Sunday, March 09, 2014

President Obama to introduce the return of Cosmos to our television screens.

Courtesy of Hollywood Reporter:  

President Barack Obama is putting his stamp on Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. 

The president will offer an "inspiring" introduction ahead of Sunday's series premiere at 9 p.m. ET/PT, Fox announced Saturday. In the video message, Obama invites a new generation to embrace the spirit of discovery and inspires viewers to explore new frontiers and imagine limitless possibilities for the future. 

The 13-episode Cosmos, produced by Cosmos Studios and Fuzzy Door Productions, tells the story of how we discovered the laws of nature and found our coordinates in space and time. Ann Druyan, Seth MacFarlane, Cosmos Studios president Mitchell Cannold and Brannon Braga are executive producers, with Jason Clark co-executive producing. 

Obama's support behind Cosmos is no secret as a screening was held at the White House as part of the first White House Student Film Festival on Feb. 28, celebrating his commitment to technology in the classroom. During the festival, Obama detailed the progress toward his ConnectED goal of connecting students to broadband and wireless technology within five years. 

And just when I did not think this show, now hosted by the great Neil deGrasse Tyson, could get any cooler.

Here is the trailer.  (If that doesn't fire you up, you better check your pulse.)


  1. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I was in high school when Carl Sagan hosted the first Cosmos series. My whole family is looking forward to the new series. You're right; our President introducing the show is just so very, very cool!

  2. abbafan6:55 AM

    Hi Gryphen! I get shivers looking at that photo of President Obama, Mr. Nye, and Dr. Tyson - they ROCK!!! I am so glad this is being aired, but on Faux??? The same network that spews propaganda and panders to $arah's low-info base? Perhaps they are wisening up and are getting tired of that demographic. I wonder if any of the slow palin slacker spawn will watch this show, let alone learn anything. Oh, I forgot - there is nothing in it for them!

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Sarah wonders why Obama is promoting a show about a fashion magazine.

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      It isn't Fox News. It's Fox and they also show Glee, which celebrates gay characters of both sexes.

  3. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Saw the previews for this show and anticipate watching with bated breath.

  4. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Awesome! It's so great to have a president who understands the importance of science education and who is truly excited about science discovery.

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    You can watch Bill Moyers interview him at Tyson talks about how someone with a big ego, with a big sense of self importance, has trouble dealing with the science of the universe because it makes them feel small, while someone with no ego will feel connected to the universe and love it. Perhaps this is why Republicans/Christians cannot accept science, because they think they are so very important and science, which opens up their mind to the vastness and intricacy of everything, tells them otherwise.

  6. Anonymous8:54 AM

    It just FRIES the GOP/TP that President Obama shows them up every time. The man is a master of 3-D chess. Has he made gaffes, bad decisions? Sure, he's human but works to correct them. That Congress has decided they will do no more work this year shows just how successful he's been. C'mon, Hillary, declare your candidacy and REALLY piss 'em off. They know it's coming and they got nuthin'.


    1. Anita Winecooler4:51 PM

      Life is Sweet!

  7. Boscoe12:18 PM

    So, not to put too fine a point on it...

    President Obama - Pallin' around with scientists

    $a®ah Palin™ - Pallin' around with Ted Nugent and the Duck guy.

    Any questions?

  8. Anita Winecooler4:58 PM

    I'm so glad a new generation will experience a new series like this one. I get goosebumps just remembering watching the first crafts make it to space, then the first manned aircraft leaving our flag on the moon. It sparked my interest in the future and the possibilities that Science could answer questions, make our lives better, make us eradicate illnesses etc etc etc. We didn't have "special effects" that seemed realistic, video games, etc our kids have today, but we had Star Trek, Nasa, and so many other reasons to scan the skies and wonder.....

    Do we not have one of the coolest Presidents, ever?????

  9. Anonymous8:35 PM

    In love with obama much guys?

  10. Anonymous11:41 AM

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