Monday, February 24, 2014

George W. Bush sheds a single hypocritical tear for the thousands he sent to their deaths, or sentenced to a lifetime of pain and suffering.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

In an interview that aired on Sunday, ABC’s Martha Raddatz asked the former president if the new initiative helped him cope with the 6,800 service members killed, and 51,000 wounded. 

“No question it helps,” Bush stuttered. “I have a duty.” 

“I obviously get slightly emotional talking about our vets because I’m in there with them,” he added with a single tear spilling down his right cheek. 

“But my spirit is also uplifted when I visit with vets. As I say, there is no self-pity… They don’t say, ‘Woe is me.’ They say, ‘What can I do to continue to serve?’”

There are NO amount of tears this asshole could shed that would ever match the number shed by the families of the soldiers that he sent to their deaths based on a lie.

A lie by the way that I believe he knew about all along.

There were too many people telling him that Saddam Hussein did not have nuclear weapons,and lacked the capability to manufacture them, for Bush to claim he was ignorant of that fact. 

He used the terror from 9-11 to wage a war of choice, to get revenge for his daddy, that sent thousands of trusting soldiers, and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, to their deaths.

No he is a POS and there should be NOBODY who wastes an ounce of their precious sympathy on the likes of him.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Read my lips...George W. Bush didn't and doesn't give a crap about any of the poor and middle class people killed in his wars. He doesn't give them a second thought unless someone asks him about it.

    1. Anonymous12:56 AM

      In past years, when asked what he most missed about being president, he said Air Force One and the WH food. That's the real Bush.

  2. George POS Bush.
    What a guy.

  3. "A lie by the way that I believe he knew about all along."

    Mebbe, mebbe not. After all, it was really the Cheney Administration. PINO Shrub was just a tool. A clueless dufus.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      I at least agree to the dufus part.Cannot imagine a less confidence-inspiring leader.......Like Reagan,seemingly unable to tie his own shoes.....

  4. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Not a Bush fan; didn't like the Neocons then or now. But compared to Paul, Lee, Cruz, Palin?

    I'd take the neocons over the tea partiers any day. HOpefully, not a choice we'll have to make (for President, at least) for a long time.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      There is very little to no difference between neocons and teabaggers. Their social policies are identical, and their war policies are essentially the same: They both put Israel's welfare above U.S. welfare. It's ridiculous and ludicrous to say the group that invaded Iraq based on a trumped up lie is better than the tea bagger group. (Ron Paul, as utterly vile as he is, was OPPOSED to the Iraqi invasion.) But the groups overlap each other so much that they are equally reprehensible.

    2. Anonymous4:09 AM

      I agree, Anon at 11:30 am. The "Tea Party" was created to bring in the lowest IQ part of the spectrum, the ones a little stunned by the neocons. All of them self-serving, unpatriotic grabbers. "What's in it for me" may be Todd Palin's mantra but it's also the mantra of the GOP in all of its disguises.

  5. Sally in MI9:51 AM

    Why has this man crawled out from under his rock? Seriously, what does he have to add to any conversation? He'll lie about the wars he started. He'll lie about torture. Bush will lie about anything. Does he have a new book of lies coming out? I have never understood why Laura Bush stayed with this guy. She's educated, polite, seems honest...and yet, she stood by this weak bully (and he isn't even a good bully like Christie) who was a drunk when she met him and for years after. Did she want to be First Lady that badly? Hey Bush, when are you going to do something good for humanity like Carter is still doing, and the Clintons do daily? When are you going to be asked to negotiate a hostage release? Oh, can't leave the country or you'll be arrested by a nation with ethics for war crimes.

    1. Xanax can solve a lotta issues. Even being married to a dunce.

  6. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Check out this GOP poll... can the clown car get any bigger?

    2016 Presidential Straw Poll
    Who would you like to see as the Republican nominee in the 2016 presidential election?

    1. Sally in MI11:20 AM

      I saw that...they want you to give your impression of each candidate (there must be thirty names, including Quitter) and then, donate to the RNC AND send in $12 for your vote to be 'processed.' Unbelievable.

    2. The only correct response to that list is...ohmygod!!!!!

    3. I received a mailing from the RNC, "Office of Voter Research", that was addressed to Fellow Republican. Boy do they do poor research! I've been a registered Democrat since I first registered in 1980. Since there is no self-addressed stamped envelope in the mailer, it's going to get shredded. I'm not wasting my postage stamp to send them their nonsense.

