Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Good lord, who would still want to TAPP Sarah Palin?

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

With an appearance on Bloomberg TV Tuesday, Former CNN president Jon Klein and former NBC entertainment chairman Jeff Gaspin announced their new online streaming video venture called TAPP, short for “TV App.” As for the types of personalities the pair hopes to feature on the service? According to Klein, Sarah Palin is exactly the type of person they are looking for. 

“We are not talking about specific talent,” Klein said in response to rumors that they have been in talks with Palin about the venture. “I will tell you that Sarah Palin is the kind of personality who has a massive social presence, and a core group of followers and supporters who hang on to her every word. That is exactly the characteristic that these channels are looking for.” 

Similar to Glenn Beck’s, TAPP will consist of multiple channels and shows that users can stream online for somewhere in the $10/month range. “Everybody’s got someone, one person at least, that they would pay $10 per month to get more of,” Klein added. He envisions a world in which “everyone has a TAPP channel” the way anyone can have a YouTube channel today.

“Everybody’s got someone, one person at least, that they would pay $10 per month to get more of." That may be true but the problem with Sarah Palin is that a little is too much, and more is essentially toxic to human beings.

Okay so in some ways this sounds like almost the perfect job for Palin.

After all she can probably choose from which state to do the show, and might even be able to use that Fox studio in her Wasilla compound and a make shift one in Arizona to do it from both locations, if need be.

However the optimum word here is "job." And Sarah Palin is well known for having an allergy to actual work.

So if she is willing to make any kind of deal at all it will be one that requires very little effort from her, employs her family members as well (Hey, SOMEBODY has to beat the wig into submission, trowel on the makeup, and push the little record button.), and which overpays her for putting forth minimal effort.

If I were launching a new video venture I certainly would not take a risk on a woman whose name is now synonymous with the word "quitter."


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    "Good lord, who would still want to TAPP Sarah Palin?"

    My guess is nobody is tapping Sarah. . According to Shailey Tripp she (Shailey) was getting tapped by Todd.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Someone wearing a gas mask might Tapp Sarah if she paid him.

    2. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Or that freaky character in True Detective? (Shudder)

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    “We are not talking about specific talent,”

    Well then, with no discernible talent of her own, Palin's their girl!

    1. Beldar Belated Conehead7:25 AM


      Good job!

      I came here to post exactly that comment. Glad to see that another of the last few remaining librul deadenders still visiting Gryphen's defunct blog took care of business before I got a chance to check in.

  3. I smell failure. These producers don't realized that her dumb fans aren't going to spend $10, $5, $1 for that insufferable witch.

    Plus it pisses me off that tapp assholes think it's wholesome for 24/7 hate on our President and the democratic party.

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Your second paragraph nails it. They don't care about the content - just whether or not it will turn a profit for them. I sometimes doubt whether Palin even believes her own shtick. It's just red meat for the extreme right wing nutjobs.

    2. PalinsHoax7:47 AM

      "I sometimes doubt whether Palin even believes her own shtick."

      Take a look at her deteriorated face and body. She not only believes it, she eats, drinks, breaths it. And that's why she looks like an old rotting carcass.

    3. Anonymous7:56 AM

      her fans have tv's with rabbit ears and antiquated computers from the 90's that barely allows them to comment on C4P and her hatebook page daily.

  4. Anonymous6:39 AM

    A few reasons why Sarah won't sign on: as you've noted, this would be a JOB that requires regular WORK. It's doubtful that they could pay enough to entice her. in any event, how many bots know what streaming is? She wouldn't bring many viewers along with her.
    Secondly, Sarah's a one-trick pony. She has her pretend enemies, who she rails against, and pictures of vibrant living. That's it. To get her enough material for a second show, she'd have to invest in more consultants, which means more SarahPAC money flying away out of her sight.

    Would she drum up more speaking engagements with this kind of exposure? Doubtful. Would she open herself to be the object of every late-night comedian and every morning talk-show host? ("A moron") Of course. And she might have to say sayonara to Fox, for good, if she signs with another "broadcaster."
    Downsides: many.
    Upsides: few to none.

    On second thought, she might finally be able to fulfill her dream of being a sportscaster, by reading off scores on her streaming show. All she'll need is any or all morning newspaper sports pages and she'll be Sarah Heath at the sports desk, thirty years later, living her dream.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      A female rushbo.

    2. Except Rush is actually smart; vile but smart.

    3. Anonymous11:36 AM

      I really doubt if Rush is smart. He flunked out in his Freshman year in college. He was failing every subject including( if you can imagine)Ballroom dancing.Vile yes smart not so much.

