Friday, March 21, 2014

Sarah Palin angry that pro-choice group uses jewelry to remind women of the tragic days before Roe vs Wade.

Courtesy of Anti-Choice Barbie's Facebook page:  

The only feminists who are truly 100% pro-women are those who believe in the worth and positive potential of every woman – even our littlest sisters in the womb! Which political party has the plank in its platform protecting the most vulnerable? Who fights for the basic sacred right to life of every woman or girl – no matter how small? So, D.C. "feminists" who would wear this symbol of death around their neck, who are the real women liberators? It's the pro-life sisterhood fighting to protect children.

The Palin links to Brancy's blog, which contains this tasteless comment:

I honestly can’t believe that someone would celebrate the destruction of babies (boys, and YES millions of girls) as a fashion statement for feminists. 

You know the phrase “they wear their heart of their sleeves?” Well, I guess DC feminists love to wear death on their necks.

Of course the point is NOT to celebrate abortion, but to remind people of the fate that many young pregnant women escaped with the passage of Roe vs Wade.

But perhaps the President of the DC Abortion Fund can say it more eloquently:  

It’s said that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Lately, it seems there’s been a lot of forgetfulness about the history of women’s reproductive freedom. The coat hanger has long been a symbol of the reproductive justice movement. The DC Abortion Fund – contrary to recent conservative media reports – has for many years given away a silver coat hanger pendant to our monthly supporters. 

The pendant is nothing new or even particularly newsworthy. Anyone who wants a pendant today can sign up below to become a monthly donor for as little as $10 a month. If you do, please consider this my personal thanks. Welcome to a wonderful community of dedicated, compassionate abortion access supporters – we’re glad to have you! 

The coat hanger is a symbol of the reproductive justice movement because lack of access to abortion causes women to go to desperate lengths to terminate a pregnancy, similar to those undertaken in the pre-Roe vs Wade era. At that time, consuming Lysol and household poisons was not uncommon to instigate abortion. Nor was inserting knitting needles, Coke bottles, and – yes – wire coat hangers into their cervices. 

It might make you cringe to imagine just how desperate one must be to go to these lengths. But we don’t have to imagine. We hear from women every day who are that desperate, with no one else to turn to. With our help, they access quality, safe abortion care – no wire coat hangers needed. 

The coat hanger is a reminder of women’s suffering when abortion is placed out of reach. It is a promise from reproductive justice advocates to never go back to the grotesque world our anti-choice opponents are striving for: a world WITHOUT safe access to abortion, where women might have to resort to horrific alternatives like a coat hanger. That’s why our supporters love the pendants and wear them as a point of pride. 

While we were surprised by the conservative media’s ignorance of the history of the coat hanger’s symbolism, we certainly welcome the spotlight on our efforts to help women.

So thank you Sarah and Bristol Palin for focusing on this symbol, that you clearly do not understand, and providing the opportunity for the undereducated to learn more about the history of the American woman's ongoing struggle for control over their bodies.


  1. Anonymous4:13 AM

    "Well, I guess DC feminists love to wear death on their necks."

    Isn't a crucifix a symbol of death one might wear around one's neck too?
    Did I just blow your mind Brancy?

    1. Anonymous6:39 AM


    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Brancy has no mind.

    3. Anonymous8:27 AM

      I guess Brillows just popped out another kid.
      Seriously who isn't sick of the phony trumped up poutrage of these idiots? Oh Our sisters in the womb must grow up so they can be pimped out by the likes of Todd Palin?
      And what a fucking bitch!
      Back in the day before Roe vs Wade my half sis had to go to Mexico for a back alley abortion...she got infected and almost died.
      She never could have kids again.
      I guess those fuckers would say "god's will"?
      No! god's will is Roe vs Wade abortion/planB etc is the law of the land!
      Fuck off SARAH!!!

    4. Anonymous9:35 AM

      How much does a baby sell for these days? Ask Shelly Bachmann...she sold a few delivered by the poor disabled girls she took in for their final month of pregnancy.

    5. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Anon at 9:35 AM
      Somehow Bachmann got a whole lot of pregnant girls EARLY in their pregnancies, I am guessing early enough to guilt or verbally abuse them into NOT aborting and then sent them on their merry way. None of those girls were still with her by the end of any pregnancy.

