Sunday, February 09, 2014

New book claims that General Petraeus believes that Hillary Clinton would make a "tremendous" President partially because of, wait for it, Benghazi. I know right?

Courtesy of the National Memo: 

General David Petraeus — the man whom Fox News’ Roger Ailes tried to persuade to run for president as a Republican in 2012 — thinks Hillary Clinton would make “a tremendous president,” according to the new book HRC by authors Jonathan Allen and Aimee Parnes. 

And the reasoning from the former head of the Central Intelligence Agency is the exact opposite of Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), who has been suggesting for months that the Benghazi terrorist attacks, which claimed four American lives, including that of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, should disqualify the former first lady from higher office. 

“Like a lot of great leaders, her most impressive qualities were most visible during tough times,” Petraeus said. “In the wake of the Benghazi attacks, for example, she was extraordinarily resolute, determined, and controlled.”

So to be clear here, the guy that the Right Wing tried desperately to recruit as a presidential candidate, thinks that the person they believe should be disqualified from running due to Benghazi, would actually make a "tremendous" President because of her handling of Benghazi.

You know I often suggest that certain things will cause Right Wing heads to explode, but if such a detonation were possible, THIS would certainly cause it.


  1. Some of these situations have no right or wrong, and I believe Mrs. Clinton has good instincts.

    Let the explosions begin.

  2. Anonymous4:55 PM

    O/T bus Oh my goodness, what is happening in Alaska, Gryphen? Is it melting?

    ...With a road as critical as the Richardson Highway out of commission, residents had to rely on ferry or air travel as the only methods of leaving the town, or to receive fuel and supplies. It took nearly two weeks of crews working around the clock to clear the road.

    At the Alaska Avalanche Information Center in Valdez, forecaster Sarah Carter said ten days of warmer-than-usual temperatures and rainfall weakened the snowpack. “This cycle is more consistent with what we see in the springtime.”

    “This was an abnormal event,” Carter said. “If we do have weather patterns that produce storms with warmer temperatures, we could indeed see avalanches of this caliber more frequently.”

    The warm weather that buried the road to Valdez is emblematic of the unseasonably hot weather that blanketed Alaska while cold moved down to the Lower 48 in January. Port Alsworth, Alaska hit 62°F (16.7°C) on January 27, which tied the all-time warmest January temperature for the state. Many other towns set records, as much as 40°F (22°C) above normal. Nome hit 48°F, a record high, and more likely to be seen in late May. A National Weather Service statement said that temperatures in Fairbanks fell below normal only four days in the month of January. The average high temperature at Faribanks Airport was 16.4°F — much warmer than the normal high of 1.1°F.

    This map shows how much warmer different parts of Alaska were during the last week of January — red signifies 18°C warmer than the 2001-2010 average for the same week.

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Lets see who the Republicans can offer as a human sacrifice against a woman who was a lawyer, US Senator and US Secretary of State. I can guarantee it's not that idiot who waits for Putin to rear his head over Alaska. That ship sailed a long time ago and sank.

  3. How about 2014 and President Obama - too many supposed supporters of the President do not want him to get the history he has well earned. The first Clinton did little for the US - what is the 2nd one supposed to do?

    1. ??? The economy was in very good shape under the first Clinton.

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Bill Clinton did little for the US??? LOL! What frigging rocks were you living under? He took Bush seniors crappy economy and ushered in a booming budget surplus which W pissed away for tax cuts to the rich and an unfunded Medicare Part D drug plan.

    3. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Huh? Were you living under a rock in the 90s? Sure he wasn't perfect, but just a few little things happened, like taking the largest budget deficit in American history to the largest surplus - more at this link:

    4. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Well, as far as 2014 we aren't electing a US president. And we all wish we had the economy that we had under Bill. But run along and adjust your tin foil hat...oh, and don't forget to air up the tires on your house, it's National Trailer Park Day.

    5. Sure he introduced things likeDOMA, DADT - gave the banks the freedom to generate the 2008 crash

      His 2nd term was a wipeout - he reduced taxes - it is so easy to look good when the economy is doing well - and employment is high.

      He did really really well with health care - that he was elected to legislate - also too.

      I just do not understand the Clinton worship. The economy was good & that should have ensured a dem election in 2000 - but no - other things happened.

  4. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Somewhere in a lonely house in Phoenix there is a refrigerator with a new dent. Leaving it to wonder, yet again, what it did to trigger the rage.

    Little Rabbit

    1. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

      HA! I can see the infomercial already!!!

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      "Do you have a raging borderline personality in your house? Are your appliances taking an undeserved beating? The Rock Block by Ronco can protect them for you. No more unsightly dents when your pimp comes to call. The thin 3 mm protection offered by the Rock Block is not even noticeable, but using a polymer developed for NASA it will stop all sorts of cans, rocks, and even the occasional hooker from damaging your appliances. The Rock Block, simple, almost invisible and it is not available in stores. But if you call 1-800 RocBloc it can be yours."

  5. Anita Winecooler6:26 PM

    Not that she needs HIS endorsement, but he WAS there and saw her in action.

    "“Like a lot of great leaders, her most impressive qualities were most visible during tough times,” Petraeus said. “In the wake of the Benghazi attacks, for example, she was extraordinarily resolute, determined, and controlled.”

    Yep, GOP heads are going to explode, Fox will be on this like roadkill on Sarah's skull. AND we all know how the GOP LOVES their military, especially Petreus with all them colored stripes and medals.
    Unfortunately, nothing will kill the "Benghazipalooza" war cry.

  6. Anonymous7:48 PM

    New book claims that General Petraeus believes that Hillary Clinton would make a "tremendous" President partially because of, wait for it, Benghazi. 

    What about Commander Sarah Palin of the Alaska National Guard? Before Commander Sarah Palin quit 1/2 way through her command, Russia or Canada never attacked Wasilla. Doesn't that count for something?

    1. Anonymous9:06 PM

      The words "commander" and "Sarah Palin" should never--NEVER--be uttered in the same sentence.

    2. Anonymous3:33 AM

      Isn't that what she said gave her foreign affairs experience back then...head of the Alaska National Guard in case Russia attacked us? She cracked me up, as usual!

  7. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Baahahahahahahahah! FOX will be crying "General Betray Us!!!" in short order.

  8. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Love it, love it, love it! Republicans are going to shit green nickels!

  9. London Bridges10:00 AM

    Petraus: Two words: Ted Westhusing.

  10. London Bridges10:06 AM

    Another Hillary article:


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It just goes directly to their thighs.