    4. Anonymous3:33 AM

      I never hear Rush making any sense, he babbles and stutters and struggles to complete a thought, doesn't do any research but always talks about stories his "friends" send him that supposedly make whatever hateful talking point he's spewing totally true. But he admits on air that he didn't read the whole thing or make notes or even print the article. Another lazy dickbag idiot making way too much money off of people as stupid as he is.

  5. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Bristol should name her next kid Tapp.

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Bristol writes on her facebook page that she wants to have a girl. She keeps hinting that she wants to have a baby. Hints? Really? Why is Bristol hinting that she wants another child? And, I hate to sound like a Right Wing Family Fan, but shouldn't Bristol consider getting married to a responsible, mature individual who wants parenthood as much as she does-- or would that detract from her identification of a hard working single mother raising a child all by herself?

    2. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Bristol is almost due for delivery, so that explains her 'desire' to have a girl. The Doctor probably has already determined that she is having a Bastard Girl. Junker may or may not be the Daddy. Bristol probably does not know who is the Daddy. She has been very busy with the one night stands.

    3. Martha again7:52 AM

      How do you know this?

    4. Anonymous7:59 AM

      She wants a girl cuz Levi has a girl that's why.

    5. Anonymous8:04 AM

      7:52 SM Prove me wrong, if you can. I will bet that you have not seen any recent photos of Bristol without her belly obscured. She has been incognito since her surprise trip to Arizona. Arizona is the place for 'new' Palin births. Penrose is just a cover for the Pregnancy.

    6. On the bright side, this Tapp thing might benefit the resident Trig, since folks will ask about him. Sarah can’t warehouse him without consequences.

      I don’t think she’ll stay employed very long, though. Didn’t someone try to put Bristol on a radio program?

    7. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Yay, more spawn from "Bastards R' Us"

    8. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Martha again7:52 AM
      I saw her sitting down with an expanding can't deny that. Also, look at her FB pic at the theater. Except when I saw her she looked more exposed.
      How's that abstinance immaculate conception doing for ya. Brisket

    9. Anonymous10:11 AM

      She will call the girl TAPPS and pretend it has a patriotic meaning or

    10. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Darlene, supposedly, they "begged" Bristol and they claimed they were "in-talks." I say yeah right, EVERYONE want them sure...that's why they are beggin for PAC money and selling off their stuff. Shall I say their "free stuff" because they got it for FREE.

    11. Anonymous11:01 AM

      oops! it's "wants" not want, and "begging" not beggin. My typing fingers were not thinking...

    12. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Martha again Did you get that? Bristol has been seen out and about in her Pregnant condition. Face it, the Palins always try to hide Pregnancies. Their Family Values Platform has gone to shit. They should start a 'BABIES WITHOUT FATHERS' Foundation, they have had enough.

    13. Anonymous3:31 PM

      She should have named the first one TRAPP.

  6. Anonymous6:43 AM

    As long as there's a tin foil hat crowd, there will always be room for Palin. The pics of the CPAC crowd shows the type she attracts and it sure isn't the book smart! They're not talking about specific talent? Well good, because she has none.

    A little heads- up to Klein and Gaspin: You're going on her 4M Facebook likes? Know how many of those are fake? Go ahead, sign her up and see for yourself just how big her actual following is. In the meantime the jokes will fly about "tappin' that," and she'll remain the butt of jokes as she is now if not moreso.

  7. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Spinal Tap, the band? They're fiction, and she's fiction.

  8. Anonymous6:57 AM

    This may be a win/win.
    Some of her fans who pay may just get tired of her doing the same old schtick each time...they may start to connect the dots of her stories never agreeing.....they may get to see more than they have ever seen, and a light may shine down upon them...that this woman is a no nothing fraudulent lying idiot.
    I actually like the idea.
    She would HAVE to do a minimum of appearances, so chances are she will get caught in one of her bipolar schizophrenic psychotic cycles, but the show must go on!! She has to crank out those videos regardless of her mental state.
    Yep....I'm liking this ALOT

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      She's probably worried if she signs on her rabid rube fans will only have enough $ to either send to her pac or to the tapp folks. The tapp people would take their cut and leave simple sarah with barely anything...

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      That's a good point.

  9. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Seriously, this Klein and Gaspin don't have a clue as to how Sarah is not well and she's propped up as Sarah the 'performer' by staff and Todd and Tim Crawford.