    6. Anonymous1:22 PM

      They left after delivery....and WITHOUT their babies.

      She gave disabled pregnant girls a place to stay from 1992-1998 if they gave the babies to her hubbies church group.

    7. Anonymous1:31 PM

      As twenty-three pregnant girls came and went during a period of only eight years fostering and never more than three at a time, Michele couldn't possibly have, as she said, “raised them, and launched them off into the world.” Nor did she ever grocery shop for more than eight children (her five plus three) at any time. How often that was and the length of time any of those foster girls stayed in the Bachmann home is confidential.

      Despite his lack of credentials, Marcus Bachmann & Associates has collected more than $137,000 in annual Medicaid payments not including inflated foster child payments for allegedly 'treating/curing' the gays. The farm is subsidized by taxpayers. This is a family of Welfare Queens.

      Read more:

  2. Anonymous4:14 AM

    White Out

  3. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Palin considered abortion. Many times. She lives in a country that would have provided that safe, and 'rare' procedure. She made her decisions publicly, but she wants to invade all women and children's privacy with her American flag

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      She also "wited out" at least one.

    2. Anonymous8:27 AM

      maybe more....

  4. Anonymous4:16 AM


  5. Anonymous4:19 AM

    When they learn a new word or phrase, they sure like to use 'em. Why is she always talking about planks and platforms now? Her Hot Yoga?

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      ...and the term 'littlest sisters in the womb'...
      how many times has she blatted that one out?

    2. Anonymous11:49 AM

      When you have a daughter who is a baby factory that makes money for the family by poopin' out bastards then you betcha, you wanna protect all them womb fruits. So Bristol has what now? Two boys and two girls? Her next step should be a "two bull", just sayin'. Grandma Palin had one after Piper's birth....

  6. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Just when you think Palin cannot possibly become dumber, she DOES! Although none of these words are really hers (too challenging, you know) her bitterness and ignorance shine through. If conservatives are the friends and protectors of anyone besides big business, PROVE IT, Sarah!

  7. Faux-feminist Palin has never hesitated to wear death on her neck, or lower:;

  8. Beldar J Conehead4:34 AM

    That woman is reprehensible.

    And an idiot, also, too.

  9. angela4:41 AM

    Doesn't the Sportsman Channel have a bit more money to sell this old fetid bag of bones so people don't have to know every dysfunctional, stupid, clueless fucked uttering that comes out of her blowhole.

    Do they realize that by the time the stupid show premiers everyone will be so tired of Palin's silly assed screeching that there will be another "stop talking about Palin" ban on the country?

  10. LisaB25954:46 AM

    Meh, I'm pro choice, but I think this is a fail. One--the coat hanger is simply too ubiquitous to be automatically associated with a tragic past.

    Plus, the message for pro-choice should be more pro-women and less scare tactics. Women like the Palins only pretend to respect women by supporting laws that make us out to be too stupid to know what's good for us. Our message shouldn't be, "bad stuff will happen." It should be that we are strong, smart and capable of deciding what's best for us.

    1. Yeah lisa let's pretend this doesn't happen. I'm pro-choice and if the gop really didn't want the government in their lives they won't tell women what to do with their bodies and pass invasive laws.

    2. Anonymous10:24 AM

      I am guessing you are young enough to have ALWAYS had the availability of birth control and the choice of an abortion. Well Lisa, it hasn't always been that way.
      You see there was a time, a very short period of time ago in our history where women were only allowed to get BIRTH CONTROL if they were married AND their husbands okayed it. There was
      a time where many women died because late term abortions were not allowed by law and they died with nonviable pregnancies and could easily have been saved and there were many more that died of tragic side effects from back alley and at home abortions. Now apparently you take lightly the options that I and many other women fought hard to afford you in your life. Maybe you should think about , ask about, read about, the stories of MY time and why we rallied to change for you?

    3. Anonymous11:50 AM


      We DON"T get to choose what is best for US as women as long as obstructionist members are elected to positions that allow them to control our reproduction.

