Monday, March 10, 2014

Joe McGinniss has died.

I'm sorry to report that Joe McGinniss passed away earlier today.

This from ABC News:  

McGinniss, who announced in 2013 that he had been diagnosed with inoperable prostate cancer, died from complications related to his disease. His attorney and longtime friend Dennis Holahan said he died at UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, Mass.

Brilliant and opinionated, Joe did not suffer fools lightly but if he called you a friend you were his friend forever. And that even included Roger Ailes, despite their diametrically opposing views on politics.

Joe McGinniss was a very good friend, and frequent source whose information inspired some of my best posts.

I will miss him.


  1. Anonymous6:12 PM

    This is sad news! I remember when he had his blog he was talking about writing a book on Bruce Springsteen. I was looking forward to that book and now it'll never be written.

  2. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Farewell Joe! You were a stalwart of the truth!

  3. Anonymous6:16 PM

    One of the good guys. Watch palin run her nasty mouth.

    1. Anonymous6:43 PM

      She's probably taking credit for his death since she had her prayer warriors praying for his demise. Sick bitch.

      RIP Joe.

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Grow up. You're doing a fine job being nasty yourself.

    3. Anonymous5:12 AM

      @ anon 9:18pm Tell your fellow Palinbots to grow up. They're the ones praying for people to die because he wrote the truth about Grifterella and they're the ones celebrating a man's death. How Christian of them.

  4. Otto Katz6:17 PM

    Oh no, this is so sad. I can't imagine the crowing that will ensue from the seaofpee crowd. The bile will be deep.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Oh they are already damning him to hell, would you expect any better from such good christians?

      Here are some of the good 'christian' C4P crowd who already have taken it upon themselves to speak for their god and and damn Joe to hell for slandering their false prophet Sarah ..:


      They shouldn't be so mad that Joe helped Sarah come clean about her fully enjoying sexual exploits with black basketball stars. I'm sure Glen Rice enjoyed giving it to her good, as much as she enjoyed submitting and taking it hard from a person of color.

      Sleep on that Vagina Gent.

    2. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Nobody cares what they think, or if they think. The fact that Sarah Palin's one night stand with a black basketball star is now common knowledge is enough to keep us smiling until the day SHE dies.

      Imagine the things she is still covering up LOL we might be old enough yet to know about such things.

    3. Good point. Their leader never thinks before she spews, so fuck her and her panty-sniffing fans--- that includes you too, also, Fat Boy Creepy Jr.

      You were one of the good ones and you gave that skanky bitch hell, and we'll continue as long as she continues to grift and screech. RIP, Joe.

  5. Anonymous6:20 PM

    He will be missed. I enjoyed reading so many of his books.


    1. Anonymous5:38 AM

      Sincere condolences to his family. Taken too soon.

  6. Great writer and great guy.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      i agree, thanks.
      and, Joe....Thanks.
      you did good.

    2. Not a surprise, but such a shock. May Joe's memory endure as a blessing, and may his five children and wife Nancy Doherty be comforted.

  7. Anonymous6:28 PM

    What a shock. I knew his diagnosis, I knew he had been too quiet for months, but still a huge shock, because yes he WAS one of the good guys. So glad I got to know him via this blog and his blog -- rest in peace.

  8. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Joe was a class act. What a loss!

  9. CJWhite6:33 PM

    Man, I'm really sorry to hear about his passing. I always enjoyed his books. I grieve for his family and friends.

  10. Anonymous6:33 PM


    1. Anonymous8:29 PM

      i agree whole heartedly. we need authors of his caliber to keep us informed. what a sad day this is.

  11. Anonymous6:33 PM

    R.I.P., JOE!!! You will be sorely missed!

  12. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Sorry to hear of his death. I've read all of his books and thoroughly enjoyed them. Enjoyed having him visit the great State of Alaska too!

  13. Anonymous6:39 PM

    The country owes Joe McGinniss its gratitude for exposing the real Sarah Palin for all she was. Drug addict, negligent and missing parent and willing to lie for fame and fortune.

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Why are you still slandering? Sarah, like Joe, is a parent with loved ones. Act your numerical age.

