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Rachel describes the famous cruise to Juneau in which the staff of the Weekly Standard were first exposed to Sarah Palin's political pole dance, and how they swooned in response, and then did everything they could to pimp her to their conservative audiences.
She goes on to point out many other fumbles and poor predictions that followed, but all pale in comparison to the biggest mistake of all.
Bill Kristol is $arah's male counterpart. Two of the most clueless people in the country. Rachel did a great job with the story...as usual. Her show is the best on cable news.
ReplyDeleteAnd President Obama is a bad@ss at 3-D chess while Kristol and Palin struggle with tiddlywinks.
DeletePresident Obama runs these guys around in circles (Republicans and Teabaggers) and it drives them nuts. It's so much fun watching.
DeleteCompare it to someone that plays chess as to his opposition being on a checker board - i.e. Palin, McCain, McConnell, Kristol, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Hannity, etc. Our POTUS is smart, steady, making his moves under thoughtful consideration, etc.
He does NOT want to take the USA into war again and that is what drives the Republicans/Teabaggers nuts!
Thank god McCain and Romney lost their elections and the best man won! I say thank you every day to President Obama and VP Biden!
I watched that, and as soon as she started to mention the political cruises, I knew exactly where Rachel was heading!
ReplyDeleteBill Krystal, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Donald Trump etc., etc., when have the EVER been right? They all make these proclamations, grand predictions - and they are wrong every single time! Yet people still listen to them...reminds me of that loud mouthed maniac on Fox who does the stock market picks - he's wrong 85% of the time, if you invested like he said, you'd be bankrupt - yet people hang on his every word .... Is it really that much more comfortable and easy to be so gullible and accepting??
They only listen listen to what they want to hear. There is a segment of the population that lives their lives that way. la la la la la
Delete"Tell me lies that agree with my own bias and prejudice, and I'll not only believe your every word, but I will adopt it as my personal mantra and will proclaim it to all who will listen to a fool's fool."
Delete~ A C4P Idiot Who Worships Queen Quitter® Sarah Palin
I saw the excellent segment. Thanks for posting it Gryphen.
ReplyDeleteDamn., Bill, when is the baby due. He looks more pregnant than Palin ever did with TriG.
ReplyDelete"He looks more pregnant than Palin ever did with TriG."
DeleteDid he borrow Ol' Twobull's faux pregnancy belly?
I guess Sarah wore her pushup bra.
ReplyDeleteBill Kristol had a boner for Sarah Palin that never quit. Even now, he's still suffering from loss of blood to his brain.
ReplyDeleteBill Kristol, while writing briefly for the NYT in 2008, plagiarized from the newspaper's very own TV columnist, from a column she'd written just one week before! He's shameless, lazy, and was kicked off the Times as soon as his year was up. He's a joke everywhere, except in extreme neocon circles.
ReplyDeleteDid you see him a few weeks back on Bill Maher? What an arrogant cretin...
DeleteThis is to you Sarah and your Teaparty idiot friends:
ReplyDeleteAn open letter to the people who hate Obama more than they love America
Frank Bailey wrote about what the insufferable witch did before the cruise, during and after. I think even the year before, where she blew that chance. clownasses meeting a clownass. hahahaha
ReplyDelete9:24 rotf
ReplyDeleteHonestly it was my first thought, but maybe he did borrow the empathy belly Palin used, who knows. Sure as hell looks like it or else he's been eating too many Tap Belle Crunch wrap Supreme meals.
DeleteRachel kicked butt & took names! Great segment...the truth is so refreshing !
ReplyDeleteWhat a great Rachel piece. And thank you thank you IM for pointing us to it. I missed it last night. This is a link to send to lots of people. The IM link, of course.
ReplyDeleteI wonder when/if Rachel will tell us about the hoax?
I've mentioned before that I'm re-reading Joe McGinniss' "The Rogue...", and Geoffrey Dunn's "The Lies of Sarah Palin". Both books outline the Holland America cruise ship visits by two separate groups of conservative pundits and think-tankers and religious fundamentalists.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet Rachel Maddow familarized herself with relevant passages in both books before she prepped this segment of her show last night. The books are full of details she mentioned.
Game-of-Life is probably right about Frank Bailey's book being a source, too.
Hey, KaJo, thanks for the reminder. After Joe's death, I wanted to pull those three books back out and re-read them. Nothing like getting your blood boiling all over again, like watching "Why We Did It" accomplished. .
DeleteHere's one for ya G!
ReplyDeleteCreationists demand equal airtime on Neil deGrasse Tyson’s ‘Cosmos’ to provide ‘balance’
Creationists held a pity party for themselves Thursday because “Cosmos” isn’t being fair and balanced to their beliefs.
“Creationists aren’t even on the radar screen for them, they wouldn’t even consider us plausible at all,” said Danny Falkner, of Answers In Genesis, which has previously complained about the show.
Falkner appeared Thursday on The Janet Mefford Show to complain the Fox television series and its host, Neil deGrasse Tyson, had marginalized those with dissenting views on accepted scientific truths, reported Right Wing Watch.
“I don’t recall seeing any interviews with people – that may yet come – but it’s based upon the narration from the host and then various types of little video clips of various things, cartoons and things like that,” Falkner said.
Mefferd said the show should at least offer viewers a false compromise.
“Boy, but when you have so many scientists who simply do not accept Darwinian evolution, it seems to me that that might be something to throw in there, you know, the old, ‘some scientists say this, others disagree and think this,’ but that’s not even allowed,” she said.
Tyson recently said science reporting should not be balanced with nonscientific claims, so that seems unlikely he would offer that sort of fallacious argument on his own show.