  11. Anonymous4:58 AM

    I'm not a "D.C. feminist" -- I live far from Washington, but appreciate that the Palins are trying to tie everything to Washington -- and I'm old enough to remember when an acquaintance died in a backstreet abortion, because she couldn't get a safe and legal one.
    The Palins and their anti-abortion followers are free to not have abortions themselves, and to state their case for others to consider. But they're not on a moral high ground, if their position means hardship and, yes, death to others.
    Wearing a coat hanger as a political message is no more or less unseemly as Sarah Palin wearing f-me shoes decorated as the American flag -- or her flag bracelet, posing with it as a cape for a magazine cover. All of these use symbolism to express a message.

    1. And ask Iraq how 'pro life' the US Military is.

    2. Thank you.

      How pro-life is the skank if she puts crosshairs over living people, think Newtown wasn't that bad and kills anything that moves.

      btw the insufferable witch was asked before and after the Tucson massacre to remove the highly charged symbols by the Rep. Giffords who was shot in her face. AND the fatass DIDN'T. Pro-life my ass. blood libel old stupid ho.

  12. Randall5:03 AM

    I can't believe those horrible people would wear a symbol of death around their necks. It turns my stomach to see a miniature version of an engine of such extreme torture and ultimate death used as a decoration in such a cavalier way.

    There are few more painful ways to die than to be slowly starved and exposed to the elements, to be crucified on a cross -
    . . . and for someone to just blithely wear a tiny cross around one's neck is to proclaim how little one cares for the sacred lives of our fellow men, and yes - girls too!

    1. Chenagrrl6:23 AM

      But, it is where society is returning. With all the bans on safe surgery in place, don't be surprised that history repeats itself.

    2. Proud Palinbot6:29 AM

      You tricked me. I thought you were a friend in Sarah. I forgive you.

      To show how open minded we friends in Sarah are, I admit not all hangars are evil. I have many useful hangars in my closet. Some hangars work miracles, like the hangar Sarah used in her hot yoga class to perform emergency heart surgery on the lady who collapsed. That lady is now a fellow friend in Sarah and carries "Sarah's" hangar in her heart.

    3. Anonymous7:11 AM

      If Sarah hates the hangar symbol, it's likely because it is a constant reminder of her inadequacies as a mother and housekeeper. She is simply too lazy to hang up her clothes and leaves them either on the floor after wearing or in the dryer when Todd actually does laundy.

      It's difficult not to notice her often-wrinkled, tacky, casual attire, which is a perfect complement to her "bed-head" style of wig coiffure.

    4. Anonymous8:36 AM

      For even as simple as Wash-Amd-Wear is, even that is above her pay grade.

  13. Sarah and Bristol have broken from the rest of the family? They seem like a tag team these days.

    Abortion should be safe and rare.

    I’ve always been adamant that women need to take care of their own birth control. I took pills when I wasn’t involved with anyone, because you never know if some guy has conquest in mind. He might even mean well, hoping for an eventual relationship, but working as much as I did, I couldn’t take care of more children. I know the pills can fail, but taken properly, that’s pretty unusual.

    What disgusted me, and I was very open about this, were the women who bashed their husbands and lovers in the lunchroom day after day, yet they continued to get pregnant. Some used abortion as their only birth control.

    1. Oh right. I am 60.
      Have worked since I was 15. I know no one who has had an abortion, and you know many who had more than one? Sorry. I don't buy it.

    2. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Sue, I, too, am 60, and I have met lots of ladies who have had abortions, and some who have had more than one. I wouldn't wear a coat hanger as jewelry, but neither would I wear a cross.
      So, why the "I don't buy it"?

    3. Chenagrrl6:21 AM

      An abortion is not something most women brag about. If you know of no one then count yourself as blessed.

    4. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Sue...maybe she worked someplace more conducive to such at Todd's brothel?

    5. Proud Palinbot6:33 AM

      Do you live in the inner city?

    6. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Of course you do, Sue, you just don't know it.

      I know for sure of four women who have had abortions, but I'm aware enough to realize there are more who haven't confided in me (and why should they?). The only reason I never had an abortion is because I was very careful with birth control and very lucky not to have any mishaps.

      I have one friend who had two abortions in college. Now she's happily married with two children who are very much wanted and loved.

    7. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Abortion should be "rare" only because women have unrestricted access to safe, effective, insurance-covered birth control. NOT because there is anything wrong with having one, should a woman decide for whatever reason to have one.