    2. Anonymous5:41 AM

      9:17 Why don't YOU take your own advice? Also, too, tell $carah to get a REAL job. Insulting a sitting President is not a good thing to do. Since she has absolutely NO ideas, that is all she is capable of. IF she really does have "loved ones" tell them to get her some help for her drug addiction.

    3. Anonymous5:42 AM

      9:17 Unlike $arah's brood, all 5 of Joe's kids know their real birthdays, who their father was, plus their kids are not kept hidden like $arah's illegitimate brood.

    4. abbafan5:42 AM

      This truly is a sad day; one of the literary greats is gone. The educated electorate definitely owe Mr. McGinniss a HUGE debt of gratitude for exposing this compulsive liar and fraud! When he wrote "The Rogue", his publishers had their lawyers fact-check every single detail to corroborate authenticity! So $arah, Toad - where is the "lawsuit"? Crickets? I thought so; it was all TRUE! R.I.P. Mr. McGinniss; you will truly be missed! Oh, and $arah, Toad, Heaths, palin drop-outs, hangers-on, I have a message for you - FUCK YOU TOO!!!

  14. Anonymous6:41 PM

    RIP Joe. Thanks for helping us expose that awful Alaskan fraud.

  15. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I'm so sorry to hear about Mr. McGinness's death. I really liked him and I appreciated all his efforts in telling the truth about you know who.

    RIP Mr. McGinness

  16. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

    Rest In Peace, Joe. My dad clipped all your columns when you wrote for the Philadelphia papers, I read and enjoyed most of your books. You left the world a better place than you found it. You will be missed.
    My condolences, Gryphen, on the loss of your friend.

  17. Anonymous6:55 PM

    So sad to hear this. By all accounts, he was a terrific (and fearless) man with a loving family. He will be missed, and not just for his writing.

  18. Oh my goodness, I just saw this on a Gawker tweet. I didn't know about his diagnosis.

    Speaking of class acts, don't count on the Palin family showing any in noting his passing. Or more likely, NOT noting his passing, but getting the message to their C4P bots to speak for them, rudely, nastily, meanly.

    1. Anonymous5:44 AM

      Of course the pbots are rude and nasty. Those are the "qualities" their leader shows on a daily basis.

  19. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I am truly sad to hear this. He and his family must have suffered terribly through the cancer, and now he is gone.

    Thank you for writing, Mr.McGinnis

  20. Anonymous7:06 PM

    I will miss Joe very much. I have most of his books and am glad too that he helped expose Palin for what she really is.
    R.I.P Joe and condolences to his family.

  21. Anonymous7:07 PM

    My condolences to his family.

    He certainly had *her* ticket, hey?

  22. This must weigh heavy on you heart, Gryphen. The collaboration he shared with you clearly helped in his ability to author the truth about SP. I too will miss the Bruce Springsteen project. I remember the beautiful family photo you shared and trust all those loving relatives brought him great comfort in his final days. Thank you Gryphen for sharing your friendship of Joe McGinniss with all of your loyal readers. It is invaluable.

  23. Anonymous7:21 PM

    I checked up on Joe's projects not long before Christmas, and the news wasn't good. He is a great loss to the literary world.

    I hope I don't see messages of condolence from the media types who were so rude and nasty to Joe before he got sick.... looking at you, Keith Olbermann, where are YOU now?

  24. Anonymous7:25 PM

    He wasn't afraid to call a jackass a jackass and a fraud a fraud. I liked that. I really don't want to hear one damn word from the ocean of urine. What was that? Jackasses? Frauds? Yep! Unlike the object of worship over there, Joe actually knew what journalism is. I will miss his positive additions to the human condition.

  25. Anonymous7:31 PM

    RiP Joe.

  26. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Sorry to hear this sad news.

  27. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Sad news. Yes, he will be sorely missed. His books were page-turners, and he was a fearless truth-teller.

  28. Damn. Though I already disliked her, it was "The Rogue" that gave me the facts to back up my instincts about Palin, and I treasure people who, like McGinniss, show me to trust those instincts. In fact, I'm rather sure that it was looking up reaction and supplementation to the "The Rouge" that led me to discover Immoral Minority last year.

    Too young at barely 71, and that's the way the good go, while the absolutely good for nothing, such as Barbara Bush, cling like bathtub crud.

