Thursday, March 27, 2014

New survey shows that if Hillary does not run that the next potential female candidate with the highest name recognition is Sarah Palin. Seriously?

Courtesy of YouGov:  

Even though 2/3 of Americans in the latest Economist/YouGov Poll think the country is ready for a woman president, there is no guarantee that a woman will even be on the ballot in 2016. Although her candidacy is greatly anticipated – or greatly dreaded -- by many, Hillary Clinton has not yet made a decision yet on whether or not to run. 

Several media outlets (for example the Wall Street Journal and CBS News) have published stories about those who have doubts about her running. Others have speculated about what could happen if she chose not to run; the Washington Post, for example, predicted "chaos" on the Democratic field. But with so many Americans thinking the country is ready for a woman president, what other women do Americans think could or should run for the highest office in the land? 

For the past several weeks, the Economist/YouGov Poll has asked Americans their opinions of other women who could potentially run for president. Last week, when people were asked what women other than Hillary Clinton Americans would want to run for president in either 2016 or 2020, 49 different names were mentioned. However, there were only 8 women named by at least 1% of survey takers, and nearly 2/3 of those in the survey couldn't name a single other woman beyond Clinton.

Okay first off it is important to note that a full 2/3 of the participants in this survey could not even name another female candidate except Hillary, which goes to show that she is without a doubt the best known potential presidential candidate in the country.

Second just because the majority of the country is ready for a female President does not mean they will cast their vote for any old uterus that decides to run. I think we learned that definitely in 2008.

And speaking of 2008, it is clear that the only reason that so many people know about Palin is due to the McCain campaign, and of course the constant mention on late night talk shows, for comedic reasons. That does not, in any way, translate into support.

Besides in this scenario Palin is much like General William Sherman in that if nominated she would not run, and if elected....well let's face it she would NEVER be elected.

Don't get me wrong she would love to run, but she simply cannot do so without all kinds of secrets coming out that would embarrass her to the point that she would have to run back to Wasilla with her vestigial tail between her knees. (Okay she might NOT have a vestigial tail but then again I think she might.)


  1. lostinmn4:34 PM

    Let the donations and frenzy ensue. I can hardly wait for the Palin crazies to go wild. It'll be better than what would happen if Tbow gets signed to try out at QB in the NFL. Come to think of it I'd love to see both happen so they exhaust themselves before the real people run

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      I second that. If there is one thing that Palin's minions deserve more than anything else, it is to be fleeced to the bone by their fascist layabout idiot queen. They will never learn. And as for Palin, I can think of no fate more befitting than to be cannibalized by those smart enough to see through the thin skin of her weak and worthless persona.

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Apparently Romney is thinking of running again even though the Republicans don't want him. Let them run together.....ROFL doesn't get funnier than that.

    3. Anonymous11:31 PM

      She is running to be president of Farmville.

    4. Anonymous12:04 AM

      Of course Mitt is running. It's still 'his time.' And Queen Ann never got her coronation because America was mean to them. I hope the media holds him to account this time and demands tax returns...real live unredacted returns, just like every other serious candidate has produced for decades. And Sarah's too.

  2. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Sarah Palin maybe a narcissistic person but she is not that damn dumb to run for president. All Sarah wants is to stand on a pedestal while hearing her name loudly chanted by her followers. In 2008 nobody knew her. In 2016 if Sarah Palin is that stupid to run then Sarah and her entire family is fair game. They represent her values and Sarah surely doesn't want her dirty laundry aired. Especially Todd's dirty laundry.

    1. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Yup. She has absolutely no desire to run and work for anything again, and will not, ever. She doesn't want any actual work, she just wants to be celebrated. She is trying to carve out a little niche for herself in that regard, but it is going about as well as you would expect it to for a lazy, bitchy, half term quitter that doesn't have the slightest bit of intellectual curiosity in her skinny bones.

      But any of the speculation of her running i read here, or reasons she wouldn't because of her skeletons... really is way off base. Sarah is lazy and wants to be a celebrity. The idea of actually running for anything is so far off the radar for her it is silly to even speculate the what ifs... it is not happenning. Ever.

    2. Anonymous12:02 AM

      I think you overestimate her. She IS that dumb, and that narcissistic. However, she thought in 2012 that she would be swept onto the ticket at the convention. Then they someone lost her invitation. So if the peeponders continue to support her, and if a few of her candidates manage to win despite the Palin Curse, she may get her hopes up again. She is still on Fox catering to them with her hate speech. She still gets on teepee pretending to be all patriotic while stepping all over the flag. They buy what she's selling.