      I've had one, and so have the majority of my female relatives and friends - some more than one. None of us felt any shame or remorse, just relief.

    8. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Sue, Chenagrrl is right. Abortion is a personal and private decision for a woman, not usually something she would talk about casually, especially if she might be demonized for her choice. You may not know of anyone who has had an abortion, but I doubt you know all the intimate details of the lives of your friends and acquaintances. The only ones who know about mine are my husband and my best friend.

    9. Anonymous7:53 AM

      For a woman to be insensitive to the emotional upheaval caused by terminating a pregnancy is just such a slap in the face to all women!!! I had a Gyno for years-a male at that- he believed that giving birth requires a woman to be prepared to not only love the child but to be able to nurture it and feed/clothe it. He said being pregnant is not only about the fetus but it is about the mother and her well being as well. He said a woman could give birth almost every year during her fertile years and that women used to do just that-think of the families with 12,13,14 and more kids that used to be a norm. Many children died due to lack of food and money for doctors when they were ill.

      He spent months every year volunteering in third world countries and said due to the lack of birth control and medical terminations he saw babies dying horrible deaths and children literally starving to death. His question was "how is that pro life? How is that humane?"

      We are not a third world country but we have plenty of families who are on the edge of disaster and one more child could send them all on the streets. We have young girls who engage in sex before they can even take care of themselves yet it is demanded of them that they bear a child and raise it??? How?? With what??

      I seem to be the only one here who knows many women who have had pregnancies terminated and it is always a highly emotional decision!!! Those who claim women use abortion as birth control are insensitive and uninformed. I suggest you try and put yourself their shoes. Unaffordable birth control, lack of money, and multiple children to feed and then come back and tell us how you are doing.

      Terminating a pregnancy is a personal choice and thank the women's movement for making it a choice. Without it none of is would be working and living a life that is more than bearing children. We are not living in a society akin to a puppy milk. Women should not be kept in cages bearing offspring until their bodies are worn out so they are cast aside.

    10. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Sue, I am getting close to sixty. I know of ONE woman who have had NINE abortions. I have no idea how many of my friends have had an abortion otherwise. It is one of the most wrenching decisions a woman has to make, and usually it is not something she will shout out loud. Not even with close friends. (That one woman who had nine blurted it out, when she thought she was pregnant again and was completely breaking down. Otherwise, we would not have known about her either.)

    11. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Sue there are women clueless enough to use abortion as birthcontrol! A shining example is RW serial ho Star parker who is a "hero" for reforming her ways!
      Yes there are woman who are too stupid to do birthcontrol. Look at all the Palin girls? Keep popping out kids.
      Where are those kids anyway?
      Sold on the black market.

    12. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Wrenching decision? For whom? Certainly not for me! I want to reiterate that having an abortion was NOT wrenching for me. Finding out I was unintentionally pregnant was what was wrenching! My decision to terminate my pregnancy was instant and total and filled me with relief. I remain grateful to this day that I lived/live in a big East coast metro area where abortion was/is readily available.


  14. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Perhaps the hanger harridan should wear a bottle of Wite-Out around HER neck. Amirite, $arah?

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM


    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Someone needs to do a photoshop of that STAT!

    3. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Sue 5:29am

      I'm 47. I had three friends in high school that had abortions. At that time we had to go across the border to West Virginia for abortions without parental consent. BC pills could not be prescribed in VA without parental consent so condoms broke, sponges failed and girls got pregnant and then got it taken care of. Going rate was $300 which a few girlfriends could easily scrape together from allowance money to help out our friends who were in a bad situation, girls whose parents weren't intelligent enough to put them on the pill at 16, or who were too blinded by religion and abstinence "theory" to realize that sexually active girls needed to have access to birth control.

      It is a different world now and let's vote to keep it that way.

  15. Our Lad5:14 AM

    Of course the Palin women misunderstand this "fashion statement", each of them consistently look at the world through muddied vision. Mrs. Palin ,I believe, is aware of her intellectual shortcomings but is canny and slippery enough to pretend otherwise, her daughter is clearly and sadly a young woman who is barely able to verbalize her childlike worldview and is being callously used by her mother to further same's addlebrained agenda.

    1. Yep the frogslime is pro-life she proved it by trig wild ride, starving her kids and giving a plate of cookies to a tribe that was starving to death in the wilderness after repeated request for food and heat.

