Tuesday, February 04, 2014

New poll shows that Mark Begich has little to fear from challengers. At least so far.

There is a new PPP poll out that shows Mark Begich has a rather comfortable lead over any potential challengers in 2014.

The poll is interesting because even though 58% of the responders think that President Obama is doing a bad job, and only 44% think Mark Begich is doing a good one, they still give the nod to Begich in every match up.

If the contest were between Begich and Mead Treadwell, Begich comes out ahead 43% to 37%.

Against Dan Sullivan (The Attorney General, not the moronic mayor) Begich comes out on top 41% to 37%.

However it is against Joe Miller that Begich really spikes the ball, with a 45% to 25% lead. (Only 16% of Alaskans find Miller favorable, and a whopping 62% can't stand the vaguely bearded prick.)

For shits and giggles PPP also threw in the ridiculous question of who would win in a match up between Begich and that crazy lady who lives in Arizona now. In that one Begich still makes her eat his dust, but she does get 40% to his 44%, but as we know once she were to start making appearances here, and showing up in political advertisements on our televisions, that number would plummet into Joe Miller territory.

Besides I think you have to actually live here in order to represent us in the Senate.

To be fair we are just now starting this election year, and undoubtedly these numbers will change. However if Begich does not do anything stupid, and the health care numbers continue to improve, he should win this election handily.


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Why did Sarah really quit? Was there really an iceberg? HAHAHA

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Yes there was. Somehow by quitting she got out from under it and all the pending ethics complaints against her.
      And that is why she can't ever run for anything again.HAHAHA! :)

  2. ibwilliamsi12:51 PM

    Only the one in her bedroom.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM


      There is an iceberg.

      It's why she isn't governor anymore.

      The water got too hot for Sno Snookie.

      There is a reason why I am stating that here.


  3. Anonymous1:03 PM

    G -
    Your last sentence is exactly what I was thinking. No porn, no hookers, no illegitimate children, no nothin'. Keep it clean, Mark, and you will win.

    Pat Padrnos

  4. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Super PAC TV Ad Touts Dan Sullivan in Alaska

    An Alaska-based super PAC formed to support the Senate campaign of Republican Dan Sullivan launched a TV ad Tuesday that paints him in the mold of Ronald Reagan and longtime Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens.

    Sullivan, a former state attorney general and commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources, is vying for the Republican nomination to take on Democratic Sen. Mark Begich, who defeated Stevens in 2008. Begich is a top target of national Republicans, who are hoping to net six seats this fall to regain control of the Senate.

    The ad, from Alaska’s Energy/America’s Values, is backed by a $41,000 buy and will air statewide this month, according to a release shared first with CQ Roll Call. It starts off with the voices of Reagan and Stevens before cutting to a clip from Sullivan’s campaign announcement press conference in October.

    “Washington is broken,” Sullivan says in the clip. “Not only does it not see the opportunities, it undermines them. We can, we must and we will change this.”


  5. Anonymous1:20 PM

    She’s in: Sandra Fluke to run for Henry Waxman’s congressional seat in California


  6. Anonymous1:26 PM


    A news anchor at an Atlanta television station on Monday destroyed conservatives who lashed out a Coca-Cola Super Bowl commercial because it included people from different cultures and different sexual orientations singing “America the Beautiful” in multiple languages.

    Following Coca-Cola’s inclusive Super Bowl advertisement on Sunday night, racist remarks erupted on Twitter and conservatives like Glenn Beck accused the company of trying to “divide people.”

    “Coca-Cola has always been about inclusion,” WXIA’s Brenda Woods noted during her “Last Word” segment on Monday’s newscast. “But the fact that people are outraged over this ad is outrageous itself. People indignant that others would have the audacity to sing ‘America the Beautiful’ in a language other than English, when America was built on opening its arms to the world?”

    “The quote on the Statue of Liberty doesn’t say ‘give me your English-speaking only, Christianity-believing, heterosexual masses.’ It says ‘give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses tempest-tost,’” she continued. “Have we forgotten that every one of us ‘Americans’ except for Native Americans, are descendants of foreigners? That the English language is from England?”

    Woods pointed out that America’s strength came from diversity and being a melting pot.

    “How dare there be indignation over the very thing that makes us great,” she said. “What’s so sacrosanct about this song that it can’t be sung in other languages by other ethnicities, by those of diverse religions and diverse lifestyles?”

    “A relevant question considering the words of ‘America the Beautiful’ were penned by a gay woman, Katharine Lee Bates, in 1895, an English professor at Wellesley who also wrote lovingly of her longtime committed relationship with another woman.”

    Watch this video from WXIA, broadcast Feb. 3, 2014.


    1. Anita Winecooler5:56 PM

      THAT'S how it's done! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Yea, for Alaska!!! Could it turn back to being blue in the upcoming elections?

    Could Governor Parnell be in jeopardy? Are folks as sick and tired of Republicans as am I? Were there questions concerning Parnell asked in this poll since he is up for reelection?

    You can be sure the 'reds' are going to throw a LOT of money into the election! Alaskans need to remember that the vote is what counts - each and every one!

  8. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Sarah looking strong for the Senate race.
    Donate to SARAH PAC.
    Drink Pepsi!!!

  9. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Hmm, perhaps this is why Caribou Harridan is spending her first winter in AK since 2010? She might actually be going to pretend to run for the US Senate? However, a Senate campaign takes a little more work than stuffing a pillow up your shirt.

  10. Anonymous3:01 PM

    2:33 Do not believe she has the 'balls' to run for ANY office in Alaska after having quit as their governor! Plus, we already know she doesn't have the work ethic and was deemed to be 'unethical' by the Alaska Legislature. She has a bad, bad record in Alaska and nationally!

  11. Anita Winecooler6:06 PM

    Sarah's MO is to insert herself where she's not needed nor wanted. She chased all the GOP candidates and set up her own tent to try to get some media attention. Alaska's done with her. The only reason she's hanging around AK is to keep a sharp eye on Bristol's Custody Case against Levi. She's supposedly in her early twenties biologically, but she needs mommy's advice and approval on everything.

  12. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Auntie Sarah is it true that you can use Glenn Rice's penis as a horseshoe stake?


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