    3. Anonymous2:06 PM

      12:02 - she never thought for one second she would be swept onto the ticket. her political days are over and she knows that better than anyone. The day she stepped down as governor she made it official.

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I can hear the Republicans now. Sarah Palin in 2016? Oh well maybe we have a chance in 2020.

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Please run Sarah. Can't wait for the fun to begin.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      It's very hard to run for president and not have to give some interview and participate in some debates. And, it's harder work than running for vice president.

  5. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Name recognition has nothing to do with electability.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Right. Especially at this stage in the game. Who would have given a plugged nickel in March 2006 for the chances of any other woman or minority to knock off Clinton in the primaries in '08.
      What the survey says to me is, 70% of the responders pay zero attention to news beyond maybe the headlines, maybe 20% have a functioning brain and more than a passing awareness of politics, and the remaining 10% are the nutcase fringe who will always love their Sarah, Queen of the Crazies.
      As a thought experiment, imagine if McCain had tapped a capable as well as charismatic woman to share the ticket in '08, a Susana Martinez or Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, or an outside-the-beltway pick from the business world. Imagine the tide of name recognition that person could be riding now, heading into 2016. Lord knows we don't have to imagine how much Palin has squandered.

    2. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Tell that to idiot Amerikkka.

  6. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I don't think that it's a question of "There has to be a woman running in 2016." Each party should be picking the best candidate, the one who has the best chance of winning. Go ahead and pick Sarah Palin, you crazy Republicans. The last time around, Sarah was picked, in part, to attract the people who would have voted for Hillary. But, it didn't work that way. The disenchanted Hillary voters ended up voting for President Obama. They were not going to vote for any woman. They wanted the smart one, not the dumb one. And they could tell the difference.

    1. Baby_Raptor5:36 PM


      I was considering voting for McCain, until he picked Palin. Spent a couple hours on the internet after the announcement and pretty much instantly became an Obama fan.

  7. Anonymous5:19 PM

    What exactly would make her so fearful to run in 16 that didn't seem to stop her in 08?

    Sorry to be so dense, but I really thought she wouldn't run for prez because she KNEW she was a fraud and knew nothing of world affairs and being VP was a much easier (in her mind) position to fake.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      One word.


    2. Anonymous8:02 PM

      I believe she was forced to resign as Governor for conspiring to kill the President. There is no way in Hell she would be allowed to run again.

    3. Anonymous8:03 PM

      5:19 because in 2008 she was under mccain's umbrella of protection. not necessarily his wanting to protect her but himself!!! once they found out what they had done it was cya time for all involved.

      she won't run-there is no protection and even though she is a huge koch whore, they can't keep the media from digging every stinking skeleton out of her disgusting closet of a life. she won't run.
      she is a laughingstock! look at this supposed show.........baawwwaaaahhhhhhhhh skank run?
      yeah right! she is so narcissistic that if she thought she had a chance she would open a presidential pac and announce now. she wouldn't be able to help herself.

    4. Anonymous8:18 PM

      There is a big difference between running for president and vice president. When Sarah ran for VP, she was picked without having to go through a debate or do any campaigning. The only campaigning that she did do was to woo the neo-cons on the Alaska cruise with Krystol. All she had to do was charm McCain, Krystol and some more GOPers. Once she was chosen, Sarah gave exactly two interviews (after being prepped for two weeks). After those disasters, she never gave another interview. She did not show up on any of the Sunday morning news shows. All she had to do was deliver a hate-filled speech in red states for two months and wave at the crowd.

      If Sarah ran for president, she would have to stand in the line up and debate others running for the same office. She would have to campaign in the key primary states. It's hard work and it would require lots and lots of money. Sarah doesn't do anything that involves hard work. She wants to be made up, wave and the crowd and crack some jokes. She can't answer hard questions-- not for the two years that our candidates run for president. As for being chosen as a third party Tea Party candidate without the debates, campaigning and convention, bring it on. She and the Republican will split the vote. No, there is no way that Sarah will run for president. She can make more money and do much less work in the world of reality TV and ghost written books. But, that won't stop her from teasing her fans that she might think about considering making up her mind that maybe, please send more money.

    5. Cracklin Charlie8:44 PM

      You have a lot of catching up to do. Please take a look at the right hand side of the page, at the articles listed under "Important Immoral Minority Posts". Every closet, in every house the woman owns, is full to bursting with the bones of her career of graft and corruption.

