Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Joe Miller decides to risk an interview with the mainstream media. Things do not go well.

While basking in the conservative utopia of CPAC the vaguely bearded one decided to take the risk of granting an interview to Salon.

Here are a few of his batshit crazy answers.

Reporter: The Employment Non-Discrimination Act that passed the Senate – would you have voted for it? 

Miller: No. I would not have. No, I think that private employers should be able to make decisions as to what they do in their private businesses, and I think the people then are entitled to make decisions as to whether or not they use their services.

And we all know how well that philosophy worked out during the Civil Right era, don't we?

Reporter: Should a hotel be able to turn away a couple because they’re gay? 

Miller: I believe that if you’re a private employer, you have the right to do what you want with respect to your business, and that the people of the country then have the right to do as they will, with respect to whether or not they boycott or take other action to financially penalize. I don’t think the government has a role in that.

Hating on the gays? Check.

However the reporter dug a little deeper.  

Reporter: So at the federal level, then, should it be legal for that hotel to turn someone away because they’re African-American? 

Miller: Again, that’s all I’m going to say about it. The state has the right to act. The federal government should be more of a libertarian stance. And that’s all I’m going to talk about on that issue. I’m a state’s right advocate in those areas. 

Reporter: So should a restaurant then be able to turn someone away because they’re African-American? 

Miller: Again, I’ve said my piece on that.

Reporter:  And so would you repeal the Civil Rights Act? 

Miller: Again, I’ve said my piece on the issue. 

Reporter: And – 

Miller: And of course not. I would not. I’ve said my piece on the issue of ENDA. That was your specific question, that’s my response to it. If the states want to act in that area, they certainly have the ability to do it. 

Reporter: Specifically the public accommodation portion of the Civil Rights Act — should that be repealed?

Miller:  I’ve already made it clear what my position is.

So that would be a yes?

Boy somebody is getting a little prickly aren't they? After all, this NEVER happens over at Fox News.

Miller then attempts to obfuscate his statement that “The President of the U.S. and his allies are engaged in a form of systematic spiritual and religious apartheid.”

Miller does a lot of talking with not much substance, and ends up making the claim that the Affordable Care Act infringes on the religious rights of the American people hoping that will put the issue to rest. 

It doesn't.

Reporter: And if someone has a religious objection to serving an African-American at their business, then – 

Miller: I’m — again, I’m not going there. I already talked to you about the Civil Rights Act. 

Reporter: Are religious objections to interactions with African-Americans equivalent to religious objections to interactions with gay people? 

Miller: They’re – look – I’m not even going there. I mean, we’ve already talked. We’ve talked about ENDA that was the discussion that you had. The Civil Rights Act is not up to debate. It’s not something that anybody, with any reasonable approach, would ever even consider repealing. So that’s not even – it’s not even a dialogue. I mean, what you’re doing is playing “gotcha” journalism. I’m not gonna play that game with you. 

Reporter: And if someone has a religious objection to paying taxes for foreign wars, that they don’t support, then – 

Miller: Obviously the courts – no, obviously the courts have established a balancing act. And I assume that you’re knowledgeable enough in the legal area to understand that. I mean, just because somebody claims free exercise doesn’t mean that any moron that claims some sort of free exercise right can do whatever they want. You know that, I know that. And this interview is done. 

Reporter: Well, I appreciate you taking the time… 

Miller: You know, I’m willing to engage in a dialogue, but we aren’t going to go into the moronic on this, OK? 

Reporter: What was moronic? 

Miller: What is absolutely moronic is you suggesting that you don’t understand that there are limits to the free exercise clause. And you know there are, and you know that there are balancing tests that are imposed.

And with that the interview sort of crashed and burned. 

And that ladies and gentleman is the man who seriously believes that the Alaskan people are going to elect him as their new Senator.


  1. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Palin in a tie.

  2. Pat in MA4:10 AM

    and how about if a private employer decides not to serve an ignorant asshole, or has a religious objection to interacting with vaguely bearded people, is that ok Joe? Walk in the shoes of someone who has been discriminated against and then come back and tell me about state's rights you idiot.

  3. Anonymous4:16 AM

    So according to Scruffy Joe, employers should have the right to turn away business based on any prerogative except religion because you know, there was such an outrage in the late 1700's and early 1800's over a christian not being served it was adopted as a constitutional amendment. Boy, those bible believers sure had thin skin back then, and times haven't changed!

