Monday, March 17, 2014

After suffering setbacks in the political arena the gun control movement goes rogue. (Hey I can use that word too, she doesn't own it!)

Courtesy of The Hill:  

The American gun control movement is going corporate. 

Still reeling from the stinging legislative defeats of 2013, proponents of tougher firearm regulations are increasingly turning their focus to private sector campaigns. 

Gun control groups have claimed victories in recent months, successfully pushing Starbucks to declare guns unwelcome in stores and persuading Facebook to crack down on unregulated firearm solicitations. 

With no end in sight to the congressional gridlock that has thwarted more stringent federal gun laws, groups say they will continue to apply pressure on major companies. 

“Congress locked the door, so moms are going through the window,” said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action. 

The gun control organization, modeled on Mothers Against Drunk Driving, has made the corporate push a third prong of its strategy, along with campaigns to influence state and federal policies, Watts said. 

Pro-gun groups downplayed the likely effectiveness of these tactics, which have also been embraced by Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Americans for Responsible Solutions. 

Americans for Responsible Solutions is Gabby Giffords organization.  

I am not at all surprised to see that she, and Mark, do not take defeat lying down.

In my opinion this has a real chance of working, and despite their statements to the contrary I imagine that it is causing quite a lot of consternation over at the NRA.

If politicians are unwilling, or unable, to listen to reason then taking the issue straight to the business leaders and the people seems like the best way to get the word out and start changing some minds.


  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Here's some Monday morning crazy for ya, G!

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I noticed that "going rogue" became a phrase hollyywood writers started using from 2010 on. It's everywhere. I was watching an old Greys anatomy and it was THE theme.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Firedoggers hate everything about Obama yet they offer up no solutions regarding the 2016 Presidential race. They are left wing TeaBaggers and as the baggers are wont to do, complain, whine, whinge yet offer no solutions to the wrongs that they feel are part of the current regime.

      Just a bunch of far left wingers complaining to no end. They should just get in bed with the TeaBags as they would make a wonderful union which whines loudly but accomplishes nothing.

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Joementum: Morning Joe Ran a Big Ol’ Joe Scarborough Campaign Ad This Morning

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Scarborough has a dead intern problem. He'll never run for anything.

  4. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Here's the thing. We have a basic right to free speech. This is a right, regardless of location, or method. A person can stand on the corner with a sign stating tea baggers suck. They can have a radio show declaring Repubs are against women, someone can have a blog and write whatever they want, about anything they want. This right is only limited to not causing danger to others, like yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater.

    In that same capacity, a person has the right to keep and bear arms. This means that a person can own, and carry a firearm, anywhere, limited only by not "brandishing it unsafely, and causing harm". That was the original idea.

    The fact that some take a right too far, is a different matter. They should pass a law banning people from yelling fire in a crowded theater, and pass a law stating that murder by firearm is illegal. Oh wait. They did.

    It is not that making guns illegal will get them off the street. Just look at the problem with drugs. It is a fundamental right, recognized by the founders, addressed in the constitution, that allows us the ability to choose how we protect ourselves and our families. It is not John Q Public that you have to worry about. It is the criminal. If they are looking to cause mayhem murder and destruction, they will. Allowing me to even the playing field by owning a gun to protect myself, isn't giving a criminal the green light to rape, murder, pillage me, it is giving me a fair chance. I might not be strong enough to fend off an attacker. I know a favorite line is that he'll take the gun from me, but I have NO chance without one. I have some chance with it.

    Joe Baden stated that we have too many laws to enforce them. Why don't we start there. If someone lies on a background check...they go to jail. Pres O stated that the background checks stopped a bunch of folks from getting a gun...BUT THEY WEREN'T PROSECUTED!!! Maybe you should start with the laws already on the books. Unless the President decides arbitrarily to not enforce those, too.

  5. Thanks for sharing this informative post. Gun control law will help in controlling gun violence.

  6. Anonymous8:18 PM

    It hasn't in Chicago, New York, or many other cities in which crime is out of hand.


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