Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Levi Johnston is apparently done screwing around.

Courtesy of Facebook
This showed up over at Court View on Monday:

Motion for Order to Show Cause Why Bristol Palin Should Not Be Held In Contempt And Sanctioned And Motion For The Return of Child To Alaska

Now we're talking!


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Finally, a real lawyer. Good luck Levi.

  2. Wishing the best of luck to Levi. The Palins are wrong to keep father and son apart.

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Good for Levi and good for Tripp!
    No parent has the right to interfere with the child's relationship with the other parent.
    If Brisket wants to trot all over the country with her boyfriend then Tripp should be in a safe place with his father and be given a stable home life.

  4. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Tri-PP Always looks so much happier with Levi. Hmmm. Weird.

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      True, he is happier. Not weird..

  5. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Do you think Bristol is over Levi yet or is she still obsessed with him? Uhh Bristol? Time to get over him, he dumped your ass YEARS ago. He just doesn't want you.

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Bristol is over. I love Sunny's beautiful hair. She may go back to blonde again. Either way she is gorgeous, not just smart and string. A stunning beauty. Glad the other one is on the way out.

    2. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Strong not string @ 649. (need more coffee)

    3. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Bristol will NEVER get over that fact Levi dumped her ass. But Levi has been over Bristol for years and found true love.

    4. Bristol is obsessed with punishing Levi through their son, and Sarah eggs her on and on and on and on and...

  6. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Good for you, Levi, and good luck! :)

  7. Team Levi6:53 AM

    He has a solid case.

    And this time the world is watching.

  8. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Why do you care about a custody battle between these people?

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      You don't? Why bother with comment or being here?

    2. Anonymous7:11 AM

      6:55 Why do you car what Gryph posts on his blog? If you don't like it, piss off!!!!


    3. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Most people live their lives in private. They don't use the media to trash the father of a child who is involved in the middle of a custody dispute. When a family claims to have stalkers, posting photos of themselves and the child is not a good idea. The Palins are the ones who have made a private family matter public. Short memory? Sarah called Levi "Ricky Hollywood." Remind me again about how many realty TV shows Levi has had. Bristol publicly accused Levi of rape. The Palins are the ones trying their case in the court of public opinion instead of in a court room where the most important issue should be what's in the child's best interest. As long as Bristol keeps posting those selfies, she will be criticized.

    4. Anonymous9:57 AM

      6:55 AM Do you care about Bristol's multiple pregnancies? Do you care about what happened to the babies who have disappeared?

    5. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Why do you care that I care?

    6. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Anonymous6:55 AM

      Why do you care about a custody battle between these people?
      Funny troll YOU must care b/c your cared to comment! smh

    7. Anonymous12:41 PM

      6:55 AM, why do you?

  9. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Judge ... please give her 7 days in jail for contempt.

    God wants her to sleep and eat well ... in jail.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Why only 7 days? Give her 7 months.

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Give her 7 YEARS!

  10. Anonymous 6:55

    And the resident troll is right on cue ...

    And why do you care if we care to discuss it? Feck off!

  11. Anonymous7:06 AM

    6:55 - why do you care what we care about?

    Hope this works out for Levi, Tripp, Sunny and Breeze. Brissy doesnt wanna be a mama. She just wants to spread her fat thighs, drink and drop crotch fruitS. Brissy give up custody, the prop shelf life is shirt lived.


    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Brisket alrady proved what a horrible mother she is by throwing away most of her childs without a thought to what was best for them, shameful.

  12. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Does that explain Brancy's post with the scripture yesterday? Maybe? Sleeping well, eating well. hmmmm

  13. SHARON7:10 AM

    My prediction is this child will have major resentment issues when he gets older. The fact his mother is incredibly selfish and denied him time with his father for revenge aint't gonna go over too well. He needs as much time away from all the Palins as possible to have any hope of growing up as a decent human being.

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      He will resent Bristol. No doubt about it.

      He will be a decent human being. Levi and Sunny will make sure of it. All it takes, Sharon, is one loving person in a child's life.

      The daughter of the owner of this blog is proof.

  14. Anonymous7:12 AM

    6:55 to answer your pathetic attempt at a question let me just say that some of us care about fairness, justice, and the well being of children!!!

    Question for you-why aren't you out finding a life to live vibrantly you old and cranky hag?

    A post about a father fighting to maintain his relationship with his son is a POSITIVE and vibrant post you grizzly old prune!!!

    Jeez who peed in your cornflakes this morning??

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      One might ask you the same thing!

  15. Anonymous7:23 AM

    If he hasn't already, Levi should get a DNA test done on wee Tripp.
    Just sayin'


    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Although I understand the sentiment, Levi is bigger than that.

      We are, after all, talking about a beautiful child.

    2. Anonymous7:59 AM

      That whole Palin family needs a DNA test.

