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"Science is not there for you to cherry pick." |
Courtesy of Raw Story:
Creationists held a pity party for themselves Thursday because “Cosmos” isn’t being fair and balanced to their beliefs.
“Creationists aren’t even on the radar screen for them, they wouldn’t even consider us plausible at all,” said Danny Falkner, of Answers In Genesis, which has previously complained about the show.
Falkner appeared Thursday on “The Janet Mefford Show” to complain the Fox television series and its host, Neil deGrasse Tyson, had marginalized those with dissenting views on accepted scientific truths, reported Right Wing Watch.
“I don’t recall seeing any interviews with people – that may yet come – but it’s based upon the narration from the host and then various types of little video clips of various things, cartoons and things like that,” Falkner said.
Mefferd said the show should at least offer viewers a false compromise.
“Boy, but when you have so many scientists who simply do not accept Darwinian evolution, it seems to me that that might be something to throw in there, you know, the old, ‘some scientists say this, others disagree and think this,’ but that’s not even allowed,” she said.
I do not personally represent Cosmos, nor Professor Tyson, but I would like to answer this request on behalf of all critically thinking science lovers.
Oh HELL no!
There is not one scintilla of true scientific knowledge contained in the "research" of Creationism.
The entire movement is based on misunderstanding, misrepresenting, and misappropriating scientific terms in order to cobble together a presentation that fools small children and addle brained adults.
If every ounce of scientific discovery made by a so-called Creationist were suddenly transformed into dynamite it would not add up to enough explosive force to equal an ant fart.
These people are charlatans and should be tar and feathered, and run out of town to protect our children from their brain cell murdering nonsense.
And I am pretty sure Professor Tyson agrees with that.
“You don’t talk about the spherical Earth with NASA, and then say let’s give equal time to the flat Earthers,” Tyson told CNN. “Plus, science is not there for you to cherry pick.”
It is time for these superstitions dipshits to read the writing on the wall. Their time is rapidly coming to a close, and the new religion is science. Which, by the way, does NOT require a suspension of critical thinking skills either.
In fact, it requires just the opposite.
Someone needs to tell those entitlement mentality moochers to go get their OWN Fox TV show and tell whatever story they want.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, how arrogant do you have to be to demand that a show about science include whatever random crap you want it to include?
Dr. Tyson is very clear that cretinism--that is, CREATIONISM--is not actually science.
DeleteSo will these fools be letting scientists into their Sunday services to talk about evolution and climate change?
Deletemy response: hahahahahahahahaha....
pant pant pant.
deep breath
Couldna have said it better meself ! !
DeleteThat's exactly what I told a creationist mother who wanted me to teach creationism alongside the science classes I do. I said what part of creationism can be proven by repeated scientific experimentation? Uh, duh.......blank stare.
DeleteI think it would be a good idea if there was a program covering all of the world's creation myths. Many of them are highly entertaining. Actually, there are probably too many but here's a few ideas to start -
The young earth creationists would fit right in. My personal favorite has long been BUMBA, the African Creator God who vomited up the Sun, the stars and then planet earth.
I vaguely recall hearing about a Native American creation myth back when I was in middle school (many years ago!) that involved a child being born from his mother's armpit. The armpit thing made a big impression on us 12-year-olds!
DeleteIt's turtles all the way down...
Delete@Anonymous6:42 PM
DeleteArmpits for 12 year old boys are strictly for cupping their palm, flapping their arm and making farting noises.
These creationist folks are just enormously stupid. It's their rabidity that becomes annoying because their low IQ's and lack of knowledge and understanding make them obsessive and they are always shouting at you. Their world is fragile and they live in fear.
ReplyDeleteAhhh, Ken Ham's Illiterates for Jesus..
ReplyDeleteThese "people" don't have the first effing clue about the scientific method. When they subject their "beliefs" to true scientific inquiry then we can talk about the results. The anuses of my ants expel gas in your general direction! Run away!
ReplyDeleteAGAIN, creationists, why can't religion and science peacefully co-exist? Look at it this way, God does everything majestic, right? So there WAS a "big bang" and if you think the world is only 6000 years old, well, you need to further delve into your Bible.
ReplyDeleteHow old was Noah when he built this ark? 502 years? And his son was a spry 98 years old?
DeleteYep, that's some real bible science there for ya.
then let Degrasse give lectures from church pulpits every Sunday.
ReplyDeleteCreationism has no place on a science program. It isn't about equal time. It is about beliefs vs. facts.
ReplyDelete"Creationists held a pity party for themselves Thursday because “Cosmos” isn’t being fair and balanced to their beliefs. "
ReplyDeleteProbable because Cosmos is dealing with facts not beliefs.
No one is stopping them from creating their own show are they, but they have to drag to US back to the middle ages in order to get their way. We are going to end up a 3rd world country if we don't get our act together and keep these wackos out of our educational system.