    2. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Our Lad,

      The Palins seem to be both aware and proud of their intellectual shortcomings. They've become cheerleaders for the faux christians, the overly patriotic class that doesn't understand the first thing about our Founders or the origins of our Country and the Constitution and the willingly undereducated. They as a family have made more money doing that than they ever could have made if they sought to become more informed, more intelligent and better educated. The family simply is unable to become any smarter than they already are so they've decided to cash in by becoming cheerleaders for the very vocal, but thankfully very small portion of the American public that mirrors the same mentally diminished capabilities as the Palins. To sum it up, the Palins are hookers for a religion that they don't understand and a Country that they don't even know the history of.

  16. Anonymous5:19 AM

    The Palins are no strangers to abortion.

    1. Exactly. How many of Tripp's little sisters never took a breath?

  17. Very original, and think that so far only thought existed Hanger factory for clothes

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      I considered a straightened hangar as a second key for my first $800 car, so they were pretty handy to have around. I guess I was unwittingly into that "personal responsibility" thing as a young Reagan Republican, and thought my car keys were safer inside a locked car than in my pocket. It was a bitch when it was raining.

    2. Anonymous2:09 PM

      So Beldar-like, 7:23 AM! ;-)

  18. Anonymous5:55 AM

    These two are raging idiots, or should I say three since it was written by nancy french since bristle isn't capable of writing a coherent grocery list. No one is "pro-abortion" but it is at this point in time a law that a woman has a right to choose.
    For these women to be so fucking naive in respect to the desperation some women had that they resorted to back alley procedures is mind boggling. I'd be willing to bet it was too late for bristle to have an abortion when she & levi told sarah and tawd about the pregnancy. That's not choosing life, that's having no option.

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:12 AM

      They don't care about abortion. They just want their base of inbred rubes to show up at the voting booth this November.

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      no doubt about it - she was at least 5 months along and couldn't hide the bump anymore or less. Not sure why she kept the DWTS baby.....except it fueled her ratings with the c4p crowd.

    3. Anonymous12:11 PM


      Trig was already here in late January 2008. Before Mrs. Palin even knew her daughter was pregnant she had a 17-year old with a preemie DS baby in NICU in Seattle. The then 44-year old mother of 4 who'd had a tubal ligation in 2001decided to fake a pregnancy that would lead to her taking and raising her grandson as her son.

      Bristol, then exhibiting postpartum depression and "empty womb" syndrome decided to try again and perhaps have a "normal" child that she and Levi could raise together. Enter Tripp, a "perfect little baby" as Bristol called him, a baby that she could keep and raise and only forever know Trig as her "brother" instead of her son.

      I'd hate my mother if she did this to me.

    4. Anonymous6:45 PM

      $sarah's raising him? No effing way.

  19. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Where we're headed.......

  20. Chenagrrl6:19 AM

    If Sister Sarry had bothered to be a journalist in Alaska, she would know of the verrrrry under reported stories of bodies of women found in desolate areas with clear evidence of hanger abortions. I guess reading sports scores was challenging enough. I am going to look for this jewelry and get some.

  21. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Will $arah ever understand ANYTHING?

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      No, unequivocally so.

  22. Anonymous6:39 AM

    "...even our little sisters in the womb."
    So it's ok with her to abort boys I guess. I'm just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      What else would one expect than more faux compassion from one of the most self-centered angry little girls around?

    2. Anonymous8:37 AM

      This is a throwaway line for Sarah Palin, allowing her to chime in on a subject that is controversial and important to others, but it's simply a wedge issue to gain her a little attention and endear her to her base of "paying customers". But her passive voice, as opposed to an active one as a mother (& a mother of adult women of child-bearing ages) is revealing.

      Thus, it's almost predictable that Sarah's screech doesn't reflect any true personal concern as a mother (or parent of a daughter), but as a more distant, imaginary same-gender sibling. Apparently there is some guilt/avoidance component to her thought process in communicating her opinions, as she obviously doesn't want to "go there" with her own "slice-of-life" recollections, which might make her posturing screech more personal and anecdotal, as opposed to the "emotionally safer", detached, distant political rant of her potentially saving these imaginary lives of imaginary little sisters in the womb, almost like she is ashamed to speak to the women directly who would consider making a different personal choice than Sarah and/or her daughter(s) have purportedly made under similar personal circumstances.

