Friday, February 07, 2014

Mitch McConnell has the same low approval ratings in his deeply red state as President Obama. Did I mention that this is in McConnell's own state?

Courtesy of TPM:  

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) job approval rating is almost the same as President Barack Obama's in Kentucky, a new poll found. 

The Herald-Leader/WKYT Bluegross poll released Thursday evening found 32 percent of those surveyed said they approve of McConnell's job performance while 60 percent said they disapproved of the job the top Senate Republican has done. That rating is almost the same as Obama's approval rating in the state, which is 34 percent and his disapproval is about 60 percent. 

What's more, the poll found Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes (D) holds a small 4-point lead over McConnell in the Kentucky Senate race. The poll found Grimes with 46 percent support among Kentucky voters while McConnell has 42 percent support. That finding though is essentially within the poll's plus or minus 3-point margin of error.

The good news for McConnell is that he is probably going to win his primary against Tea Party challenger Matt Bevin.  That way he can be humiliated in the general by a woman instead of earlier in the primary by an idiot.

Of course McConnell could still win since Kentucky is much like Alaska in that we never replace our Senators unless one of them is indicted by the FBI.

Still with his approval ratings at 32%, and his only real achievement in the last four years refusing to do his job in the Senate and sabotaging the President's policies, this might be all Kentucky needs to decide that they would like to replace Yertle the Turtle with a Senator who actually WANTS to do the job.


  1. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I so hope they get out the vote in Kentucky and send Grimes to Congress. McConnell has been nothing more than an ugly politician (Republican) trying to obstruct President Obama from the day he was elected the 'first' time. It drives them nuts that President Obama won the second term....they've never gotten over it.

    We need to get rid of the old, white Republican guys in Congress and replace them w/younger people (hopefully, more women!) that are energetic, willing to work and change the crud that has been going on back there for a number of years!

    We need 'change' in more way than one. Best wishes to President Obama in the few years he has left.

  2. Anonymous8:26 AM

    These old farts just don't get it. They're contingencies are getting old too and possibly senile. McConnell and his generation are experiencing the commencement of a new generation that is not in tune with the old thought. The middle-aged Republicans may have a little time yet to keep the old traditions afloat, but they are few and far between.

    While watching American Idol, I got the sense that the youth and young adults seem extremely tolerant of each other, and it's nice to see them work together, without political constraints. Today's young adult generation are fed up with the way the adults in Congress and in media have behaved. They're looking for genuine honest and real. They will be the new voters and the GOP are going to have to deal with it, with much flailing and gasping and fighting tooth and nail before finally admitting defeat.

    It's a time, not unlike an elderly senile king or queen stepping down and crowning the new heir. There's both grief of passing away the old to rejoicing for looking forward to the future.

  3. Anonymous8:41 AM

    You can't polish a turd. I don't care how much Koch money you have. Suck it, Citizens United.

  4. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Small Donations Power Democrats to a Smashing Fundraising Victory Over Republicans

    House Democrats continue to outraise Republicans, even though they’re the majority. Politico reported that Democrats beat Republicans by more than $15 million in 2013. That is a record-breaking $75.8 million year, while the NRCC raised $60.6 million.

    Scott Bland noted in the National Journal that Democrats were smashing their online haul records even though they were in the minority, a surprising trend that he attributed in part to Democrats’ huge digital advantage over Republicans:

    1. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon10:55 AM

      "House Democrats continue to outraise Republicans, even though they’re the majority. Politico reported that Democrats beat Republicans by more than $15 million in 2013. That is a record-breaking $75.8 million year, while the NRCC raised $60.6 million."
      That $15 million edge is eclipsed by sums like the $400 million/year that the Koch brothers have spent recently.

  5. Anonymous10:19 AM

    You liberals crack me up with your diplomatic niceties.

    So I'll just go ahead and slit the jugular.

    Mitch looks like a Galápagos tortoise.