    Everyone in media seems to think Sarah is herself and when she presents herself in tv-land, it's the real deal. Nothing is further from the truth. She's been fashioned and created by her puppets, and her thoughts aren't her own. She just does what her rich puppet-masters tell her.

    The journalism degrees, experience, political savvy,-ness, haven't earned her any points. She can't draw from those experiences because she doesn't care or want to. All she wants is to be catered to, put in front of a camera, and draw millions without actually doing any critical thinking or work on her own.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      What journalism degree? She has none. Your last sentence says it all!

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      She can't draw from her degree or political experience because she has no degree and very little experience. She had to hire someone to do her job as Mayor...and Todd was the Governor. She was his assistant.

  10. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I don't think that medium and Sarah's fans are on the same page.

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Is "any" medium and $arah's fans on the same page? The 4pees have even turned their backs on Fox. Never thought I'd see the day that happened.

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Do mediums come in size two, also too, or just medium? Kind of rules out Sarah, Bristol, Ram, Willow and that middle age lady who pretends to be Bristol on the blog? What's her name again? Shirley?

  11. Anonymous7:19 AM

    O/T but here is why the right wing is losing their marbles over the comedic interview that President Obama did: Traffic Up 40 Percent After Obama's FunnyOrDie Interview

    ...Traffic to spiked 40 percent Tuesday from Monday after President Obama's interview with actor Zach Galiafinakis debuted online, the Obama administration said.

    The Twitter account for said Wednesday morning that about 890,000 people visited the website Tuesday, a 40 percent increase from the day before. For reference, traffic in January and early February was generally fluctuating between 200,000 and 400,000 visitors per day

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      It’s really just so predictable and typical. President Obama does something. Right-wing media must attack. Rinse. Repeat. While this was just an innocuous little comedy sketch that was mostly for fun but also helped provide a message about the Affordable Care Act and the federal healthcare exchange, conservatives couldn’t just ignore it and move on. They had to get up in arms about it and make it a big deal.

      However, what they don’t realize is that by railing against it and calling it ‘inappropriate’, all they’ve done is make it likelier to be watched by even more people than it would have normally. With their faux outrage and constant harping, they’ve only broadened the audience that will now go and see it. They’ve forced this to stay in the news cycle longer. It is quite possible that they may have made more people fans of the President.

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      What's hilarious is that a few older Republitards wandered into the comments for the video and the younger commenters let them have it full bore, making sure to mention that it was they, the younger Americans who are purchasing insurance, that are making the policies affordable for these older people that are grumbling about the ACA.

  12. PalinsHoax7:54 AM

    Tapp, tapp.
    Who's there?
    Sarah who?
    Sarah Palin.
    Sarah Palin !!!!!
    Go away. We don't need any used faux pregnancy bellies or used falsies. (Darn. Now I'll need to disinfect the door.)

  13. Balzafiar8:03 AM

    I'm really surprised that Sarah/Bristol/Willow haven't thought of the webcam pay-per-jerkoff business model. That way they only have to lay in a bed, a tent, the backseat of a car, on a pool table or other convenient spot such a kitchen counter all day long, breathing heavily from time to time, a passionate moan or lip-licking inserted here and there. What better way to make cash from all those millions of the one-hand-clapping crowd.

    Sarah needs to hurry though, before it withers away into the nursing-home model.

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      You haven't seen interactive porn for a while, have you? They do a lot more than just moan and lip lick these days. No one, I mean no one wants to see the Palin girls doing modern interactive porn, No One!! Boner-Killers!

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      10:10 AM That would be a loss to the Viagra stock.

    3. Anonymous6:12 PM

      They DO have beached whale videos on you tube for free, sad but true.

  14. Anonymous8:12 AM

    It sounds like a publicity stunt--sort of like the publicity stunt for Bristol, when supposedly Arizona radio stations were begging her to be part of their conservative "talk radio," which was when she first bought the shortsale in Arizona, and before DWS and her failed reality show.

  15. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Balzafiar, you totally crack me you hit it right

  16. O/T: Oops, Sarah did it again! With what she pays consultants, you would think that she would consult one of them about what photos or music she would choose.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Every single speaker at CPAC was ushered to the podium, and sent away with very incongruous music selections, most of which I'm sure were not properly licensed from the performers. The bright and modern music certainly didn't fit the speakers it was used to represent. It seems that CPAC is trying a little to hard to romance those few young "College Republicans" that attend and in the end just look like a bunch of silly old white guys trying to be hip.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      No surprise that ONCE AGAIN, the quitter used music that she did not pay for and did not have permission to use.