      Bottom Line: Sarah has created an imaginary situation to position herself as a Leading Voice among her "sisters", the entire female population in our country, by speaking about women similarly to how she spoke to real union members (as "brothers and sisters), despite the fact that she's never been a card-carrying, dues-paying union member herself. Once again, Sarah is talking about something that she personally doesn't give a damn about--- the lives of other women and their personal choices amid their own individual circumstances. And once again, she has positioned herself as the moral leader who is experienced and whose imaginary past actions should be emulated.

      I find her inability to "relate" personally to the topic of abortion more closely as a mother (or mother of sexually-active daughters) very peculiar, given that the position she takes on almost every other topic of discussion that she rants and screeches is a personal one. Think about it--- in almost every public debate or discussion that Sarah injects her unsolicited opinions, the obvious theme of Sarah's default position is "how she would have done things" or "how she has personally managed a situation successfully" or "how strong or brave or fearless or prescient or intuitive or experienced or energetic, etc"--- qualities that Sarah has exhibited in her imaginary, mythical past or hypothetically, "what she would do differently or better" than someone who's having to make actual decisions at the present (usually President Obama, these days).

      I'm pretty sure that I'm only one of the millions who have observed that, from Sarah's perspective, it's all about Sarah because everything is about her and how it affects her whenever she spews one of her self-glorifying rants. Sarah is nothing more than a pretender and a poseur. As always.

    3. Anonymous8:42 AM


  23. Anonymous7:10 AM

    There are “feticide” or “fetal harm” laws in several states in America that have been responsible for outrageous miscarriages of justice due to pro-life Christian legislators and rabid personhood advocates frantic to abolish Roe v. Wade and restrict contraception use. For example, in Indiana a distraught pregnant woman who attempted suicide spent a year in jail before murder charges were dropped last year. A woman in Iowa was arrested and thrown in jail after she fell down the stairs and suffered a miscarriage, and a New Jersey woman who refused to sign a preauthorization for a cesarean section ended up not requiring the operation, but she was still charged with child endangerment and lost custody of her baby after it became a living being when it emerged from the womb and drew breath.

  24. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Symbol of death? What in the hell does she think she wears around her neck everyday. The cross was used as a brutal instrument of death....

  25. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Let's start with a good way to prevent women from having to resort to abortion. Let health care providers cover the insurance for birth control. That's the best way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

    Oooh, I said some terrible, an unwanted pregnancy. Yes, there are times when a woman wants to complete her education, work at a job to collect enough savings to buy a house (everyone doesn't have Sarah as a mother, showering gifts on her fertile daughter). The family may have the number of children they can afford to raise. There are many reasons why women choose not to have children. Believe it or not, some women are just not cut out to be mothers. Don't stand in the way of these women having access to birth control. If insurance pays for Viagra, it should pay for the result of that enhanced male performance.

    1. I guess incest and rape isn't any excuse for the inbred skank. Esp bustol and track, toad and his gf.

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      It's not about babies, it's about slut shaming. And the biggest perpetrators are the most illustrious examples - like a wine-cooler gal going camping.

  26. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Both Women, $carah and Barstool, are disgusting. Just disgusting.
    And they have this obsession with everything abortion. What's up with them. I have a very strong suspicion that they BOTH have gone through the procedure.
    This is so obvious since they demand that others abstain with what they themselves do--like abstinence. And they are quick to point the fingers at others. They also won’t stay out of other's private bedrooms and lives.
    What a pair of hypocritical ignorant sick weirdoes.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      The Right wing Republican only have several emotional issues that are meant to cause fear in their low information voters. The gays, they are coming to take your guns away and abortion. Sarah is waving around her gun, whether she knows how to use it or not. They won't get very far bashing gays because public sentiment is changing on that issue. And, I think that Nancy French is the one finding the anti-abortion stuff for them.

    2. Remember Frank Bailey's wrote about the palins and their baby oil.

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      agreed - Sarah had at least one abortion that she admits too...but I suspect it's the real reason she dropped out of college and was treated for mental depression.

  27. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Gryphen----feminists "love to wear death on their necks"? You mean like christians love to wear death on their necks with a cross, a form of execution?

