Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Relaxed gun laws in Missouri have resulted in around 60 more deaths per year. Sure, like those two things are related.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A new study has found that around 60 more people have been murdered each year since the state of Missouri made it easier to buy a handguns without going through a background check. 

In the study which will be published in an issue of the Journal of Urban Health, a team of researchers led by Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research Director Daniel Webster found that between 55 to 63 more people were murdered each year after Missouri repealed its permit-to-purchase (PTP) handgun law in 2007. 

“This study provides compelling confirmation that weaknesses in firearm laws lead to deaths from gun violence,” Webster said in a press release. “There is strong evidence to support the idea that the repeal of Missouri’s handgun purchaser licensing law contributed to dozens of additional murders in Missouri each year since the law was changed.” 

After the law was repealed, unlicensed sellers were no longer required to perform background checks before selling their guns. 

While murders in Missouri spiked between 2007 and 2012, bordering states experienced no significant increases. And the overall murder rate in the U.S. declined by 5 percent during that same period.

Gee, who could have predicted that more guns on the street, in the hands of individuals who may or may not have a criminal record, would result in more gun deaths?

After all everybody knows that more guns in the hands of our citizens results in fewer shootings and gun fatalities, right Wayne La Pierre?


  1. Sally in MI1:11 PM

    Where is old Wayne? Cowering in a bunker somewhere? All these kids getting shot in their own homes, by siblings or 'responsible adults.' All the innocents gunned down walking down the street. Yes, Wayne, you and your gun lobby have turned America into an awful place. I pray we can get our sanity back before more people are 'accidentally' shot by your innocent little penis extenders. I mean, since "guns don't kill people, people kill people," wouldn't it be logical to insure that the PEOPLE who carry guns know that they can kill and know how to prevent that? Or are you really scamming for the private prison system?

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Perhaps he has stock in funeral homes and is just trying to increase his business.

    2. I wouldn't put it past him.

  2. Anonymous1:30 PM

    How did the NRA ever allow this study to be done? Attack the study, attack the researchers, whatever you do, do not look at stats and polls, they are or strippers and whatnot.

  3. Wayne is working hard behind the scenes to make sure that good guys with guns have enough bad guys with guns targets by blocking a measure that would require Missouri citizens to report stolen firearms.


    That is, when he's not playing 'pew-pew-pew' with himself.

  4. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Which red state will be the first to allow grade school kids to bring guns to school?

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      As long as they have one of those nifty new bullet-proof backpacks, they should be all set.

      Don't forget to add them to your back-to-school list!

  5. Beldar Tufnel Conehead2:02 PM

    Don't forget, Gryphen, there's two sides to every story, uh... shooting.

    There's the victim and there's the victor, which is never the same person, unless you've killed an unarmed black teenager, then you're both, according to Music Volume Enforcement Neighborhood Watch Coordinator Michael Dunn..

    To paraphrase the world's greatest road manager, Ian Faith of "This Is Lumbar Puncture", "If someone else is the victim, it's different. It's not murder."

    (Just checking here. None of that made any sense, right?)

  6. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Sorry but this article seems short on facts for drawing conclusions from. Missouri has plenty other mitigating factors not the least of which includes an enormous meth problem. On the flip-side some of the strongest gun regulation areas around the nation have some of the worst gun violence. The argument can go either way based on how you want to use statistical data to prove your side.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Some of those "strongest gun regulation areas" you are talking about are surrounded by places that have very lax gun laws.

      Unless you want law enforcement patrols doing searches at the city and state borders, those areas are at the mercy of the laws around them.

    2. Anonymous3:21 AM

      You sure about that look at chicago and illnois. The murder capital of this country with very if not the most strict laws on firearms along with new York City and california.

  7. Anonymous2:43 PM

    If everyone had a gun, the snow wouldn't get plowed. Or... ARM THE SNOWPLOW DRIVERS!

    Snowplow driver to irate man: 'I'll move the snow, please don't shoot me' http://www.mlive.com/news/ann-arbor/index.ssf/2014/02/snowplow_driver_says_he_told_i.html

  8. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Are there any gun activists who are not obese, white males
    wearin' camo?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:50 PM

      Does the quitter count?

  9. Anita Winecooler6:47 PM

    I think a cost/ benefit analysis is in order. That, and tightening gun control laws, cause "lax" just ain't cutting it for me.

  10. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Good God! We're one crop away from the plumber's crack!

  11. That's gonna happen one day or the other. When it is easy to buy weapons then everyone will buy it, no matter what background/criminal record he/she has.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.