ReplyDeleteJudge Strikes Down Michigan’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban
" Federal Judge Bernard Friedman ruled Friday, two weeks after a trial. Two Detroit-area nurses who’ve been partners for eight years claimed the ban violated their rights under the U.S. Constitution…
Nearly 60 percent of state voters in 2004 approved a constitutional amendment that recognizes marriage only as between a man and a woman.
Attorneys for Michigan urged the judge to respect the will of voters. Scholars testifying for Jayne Rowse and April DeBoer said there were no differences between children raised by same-sex couples and those raised by a man and a woman."
Now lets hope the"rape insurance" law, that was passed by the Repthug legislature after the right to lifers turned in petitions with only 3% of population, is overturned.
Michigan's New Rape Insurance Law
..."Yes, a victim of a sexual assault in Michigan will now have to face the reality that their Republican legislators – those who decry government involvement in health care on a daily basis - passed a law that does exactly that. Except it only applies to women, so apparently that doesn’t count.
And if taking away the rights of rape victims weren’t enough, thanks to what you did, Michigan women with wanted pregnancies who are told by their doctors that something has gone horribly wrong and their pregnancy must be terminated will be told that their government doesn’t think that’s necessary medical care...."
Once upon a time, there was an equal time rule. Democrats and Republicans were given equal time on a news program to voice their view. Then, that troublesome law disappeared. So, go on the Christian Broadcasting Show or any show that stars a Christian religious leader. That's where you belong.
ReplyDeleteExactly. That is how/why Faux News now exists, along with Limbaugh & the other mouth-breathing piles of hatred on the right. There is only their side.
DeleteThey can all go suck it, as far as I'm concerned.
These are the same people who threw hissy fits when they thought that Obama was going to reinstate the equal time doctrine to get back at fox.
ReplyDeleteAnd the same people who, because they refuse to respect the separation of church and state, are terrified of "creeping Sharia".
DeleteThey have their own television channels that I choose not to watch. They need to go there and rant and rave over their creationist crap. Stay out of Cosmos! Quite frankly, I'm not interested in hearing what they have to say. They are religious nuts!
ReplyDeleteDo they think science is some sort of democracy where you can vote for your favorite theory?
ReplyDeleteI don't like gravity so I vote no. There. No gravity anymore.
They think that science is a collection of random ideas that people choose to believe in, just like religion. It's fascinating to get into a "debate" with these people because it all boils down to them moving the goalposts and trying to maneuver you into semantic traps as they redefine terms and attempt to impose circular logic on you.
DeleteAs sad as it sounds (and IS), a creationist's entire "argument" is that if you "believe" in science, then science is clearly, by "YOUR definition" a "belief". Since Christianity is also a "belief", that makes it equal in every way to science (in fact superior, because science was invented by man, and everyone knows God wrote the Bible, and he's perfect in every way). Since science and religion are equal, it's only "reasonable" to expect them to be taught together equally in science class.
Creationists are deluded beyond the capacity for rational thought.
Creationist theory is a relatively recent and limited glitch in the history of Christian belief. It developed primarily in the 19th century among particular Protestant groups. Catholics and many mainstream Protestant churches have always known better.
ReplyDeleteInfluential early church fathers writing as far back as the 2nd to 4th centuries, such as Origen of Alexandria, Gregory of Nyssa, and Augustine of Hippo, wrote specifically about the folly of attempting to depict Genesis as an historical treatise. They knew the stories were figural, and they each stated this emphatically in their writings. Gregory pointed out that unless one understood the philosophical meanings of scripture, all one would find was myth and contradiction. Augustine advised readers to use common sense and current scientific understanding to weigh every verse. (For exegesis, no one was more excruciatingly painstaking than Augustine.)
This understanding is reflected today in the preface to Genesis in the New American Bible, which credits the tale of Noah to creation/flood folklore from Mesopotamia and other sources. The NAB is used in the Catholic Church mass liturgy, religious formation classes, etc.
Sadly, the mythic aspects go over some people's heads, as we see from the conflicts highlighted in Gryphen's post. This new Cosmos got off to a moderately bad start with its bastardized Giordano Bruno cartoon (Don't know who is responsible for that fiasco--certainly not Dr. Tyson). We can hope that Tyson's appeal to the masses is at least equal to that of Sagan. Education is the only way to counter bias and ignorance.
I'm surprised that it took two episodes to get the crazies distraught! We really enjoyed both episodes; still can't believe that Fox is showing the series. It seems to me that the series should be on PBS. Is PBS that afraid of the Koch Brothers?
Amazingly Genesis taken as metaphor and poetry could describe the Big Bang theory. My mother, who was religious, said of science and religion: God gave you the brains to figure out his universe, he expects you to use them. She, too, believed the first chapters of Genesis were metaphor.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, when we have a heart surgeon express the latest techniques, we should definitely give equal time to a faith-healer.
ReplyDeleteI mean, they're just two opposing but equal views, right?
I love Genesis... Phil Collins, Mike Rutherford, Tony Banks.. I could care less about some fictionalized tale in a book filled with fantasy