    3. Anonymous12:21 PM

      "The bright and modern music" put them to sleep. Did you se the CNN coverage showing the few young "College Republicans." ASLEEP! LOL...HAHAHAHAH...It was the funniest thing ever.

    4. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Little known fact: the upper-age boundary of Young Republicans if 40.

  17. Anonymous8:39 AM

    They must not be familiar with the Palin curse. Their new online streaming video venture will be DOOMED with Sarah's involvement.

    On the other hand it would be one more sign she's not running for anything ever again. Her fans should be really excited about this offer because the C4Pers could "fap" to her TAPP.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      The C4Pers have all Savior Of The Republic Sarah's options covered, if she took the gig she would be brilliant because it would help get her message out to the people and she can multi task like no other. On the other hand if she doesn't well that is brilliant too! because that means she is putting her time into preparing to run for President all off the radar of coarse so that the "Libs" will be shocked and amazed at her cunning.

      Sadly her fan club is that mentally challenged.

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Wait until she concocts her 2016 excuse. They'll buy into that, too!

  18. Anonymous8:50 AM

    What evidence is there that Palin has
    a " massive social presence " ?
    She's a national joke.
    Klein and Gaspin have to know that .

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Her Facebook?

    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      9:56 AM She purchased most of her FAKEBOOK Likes.

  19. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Anonymous7:15 AM

    Bristol writes on her facebook page that she wants to have a girl. She keeps hinting that she wants to have a baby. Hints? Really? Why is Bristol hinting that she wants another child? 


    Just a prediction.

    Is Bristol saying this, that she wants a girl because she already had one and needs to find an excuse to bring her out into the public? Will Bristol say she adopted a girl even though she gave birth to a girl?

    1. Sally in MI9:53 AM

      Why does she want a girl? She can't mother the child she already admits to having.

    2. Anonymous10:16 AM

      What's she gonna do, whip out the 4-year old DWTS baby and claim it's a newborn?

  20. Anonymous9:47 AM

    There's no other way Bristol can bring home her one year old daughter without saying she adopted her.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Just like 4 month old "newborn" Trig....

  21. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I wouldn't be surprised If Bristol is going to pretend she adopted her own offspring. BUT, I would be outraged and completely shocked that a mother would pretend she did not have her own child. Can you imagine ANYONE doing such a thing.

    I know that in the old days parents of a young girl would pretend that they themselves had a child belonging to an unwed young daughter, but Bristol is neither a young girl nor is she living in the old days.
    But who knows, these people lie shamelessly and I wouldn't put it past them to still pretend she's living and abstinence life. Last time I saw Brisket she was clearly in the family ways and was trying to hide it. So we'll see what she comes up with.

  22. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Better rename it CRAP

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Good one but it would be spelled Crapp.

  23. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Who's going to let Bristol adopt a girl when she shows she can't even raise Tripp and gave away Trig?

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      DWTS Baby? Is Britta in possession of Bristol's baby girl?

    2. Anonymous12:28 PM

      They just pop them out like bubble gum. Who knows where that DWTS child is. I think the only time they keep them is when they they can't hide it (by accident) as it happend with Brisket's 2008 pregnancy in the national stage. By then, what can you do. hahahahaha.

    3. Anonymous1:53 PM

      How can anyone forget the gray dress she wore with her wrapped boobs? She looked like she was already nursing.

  24. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Looks like her new TV show is getting lots of support from the Guns and Ammo readers, NOT!

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      LOVE this=

      Chris Manspeaker Man, this was a horrible choice, why not get Dick Cheney to host a gun safety program

    2. Anonymous11:06 AM

      The sad part is there are some excellent, knowledgeable women hunters out there,who hold Safari Club International titles.Real hunters would find them interesting but they aren't silicone sisters and don't wear cheap wigs, giggle and squeek and wear a pile of make up although some are quite attractive.

      Look up top 12 women hunters in Outdoor Life.

      Sarah Palin cheapens the sport.

    3. Anonymous12:40 PM

      There are a lot of negative comments. Oh my even the gun nuts do not like Sarah Palin. I have to share this story. I was in store today and one of her books was on shelve. It was a thrift store.
      Two ladies were talking about how smart she was. Then they both burst our laughing. They were making fun of her and the book was $1.00.

    4. The Sportsman Channel Facebook page sez they'll have a series on the Iditarod race starting March 25th. Guess who's narrating/hosting?


      (what's HE know about dogsled racing???)

    5. Anonymous1:59 PM


      Not sure Todd has what I'd call a voice made for narration.