      Thanks for the forum, Gryphen!

    6. Anonymous9:40 PM

      To be serious-- what about Sarah Palin makes anyone think that she is smart enough to put together a staff and a campaign organization? It might be easier if she had some experience as an actual community organizer. You need that kind of experience to relate to people, get boots on the ground and get out the vote. Posting by FB is no way to run for president.

  8. So are we picking potential candidates because of name recognition and to hell with qualifications? So is this why the republicans are making sure that they limit voting rights of certain people? This is the only way they can get their candidates voted in by redistricting all of the tea party residents into a certain districts in red states so their candidates win elections. So the crooks rig elections and vote for name recognition only?

    1. Anonymous11:56 PM

      Um...look at the last GOP Prez and who they have run since...a guy who ran a baseball team and an oil company into bankruptcy. A guy who crashed planes and was finally captured by the Viet Cong, who ratted out compatriots, and a guy whose religion wants to take over the world and who STILL hasn't produced even one tax yes, crooks and liars about sums up the GOP.

  9. Leland5:39 PM

    "...which goes to show that she is without a doubt the best known potential presidential candidate in the country."

    Definitely an incorrect statement, Gryphen! Sorry, she may be the
    best known FEMALE presidential candidate, but nothing was said about any MALE candidates in that survey, so there is nothing on which to base your statement from it.

    And lets face it, there are a LOT of males who people recognize as potential candidates.

    I'm NOT saying they would stand a chance, but the question specifically limited the answers to females.


  10. Sarah won't run. The peetards can pray all they want but, she won't run. Too many skeletons in the Palinskank's closet.

  11. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Obamacare Smashes Its Goal Of 6 Million Signups Days Ahead of Deadline

    ...The advantage that Republicans thought they had on Obamacare is evaporating. Obamacare fatigue is setting in. People are sick of the repeal voters, endless ads, and single-minded Republican obsession with the healthcare law.

    The battle is over. Democrats have won. The enrollment goal has been met with days to spare. President Obama has been proven correct. People do want access to affordable healthcare. Republicans gambled everything on stopping Obamacare, and they lost. With the ACA gaining in popularity, Republicans don’t have a leg to stand on.

    Thanks to the hard work of President Obama and the Democrats, the ACA triumphed over endless Republican opposition. This is a historic day, and a giant step forward towards the goal of universal health insurance coverage for all Americans.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Family members and friends are all signing up for Obamacare and loving it!

  12. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Thanks to her championing of equal pay, Wendy Davis is surging in the polls while her Republican opponent Greg Abbott could be facing an investigation into pay discrimination in his office.

  13. Proud Palinbot6:13 PM

    Our Sarah will run and win! Governor Palin could win in 2016 running backwards. In heels.

    Running backwards in heels is one of her many talents.

    1. PalinsHoax6:27 PM

      Oh Palin is pretty backwards alright. That is the only way she knows how to go. There is nothing forward or futuristic about the Ol' Regressive Retrograde.

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      "running backwards in heels is one of her many talents"

      and forgot NEKID!!!! Don't Look Ethel!

      Come streakin' around the grease rack there, didn't have nothin' on but a smile.

    3. Anonymous11:53 PM

      I think not. If she had the ability to even walk backward in heels, she'd have taken that DWTS money in a split second.

    4. Proud moron, you mean.

      "Running backwards in hooker bondage platform shoes is one of her many talents."

      There, fify.

      There, I had to have some fun with your comment, although surely it was snark. No one could be that stupid.

    5. Anonymous7:39 AM

      6:13 PM Is that why her feet are so fucked up?

  14. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Big fucking deal. People recognize her for being an asshole

  15. Anonymous6:28 PM

    The GOP Establishment hate Sarah Palin. She will not run on a Republican ticket. Karl Rove is going to sell Jeb Bush and if he nominates a female for VP, it will be Gov. Susana Martinez from New Mexico or possibly Condi Rice if she would accept.

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      They've been courting Kelley Ayotte from NH.

    2. Anonymous11:52 PM

      Yeah, but Kelly has issues (and is not the brain they thought she was.) Martinez is the right demographic (just as they were sure Palin was...) Mr. Rove, PLEASE proceed

  16. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Now wouldn't that be something to see...hehehe...I'd love to see Sarah debate Hillary. Sarah would be so scared she'll pee in her pants right on stage.