  4. angela4:24 AM

    Joe uses states rights bullshit to try to smooth out his homophobia and racism. What a contemptible loser this man is. Of course, baggers like him are so thin skinned if a business actually decided that white, middle aged, male tea baggers were not allowed on their premises---imagine the psychotic screeching that their rights were being violated.

    Forget about Joe ever being interviewed by anyone outside of the nut hatch again. It will be Breitbart, The Daily Caller, Newsmax and Faux from now on. Really, these tea baggers always look like morons when the media does even a half assed job of questioning them. It must be hard for people like Joe outside of the right wing media--- who licks him and his kind like newborn kittens.

  5. Anonymous4:31 AM

    No candidate will ever get my vote who can't speak or think in complete sentences.

  6. Anonymous5:07 AM

    O/T Jimmy Fallon Mocks Palin's CPAC Speech in Opening Monologue


  7. Anonymous5:42 AM

    The reason he can't be consistent with his answers is because his logic is flawed. He gets flustered when it is pointed out. Obviously. Who's the moron, Joe?

  8. Anonymous5:53 AM


    It looks like most of the Guns & Ammo fans think she's a moron...

    1. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Is Shelly Dankert (Facebook link) Krusty's twin?

    2. ibwilliamsi10:40 AM

      It's Krusty. No doubt.

  9. Anonymous6:35 AM

    This is the man endorsed by Todd Palin. What a surprise.

  10. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Another case of a Republican keeping in the media for the sake of political evangelism. He knows he has no chance of winning. He wants donations so he can keep buying cars and surfboards for his quiver.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Sound familiar, $arah?

  11. Anonymous7:20 AM

    ...Any American that believes the religious right’s attack on human rights, the U.S. Constitution, and other Americans is insignificant, or on the decline and not a threat to democracy, is either incredibly naïve or has not been paying attention to what is happening in this country with increasing frequency. The religious right has about as much respect for the Constitution as they do other Americans’ rights, and they have been engaged in a long-term effort to destroy both in the pursuit of theocracy as America’s government for decades.


    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      The Southern Strategy.

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      The Roman Catholic Church has been plotting behind the scenes for decades........here in America...

  12. Anonymous8:25 AM

    George Zimmerman Fails To Cash In On Murder as Few Show Up To Meet Him at Gun Show

    ...Zimmerman has been doing everything that he can think of to build on the infamy that he gained from killing Trayvon Martin. Public outrage forced the cancelation of the celebrity boxing match that Zimmerman was scheduled to participate in. Almost no one showed up at his autograph signing. The message being sent is clear. Society is not going to let George Zimmerman build a career out of being famous for killing an unarmed teenager.

    Most people if they were involved in an incident where they took the life of another human being would have the decency to express remorse. Most people would keep a low profile. Only the most sociopathic of individuals would look to take advantage of their notoriety. George Zimmerman is a killer without a conscience. He isn’t content with beating a murder charge.

    Zimmerman expects to be treated like a hero. He is desperately trying to cash in on the innocent life that he took. The good news is that America isn’t going to give George Zimmerman the wealth and fame that he so desperately craves.


  13. Anonymous9:21 AM

    If the guy is going to wear a beard he needs implants. He might be able to borrow one of Sara's wigs also.

  14. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Don't forget that Joe Miller's fellow nutters like Mrs Joe Miller and Dave "There’s not one scintilla of evidence that Todd Palin" Parker are helping pick judges for the state of Alaska.

  15. ibwilliamsi10:36 AM

    And so, vice versa, I should by right of being an Atheist have every right to refuse service to Christianists like Joe.

    Careful, Joe. That's a mighty slippery slope you're on there, you moron.

  16. Lesson: if you want your teabagger ignorance paid due deference, you never step outside the Fox cocoon.

  17. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Joe Miller ---- bringing shame to fellow West Point graduates everywhere...

    I'm sure Joe missed the Honor Code briefing that first day at the Point.

  18. Anonymous1:27 PM

    As a politician who continually goes off on fair and balanced government Miller sure sounds like he knows how to trick out answers to questions asked by a reporter. What an evil and self-serving person he is.

  19. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Dear Joe...the "Miami Vice" look is SO over. You just look like an idiot.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.