Sunday, February 09, 2014

The George Zimmerman "celebrity" boxing match is off.

Courtesy of Time:  

It was going to be a matchup for the ages, but the promoter behind George Zimmerman’s fight with DMX has K.O.’ed the bout. 

Zimmerman’s promoter Damon Feldman has decided to forego “a lot of money” and cancel the controversial fight, according to his Twitter feed, because he’s concerned with hurting people’s feelings. 

Feldman is taking the blame for the decision to back out I think the real reason might be because the opponent they decided on, DMX, threatened to "beat the living f--k out of him." And urinate on his face once he had done so.

After all Zimmerman won't get to bring a gun into the ring which is the only way he feels manly enough to face off against a black guy.

I actually decided I wasn't going to write about this if it took place, but now that it has been cancelled there are a couple of things I think are worth pointing out.

One is that, despite our supposed progress toward increasingly civilized behaviors, we still live in a culture that is willing to pay to watch one man beat the crap out of another. And let's face it, not many eyes would be averted if DMX had whipped it out and urinated on Zimmerman. In fact for some that would have been the best part.

Second there was no way this was a good idea for Zimmerman no matter what the outcome.

If he, by some miracle, won, it would prove that the skinny 17 year old Trayvon Martin could not have beaten him down and made him feel helpless enough to justify killing him with a gun.

And if he lost, well he would simply be some idiot who got his ass handed to him on national television and even his racist supporters would be disappointed with his performance.

Not only that but earning money off of the "fame" that he apparently has for murdering an unarmed teenager would anger even those who may as of yet not despised his fat ass and he would need to hire even more protection.

Like I said I am glad the fight got cancelled. However just between you and me, there is still a primitive part of me that would like to see Zimmerman get his ass kicked all over the ring.

I am not saying I am proud of that, but it exists.


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Zimmerman is a wuss.

    A gun turns him into a bully.

    All bullies need a fat lip.

    I once physically took a pistol away from an open carry in a Chinese buffet. He immediately melted. The bully was harassing the Chinese waitresses and loudly complaining about the family sitting next to his table.

    BTW, I work in law enforcement.

    Federal level.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      On behalf of that wait staff and the other customers in that restaurant, thank you.

  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    When we think about Zimmerman it is a double whammy. The first is the fact he killed a youngster and got away with it. The second is that he has profited financially off of that very act.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Anyone with a microgram of intelligence (or the sense to listen to what his attorneys undoubtedly advised him) would have realized that he got lucky in the not guilty verdict. He SHOULD have quietly retreated into whatever community that would take him, kept his head down and tried to stay out of trouble.

      However, because he's a stupid, uneducated, racist bully (which cost Trayvon Martin his life in the first place), he has to keep shooting his mouth off, thinking that laws don't apply to him, and getting his ugly mug in the news over and over again.

      One of these days, he's going to come up against someone bigger, with a bigger gun and a faster draw, and he's going to pay the ultimate price.

    2. Yeah, I agree. Little Georgie's comeuppance won't be televised because it will likely happen during one of his bullying sessions with females that this sack of shit pursues regularly in order to prove to himself how tough the fat boy can be.

      My preference for him is not a death wish. It's an ass-whipping by a woman who fights back and teaches him to never put his hands on a woman against her wishes. Following that, an obscure existence for his punk-ass outside the public eye would suit me, although he seems headed toward OJ territory.

      Supporting his little grift was not the finest moment for the RW gun nutters, but all too typical of their consistently supporting the most vile, antisocial persons. But there is no law against stupidity. Else there would be no rethugs able to vote on election day, as they would all be incarcerated.

      I'm glad the fight was cancelled. There was no upside and this kid-killer deserves no notoriety, only scorn and public ridicule whenever he makes a public appearance to promote his celebrity grift.

  3. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I hear ya, Gryphen.

  4. angela10:16 AM

    I thought this boxing thing was hideous. Is this where we are now? Why hasn't this murdering ass just disappeared into the ether? Zimmerman is murder porn -- Trayvon's family will never be free of this imbecile and the media who keeps him in the news.

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      The ultimate punishment for Georgie would be for a complete media blackout. Without the spotlight, he's just another thug.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Shunning. Complete shunning is needed for these types. Fame is becoming the ultimate success in this country, even if it's for the worst behaviour man known to man.

  5. The whole idea was morbid. I have to say DMX would have seriously delivered. No question. On all of it.

    And I would have watched, and I'm not happy about it, but I would have. Big.

  6. I think I read on a twitter feed that the promoter's going to do a press conference on Tuesday, to come to a final decision, of coarse zimmerman wants to fight DMX, because the rapper is struggling with drugs, I also read on that seem twitter feed, that DMX never agree to it, to profit off someone's death is evil

  7. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I don't care what they say, I think Zimmerman backed out. He is soft, pudgy and doesn't have the balls to go up against another man without a gun. He probably thought he would be boxing Octomom or an obscure teen mom, but when he found out who was offering to beat his ass he ran away crying.
    I'm a woman, on the north side of middle age and I bet I could beat his ass into the ground.
    He has no balls, he carries them in a clip because the only thing that makes him feel like a man is bullying women and youths when he is carrying.
    BTW I have a different perspective on this fight, I think Trayvon's family could have gotten some justice watching him get beat, though I suppose it would have been stopped before he really got hurt anyway.

  8. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I think that George Zimmerman should be ignored by the media; he should not be able to get employment; he should be treated as a non-person. What he wants is notoriety. Let's deny it to him.

  9. Leland1:24 PM

    The article I read stated that the PROMOTER pulled out because he himself was receiving death threats.

  10. Anonymous3:24 PM

    What we need to constantly point out is that Zimmerman's actions have emboldened other men in Florida with micro peens to kill other children and teens. There is a trial going on right now there. Same prosecutor as on the Zimmerman trial.


  11. Anita Winecooler5:38 PM

    Whatever the reason, I'm thrilled the plug got pulled. George thrives on attention, any attention. My thoughts are with the Martin Family. They lost their son and got screwed by a jury of Zimmerman's peers. Twelve idiots who found him not guilty.
    How they can look in a mirror or sleep soundly is beyond me.


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