    3. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Levi's daughter looks exactly like Tripp did at that age. 'Nuff said. No DNA necessary as they are obviously related.

    4. Anonymous10:52 AM

      That's because Levi's wife is blonde/blue eyed.....Bristol and/or Levi?...not a blonde hair or blue eye between them.
      Just sayin'

    5. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Always good advice in any situation where there is a pregnancy outside of marriage.

    6. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Canuck - Two brown-haired, brown-eyed parents can have children with blonde hair and blue eyes. Science. And Google.

    7. Anonymous12:12 PM

      @10:52....Levi was blond as a child until he was a teenager. Look at his photos and Tripp is a duplicate of him. Same curly hair, same face. The child also resembles Mercede - because she looks like Sunny.

      The Johnston family are all gorgeous.

      The Palins......not so much.

      Sarah - not at all - botoxed and rearranged to resemble FOX fake journalists
      Bristol - used to be cute, but now is a plastic surgeon's nightmare
      Willow - kinda' cute in a catlike way
      Piper - looks like Curtis - still not cute
      Track - looks like Curtis and someone that needs rehab

      TriG - looks like Shaileigh Tripp's kids

    8. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Too late for a DNA test. Paternity has been established in a court of law.

  16. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I care about children and when their parents place them on the world stage there will be those from around the world who care a great deal.

    This child's mother wanted the fame that documenting and being on TV would bring. Bristol had to know it could be both good and bad for her. It should be about the child. Can Tripp Johnston be treated fair? Will his best interests be honored? If this is a long grueling case he will age and be able to testify as to what he wants. That is if they find he has not been twisted and brainwashed beyond repair.

    This may not be a huge media event like Poor Little Rich Girl was, it will be a big deal as far as plenty of people keeping a watch out for Tripp's best interest. As should be. We have been subjected to the enormous child abuse put on a child, now we need to know he has a chance to be loved and cared for.

    The Palins are usually the first to have TMZ or one of their minions release press about a parent. So far it is unusual they are holding back. Bristol's attorney would have known by Monday. There were possibly rumors and talk way before last Monday. Nancy French may be handling everything from her blog via of Sarah Palin. In that case she wants you to believe Bristol is both eating and sleeping. She certainly isn't thinking. Bristol keeps posting photos of herself looking like she is lost in oblivion or drugs. She won't be able to go beyond documenting what a bad parents she is and she is completely clueless.

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Some of the photos and comments about Tripp that Bristol posts on her blog and Facebook are troubling. It doesn't look right for a little boy to keep visiting his mother at beauty school, or get his toe nails painted there. Bristol posts photos where Tripp looks annoyed at going to some kind of monster truck rally. Boys do not usually paint bird houses pink, or throw a birthday party for their mother with pink plates and napkins. Bristol's posts are designed to show how much Tripp loves her when the question should be, "How much does Bristol love Tripp?" She calls him her "love bug," her "baby boy." The boy is five years old, and that's too old to be a baby boy. Bristol showed us the breakfast that Tripp made for her. How about the stuff that Bristol makes for Tripp? We watched her reality show where Bristol did not know how to cook a chicken. Has she learned to cook yet?

      Most disturbing was to watch Tripp's out-of-control behavior in Bristol'sTV shows. Bristol wrote a letter to Melissa Rivers, in anticipation of their swapping places on a TV show. Bristol said that she could not discipline Tripp. She asked her blog readers for advice. (There are books and parenting classes). Tripp responded quickly to Melissa's chore chart, but it's Bristol who lacks the discipline to give Tripp boundaries. That's Bristol's job as the mother, and that's the problem when a kid has a baby while she is still a child herself. All of this is so sad because Bristol airs it on her blog, Facebook and in those reality shows. It can't be good for Tripp. And the most important issue before the court should be what is in Tripp's best interest. I don't think that Bristol realizes that when Tripp can read and has access to a computer, he will be able to see and read all of this for himself, including the nasty things that Bristol has said, publicly, about Levi.

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Bristol apparently would benefit from some parenting classes. I hope the judge gives joint custody and orders her to go for parenting classes.
      Personally, i do not think it's weird that he gets his nails painted or likes the color pink. Those things aren't going to make him gay for heavens sake.

    3. Anonymous9:50 AM

      8:50 AM Painted nails will not make him popular on the Hockey Team, or the Soccer Team, or in the Hunting Lodge.Maybe he will go into figure skating.

    4. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Those of you who are having trouble with little boys and the color pink, please give it up. Your comments are kind of ugly and have little or nothing to do with the quality of parenting being discussed here. Not every healthy little boy plays team sports. Some, like a terrific little boy in our family, loves princesses, pink and make-believe and has since Day 1. Fortunately, he has parents who support the person he is and a family that does the same. So, just saying. There is absolutely nothing wrong with male figure skaters.