  17. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Even the grifterati who surround her know she can't run for any public office. Sarah is a hateful ignorant opportunist to the core but she is also dumber than those she employs. They use her. She would be eviscerated and their "Money for Nothing" gigs would be over.

  18. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Hey G, surprised you didn't mention the auspiciousness of today's date, the 50th anniversary of the great Good Friday earthquake. A good reminder to Alaskans of the importance of staying safe and being prepared -- not to mention the importance of fighting the good fight against the likes of political candidates like Bobby who-needs-volcano-monitoring Jindal. So, yeah, Alaska, don't forget to stay safe!

    1. Anonymous11:20 PM

      As an Alaskan, I got it covered. ;-)

  19. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Sarah thinks it is a beauty pageant but she doesn't really have the balls to run for President.

  20. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Let ‘er rip! We would love it! Then come the real investigations ...

  21. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Sorry,but most Americans are ignorant, they know more about reality tv than politics. Its embarrasing for USA that Palin would even considered.

  22. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Hillary would run as a Dem. Palin would have to get the Republican primary nomination and that isn't going to happen. They wouldn't even let her attend the Republican function last go around w/Romney. Palin would not replace Hillary Clinton should Hillary decide not to run - completely different parties!

    1. Anonymous11:50 PM

      Not to mention that there is an actual process...she has to get on the ballot in 50 states, which requires money and organization. Sarah has about as much organizational skill as that caribou she almost shot on her teepee show.

    2. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Agree! Hillary would run circles around Palin! So far more experienced, knowledgeable, educated and quick on her feet. Palin would fall by the wayside so quickly and she knows it!

  23. Anonymous7:18 PM

    There is SOME reason, and a LOT of money behind her recent resurgence...
    I suspect the Koch bros...
    they are buying up the votes and think they will pull the puppet strings on the square-jawed mannequin, the North Star, the Esther of the 21st Century, our very own Ms Sarah Palin!

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      what resurgence?

    2. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Remember, money behind a candidate is not what counts. It's getting out the vote and each one cast!

      Look at the money that was thrown at Romney and McCain....they both lost against President Obama! It was the voting power of Americans!

      We CAN do it again in spit of the money from the Koch brothers and the creepy looking guy from Las Vegas!

    3. Anonymous8:59 AM


      Unfortunately the Electoral College elects our President, however your vote DOES count in the midterms. Midterms are where we are falling down when in comes to voter engagement.

  24. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Bitch was too scared to run against President Obama in 2012 and was afraid to run for senate in the past years.

    2016 is no different

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Toad is that you?

    2. Anonymous9:37 PM

      7:42 my thought exactly! LOL

  25. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Our Sarah From Alaska would want to be president for about a year then she would find a reason to quit. You know for the good of Alaska.

  26. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Kathy Gwinn Herold > Sarah Palin

    51 minutes ago · i wish you would run for the whitehouse or for president

    Kathy what do you mean run for the White House or president? Think about what you said. You are a typical Palin follower.
    Bless your heart.

    1. Anonymous11:49 PM

      Maybe she meant Sarah could run TO the WH on one of her marathons?

    2. Anonymous5:51 AM

      The people who comment on her hatebook page are illiterate morons or bought fans whose comments are written by tawd or piper..

  27. Anonymous8:00 PM

    If only the Liberal media she's always yacking about would call her bluff.

  28. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Stop saying Sarah Palin was afraid to run against President Obama in 2012. Sarah wasn't afraid, Sarah was busy doing....

    Sarah what were you doing? I got nothing.

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      She was too busy with FAMILY! ! You knOw, the same family that had zero problem With it four years earlier.

    2. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Sarah Palin did NOT run against Barack Obama in 2008 - John McCain did. They were both running for the position of POTUS. Palin was running for VP. Thank god McCain lost! We'd be fighting more wars currently that the USA CANNOT afford nor do Americans support!

      Thank you President Obama and VP Biden for being elected twice!!!!!

  29. Anonymous8:05 PM

    OK...I get it now? This survey is a pre=April fools joke...Right?

  30. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Quittypants will never run.

    She would have to give up her slush/hush fund called SarahPAC and be subject to all kinds of scrutiny and reporting rules and things like that. So relax everyone, ain't gonna happen.

    1. Anonymous11:48 PM

      Exactly. For a mere $400,000 a year, Missy LoudMouth couldn't be bothered to go to a PTO meeting, let alone work 24/7 365 days a year. She couldn't even run Wasilla without hiring someone else.

  31. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Kim Kardashian also has high name recognition. Do you think this country would elect her?