    4. Anonymous8:45 PM

      rience priebus,

      If you take the vowels out of that guy’s name, you wind up with RNC PR BS. Go figure…

  7. fromthediagonal10:15 AM

    Don't be too sure that we won't have another Bush in the running by 2016! Jeb Bush is a master at portraying himself to be a reasonable "blahblahblah, etc" politician who, because he is married to a latina and speaks the language is thought to hae a big lead with latino communities. May I be wrong!

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      I doubt Jeb Bush will sacrifice himself and run against Hillary Clinton.

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Bush, his family and all his cohorts in his administration made lots of $$$ off his wars. They should ALL donate their taxpayer funded retirement checks to the wounded since they caused all that miseryBeyond

  9. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Don't forget Cheney's part in all of this....the worst VP in our history!

    1. By a country mile.

      OTOH, if McLame had been elected, he woulda had some competition, doncha think? -:)

  10. Anonymous10:41 AM

    As far as I am concerned,a meaningful purpose has yet to emerge from these debacles.....unless,of course,you include the lining of certain pocketbooks.........

  11. Anonymous10:43 AM

    His avowed concerns are PR............nothing more......nothing genuine.

  12. SHARON11:00 AM

    I think you summed it up nicely thoughts exactly. The only thing I will add is about these dirt bike marathons he does on his ranch with disabled vets!!! I could never understand that one. If I had a leg blown off....I hope I would be brave enough to ride a dirt bike, but it sure in hell wouldn't be with him. I always think of the children knowing the family riches and lifestyle are from blood money, they are just in the legal mob....none of them have any shame. I read Tony Blair has rotten fruit thrown at him when he goes in those Brits!!!!

  13. Cracklin Charlie11:20 AM

    I watched the video with sound. I felt myself getting angrier and angrier. Then I read Gryphen's comments, and I felt a little better. But I really cannot stand to see that man.

    I just read, that since 1928, only one Republican presidential winning ticket did not include a member of the Bush family...Nixon's. And look what they (BFEE) did to him!

    And unfortunately, the young former sniper's association with the 43rd president tends to make me question his intentions towards military veterans as well. I hope that I'm wrong about that, but I was left wondering whether there might be a game afoot to somehow privatize care for the veterans of Bush's wars, and shift dollars that could be utilized by the Veteran's Administration toward some "non-profits" that have been set up to capitalize on the need for services for those returning from over a decade of war.

    I think a lot of our tax dollars "go missing" that-a-way.

  14. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Amen. And I believe that he knowingly LET 9/11 happen just so he WOULD have an excuse to invade Iraq. It wouldn't even surprise if he actively aided and abetted the 9/11 conspirators. He and Cheney are that evil.

  15. And don't forget -- he ducked out of National Guard duty, too.

  16. Beldar W. Conehead11:47 AM

    George W. Bush
    Mediocre businessman, Fake Rancher, Horrible Painter, Worst President in Modern American History, Pre-indictment War Criminal

  17. Randall12:00 PM

    FUCK George W. Bush.
    Fuck him very, very much.

    He lied and he knew he lied - to get us into HIS war of choice.

    He sanctioned torture of human beings.

    George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and every other of their ilk should have to spend the rest of their days working in Veteran's Hospitals and begging forgiveness.

    They're bastards and history will treat them as such.

  18. There's a saying I'm fond of: "The art of conversation requires not only saying the right at the time, but leaving unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."

    That's why, three times now, I've gone back and forth from Word to this posting window, with the colorful and excoriating words that express just how I feel about Bush and Cheney. Then, I think I don't want the other commentators here to read the poison I can summon.

    But I guess you've got a clue.

  19. Our Lad2:43 PM

    The Idiot Bastard Son.

  20. Anonymous3:10 PM

    He's a good man. I don't see you hating on the current President for his failing to withdraw troops. He ADDED to the war spirit.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Lame troll is lame.

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      "He's a good man."

      Um, no, and you're an idiot if you really believe that's true.

  21. Anonymous4:11 PM

    George Bush Jr, the worst President ever.

    But let's not forget that President Obama has continue using GWB's excuses for taking away Constitutional rights and spying on Americns in the name of a "war on terror". And Obama has expanded assassination by drone without ever proving anyone was guilty of anything.

    Our Presidents all seem to be tools lately.

  22. Anita Winecooler5:38 PM

    Georgie, you've done your duty, you didn't see your shadow, now scram!
    Stick with what you do best. Self portraits of your feet in the bathtub in oil paintings.

    President Obama was too gracious. His first act as President was to put President GWBush and VP Darth "Dick" Cheyney up on war crimes. A good three quarters of the vets who were wounded or died, wouldn't have.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.