Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Sandra Fluke officially registers to run for the recently vacated California seat in Congress. You know this might just kill Rush Limbaugh. Update!

Courtesy of Raw Story:

 Reproductive health care advocate Sandra Fluke has filed papers to run for the U.S. House of Representatives in California. According to the Washington Post, the former Georgetown University student is running in the Democratic primary to fill the seat left vacant by the retirement of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA). 

A spokesperson for the California Democratic Party confirmed to the Post that Fluke has filed paperwork to run in the primary for California’s 33rd District. Other candidates for the seat include former Los Angeles mayoral candidate Wendy Greuel (D) and state Sen. Ted Lieu (D).

Let's see we have Wendy Davis running for Governor of Texas,  Alison Lundergan Grimes running for Mitch McConnell's Senate seat in Kentucky, Hillary running for President in 2016, and now Sandra Fluke running in California.

Has there ever been a worst time in this country for misogynist white males?

I think not.

Update: As many of you have pointed out Fluke  has decided to run for the state senate instead: 

Democratic attorney and activist Sandra Fluke has decided against running for retiring Rep. Henry A. Waxman’s congressional seat, instead planning a bid for the state Senate. 

"I am extremely moved by the outpouring of local and national support I have received since I announced that I was considering running for office. My entire career has been devoted to the public interest, whether representing victims of human trafficking or advocating for working families,” Fluke said late Tuesday night. “I am committed to continuing that fight in Sacramento, working to protect our environment, ensure our access to health care, and create the jobs that are desperately needed. While I strongly considered offering my candidacy for Congress, I feel there is a better way for me to advance the causes that are important to our community.”

Okay well it would have been more entertaining to watch the Right Wing flip out about her going to Congress. but this is good too.


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I think she already withdrew her name. going to try for state senate.

  2. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Fluke opted out of the Congressional race and is running for the CA state Senate.

  3. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Meanwhile, MSNBC is kicking ASS, Elizabeth Warren obliterates Republicans for blocking unemployment benefits, Fox gets taken to the woodshed by Jon Stewart and busted Republicans try to skulk away from their fake IRS scandal...good times!

    MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell All Beat Fox News

    MSNBC’s coverage of the Chris Christie scandal has powered Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell all to wins over Fox News with younger viewers age 25-54.

    According to TVNewser, Monday was a very good night for MSNBC, “It was also a good night for MSNBC, which continued its coverage of the Chris Christie scandal throughout primetime. The network won in the demo at 7pmET, 9pmET and 10pmET. “Hardball with Chris Matthews” beat “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” by +31,000 A25-54 viewers. Rachel Maddow’s program beat Megyn Kelly’s by +100,000 demo viewers, and “The Last Word” beat “Hannity” by +82,000.”

    The only time slot that Fox won was at 8 PM, where Bill O’Reilly saw his audience swell to nearly double its normal size, because he was airing part two of his interview with President Obama. Fox News’ struggles to draw younger viewers have been well documented, but the cable news leader almost lost an entire night to MSNBC. If it wasn’t for Barack Obama, Fox might have been totally screwed.

    MSNBC has been riding a wave of great ratings with younger viewers, while Fox has struggled because the Chris Christie scandal remains the story that shall not be discussed on the cable news leader. Everything that Fox News has tried to attract younger viewers has completely failed. Megyn Kelly isn’t bringing in the younger viewers, and in fact she has been on the losing end often during her battle for the coveted 25-54 demo with Rachel Maddow...

  4. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I think this is a wise decision. Let her get a little more experience under her belt before she goes for a congressional seat. Yes, I am a woman and yes when I was her age, I felt like I could conquer the world. A little older and a little wiser, I carefully choose my options.

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Hey Gryphen, have you seen how poor Bill is ranting and raving over the lack of positive reviews on his rude and uncouth interview with our president? He is in big time crybaby territory.

    Thin-skinned Bill O’Reilly goes on epic rant over criticism of his Obama interview

    ...Milbank wrote of O’Reilly’s Sunday interview with the president that the bellicose Fox host had “10 minutes to question the man he decries to millions nightly. O’Reilly devoted nearly 40 percent of his time to the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, 30 percent to the Obamacare rollout and 20 percent to IRS targeting.”

    “Along the way, he interrupted the president 42 times, by my count,” Milbank wrote, “although, given the amount O’Reilly spoke, it may be more accurate to say Obama was interrupting him. Sometimes he argued with Obama as though the president were a guest on ‘The O’Reilly Factor.’ Of the 2,500 words uttered during the interview, O’Reilly spoke nearly 1,000 of them.”