    5. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Geez! Who cares if Tripp gets his nails painted? There are many more important issues than hanging around the hair school getting his nails painted. What about the serial trial husbands that Tripp is exposed to? What about some stability in his life? What about just being able to see his father and his baby sister? Get over the "Tripp likes pink and gets his nails painted".

    6. Anonymous10:46 AM

      The pink stuff is coming from Bristol, not Tripp. She is the one who poses those photos with the pink bird house, the pink birthday, and everything else. The only parenting lesson that Bristol learned from Sarah is how to manipulate her child.
      I don't know what Tripp's favorite color is. My kids' favorite colors change every hour of the day. The planned pink photos were staged by Bristol. That's what's wrong with them. They are fake. And, it's just as harmful for her to be calling Tripp her baby boy when he is five years old. I can't imagine one boy who wants to be called "baby boy" in public. Picture the scene if Bristol was to pick up Tripp at school. "Oh, there he is, my precious baby boy!" Tripp would be teased for days. Why inflict that on him? There is nothing wrong with hugging and loving your kid, but what Bristol is doing is staged, planned and posed for the camera. It's fake!

    7. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Buried in 7:28's misguided, even offensive, concern about the color pink and Tripp visiting the salon is an important statement that's worth repeating:

      "Bristol's posts are designed to show how much Tripp loves her when the question should be, "How much does Bristol love Tripp?""

    8. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Figure skating?
      With his genetics, I doubt TRipp has the talent, endurance , strength, grace and presence to be a male figure skating. They are super athletes. Can you say quadruple jumps??????? And with the crap ristol lets that kid eat, he is having a poor doundation laid for his lifelong house - his body.

  17. Anonymous7:36 AM

    This just chaps the gristle granny's ass so bad. She just can't wait for some camera time to let loose to the public yet another mean remark about Levi Johnston. The hamster wheels are already turning in her brain of where, when and how she's gonna tell the next lie about a "deadbeat" dad.

    Promiscuous Brisket needs a wake up call and will eventually learn that Mommy's influence and money can't buy you everything in life. Yep, sooner or later karma will deal Bristol and giant slap in the face.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Karma has already dealt Bristol a fat ass, fat arms, cellulite covered breasties, thunder thighs, and the personality of a mop.

      What could possibly be worse?

      Her son crying and begging for his father. And his "Mommy," Sunny, and auntie, "Sadie."

      Bristol was losing the battle and, like a petulant child, ran away to AZ.

      Bristol is a bigger puss than Sarah.

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Are you really suggested that a large ass, arms and cellulite, and thunder thighs, is some sort of moral failing or punishment from karma? Yikes.

      as for Tripp wanting to see his father and her family, I'm with you although not with the gratiutious insulting adjectives

    3. Anonymous9:46 AM

      8:40 AM ????

    4. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Karma's bitch slap to Bristol is not that she fat or ugly - she's not, anymore -- but that she is a bitter lonely uneducated humorelss vindictive poser; a national punch line.

      She's a Wal-Mart version of the Kardshians, without the looks, charm, brains or money.

    5. Anonymous7:17 PM

      11:38 She's a Wal-Mart version of the Kardshians, without the looks, charm, brains or money.


      Uhhh, charm and brains?? The dimwitted foulmouthed Kardashians?

  18. It's always with some begrudging that a gay onlooker surrenders a handsome hunk like Levi to the straight world. I know I'm not his only fan, and we were attached long before he removed any garment.

    More seriously, I was a kid abandoned by his father before the soft spot on my head had hardened. He was gone and never looked back to inquire about me or my sister, never sent a dime, and later, divorced my mother charging her with desertion. (He's dead, I never laid eyes on him nor any of the three half-brothers he subsequently created.) So to see a man so determinedly purposed to be a steady, good father in his child's life, but thwarted right and left by the child's vindictive other parent, makes the blood boil double.

    I sincerely hope the outcome is one that enriches Tripp’s life the most.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      God bless your mother.

      She raised a good one in you.

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      dviaries - thank you! You speak for many!

  19. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Glad to finally see this. The other great part is that they will be under oath and who knows what questions may be asked. Just amazing that Bristol is stupid enough to give them three reality shows (SPAk, LAT, WS) worth of video about her poor parenting and ADMITTING it. Must not be able to think beyond the end of her nose.

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Can you imagine the hours of film that didn't make it to the little screen? Depending what goes down, everything, including other documents, can be submitted to court for records.

    2. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Can you imagine what goes on when the cameras or third parties aren't around?

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM


      She's a hardass worker doncha know!

  20. Anonymous8:05 AM

    You think Tripp is messed up now, wait until he goes to school, especially middle school and high school. Those kids will ridicule him for what Bristol has publicized. That's if Bristol enrolls him in school.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      I would think schooling will be an important part of the topic in Levi's case. Both parents should have responsibility as to how their child is educated.

