Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hey remember how Rand Paul is now off the hook about stealing the NSA lawsuit from that guy? Yeah, not so much.

Courtesy of Dana Milbank of the Washington Post: 

The intrigue over the authorship of Sen. Rand Paul’s NSA lawsuit continues. In a column posted Wednesday, I wrote that constitutional lawyer Bruce Fein had been unceremoniously dropped from the complaint after writing it, that he had been replaced on the complaint by former Virginia attorney general Ken Cuccinelli, and that Fein had not been fully paid for his work. I quoted his spokeswoman and ex-wife, Mattie Fein, accusing Cuccinelli of stealing Fein’s work. 

After furious complaints from Paul advisers, Fein issued a statement Thursday saying: “Mattie Lolavar was not speaking for me. Her quotes were her own and did not represent my views. I was working on a legal team, and have been paid for my work.”

So that's it right? I mean Rand Paul's history of plagiarism and stealing the intellectual property of others has come to an end.

I mean it's not like somebody has e-mails which contradict this story.

Wait, there ARE e-mails? 

Here is the first email Fein wrote, which he sent to Doug Stafford, Paul’s top political advisor. 

On Feb 12, 2014, at 1:56 PM, “Bruce Fein” b***** wrote: 

Dear Doug, 

The protocols for preparing and filing the class action complaint today were hugely suboptimal. 

My name was not on the complaint despite the fact that it was predominantly my work product over several weeks and two hundred hours of research, meetings, and drafting. Ken never showed me the final complaint before submission. My name could not be on the complaint under DC Bar Rules because I could not prepare a timely engagement letter. I was never informed until yesterday by Ken of the details of the collaborative arrangement between FreedomWorks and Rand for litigating and paying for the lawsuit. I promptly revised the engagement letter when the information was received, and it has been forwarded via Ken to Rand and FreedomWorks. 

I did not learn of the date for filing except by inadvertence from Ken a few days ago. 

I was not included in any briefing of Rand about the complaint before filing and press conference today despite the fact that I know vastly more about the Fourth Amendment issue and the history of NSA surveillance than anyone else on the team. 

All of this has been especially distressing because I have been an impeccable team player from the outset. I did not ask for an upfront retainer. I did not publicize my role to the media. I heavily discounted my fees. I shared my work product freely with Ken. I responded to all of Ken’s inquiries with alacrity. And I have eagerly defended Rand in the past on Fourth Amendment issues in the media. 

Yet I was excluded from key decision points leading up to the filing of the complaint and press conference as though I could not be trusted. I was not only excluded from meetings. I was never informed that they took place and what the decisions were. 

My marginalization was thoroughly unfair. Going forward, I expect complete transparency and inclusion on all non-trivial decisions. My name will be on all future pleadings. Ken and I plan to meet shortly to discuss these matters. 

My outstanding invoice for work indispensable to the lawsuit should be paid no later than Friday, February 14, an expectation which is completely justified in light of all the circumstances. Please alert me if the work description on the invoice needs alteration. 

Thanks for your attention to these matters. 

Bruce Fein

Wow, if I did not know any better I would think that this, and all the other e-mails that Dana Milbank has in his possession, prove that Paul's people pressured Mr. Fein into lying in order to protect a man with presidential aspirations.

But that would make Rand Paul a lying douchebag. And nobody thinks that, right?


  1. I am so tired of all these pseudo-Ayn Randian libertarians. Their whole goal of smaller government seems to be a government which is small enough (pardon my language) to fit in my snatch.

    Rand Paul is a lying thieving douchebag. Which makes him the perfect Republican, no?

    1. Beldar Cuccinelli Conehead4:04 PM

      Please dont give the doucebags any ideas.

      Isnt their preternatural interest in stranger's lady bits creepy enough without giving them specific scale of government metrics to um... box us in, so to speak?

    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      R.W. Fundie Cooch Inelli:

      Keep my government out of your cooch and pay the goddam legal bill now.

      The Atty who did all the work

  2. Beldar, I don't know if the Republicans obsession with lady parts is that they're afraid all the wimmenfolk will be out there having and enjoying sex without being "punished" by pregnancy.... or that most of the Republicans are closeted gay men (see: Mitch McConnell) and think that speaking strongly about regulating the wimmenfolk somehow proves they're straight.

    Oh... and I'm not kidding about McConnell. There are a shitload of rumors there, including the strange and suspicious occasion of his being dismissed from military service. I bet someone serious about the issue (Gryphen, are you listening???) could ferret out a lot more!

    1. Anonymous7:21 PM

      I'm unsure about any rumors out there circulating about Turtle Face McConnell, but I have heard that he couldn't make it through his first afternoon in the barracks in boot camp without finding a dick to suck. A fellow private obliged him and they were caught in flagrante delicto, and McConnell washed out.

  3. Caroll Thompson12:42 AM

    Rand Paul is not only a liar, but he steals the work of others. This is not Paul's first rodeo with this kind of thing. And in the eyes of the false christians who call themselves Republicans, being a liar and a thief for the cause is fine and dandy.

  4. Bruce Fein better watch his back and stay far away from
    high rise parking garages. Nothing ever seems to change the way the GOP does business.


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