    O’Reilly told Hewitt that Milbank’s assessment was unfair and disingenuous.

    “You know, the far left kooks like this nut at the Washington Post, Milbank, well, he’s a dishonest man, Milbank,” O’Reilly sulked. “You know, he says the interview was nasty. Did you think it was nasty?”

  6. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I think she is doing the correct thing as this route will provide her more experience. Will be enjoyable watching her career as I think she has promise! Hope we'll see her in the U.S. Congress someday!

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      That's what I was thinking! as well as not stepping on the toes of people who have paid their dues. That may or may not be fair, or good just commenting on it being realistic. I suspect sometimes it's good, and somtimes not so much.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      I was going to say the same thing. And I guess I will...this will give her more experience and will take away the (valid) arguments that she has little or no experience to run for Congress.

      It also, I think, gives her more credibility in that it seems she's more interested in starting small and working up, as opposed to seeming to jump into national politics to take advantage of temporary national attention.

      Give her a couple years and she'll be bullet proof going into whatever race she decides to take on next.

  7. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Where do I donate?

  8. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Ha, ha! Jon Stewart really took it to Fox on his show, this is a must see!

    ...Jon Stewart felt he was getting trapped in a “distraction loop” generated by Fox News’ insistence that President Barack Obama is forever trying to mislead the country, no matter what he’s discussing. Then he came to a realization.

    “Unless, of course, Fox News is attempting to distract us from noticing that, rather [than] being a news organization, they’re a spite-driven anger machine rooted in a fear that any change in the status quo will inevitably erode our nation’s traditional power structure, leading to internment camps for ‘Real ‘Muricans,’ powered by solar energy and tacos,” he reasoned, before correcting himself slightly. “Wait — hard-shell gay tacos.”

    The latest installment in Fox’s “appetite for distraction,” Stewart observed, was the network’s complaints following Obama’s Super Bowl interview with Bill O’Reilly.

  9. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Another gun horror in American the Shooterfull.

  10. Anonymous1:48 PM

    She is awesome and the right-wing assholes who goes after her for her statements on birth control will look like the misogynist morons they are. I think we'll see a lot from Fluke in the future.

  11. Anonymous1:50 PM

    These "gentlemen" can't cope with real facts, delivered by real woman who aren't afraid of them.
    Rushbaugh, etc. can only denegrate their femininity, because they're afraid of real women who they can't control. The line is getting longer each week, Rushbo. You are an antiquated Billy Sunday, without the charisma or "charm" that will carry you on.
    Five years from now, mark my words: Rush will be relegated to a tiny-watt station that's piped into VA hospitals, where the poor, broken soldiers are too weak to change the dial.

  12. Stepping stone - Sandra Fluke will end up in congress - could well be the first female US President in another 10-15 years

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Here's hoping we don't have to wait 10-15 years for our first female president.

  13. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Wasn't she the one President Obama call after rush limbogg called her a slut, and bristol palin wanted to know when the President going to call her, was that Sandra Fluke? if so expect someone in the palin's household to play victim again, you know, so they can fleece the paint chip eaters,

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      The very one. She can withstand the Palin/RAM/Nancy attacks that are coming. Bristol barely knows what day it is, well, any of them actually.

  14. SHARON3:13 PM

    Thank goodness intelligent, strong women are jumping into the male cesspool of politics! Sandra will do well no matter where she goes.....incredibly elegant and gracious speaker, she wasn't rattled or intimated throughout all that shameful hearing.
    I do hope someone decent will come forward to replace Waxman because he is a loss for our side. Please find someone to run against Issa....please CA!!!

    1. Anonymous3:22 PM

      I hate to see Waxman go also, I know this makes issa happy, a few years ago Waxman was about to throw issa out on his ass at a hearing, loved watching that

  15. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Very few people knew who Fluke was until Rush opened his pie hole. He essentially made her a star! I hope that really hurts!


  16. Anonymous5:13 PM

    A dose of reality here...........don't think that a few battles won during a thirty-odd year war mean victory......stay the course and's a long haul to dominance......

  17. Anita Winecooler6:22 PM

    She's bright, poised and handles herself with grace. I'd love to see her in politics, I really think she'd do a great job. She's a wonderful role model for all women, especially the younger generation. Those are the qualities I'd like to see her run for. I couldn't give a crap about Rush Limbaugh and his ignorant sycophants.

  18. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Marianne Williamson (author, spiritual mentor and OWS speaker) is running as an independent in Waxman's district. Wayne Dyer is co-chair of her campaign.

  19. Damn. It couldn't be Darrell Issa?


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