  28. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Their pretend outrage over abortion has to do with all those out-of-wedlock offspring they've had. And not only am I positive they had a few abortions themselves, but they need to pretend they are pro-life to explain all the abstinence and immaculate conception babies, and the awaiting of the latest abstinence bun in the oven junker baby.

  29. Fuck that insufferable witch.she knows damn well dems don't believe in willy-nilly abortions, but that's none of her freakin business anyways.

    Abortion happens out of desperation not out of the joy of killing fetuses. she knows this because she had one so did anne romney. Hypocrites. At one time only the rich could get a safe abortion while the poor fucked-up their reproduction system, became seriously ill or died.

    We protect the mother and future pregnancies by providing safe abortions. We protect children and babies by allowing them to eat, sleep, providing shelter and healthcare, skank.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Personally as a progressive democrat I don't believe in teen pregnancies, I think they are close to a 100% avoidable. Every teen girl that is sexually active should be using the pill along with a spermicide and condom everytime she has sex. Yep, a sexually active teen should be using THREE forms of BC. The teen pregnancy rate could be just about zero using something the republicans hate, EDUCATION. That is why my teens didn't have any abstinence babies.

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM


      It's easy for us, those of us raised in reasonable households that realized that teens were going to explore their sexuality and had parents that were willing to protect us and educate us about our human sexuality. If only all families were so reasonable and realistic, yes, the world would be a better place.

      I have 3 siblings although all of us are in our 40's now and have no children we were surprised to find out that one of my brothers may have a child who is now 30 years old, from a casual sexual encounter when he was 16. My brother has no interest in meeting this person or testing for paternity, but suffice it to say, we were all a bit surprised when the mother contacted my brother after 30 years and let him know he was a dad. Granted, we all take this with a grain of salt because this girl that he hooked up with was not a person that any of us knew and she was known around our school to have lots of partners, so who knows if he really is the father and none of that family seem to want to pursue it, especially after 30 years.

      Suffice it to say, this girl did not come from a family that taught her how to NOT become pregnant, and I'm always thankful that my family did, even though they've not ended up with any grandchildren, except maybe that one that no one is interested in meeting.

  30. Anonymous8:06 AM

    More false outrage from the false-titted, false-moraled, false-minded faux persona that is Sarah Palin.She and Bristol are two of the biggest fucking idiots walking the planet.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      And Nancy French.

  31. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Thank you Game of Life. I agree and you put it so well.

  32. Anonymous9:02 AM

    We have a friend who works for the International Red Cross. In Third World countries, she counsels women to have two children and only two children. The reason is that she will be able to feed two children, and if they are well fed, they will be able to learn when they go to school. If she has too many children, they will spend all their time looking for food while the children will benefit more from being in school. The way for her kids to have a better place in life is for those kids to go to school. Women understand that message-- and remember-- she is talking to people in African villages, where there are few choices for women.

  33. Cracklin Charlie9:08 AM

    So they're rolling out their favorite wedge issue, abortion, just in time for the start of the pre-midterm election season?


    What else you losers got?

  34. Anonymous9:44 AM

    The lifers never talk about how all these "gifts from god" will be fed, clothed, housed or educated in our over populated world. First off will there be clean drinking water? If the planet warms, can enough food be produced? Will the job creators actually create enough jobs that the economy will generate a living wage? Will we ever get real about health care or the fact that we are all going to die. No death panels are needed when we take away food stamps and health care. It's very expensive to take care of babies that have profound problems but that is considered the greater good of parenthood these days. Glorified. Phfffff, who needs birth control....girls just get pregnant, it's your god given responsibility. Better hope the lord will provide because you are going to be on your own.

    The radical right wing will control your womb if you let them control your brain

  35. Anonymous10:13 AM

    If Sarh and Brillow "chose" to have babies doesn't that mean they had a choice? Why shouldn't others have a choice? Sarah in her book admitted she thought about abortion( of that pillow so I guess it wouldn't have been very traumatic) so why don't other women get a choice?
    I was around before Roe and I will tell any male and female readers , you do NOT want to go back to those times. WE fought that fight for you and now somewhere the younger generations are going to start having to step up to protect those rights.
    And if you think your rights to birth control would stick around think very deeply. Investigate a time not that long ago where MARRIED women could only get birth control WITH their husbands approval.