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Yes, Levi should be entitled to school records and for all questions and concerns addressed. The Palins get the older kids anything they need to appear to be highschool grads. It will be hard to know the truth from just what Sarah has submitted for Bristol about Tripp.

  21. Anonymous8:08 AM

    How old is Bristol Palin? Enough is enough. Bristol needs to grow up and let Tripp enjoy both families.

  22. Anonymous8:11 AM

    What a great picture. Tripp loves his little sister.

  23. Anonymous8:21 AM

    FINALLY, LEVI!!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND SUNNY, and Tripp and Breeze! You FINALLY have your ducks in a row, and FINALLY start showing your balls!
    Don't EVER let that Bitchtol lead you around the nose the way she has done the last five years!

  24. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Waiting to eat.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      a real tragedy. my thoughts & prayers are with those poor people who are truly suffering

  25. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Oh, CPAC. What Are We Going to Do With You?

    CPAC just wouldn’t be CPAC without some opening controversies, now would it?

    Here’s the scoreboard:

    Atheists: Previously invited, now disinvited. This was the somewhat surprising news Tuesday morning…

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Sorry, but if any atheists, gay people, minorities, or women join the GOP then they are mentally ill. I don't feel sorry for them at all, maybe it will open their eyes a bit.

    2. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Anonymous11:10 AM

      Sorry, but if any atheists, gay people, minorities, or women
      What about Sarah's BFF Tammy Bruce? She is gay...or Allen West who is Black or women like Crazy Eyes, and "I'm not a witch"?
      I know what your sayin' but...
      Who knows what is wrong with those people who join the stupid gop?

  26. Anonymous8:21 AM

    It is interesting that Tripp does not seem to make "funny" faces when he is photographed with his father. He looks relaxed and happy to be in his father's company. Nothing forced or artificial in his manner. On the other hand, the so-called "karate" photo with his mom that was in a post yesterday or the day before showed a grumpy, not very happy little boy who seemed to be "flexing his muscles" in the immediate wake of a tantrum.

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      The poor prop is in constant performance mode. That is all Bristol knows as 'natural' for her baby stud bug.

  27. Anonymous8:34 AM

    This picture reminds me of another piece of evidence that should be used against Bristol in any custody case.

    Here's what Bristol wrote (or, better, allowed Nancy French to write) on her blog only a couple months ago:

    "I hope one day Tripp has a sibling and loves them that much!!!"

    I sure hope Levi's lawyer is paying attention to all these cases of Bristol's bad-mouthing, alienation of affection, and cruelty.

  28. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Internet Trolls Are Psychopathic, Sadistic, And Sometimes Paid By Fox News

  29. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Fox News Hits The GOP Fundraising Circuit

    Media Matters previously documented how over 30 Fox News hosts and contributors campaigned for Republican candidates and organizations during the 2011-2012 election cycle.

    The following is a list of nine Fox Newsers, and the Republican Party apparatuses they're helping so far in 2014:

  30. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Why isn't Tripp in school being socialized like normal children? Did he skip pre-school and kindergarten? I think the worst news would be that Bristol is planning to home-school him for first grade next year!

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Maybe Bristol wants to home school Tripp so he won't give away any of Bristol's secrets?

    2. Anonymous9:22 AM

      When did school become about sociailizing. Where in teacher training is socializing skills discuss.
      I think there are lots of good reasons to go to schools, and good reasons to home school. I don't think public schools are the best at teaching social skills.

    3. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Like Tripp's Birth Certificate.

    4. Anonymous10:39 AM

      @9:22 Schools don't teach socializing skills. Going to school means being part of a group. Unless you plan to live your life completely isolated from the rest of society, you have to learn to get along with a group. That goes for church, camp, clubs,sports and the workplace. Going to school teaches kids to take turns and to share. Everyone can't speak at once and everyone cannot play with the favorite toy at the same time. We learn this when we go to the store and take number to be served, in order. All of this is what is called "socialization." Even playtime is a learning experience in getting along with other kids. The only playmate we see for Tripp is Trig, in those posed pictures. In school, sometimes the teacher assigns a group to work on a project together, preparation for when kids play on a team together, or work on a project together in the workplace. If Tripp is home schooled, he will remain Bristol's baby boy, taught at her middle school level of intelligence-- unless he becomes part of a group where several parents share the duties. Even then, Bristol won't be doing much contributing because of her own limited background.

    5. Anonymous11:14 AM

      An important part of public education as always been socializing children with others. The main concept of kindergarten when it originated was to socialize a years earlier. Maybe if you had more than a GED you would know some very basic things about education.

    6. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Actually, 9:22, schools do teach socialization. As 11:14 points out, that's one of the most important parts of Kindergarten. Just ask a Kindergarten teacher.

