Monday, March 31, 2014

"ObamaCares" – A Song About Obamacare Agents. This should tickle your funny bones this morning.

Lyrics courtesy of Americans Against the Tea Party:

 Lyrics: I’ve got 2 grandmas — whom I lovingly idolize 
How will Obama decide which one to euthanize? 
That’s not a thing — we wont be putting grandma down 
We’re proud to say we haven’t killed one grandma since we’ve been around! 

Can I bring my gun in the hospital — in case something goes down? 
No, sir, you can’t — but then how the hell am I supposed to stand my ground?! 
My hero Freddie never enrolled, and he turned out fine! 
Yeah maybe up until somewhere around 1989 

There’s so many opinions 
They’re usually wrong 
That’s why we’re here to answer all your questions 
In the form of a song 

Be-Cos your BMI’s 60, your artery tears 
Your leg is restless and your asthma flares 
And Obama’s the only one who cares!

If I’m not pregnant, do I still have to get an abortion? 
Whoever told you that, is guilty of distortion 
I think my 6 year old’s too young for birth control 
Ma’am, no one wants that, now please why wont you just enroll? 

They’ll put a barcode in our arm said a Congressman on tv 
Will that set off the metal detector at airport security? 
No, bar codes aren’t involved — whoever said that’s full of shit 
And frankly, I’m concerned by how ok you seem to be with it. 

There’s so many opinions 
They’re usually wrong 
That’s why we’re here, to answer all your questions 
In the form of a song 

Be-Cos your BMI’s 60, your artery tears 
Your leg is restless and your asthma flares 
And Obama’s the only one who cares! 

I prefer the Affordable Care Act or the “ACA” 
Ma’am that’s Obamacare — no it’s not — fine, ok! 
I plan on getting shot — a lot — promise 
I wont die? That’s not a promise I can make – and may I ask, why? 

So will Obama be my personal physician? 
I’m sure he’d love to, but he’s not qualified for that position 
Will he at least wash his hands before performing surgery? 
Obama’s not your doctor…I mean, are you not hearing me? 

There’s so many opinions 
They’re usually wrong 
That’s why we’re here to answer all your questions 
In the form of a song 

Be-Cos your BMI’s 60, your artery tears 
Your leg is restless and your asthma flares 
And Obama’s the only one who cares! 
Obama cares, Obama cares get it? Obama cares! 

Written by: Bob Ferrera and Taylor Ferrera

Very good, informative, AND kind of catchy. 


  1. Anonymous5:08 AM

    If I’m not pregnant, do I still have to get an abortion?
    I think my 6 year old’s too young for birth control
    Tea Party folks make me tired

  2. SHARON7:01 AM

    I think the biggest mistake the Obama staff made was the original roll out 4 years ago, not the first person to notice. For some reason the Dems just overlook the zeal & rage the GOP has for everything they do....they spend millions dedicated to lies and have Fox in their corner 24/7. Stewart & Maher are trying to educate our week kneed side to "stand your ground" and use the Lutz word masturbation when campaigning for the midterms. Healthcare is the game changer.....we need to scream how great it is and call out these incredible bold faced lies. We are dealing with some major stupidity out there and our base has to understand we need 4 year voter turnouts...not isn't going to change minds, elections will. If we can take back the house/senate you know the GOP is done...sail into 2016 and get this country great again.

  3. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Red State Enrollment Surges As Obamacare Deadline Approaches

    Due To Obamacare, Nearly 10 Million Previously Uninsured Americans Now Have Coverage

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      President Obama's healthcare law, despite a rocky rollout and determined opposition from critics, already has spurred the largest expansion in health coverage in America in half a century, national surveys and enrollment data show.

      As the law's initial enrollment period closes, at least 9.5 million previously uninsured people have gained coverage. Some have done so through marketplaces created by the law, some through other private insurance and others through Medicaid, which has expanded under the law in about half the states.

      The tally draws from a review of state and federal enrollment reports, surveys and interviews with insurance executives and government officials nationwide.,0,5472960.story#ixzz2xZNNsFlx


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It just goes directly to their thighs.