    So long Mr. Ginniss, and rest in peace, and thank for the polish to my liberal resolve.

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Well, the entire Bush family clings on to life, to drain every last cent from taxpayers. Cranky old Babs never worked a day in her life, but has to outlive Jennifer Fitzgerald, her husband's mistress of 10 years. Google that name.

    2. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Don't forget Dick Cheney on that absolutely good for nothing but still alive list.

    3. Anita Winecooler4:04 PM

      That was heartless, 7:34! True, but heartless even WITH the transplant. He does have one thing in common with Sarah. His aim.

  29. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Gryph, I asked you awhile back, "how's he doing?" You never replied, as well you shouldn't have. As trolls will probably berate you, this is not a gossip blog and you remained quiet on honor of your friend. I knew it was bad because I've lived it. Please don't post any snipe, tonight you get to monitor, Good man. And you as well.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      This isn't a gossip blog? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

      MOST of what Gryphen writes is ridiculous propaganda, harming many innocent, non-public people.

    2. Ah, that's bWa ha ha ha ha, you silly goose. Can't even spell laughter correctly, so telling.

    3. Anonymous5:50 AM

      9:13 We here at IM do NOT say anything unless the person (like the Palinsd) are constantly seeking the media, spreading their lies. "living vibrantly" "get a life" "grow up" Please try to learn some better, more adult phrases.

  30. Olivia8:04 PM

    So sad to hear of the loss of this good honest man. The world was a better place with him in it.

  31. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I wonder how much of his memoir he put to paper. WIll it be a Steve jobs book, pieced together by family? If not from him, family is the ONLY GOOD source for writing a biography.

    1. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Should we have no biographies of anyone unless they are written by family members? Do you really think Joe McGinnis would actually endorse that? You always have a pro-Palin agenda, even in a thread like this? You have no class.

    2. Cracklin Charlie7:11 AM

      That's rich, coming from someone who's never read a book.

      Rest in Peace, Joe McGinnis. Happy Trails!

    3. Anonymous4:00 PM

      I often wonder who will write Sarah's Obituary? Forget her bio LMAO.

  32. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I still remember the picture from SPA where Sarah's in her inlaws house looking through one of his books.

    You can disagree and be angry at a writer's unprofessionalism and still respect them.

    Well, people here probably can't because they're closedminded and juvenile.

    1. Anonymous5:18 AM

      Even here, huh 9:22? You're a real asshole.

    2. Anonymous5:40 AM

      The Palins suggested Joe was trying to peep through Piper's windows. Is that what you call respecting him?

    3. Anonymous5:53 AM

      9:22 Let me make THIS clear, nobody on this thread "likes and respects" whoever it is that writes $carah and Bristles "books" or "blogs" I doubt Bristles ever READS what is posted under her name. We hear $carah's sceeches, and know how uneducated she is, even her speech writer seems devoid of a decent education.

    4. Anonymous7:32 AM

      He was as professional as they came.

    5. Anonymous10:42 AM

      9:22 PM 'Up your nose with a rubber hose'. You are Scum, and a useless POS. Your Loneliness is Your fault. You have no respect and you are out of place.
      You will go down soon just like your False Idols the Palin Family. Karma is a Bitch, and you are too.

    6. Anonymous12:06 PM

      @9:22 said "Well, people here probably can't because they're closedminded and juvenile."

      Well, duh, you are here. Thus you are .... Well, you would understand what you are if you could understand simple logic. But, you display little possibility of that comprehension. Be happy in your stupidity but try not to make it so obvious. It attracts ridicule.

    7. Anita Winecooler3:58 PM

      Leave the lowlife to Karma, this pos is exactly what the Bitch attracts and deserves. SMH

    8. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Aw SHIT. The "remember troll."
      I saw them here.
      I saw them there.
      I saw them everywhere.

      Do you EVER get a new spiel????

  33. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Rest in peace, Joe!

  34. Anonymous9:47 PM

    He will be missed! I read his book "The Rogue" in one night. It was a real page turner. I wish I still had his book...I gave it to a friend to read and it was never returned.

  35. Amy in Juneau9:49 PM

    To Joe's family - so sorry for your loss.
    A toast to a talented author, one hell of a journalist and all around good guy. Rest in peace Joe. Thanks for The Rogue and exposing SP on a few of her lies. Slainte friend.