      Socialization flows through elementary school. My 5th grader is still being taught things about working together in pairs and groups, listening, and just being good to herself and others. That's on top of the excellent public school education she's getting (which includes, not only math, social studies, language arts, and science, but also music, art, and P.E.).

    7. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Being home-schooled by a no-schooled narcissist, eating mac and cheese three times a day while being phootgraphed and filmed all the time, does not a well-rounded only child make.

    8. Anonymous11:56 AM

      I was going to comment to
      Anonymous9:22 AM
      the social retard but you did such a great job I don't need to, Thanks :)

    9. All schools require birth certificates. This is so they may receive funding per student from the government.

      If Tripp's B.C> differs in the slightest regarding DOB, place of birth or anything else, someone in the school district WILL make sure it leaks to the media.

      So, I believe there's something hinky going on with Tripp's birth certificate...

    10. Anonymous5:07 PM

      If schools teach socialization and social skills, why are there NO classes in the curricumlum for a teaching degree. perhaps excluding Kindergarten teachers, but not when I was in teacher training.

    11. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Do you mean no classes on teaching socialization and social skills?

      Presumably, you had classes on developing curriculum and on pedagogy. Did you only focus on kids sitting at their desks facing forward and listening to you lecture or doing worksheets or did you also work on lesson plans that included paired and group work?

      What about classroom management? I assume you discussed that as part of your teacher training. At the very least, you learned about it during your student teaching.

      Classroom management is, in a large part, about teaching socialization and social skills (don't interrupt, listen to the teacher and other students, don't run around the classroom, don't throw things or hit other people).

      And that's even before you get into very pointed social skills programs like at my kids' school where they are positively reinforced for doing good work and good deeds and have a school credo that emphasizes these things.

    12. Anonymous6:47 PM

      5:07 ... I hate to see where you were in "teacher training," or maybe you were absent for the parts about developing social skills. Maybe you are a private school teacher? I know that they often don't have to have any special kind of certification.

    13. Anonymous3:39 AM


      Hopefully you had some classes in socialism and interaction. If not, it's amazing you are a teacher...IF you are. I doubt it.

  31. Cracklin Charlie8:52 AM

    To Levi:

    Living well is the best revenge.

  32. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Good luck to Levi! The best thing for Tripp would be to spend more time with his father and his baby sister. I wish Levi and Sunny the best. He married a smart young much better than Bristol.

  33. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Is it possible that during the court proceedings Tripp's real birthdate would have to be revealed?

    1. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Palins will fight to keep that a secret.

    2. Anonymous9:39 AM

      It is a possibility. The Palins like to be clever and feel they beat the system and anyone that crosses them. They would not have a problem obtaining and buying forged "documents". All the Palins produce for Bristol in this case needs to be double, triple verified.

    3. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Any forgeries should be prosecuted.

    4. Some states list the number of live births the mother has previously given; I don't know if Alaska does, but I do know that California does.

    5. Anonymous4:53 PM

      first, they have to be proven forgeries.

    6. Anonymous6:48 PM

      For all we know, Levi may have a reason to keep that secret, too.

  34. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Off topic but way funny since we all know Hypocrite Food Stamp Pete

    Pete Petretich
    Food Stamps for Weed? Yep, It’s Happening in Colorado

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      What a moron.

    2. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Is Pete still using that iconic 9/11 image to protest the warning that Sarah got about misusing that image?

    3. Anonymous12:10 PM

      The pee pond hasn't been the same since they invited the gretawire folk over as a "boycott" to GVS for allowing unlike-opinioned commenters. Now they regulars can't get a word in edgewise. HAHAHAHAHA.

    4. Anonymous12:34 PM

      He also too is the guy who complains he can't get a job because he is white.

    5. Anonymous1:01 PM

      yeah what happened there? went from 200 comments by the same 15 medicare patients, welfare queens and survivalists who are there all day everyday to 1200?

      Sarah 2014! whoo hoo

    6. Anonymous12:10 PM
      Now they regulars can't get a word in edgewise. HAHAHAHAHA.

      I know...right!! I took a peek in the "Day Room" (Open Thread) last night and saw they had over 1500 comments and I was like....W T F...did Baldy do a strip tease(Yuckity Yuck Yuck) somewhere and it was caught on camera and posted or sumptim! turned out to be some kind of looney toons invasion of Greta seems a little strange and coordinated that a whole BUNCH of them "checked into" the Asylum at the same time though!

      Did you see that "Socon/JanuaryRose" was a little...I mean a LOT annoyed with all the new folks?? LOL!!

      And poor "He'sNoVirginiagentlemen"...hasn't been able to get his flirt on because of all the "chatter" in the "Day Room"!

      I can't stop laughing at the shit the new folks are throwing out there and the way they just took over and won't STFU is getting on some of the "Regulars" last nerve!

      Shit is hilarious!