    6. PalinsHoax2:57 PM

      "Not sure T'odd has what I'd call a voice made for narration."

      You are so right.
      Tawdry's voice is best for the silent films.
      $carah's face is best for the radio.

    7. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Since when is Todd qualified to speak about the Iditarod or narrate anything at all. Looks like the Sportsman's Channel has offered itself up employ whatever family member Sarah asks them to.

  25. Anonymous10:55 AM

    A little bird is singing.....the governor's position in AZ will be open for Palin to run....

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHA that is so funny.

    2. ibwilliamsi11:53 AM

      As if Scarah would actually apply for a job...

    3. Anonymous12:23 PM

      $carah would run. I don't put it passed her. Look at how that Brewer woman ran and won. SH#T!
      That would totally suck! I hope the curse continues.

  26. Anonymous11:16 AM

    More stupid sp. Everything around her is stupid. Even Alaska, you can't even investigate here free house, her little one, her everything. Just rumors. Gosh while a man in Colorado has his life in detail. We all know she did not birth trigger. Stop this arse on us politics now. sick of her and her dysfunctional uneducated family. put out all the true info Alaska. there has to be so much money to not have every detail by now!!

  27. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Tap Sarah? Tap out is more like it.

  28. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Old photo - much younger WITH the Belmonts! She doesn't look like that anymore!

  29. ibwilliamsi11:52 AM

    Well, they're right about masses of people following Scarah. We follow and laugh and point because she's an idiot. If they want to ensure that everyone knows that they think that their product a cold turd on a paper plate, Scarah is exactly the type of person they should go with.

  30. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Does Bristol know the name of her little girl's father? Was he one of her drinking binge partners?

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Can she use "phone a friend"? Or does she have to answer right away? "They say "I lost my virginity" But I felt Levi stole it from me..... took awhile to process.....knew something happened "Down there".....then I called a friend who told me I had sex with Levi" dab dab dab

  31. Caroll Thompson12:44 PM

    I really do not think that all that many people will pay $10.00 a month to stream Sarah Palin. Her fans (celebrities like Sarah has fans; serious pols like Hillary have supporters) tend to be under educated and do not have that kind of money to throw away.

    I also agree that this is too much work for Sarah. Her history would suggest that she doesn't like working very much. This is why I don't think her show on the Sportsman's Channel will last very long. She doesn't like working. As Joe McGinniss pointed out in his book, she couldn't even handle the tasks of being a mom and doing everyday chores such as grocery shopping and cooking, etc...

    Personally, I think the woman has some mental issues. She is not looking very well lately. Even at CPAC, she had a very puffy face and a bony body that was in obvious need of some real food.

    1. London Bridges2:55 PM

      The cool part is Sarah's tithers who faithfully send her pac $10 each month will now instead send their $10 to be able to access her TAPP program. Result: Sarah loses money big time.

  32. Anonymous12:59 PM

    It'll never happen. It would be a full time job for Toad to get the drugs into and the wighat onto his wife so she can babble and do her knuckle-pointing at a set time every week.

  33. Anonymous1:35 PM

    You people don't know me. Stop saying I can't afford $10 a month for Sarah. My kids would just have to learn to only eat twice a day instead of three times a day.

  34. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Brisket has been posting her reverse-abstinence stance, by posting inflammatory and inaccurate pictures & articles on abortion so she can justify having another kid out-of-wedlock while pretending she's a born-again-virgin. She'll cry a river and make more money out of her latest bun in the oven, and justify her offspring as a miracle. I can't wait to see the explanation unless we never get to see it.

    An you know, why make up stories and why pretend you’re a born-again-virgin. 1. No one believes it and 2. WHO CARES. The only reason I point it out is because she’s a hypocrite.

  35. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

    Ten bucks a month to tapp that? Angelina Jolie, Sophia Vargara, Madge, Bey, Rhianna, Adele, most definitely worth MORE and tapworthy, The ten buck tapp list? Sarah? Bwaaahhhaaa no way, unless Todd's your pimp, that's really getting screwed! Save your money, use your imagination and a leftover bagel (without the schmear).

    I'm easy, just give me Mr Degrasse, a beach umbrella and a wine cooler.

  36. Anonymous7:54 PM

    If it is true that Glenn Rice tapped Sarah and she was any good then he still would be in Alaska.

  37. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Why would anyone spend $10/month to listen to the same old crap she has been spewing over and over again since 2008?
    Do they plan on writing the program for her? because she doesn't have a single original idea in her little pea brain.
    Good part would be $10 less for SarahPac.

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