      And the preacher would probably claim that anyone who disagrees with him is persecuting him. Hey, Mr. Preacher, I disagree with you and I think that you are very ignorant. I also think that you are not a Christian.

    3. "Brother Donny Reagan" and his ilk probably have been preaching this racist slop SINCE the 1950s (or maybe even the 1850s), and the only reason a sermon like this escaped the place of worship is thanks to video and YouTube. Otherwise we normal rational people probably still would be unaware people live and worship like this.

      Is it a good thing or not that we're finally becoming aware that some Americans are still virulently racist, paranoid, hateful, evangelical, ignorant, inbred, and unworldly?

  3. Beldar Viper Conehead10:24 AM

    Say, Gryphen, are these evangelists snake-handling or non-snake-handling evangelists?

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Is snake handling any weirder than other religious rites?

    2. @1114
      "Is snake handling any weirder..."
      Weirder? No.
      Lethaler? Very possibly, yes.

  4. eclecticsandra10:35 AM

    He apparently doesn't realize how long it took for racial characteristics to develop. Does it say anywhere that god created three different races? Does he realize how much mixing has gone on in the US alone? How can anyone follow a "pastor" who spouts garbage like this?

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      I'd like to do a dna on him. You know if he's not lilly white= oh the horrors!!

  5. Anonymous10:37 AM

    If other christians don't stand up against this sort of message then they have no hope of being accepted by those that aren't of their faith, period.

  6. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I am a HYBREED, I know it's shocking.
    Because I am a HYBREED I have had problems with........only racists like this idiot, no other problems.

    Little Rabbit

  7. Anonymous10:56 AM

    " I've got hundreds of precious colored friends"...Just so they stay on their own side....Can't have the darkies mixing with gods chosen....F.....g KKK POS.

  8. For those who do not know; and I know that would be the rightwinged nuts, Nationality means the Country that you are a citizen of. We are ALL part of the Human Race, so I don't know how this evangelical clown can call me a Hybreed, me being of a different ethnicity from my husband.

  9. Caroll Thompson11:03 AM

    This is really all about power. These misguided people want you and I to live our lives according to their beliefs and values. They are too ignorant to understand why anyone would think differently than they do (and by the way, all those that do think differently are going to hell don't ya know).

    As long as I do not infringe on another person's rights, I am free to live my life as I wish.

    If they don't like interracial marriage, they are free to not marry outside their race. Don't like gay marriage? Then don't marry someone of the same sex.

    But no one has the right to tell me how to live my life. I don't bother anyone and what I do in my life is my business. These folks want to poke their nose in all our business, which is not their right. They should mind their own business (live and let live is what Jesus said, but these people don't pay attention to that).

    Fuck this preacher and the horse he came in on is my reaction to his hatred. By the way preacher, all people are "colored".

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM


      Thanks for saying so eloquently what I wanted to say!!

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      This is all about WHITE power.

  10. Anonymous11:04 AM

    How can this guy be anything but a racist charlatan. He doesn't represent the Christ-like person. It says, we are created in God's image. Skin color isn't mentioned as far as I know once in the bible. The NT definitely had no teaching on interacial marriage, or biases on skin color, nor didthe gospels. It's shocking that people still think this way. Jesus taught in a multi-cultural trading crossroads, where many ethnic racial people lived and survived together. Solomon had many multi-racial/ethnic wives, and so on and so on.

    What really bothers me is that I don't hear other pastors condemning this kind of talk. I think they are afraid.

  11. Several years ago a movie called "Misconceptions" directed by Ron Satlof was released. Google Ron to see his credentials. Unfortunately, "Misconceptions" was misappropriated by it's distributor Regent films and now sits in some vault awaiting disposition of a lawsuit. However, the film is available for purchase at Anyone interested in relationships, gay, straight, black, white, Christian etc. needs to check out the reviews of "Misconceptions" and view the film. It is available for purchase for pennies. I was an extra in the film and am a friend of Ron's. I hadn't seen the film in several years, but talked about it at a party last night and dug out my copy today. It is a delightful film with a very clear compassionate message that will leave you with tears in your eyes at the end. The lead actor, Orlando Jones, can say more with a roll of his eyeballs than many can with a paragraph. Delightful film with much to say.

    1. Balzafiar1:39 PM

      Orlando Jones is a delightful actor, one of my favorites. You are so right about his eyeball roll; it works every time.

  12. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I about orgasmed when I read this-

  13. Anonymous11:34 AM

    " blacks marrying whites, whites marrying blacks.”

    There's a difference? Sorry I know there is just so much wrong going on with this idiot that I could comment on. But there are SO many of them, I just can't take the stupidity anymore.

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      He should be institutionalized for the rest of his life. What an ignorant idiot.

  14. sewnup11:39 AM

    Three guesses why we moved 'way north after a few years in the south...and 2 don't count.

    This is not some isolated case; it's common, believe me. The undercurrent is pervasive everywhere, not just in this guy's "church" where it's not so 'under', but at carry-in suppers, Little League games, and the DMV. Nasty business, IMHO.

    We didn't want our kids growing up with that being the norm so we pulled up stakes but when I go back to visit I'm always struck again by the fact that there is no change.

    Interestingly, I didn't notice until long after I'd moved away that the only permanent friends I'd made during the 20+ years we lived down there were other people who'd moved there from somewhere else (we'd gone there from the northern midwest)....

  15. Anonymous11:42 AM


    Reality show snake-handling preacher dies -- of snakebite

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      too effin' bad, eh .... durrrrrr ..


  16. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Well, I am proud to say I have just joined the Pastafarian church. We love everyone. After hearing the above, and no criticism from other religious leaders, well it speaks volumes.

  17. Disgusting, but no shock. When the 2012 Republican presidential primary candidates stood silent while the audience they were in front of cheered the suggested, in-battle death of a gay soldier, this guy, repugnant as he is, isn't novel.

  18. God made us wanting to fuck, color of skin be damned.

  19. It must be frustrating for bigots nowadays to see all this flagrant interracial and homosexual mating going on in plain sight, all legal and legitimate.

  20. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Aah, no wonder Franklin Graham couldn't find a husband for old Brisket Palin, she is a HYBREED.

  21. Anita Winecooler5:03 PM

    The man's as sharp as a bowling ball. If he only knew what his "Jesus" probably would have looked like, he'd change from borned again to dead in three seconds flat.

    Hellloooo Rev, Numbnuts! If God didn't mean for the races to mix, then why do they reproduce? (And have the most beautiful babies, I might add),

  22. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Using his own twisted reasoning, if God did not want mixed-race children, they wouldn't exist. But they do. So unless he's saying all interracial people are the devil's creation, he has to admit that it IS God's plan.


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