    7. Anonymous1:51 PM

      The Virginia Gentleman admitted to being overweight, drinking coffee, and enjoying other abuses to his body while waiting for a heart transplant. He is rushed to the ER on a regular basis, or so he says, while we have been paying for his Medicare. In return, he damns the payments which pay for expenses that he could never afford if he was paying out of his own pocket. We pay for each of his trips to the hospital, yet we don't get to tell him to take better care of himself. That's our money that he is wasting.

      While we're on the subject of people who speak out against those terrible government handouts, let Sarah Palin set the example by having her parents, Chuck and Sally, give up their Social Security and Medicare. Their rich daughter can afford to take care of them. Why do they want to be victims of the Nanny State and have Government on Their Backs (this rhetoric is just crap). Both of them had major operations in 2013, operations that we paid for while Sarah ridiculed the government that is paying for her parents' health care and providing their monthly Social Security check.

    8. 12:10, GinaM 109, You must give me the link! I assume you're talking about the Conservatives4palin site, but I don't see what you're talking about, this is something I would love to check out

    9. Septchile2:56 PM

      The Greta folks showed up in yesterday's Open Thread and have pretty much taken over! You can see in today's Open Thread that the regulars are not HAPPY! Here are a couple of comments I just came across...

      "lanahi • 17 minutes ago
      Please, GretaWire people, don't turn this into a trite chat room. We should not need more than one open thread per day. I come here for interesting reading and to see what is happening in the news even though it takes a long time to read everything. But now it takes much longer and the reading isn't that interesting. I have better things to do with my time than skim over all the empty're turning it into a different kind of forum.

      1776er lanahi • 34 minutes ago
      Have to say I am a bit bewildered by the sudden popularity of C4P.

      It has changed the vibe significantly.

      I love reading Sarah Palin's FB postings but I never read the comments. The comments literally by the thousands come at you like water out of a firehose. Good comments mostly but overwhelming the senses so to speak.

      I find I am having an increasing problem finding my own posts to check for comments and questions to what I have posted.

      I also have to say that I tend to post a lot less when there is a ton of traffic --good traffic with lots of stimulating ideas, thoughts and observations. I think that is the substance of the posts of the newbies here."

      Ole 1776 kept on going with some more shit...but it wasn't worth copying here! Anywho it looks like it's about to get rowdy over there for I'm about to fix myself a "drank" and get my evening laugh on!

      Here's the link to the Open Thread from today if you wanna check out the shenanigans for yourself! Have fun...but as always when hanging at the Asylum I always like to warn folks to inoculate yourself otherwise you might bring back some kind of "dumbass disease" and IM is running low on the antidote to cure ya! LOL!

      Godspeed my friend....LOL!!

    10. GinaM, 4;21 Thanks for the link

  35. Anonymous9:27 AM

    What parent would a judge think is best for a child?

    The one who drags him through her reality tv show/fame-driven family's productions, or the married settled down working at a consistent regular job who provides a positive existence for his young family?

    The one who drags the child back and forth from city to town, town to city, across the country at a whim, or the one who provides stability and stays in one home for more than 3 months at a time.

    The one who continually projects hurts on facebook and a blog, or shows annoyance, unhappiness, bitterness against the child's other parent on a reality TV show, shooting the parent's face on his book at a shooting range and giggling and laughing about it, or the one who decides to change his life, turn around, make a solid commitment and keep his feelings out of blogs and media, and not looking for pity.

    Yes, a child should be with it's mother, but this case clearly shows that his father would be a great benefit to Tripp's life.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      I only wish your comment could be forwarded to the judge on this case.

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      I think your assumption that a child is better off with their mother over their father in most cases is way off base. The best thing for any child( barring an unfit parent like Bristol) is to be with both, shared custody. Also there are many studies indicating that ale children are much better off being with their Dads the majority of time, even at a young age.

    3. Anonymous11:37 AM

      The parent in a stable happy relationship or the one trotting various live-in trial daddies through the house?

    4. Anonymous1:28 PM

      The troll comenter should file for divorce and present this type of reasoning to the judge.

      Except probably no marriage no children no nothing.

    5. Anonymous2:32 PM

      ANON at 1:28 PM IF you are referring to anon at 11:17 am
      then you better reread my comment. First of all, after 6 children, 37 fosterkiddos, and 5 grandkiddos and 36 yrs of marriage I doubt I am heading for a divorce anytime soon.
      But what is wrong with my comment? Most people I know get shared custody and studies have found male children do need their Dads to be a large part of their life.
      How is that "trollish"? BTW if you have gotten a divorce and gone through a custody battle and this information on those studies hasn't been brought forward...well...hire a decent atty and you would have gotten somewhere.