  36. Anonymous10:47 AM

    "So, D.C. "feminists" who would wear this symbol of death around their neck..." says the woman who constantly poses with a REAL symbol of death and vigorously promotes their use! So am I to believe that she thinks coat hangers are more dangerous than guns and ammo in the hands of a bunch of angry idiots???

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Excellent point! And, for those family types that keep the symbol of their Second Amendment Rights out and about loaded, they just could have one fewer mouth to feed if one of their kids takes aim by chance. For now I going to hang my hangers really high in the closet.

      Ban wire clothes hangers but not guns. Eh, Bristol?

    2. Anonymous12:36 PM

      We only use the wooden hangers in my home. They could conveniently be used to bludgeon someone but don't really work well for abortions.

    3. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Bristol LOVES wire coat hangars! Especially the ones from Dry Cleaners that say "We "Heart" our Customers" and come with free crib mattress covers.

  37. ibwilliamsi11:58 AM

    Check this guy who is posting all over his FB page and every article about these. Even worse, check his friend's comment. She wants to abort babies herself with a coat hanger and keep the hanger as a souvenir. What's wrong with these people?

    "Tom Hynes - Donate to an abortion rights group and get a free coat hanger pendant. It sounds like the perfect romantic gift."


    Nate Smith: "Hahahahahahaha!"

    Martha Soyster Hynes: "I could donate services and get my own coat hanger pendant."


    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Facebook is a morass of dumbasses.

    2. ibwilliamsi12:57 PM

      I found this guy's page because he was using it to post about this issue on He and his family/friends are beyond moronic. They're just plain evil.

  38. Anonymous12:22 PM

    It's obvious Brisket’s bun in the oven is a girl from all the clamor and defending the baby-girl/fetus, so that once the abstinence baby pops no one will criticize the "born-again virgin."

    1. ibwilliamsi3:51 PM

      Bristol is "born again" every morning when she wakes up.

  39. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:20 PM

    I had a similar idea awhile back and never had the chance to pursue it (Mr. Knishes makes jewelry and feels the same way I do). That's why I'm VERY glad to see this quiet, elegant way to remind my young "sisters" of the fact that they're lucky to have grown up in a country in which Roe V. Wade exists, something they pretty much take for granted. I'm a bit too young to completely recall the days beforehand, but do know that abortion was always available to the rich who would send their daughters away to "an aunt's house to rest" for a week or two. If you had little cash and no hope and were scared to death, the "back alley" was the one of the only options (I also remember reading about women throwing themselves down flights of stairs to "naturally" abort, and something about a seaweed extract that would be inserted in the vagina, but not sure exactly what it was).

    So Sarah, you can have your opinion and yap it all you want to your selfish, childish, withering base of demented fools who don't give a rat's ass crap about their grandchildren's futures, it seems. Freedom, huh? YOU can choose to do whatever you want with your body, including starve or drug it, the same as your daughters do. Difference is you're a wealthy grifter, and have the option for a doctor-performed (ahem) "D and C" in a clean hospital, should you ever want to fly stealth under the Family Values radar for one of your daughters. (Oooh, what I said! Sorry trolls...not!)

    Others aren't so lucky. That's why we have to remind younger generations of "legal, safe and available" before the 2014 elections.

    Going to try and get one of those "fashion statements" now.

  40. ajweishar4:05 PM

    And Jesus on the cross, or just a cross does not celebrate death? It's the same as wearing the electric chair or a rope noose. At least the pro choice people are calling it what it is, a primitive medical tool from a time when women had no choice.

  41. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

    Why do these fetus fetishists feel they have the right to make decisions for other families? Adoption isn't always a viable option, and it's no one's business but the woman seeking a safe, sterile abortion.
    Sarah, Bristol, and Nancy should be ashamed of themselves, the last people I'd want a child adopted to are people like these. Speaking of Anti Abortion, where are the throngs of people with pro life bumper stickers adopting large numbers of babies? I figure Sarah could house a good 40 more in her houses, Bristol might need a bigger house anyway. But who do they think they're fooling?
    For the record, most women don't choose abortion as their method of birth control, but it should be available because nothing's a hundred percent effective.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.