    1. Anonymous9:16 PM

      Heh, as does Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, etc., etc.

    2. Anonymous9:35 PM

      And for VP, Paris Hilton, Madonna, Lindsay Lohan, Taylor Swift??? Everyone knows their names, too.

  32. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Sarah Palin what do you want? Do you want to be pampered by Girls With Guns in front of a green screen? Or do you want you own servants, Secret Service agents, armored vehicles, Marine One heeliecopters, Air Force One jet and won't have to warsh your own draws.

  33. Anita Winecooler8:33 PM

    YES! This is what I've been waiting for, the clash of the Titans! Go Team Sarah! Only dead fish roll back down the river over the rocks and eventually rot.

    Hate to be picky, but who's that woman in the red dress with flesh on her face and a complexion that's not gray-green with cracks in it? She looks vaguely familiar but I just can't remember her name,

    My, drugs, stress and alcohol aside, what six years of built up hate and stewing in your own juices does to a person!!!!

  34. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Nice photos of both women. We just saw Sarah on Extra and she looks nothing like that photo anymore. She is extremely thin. Is she ill?

    1. Anonymous11:46 PM

      Yes, mentally.

    2. Anonymous6:58 AM

      You missed the big zit on Sarah 's caked up face.

  35. Anonymous8:36 PM

    "As for that president talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the president does everyday?"

  36. Anonymous8:47 PM

     "She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president? Look at what she's done to this state. What would she do to the nation?" ―Alaska State Senate President Lyda Green, who is a Republican

  37. Anonymous9:27 PM

    I really want Sarah to run. Really. It would be fun to watch.

  38. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Hillary is so much prettier than $arah. $arah has black evil eyes.

    1. Anonymous11:50 PM

      She has the eyes of a doll: completely void of soul and life. Indeed, a fitting compliment to her overall manner of being.

  39. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Just goes to show how apathetic and uninformed most of America is about the state of our political system. However, everyone knows who is in the sweet 16, right?
    Fucked up country.

  40. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Best quote about Ms. Palin ever (astute to boot!) :

    "Jericho, L.I.: To Voicer Lorraine Shaw: Instead of comparing the gaffes of Joe Biden and Sarah Palin, we should take solace in the fact that Palin handily lost her vice-presidential bid and will probably never win the presidency either. The reasons being that she is unusually incurious, abnormally unintelligent, amazingly inarticulate, fantastically uncultured, extraordinarily uneducated and quite proud of all of these traits!"Anthony Grasso

  41. Anonymous4:12 AM

    "...any old uterus that decides to run." Wow. So, which penises do you think might run?

    1. That statement appears to be a response to the republican cynicism of 2008 which led them to choose Palin not based on any qualifications for the vice-presidency other than being a woman (i.e., having a uterus), which they thought was all Hillary supporters would need to vote republican.

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      Nefer, thanks for the clarification. It just sounded so sexist, and got on my wrong side. :-)

  42. PalinsHoax4:48 AM

    Run TWOBULL Run. We want to see the medical records - the complete set of medical records, not the flimsy one-page made-up drivel that was presented at McCain's 2008 presidential run.

    Paging Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson. Paging Dr. Baldwin-Johnson, regarding your patient TWOBULL.

    1. Anonymous6:52 AM

      It's going to be interesting to see how Sarah gave birth to Trig since Sarah said she had her tubes tied after giving birth to Piper. Will we find out that Trig's real parents are Todd and a prostitute? Could explain why Sarah is not that close to Trig.

    2. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you tell us about Track? Did Track really go to a hockey camp in Michigan or was it a get well facility?

    3. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you explain why your daughter Bristol was sent away to live with her aunt? That's something families did in the old days to cover up something else.

    4. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you tell us about your Wild Ride from Texas? Why would an older woman who is leaking amniotic fluid board an airplane endangering her unborn child? Why would America want a president that makes careless decisions like that?

    5. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you tell us about Glenn Rice and what in your sister's college dorm room? Is it true that Todd was your current boyfriend? How can America trust you with the nuclear button if Todd can't trust you? If the story is not true then tell us what really happened?

    6. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you tell America what the relationship is between Todd and Shailey Tripp? Was single mother Shailey Tripp an employee of Todd and did Todd report the income he made from this business to the IRS? If there was no relationship between Todd and Shailey Tripp why hasn't Todd publicly denied it?