      Little Rabbit

  36. Anonymous9:30 AM

    98% of all they show about Bristol in the media and TV is screaming 'low self-esteem'. She will never be a good parent until she deals that problem. Low self-esteem can be deadly. Healing for Bristol won't happen while her mother hires and controls Bristol's blog writer, buys her any kind of school credits, fakes that she works at a dermatoglogist office and so on. Now Bristol's name is back up for covering that Todd cheats again and is given a free pass with Iron Dog and the press.

    I feel bad for anyone that is dependent on a knife to maintain their face. Bristol was once natural, pleasant looking and cute. I even like her chubbier look where she is herself. The altered face already makes her look same as the old gals that try to keep their youth by going under a knife.

    'I made a choice a while ago that I wanted to age gracefully and actually have my own face,'

  37. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Doesn't Tripp go to school? Has anyone ever seen the child in a school setting? Or church, for that matter? Not one of the Paylins has a job also too, they grift off $creech. Pathetic.

  38. Anonymous9:38 AM

    When Sarah crashed Bristol's Greta interview and mouthed off about how important it was for a child to have an extended family and support from everyone and how lucky Bristol was to have them and how Tripp was lucky to have a mom like Bristol, she later proved that all that "family support" didn't do a thing to help Tripp.

    Bristol was led around like a dog on a leash by her dominatrix mom and given rewards (reality TV show) and used to market Sarah's morality and compassionate conservatism brand (Candie's abstinence tour), etc. Everything that girl has done since her child was born is market herself and him to make Sarah Palin's image look pure. Nothing that Bristol has ever done is done without it affecting her narcissistic mom in any form. She is being emotionally shackled by the Palin machine, along with an innocent 5 year-old boy, to keep obsessively convincing the world that the Palins are this hard-work ethic, bible-believing, God-fearing family.

    They are hell-bent on keeping this fake brand and don't care about their children, or grandchildren. It's pathetic.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Agree, 100%! People who have a hard-work ethic do not quit their job. That goes for Sarah who quit when she was governor. That goes for Todd who owed it to his sponsors (both Ski-doo and the people donating for breast cancer) to be a good sport, repair the damaged snow mobile and finish the race. He quit. Bristol's example of work-ethic was to swap places with Melissa Rivers, but she wouldn't do Melissa's job. It's hard work to comment on fashion, and Bristol couldn't be a good sport and go along with the swap idea. Willow had the chance to do a newscaster's hair style and her work ethic was to say "No." Work ethic for Sarah and Bristol's ghost written posts and book? They stuff is poorly written, and loosely stuck together. As for the stream of income that fuels all of this-- all Sarah has to do is tease her fans that she might think about considering the possibility of maybe running for president, and they give her money, which fund the family consultancy business. Undeserved good fortune.

    2. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Willow said to Joan Rivers because she has no talent nor work ethic. The Palin kids have been accustomed
      to Mommy bailing them out of all problems with Political trickery. Anyone else's kids would have been in Jail.

  39. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Every time I hear John McCain talk about how "Obama should do this and do that" and complain about this Administration, I want to shout at the TV and say Shame on you! Shame on you for opening the gates of hell and allowing this woman to be unleashed on the world. Sarah Palin was given full permission to get quickly rich by dividing and hating and turning her oldest girl into a perpetual victim. That victimization has hurt poor little Tripp in the long term. He can recover, but needs his dad's and Sunny's support and emotional care.

    Shame on McCain, Nicole Wallace, Steve Schmidt and the whole cast of players who knew what they were doing with a dangerous mentally-deranged woman, Sarah Palin, who would throw her kids and grandma to the wolves if it meant getting her face on TV. The carnage of destroyed lives that that woman has unleashed on so many, and on CHILDREN, is the worst kind of compromise any politician (McCain) has ever done. He should come clean and publicly apologize.

    1. fromthediagonal12:10 PM

      Anon @ 9:48: I appreciate your mention of Steve Schmidt, who is coddled by a number of pundits. He is an opportunist who makes a lot of money by seeming to be a centrist. He may be that, but he, as well as Nicole Wallace are self serving servants to McCain and his allies.

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      thank you.

    3. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Both schmidt and wallace kept their mouths shut until after the election. If mccain would have won they never would have spoken up but rather garnered high paying positions in the mccain administration. They now make $$ by speaking up. They're both opportunists who couldn't care less about their country but rather themselves and their bank accounts.

  40. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Tripp is old enough now to be aware of the other kids around him and blurt things out like all the siblings he has.....DWTS baby, Junker Jr,, probably Willow's. This could get very dicey to keep all those secrets in the bag.

  41. LisaB259510:31 AM

    I hope it works out for him, I really do.

  42. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Good luck, Levi.

  43. Anonymous10:47 AM

    When did Bristol give the demonstration with her vibrator? I would have considered viewing that dance.

    1. Anonymous2:36 PM

      It's not a vibrator. It's a game controller. My son has one like it using his Wii.