  36. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Sorry about the loss. Joe was one of the good guys.

  37. Anonymous11:08 PM

    It is really sad to lose a truth teller, there are so few left. Sarah Palin actually sympathized with Jeffrey McDonald, that bastard that killed his family of Fatal Vision fame. It shows you what a low life she really is. Sick, sick people seem to thrive. Imagine praying for someone's death such as Mr. McGinnis and calling yourself a good Christian? I'm sure she will say what goes around comes around like she did when Katie Couric's show was cancelled. So when will that apply to Cruella herself?

    1. Anonymous5:54 AM

      11:08 I think the walls are closing in on the Palin fraud. Just a matter of time, but shortly we can hope.

  38. Sad news indeed, but not unexpected, under the circumstances.

    As some mourners like to remark philosophically--usually those at some distance from the deceased--he lived a full life. Boy, did he ever, and we can be grateful he shared some of it with us.

    My first experience of Joe McGinniss came in the mid-70s late one night when I was unable to sleep, pregnant and uncomfortable with my fourth child, lonely because my husband was stationed on the other side of the earth, listening to the radio for diversion, and fortuitously happening upon Larry King interviewing Joe McGinniss.

    He was a writer of a kind I typically did not read, but his straightforward and earnest dialogue with Larry King, coupled with his attention to detail in the crime story he was discussing, drew me in immediately. After that, I read everything he wrote, even his short-lived blog, which revealed that he was probably a bit too tetchy for the blogosphere.

    He mentioned plans for a book about Bruce Springsteen. Don't know how far he progressed with this, but his enthusiasm was evident.

    Rest in peace, Joe.

    1. What a wonderful story, Jude! That is exactly the response that a writer dreams of when going on radio or television: a listener is drawn in and becomes an avid reader (and looker-up of past writing) from that point on.

      A lovely tribute. Thanks.

  39. Joe McGinniss did the country and the world a huge favor by exposing Sarah Palin. RIP Mr. McGinniss

  40. Anonymous2:34 AM

    Ah Joe. You fought the good fight. Rest in peace and thank you for making the world better for having been in it.
    Now , in your honor, I will reread The Rogue today and ontinue to do your worl of exposing Sarah Palin.
    Thank you for everything.
    I am thinking of your family.
    And wishing the evil people who "prayor warriored you to death" they think lol..... bad bad karma to them.

  41. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Now the bitch and the Eskimo can take down their useless fence. Rest in peace, Joe. Yours was a life well lived.

  42. Caroll Thompson4:21 AM

    The world was better because Joe McGinniss was in it. So sad to hear of his passing. You were a good one Joe McGinniss and you will be missed.

  43. Balzafiar5:45 AM

    I'm sure a writer of Joe's caliber had many notes he took when writing his books, so let us hope those unpublished notes from his Wasilla days might someday see the light of day.

  44. I am so sorry to see this. Joe was a gifted writer and I enjoyed every book and article he did.

  45. An European Viewpoint7:19 AM

    I didn't know he was sick... RIP. I wish fortitude to his beloved.

  46. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Joe McGinniss saved this country from Sarah Palin. He was as much of a hero and a patriot as all the vets Palin is always "saluting". Thank you Joe. I will always be grateful. As the boobs so love to say, Thank you for your service.

  47. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Roger Ailes: Joe McGinniss changed political writing forever

  48. Super Fan In Atlanta11:05 AM

    I knew of him because of you, Uncle Gryph. Thank you for introducing me to such a talented writer. To have known someone with the gift of storytelling is, by far, one of the most admirable and coveted treasures I place value on.

    I don't know if he saved the world from electing Palin as I think her idiocy spoke volumes all on its own. What I do know is that I hope my life's work has the ability to impact just as man thousands of people as his did.

  49. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I bought the first two "15 gothic street" chapters and was so looking forward to the rest of them. When no more were released, I knew that was not promising news.
    Thank you, Joe, for your honesty and integrity in writing about very evil people.

  50. erica from dallas4:46 PM

    I am sorry for the loss of your good friend, Gryphan. Thank you for introducing us to such a remarkable man. I think this should be Joe's day. Maybe we can hold off our anger till next week out of respect for him.


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