    7. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Can Sarah Palin explain why Bristol gained so much weight while away in School in Arizona? Does abstinence cause weight gain? Does abstinence cause Bar-hopping and bringing home different dates each night? Is Dr. CBJ Bristol's OB in Arizona? Can Sarah Palin explain why Track Menard Palin is always in a drug induced stupor in the Wasilla Hangar? What happened to all of Sarah's 'fawning' over Track's 'WARRIOR BODY'? Are you Embarrassed that your son is a Drug Addict and has to avoid being seen? You, Sarah Palin drove your kids to their Lifestyle, and it 'ain't' pretty. Your Failure as a Mother/ Parent will be your downfall. You will NEVER run for Public Office again, your Closet full of Skeletons is too full. Only a FOOL would believe that you are competent and would donate to SarahPac.

    8. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, were those your God given breasts you were displaying in New York? If not why were you wearing them and why in God's name did you pick that humongous ridiculous size?

    9. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you explain where all your money from SarahPAC went to? Your PAC collected millions of dollars while only giving a small percentage to political candidates?

    10. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you tell us more about your rv bus you are selling? We assumed that your PAC purchased this vehicle, how did this vehicle come into your possession? Did you pay pennies on the dollar to acquire it from your PAC?

    11. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you tell us more about your college education? Why did you have to go to five colleges to get one degree and can you explain the story about Hawaii? Did the Asian people make you feel uncomfortable or was that just a rumor?

    12. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you explain to America why in the history of DWTS that your daughter Bristol got bigger and bigger while other contestants always lost weight? As a ballroom finalist, why did Bristol disappear afterwards and did not participate with the other finalists as they performed in other shows?

    13. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you explain what happened to the Johnston's computer? Who were those women during the McCain campaign who white washed it getting rid of damaging information?

    14. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you tell us under oath who really built your red two story house? Are we to believe that Todd and a couple of buddies built it?

    15. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin can you explain to America about the stories that Todd used to peek at women through holes in walls? Are they false rumors or just boys being boys?

    16. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you tell us what you read? Can you name a Supreme Court case? Who is your favorite founding father?

    17. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you tell us what happened to Todd's snowmachine business and did you have anything to do with Todd's fallout with his business partner?

    18. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin - can you tell us why Todd is engaged to the mother of his new baby?

    19. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Presidential candidate Sarah Palin, can you tell us why Bristol had so many trial husbands? Why can't she get anybody to marry her? Finally, how's Bristol's abstinence thingy going?

    20. PalinsHoax9:32 AM

      He he. And these questions are just for starters, Miss Tubal Ligation, I mean $arah Palin.

  43. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Of course a poll associated with YouGov. Huff Post has one too & it's the biggest farce around. It definitely shows the polls have nothing but a RW.slant. I used to take them, & they had separate results shown for HP users & "everyone" else. HP readers (before Facebook & AOL) opinions matched up pretty closely with the truly unbiased National Polls. The others - were Karl Rove devotees/poll fanciers.

  44. Anonymous11:01 AM

    In someone's dreams!
    If ever, then she would need Hillary as VP to actually work as USPresident behind the scenes.

  45. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Disgusting as it seems, I can see her running, provided someone with big money like the Koch brothers set up her campaign, did all the work and all she had to do was stay sober and drug free long enough to do her hate speeches.

    Republicans hate America. They don't care about the havoc they cause to this country as long as they win and get their way. If they really loved American they would have shut down the teaparty long ago.

    As for the media exposing her secrets, most of it is run by republicans and it has become more entertainment than real facts. They dropped the ball in 2008, never investigated her thoroughly and if they had, she be long gone by now. Many Alaskans may know all the dirt on her, but it won't stop her if if stays secret.

    Palin is the perfect puppet. It wouldn't be the first time we had a "figure head" president, Ronnie had Alzheimer's and I am sure Cheney was running things while Bush was on vacation 99% of the time.

  46. She must believe that people are actually serious about her possible running with polls like this. Sorry Sarah, you are no Hillary. No even in the same category. Hillary worked hard all her life to accomplish all that she has done. Working is not in your vocabulary, the only thing you are good at is rabble-rousing in a hateful way. Everyone with half a brain realizes what a train wreck you are. I notice that Addleson didn't invite you to his primary this weekend, why is that?
    Hillary will win, no doubt but there is a huge part of me that thinks that if we think our President gets a hard time, which he does, it won't be a picnic for her either. In my estimation, the perfect ticket would be Bernie Sanders & Elizabeth Warren. We need to get over the great divide in this country.

  47. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I feel the need to take a shower.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.