    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Bristol uses the Wii controller any way she wants.

  44. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Has there ever been a case where a grandmother manipulates her mentally-challenged daughter, which results in the grandchild being emotionally manipulated and abused?

    I hope Levi's lawyer investigates this scenario. It could be that Bristol needs a mental evaluation on whether she's well enough to take care of Tripp on her own, without the disruption and interference of a egotistical fame-driven grandmother, bribing and baiting the daughter into reckless submission to the grandmother's ambitious whims.

    I hope Levi's lawyer asks the Judge for an evaluation, emotional and psychological. Because a mother in this case, who is visibly being controlled by a public-figure mother, might not have the courage to stop the grandmother's manipulation.

    The lawyer should also investigate Nancy French's role in Bristol's life. She may be a very negative force and by her writing Bristol's blog, she is pushing viewpoints and politics and religious views that Bristol is not able to comprehend. They are all using Bristol Palin. This girl could very well go into a mental depression because of the constant abuse of people, forcing their views on her, and writing op-eds and quotes in Bristol's name, when she might not even be aware.

    This could very well be a case of powerful people (Palin and French, with a voice) using a young woman who is suffering from emotional/psychological distress. Is so evident and obvious she has been distressed, and no one seems to care about that, only that they can gain some advantage from her.

    Who gets the shaft? Little Tripp.

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      I hope Levi's lawyer asks the Judge for an evaluation, emotional and psychological.

      That would be a compassionate way to go. The approach where Bristol's evil and hate are reviled will not end up as well. She can't help what is her DNA and what she learned from her parents. It is on her now she is an adult but others can try compassion and seeing to it she finds the rehab and treatment she so much is in need of now.

    2. Anonymous11:40 AM

      It'd be nice if he could get the courts to bar her mentioning Tripp on any politicized page of hers. Force her to keep her family life out of the public eye

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      My best friends little sister was "special" from birth and when she became a "fertile being" her parents made sure that her caretakers gave her Depoprovara shots ever three months so that she wouldn't get pregnant when she acted on her basic impulses (which she sometimes couldn't control and she went to a special institution in another state so they wanted to make sure she was protected because apparently the patients there engaged in lots of sex, even thought they had constant monitoring.) I think the Palins should have maybe done this for Bristol, then she wouldn't be having these issues with all the bastard children.

    4. Anonymous3:26 PM

      The things she does and choices she makes does lend her to being rather slow witted...

    5. Anonymous5:10 PM

      barstool's raising tripp exactly how her skank white trash "mom" raised her

  45. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I hope the truth, all of the truth and nothing but the truth comes out of this court.

    It could be the opportunity Bristol needs to start to build her life on a healthy foundation. Perhaps she will get the counseling she needs to break away from her domineering mother and father.

    Hopefully the truth will allow Tripp to grow up an emotionally stable and happy young man.

    And I hope all of Sarah's and Todd's lies are revealed to the world - once and for all.

    The truth is what is lacking in the Palin scenario.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Bristol does not need counseling as much as a good heart and basic human decency. She has demonstrated an apalling lack of empathy that no therapist can cure.

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      as with all the palin's/heath's, what you see is what you get, nothing more, nothing less ..... that'd be total white trash/bottom of the barrel ...

  46. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Wait until they ask Bristol how many biological children she has had and how many viable pregnancies. LMAO!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      she'll lie... It's not like they will have her medical records. She lied on the stand before.....she'll do it again.

  47. Our Lad4:59 PM

    The Palin clan all seem to believe that noteriety and immunity are issued in tandem, they appear convinced that they are beyond the reach of the law and ignorant of the fact that people with far more influence and money have found out the hard way that that is not necessarily true. You don't have to be O.J. Simpson or Phil Spector, sometimes the juriseprudence will show that it likes snacks and between meal treats. Were I any one of these yabahoes I think that I might tone it down, be happy for the small fortune I had accumulated and not tease the lion with quite the glee with which they have become accustomed. That will of course never happen and somewhere down the line one or more of these characters is going to run into a hardass with a point to prove, and on that day we may see all the laughter dying in sorrow and a long awaited perp walk. Oh! The humanity!

  48. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

    Good Luck Levi, Mrs Johnson, Mercede, Sunny, Breeze and especially Tripp. Looks like Levi got representation that has Tripp's best interest at heart. Can't wait for the gluttonous insomniac's next post regarding scripture she came across that said a child is better served by a pompous egomaniac than a married family unit. Keep lickin and flippin Nancy, I'm sure there's SOMETHING you can use. Hands off the Pound Cakes, they have rams's name on them, Bristol!

  49. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Bristol aka Nancy French has blocked me from blog. LOL I am also blocked from C4P. Freedom of speech hurrah. I still can get on the dumb clucks.
    They are not registering my up arrows either. If you look at my Discuss account you will see why. LOL


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.