  6. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon10:50 AM

    I don't understand why McConnell is so unpopular with his retrograde constituents, while other equally destructive electeds such as Boehner, Cantor, Rand Paul, Cruz, Ryan, Walker, Bachman, Jindal, Issa, Corbett, Christie, Angle, Snyder, Haley, et al. have much better numbers.

    Is it because he looks like a 115-year-old turtle?

  7. Anonymous11:58 AM

    McConnell made a huge tactical error attacking Ashley Judd.
    His nasty attacks at her lost him a chunk of support. Then, lol, she isn't even his opponent.

  8. Anonymous12:05 PM

    The Big Dog Bites Mitch: Bill Clinton to Campaign for Kentucky’s Alison Grimes

    Kentucky Democratic Senatorial candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes’ campaign issued a statement that they are “proud to announce that President Bill Clinton will be in Kentucky for his first stop of the 2014 cycle later this month.” On Tuesday, February 25, President Clinton will visit Louisville to campaign for Alison Lundergan Grimes, the current Kentucky Secretary of State.

    Yes, that’s right. The Big Dog is coming to Kentucky to take a bite outta Mitch.

    “We appreciate President Clinton’s friendship and are excited that he is making our campaign a top priority,” Grimes senior adviser Jonathan Hurst said Friday. “We’re proud to have the President as a key part of this campaign.”

  9. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Rand Paul Desperately Doubles Down On His Criticism Of The Clintons Over Lewinsky Affair

    ...Rand Paul is foolish if he thinks this is going to be a good strategy to attack Hillary Clinton with. One, Bill Clinton is still extremely popular, whether it is with women, moderates or independents. He doesn’t just appeal to hardcore Democrats. He is popular across the board, as he was back when Republicans tried to impeach him in 1998 and 1999. Bringing him into the fray is only going to be a loser for Paul. You don’t want to tangle with the Big Dog.

    Second, it just highlights how lacking Rand Paul is of any legitimate policy ideas. He’d rather harp about a 15+ year old scandal that actually made the President and his wife come out looking better due to how much the GOP overplayed its hand. He knows he can’t discuss his own ideals or his party’s policy goals, because there are none. Somehow, he thinks calling Bill Clinton a sexual predator is going to wipe clean the complete disregard that Republicans have had for women, or at least put them on even ground with Democrats.

    When you really break down what Paul is saying, you see a child’s argument. The argument of someone who thinks one thing negates everything else. Therefore, he is stating that Hillary Clinton can’t serve as President because of her husband’s transgressions and Democrats can’t be for women’s rights because Clinton fooled around while in office. By that logic, we can never trust Paul to be honest due to his recent plagiarizing issues. On top of that, it is apparent that Paul is a racist, since he knowingly employed an avowed pro-secessionist, white supremacist on his staff.

    If Paul wants to play those games, he has to deal with the consequences as well. So I am sure he would fully admit that he is unfit to run for the White House. Right?

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      So, is this Rand Paul's strategy for his upcoming presidential campaign? To rehash the Clinton affair when the vast majority of voters either don't remember it or don't give a shit? He won't even make it out of the primaries.

  10. Anonymous12:14 PM

    From everything I've been reading, the ACA roll-out in Kentucky has been a rousing success. That's one major campaign point McConnell can't use to help himself.

    Kentucky may still be very conservative, but I think that even they are finally realizing how much damage McConnell has done to this country.

  11. Caroll Thompson2:04 PM

    This is good news. If they can get a good ground game on, Mitch might be toast.

  12. Anita Winecooler5:41 PM

    He's his own worst enemy. When Ashley was considering to run against him, he prematurely went ballistic, then retreated his head back into it's shell. Then when Grimes ACTUALLY declared a run, he came out with the most assinine "Grimes Rhymes With...." chop shop of an ad. God forbid someone goes after him, he brings up his wife who's of Chinese Ancestry and cries discrimination. I hope Grimes mops the floor with him.


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