“You don’t talk about the spherical Earth with NASA, and then say let’s give equal time to the flat Earthers,” Tyson told CNN. “Plus, science is not there for you to cherry pick.”
Falkner complained that Tyson showed life arose from simple organic compounds without mentioning that some believe that’s not possible.
“I was struck in the first episode where he talked about science and how, you know, all ideas are discussed, you know, everything is up for discussion – it’s all on the table – and I thought to myself, ‘No, consideration of special creation is definitely not open for discussion, it would seem,’” Falkner said.
Listen to this audio clip posted online by Right Wing Watch:
DeleteThe last thing Degrasse needs to do is acknowledge the Creationists as plausible.
DeleteBill Nye made a mistake arguing with numb nut, Ken Ham.... Degrasse doesn't need to make the same mistake.
There is no comparison with evolution. Evolution is a FACT. Creationism is NOT FACT. end of story.
I knew Sarah was unqualified when she was introduced by Johnny.
ReplyDeleteWhen she talked about Todd winning four Iron Doggie races ... like somehow this made her fit for VP office.
A typical older, white, pot bellied, war monger Republican! Love that Rachel covered ALL of his mistakes and has he ever made many, many of them!
ReplyDeleteI didn't like him when he pushed Sarah Palin which has turned out to be his biggest major wrong call!
I'm curious as to why Rachel waited this long to publically downgrade Sarah Palin. I know she has been provided a lot of information about Palin over the years and basically decided not to cover her.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the media has been waiting for a reason....do you think we'll see other negative coverage about Palin that is so well deserved on the national level? Hope so!
She used Palin to downgrade Kristol and his band of pecker pickers for picking her.
DeleteRJ in Brownbackistan
Charlie Pierce FTW!!
Who paid for the banquet that Palin threw for those wingers, and who paid for the flight seeing?
ReplyDeleteHmm, she must have still had the Governor's Mansion Chef on the payroll back then because she couldn't have fed these guys a bunch of "moose chili from a can" and called it good.
ReplyDeleteTomorrow's News Today: The GOP on 'How We Lost the House'
John McCain if you had another chance to pick your vp, would you pick that retard again?
ReplyDeleteWith friends like this, who needs enemas??? $arah & KKKristol effortlessly make sh*t flow like Niagara Falls.
ReplyDeleteConfession: when I was younger I truly believed Mr.Kristol was the man that did the spray on hair infomercials.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that's why I still laugh when I see him.
ReplyDeleteEww, Kristol is so gross. He's the guy who has to lift up his pendulous belly to find his penis, and when he finds it his belly is too fat to even have sex. Yick. Thanks but no thanks, regardless or how rich you are.
ReplyDeleteHouse Republicans Target National Parks And Monuments
DeleteThank you for posting that G. I feel asleep with MSNBC on the TV and missed Rachel's show by 10 minutes. All the news reported by Rachel about Bill Kristol was well known, but Rachel has a way of putting it all together in an amazing way.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have to say in Bill's defense that he has seen the light, if you will, on Sarah Palin and no longer is her biggest fan. But the fact that he once was a fan speaks volumes about Bill.
I would like to tell you about my reaction when I first heard Sarah Palin's name on August 29, 2008. I was at work, but quickly got on the internet anyway and goggled her name. Within twenty minutes, I thought she was a kook. I still think she is a kook.
But all kidding aside, I think Sarah has some real issues with her mental health. And that is no joking matter. But Sarah showing up in the news of this news junkie is also no joking matter,
Sarah, how can we miss you if you won't go away?
ReplyDeleteTexas city to pay Ted Nugent $16,000 to stay away from their 4th of July celebration
Seems to me that SP would love a job like this - threaten to show up and get paid to stay away!
DeleteWhy we don’t let Sarah Palin govern the internet. You betcha!
ReplyDeleteOMG! Barack Obama just gave the internet to the enemies of freedom!!!!
Or least that’s what former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin tells me in her latest online outpouring.
Yup, the failed vice-presidential candidate and now Fox News shill and all-American reality TV star has been turning her forensic attention to detail on the decision by ICANN to develop a new governance model for the internet.
Now I’m prepared to bet you a whole super-sized moose burger with extra Freedom Fries on the side and a vat of that sugar-packed fizzy gloop that Palin loves so much that the former governor hadn’t even heard of ICANN until someone told her about it.
(I dare any interviewer who somehow gets past the minders to ask her what a domain name actually is!)
Just in case she hasn’t read her briefing notes, ICANN – the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers – is the non-profit organization that’s been in charge of handing out domain names and Web addresses for the entire Internet since 1998.
Of course – as with so many politicians – lack of understanding isn’t going to stop her making her views known or seeking to make political capital. (See Blood Libel as classic Palin-ite example of this in practice.)
If there's one thing Bill Kristol doesn't like, it's being called stupid. He was on the Morning Joe the Monday after CPAC. Scarborough had been in NH over the weekend riling up the idgits, and she said, "do I REALLY have to roll tape for you? Roll tape," to Joe. Kristol still defended her.
ReplyDeleteJust like McCain, he will NEVER admit he's wrong. They ousted her, she went to the Kochs. She's not running for anything again -- just show me the money and I'll do anything you want, like the good little whore she is for fame and fortune.
All she is is a whore.
DeleteNope. Most whores do it to feed their family.
DeleteNot Palin : she whores to feed her laziness.
His only accomplishment in life was as the German tank operator in Kelly's Heroes.
ReplyDeleteBeyond that, he's been colossally useless.
Paul in Indiana