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Picture at top of Palin's Facebook post. |
Top 'o the Morning on this happy St. Patrick's Day! May the luck of the Irish continue with us through election day this fall! And to the Sheeran leaf of our family tree – may your Irish eyes keep smiling!
She uses Todd's heritage to pander to the minorities. Trig to pander to the pro-life movement. Track to pander to the military. And now her family's ancestors to pander to the Irish.
She even uses the image of Ronald Reagan to stimulate the nipples of the conservative necrophiliacs.
Not an ounce of shame in that one.
I wonder if anybody has told her that the Irish were the Hispanics of their day?
Here is a little history:
The Irish were ostracized from American society for many things besides just being newcomers. The Irish were ostracized for being Catholic. Many Protestants and "native" Americans were distrustful of a religion that was, as they viewed it, highly irregular with its beads, meditative prayers to Jesus' mother, oils, saints and statues. The Irish were also categorized as angry, alcoholic beings--( the term "don't get your Irish up", stemmed from a stereotypical belief in the volatile Irish temper) who drank all the time in saloons and had regular bar brawls and parties filled with revelry and debauchery. They were illiterate, greedy,--therefore desperate to make it "Micks on the Make"--their families were too clannish, bred like rabbits, and the Irish were entirely figured to be a stupid servant race by the Bostonians and most of "native" America. These images were portrayed in the daily Boston and New York newspapers, photographs, and other media of the time. Those looking to escape these stereotypes and rise above them to be part of American society like Joseph P. Kennedy, had to work hard and take many knocks before any change was rendered.
Sound familiar?
Yet now many of the descendants of these people, who fought so hard for acceptance, are vilifying those who are following the same path.
Remember both Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly are of Irish descent, and yet they feel no sense of hypocrisy in damning the Hispanic community for attempting to gain the same sense of belonging that the Irish fought so hard for in decades past.
And of course neither does Palin.
But fortunately for the "new Irish" there is a man of Irish descent in a position of power who WILL stand up for their cause.
"No Irish need apply." That was the sentiment for more than a hundred years.
ReplyDeleteAh, Sarah, me darlin'. History just isn't in ya, is it?
The election of Kennedy, just a little more than 50 years ago, was a watershed in American life: Irish AND a Roman Catholic. Just as groundbreaking as the election of Barack Obama.
The KKK still hates Catholics, by the way, Sarah. Just so you know the company you keep. Perhaps that's why you left the Catholic church?
Sadly for you, Sarah dear, there has not been elected an illiterate redneck to national office. The odds are, based on your example, it will never happen.
George W Bush was an illiterate redneck, but with a good pedigree. Therein lies the difference. Palins are randomly bred mutts.
DeleteOh, I don't know...I think Cruz and Paul are pretty illiterate, no matter the degrees they've been handed. And people like Joe Scarborough and Beck are college dropouts..and Joe might run for POTUS.
DeleteI had to educate a co-worker who was likely a white supremecist. He was of Irish descent, and he refused to believe that the Irish were discriminated against in their day.
DeleteI've seldom used this term throughout my life, but the Palin/Heath group are truly 'white trash' of south central Alaska! Plus, they are NOT smart nor well educated!
DeleteJoe Scarborough has a "dead intern" problem that will preclude him from ever running for higher office.
History was not her subject all right, along with a host of others including journalism.
Deletemore like mongrel subhumans...
DeleteMrs. Palin's only claim to Irish fame is her love of Baileys in her morning coffee.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 12:19 pm ~ That's a great one !!
DeleteI bet on Cinco de Mayo, Palin will find another family leaf connection and explain that is why she loves Crunch Wrap Taco Supremes so much.
I'm really curious as to what family tree connection she'll give for April 1st!
@ PlainsHoax.
DeleteHey! What's wrong with my birthday?!!!!!!! And PLEASE!!!!!!! Don't even HINT she's a relative. That would be just too cruel.
I figure on April 1st she will announce a "money bomb' at SARAHPAC to enable her to file in all fifty states to get on the primary ballots. And two weeks and a million rube dollars later, she will post "Thanks, but April Fool!"
DeleteHey Gryphen, remember this crazy lady? Well, she's a secret agent for god or something and she's made a video to prove it!
Anonymous12:29 PM:
DeleteMaybe she'll start her own religion like all the other "christians" did.
Remember? Who could forget this wingnut???
DeleteAnd don't forget Paul Ryan: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/16/opinion/sunday/paul-ryans-irish-amnesia.html
ReplyDeleteInteresting that she's even aware of St. Patrick's Day, but there has not been one word of acknowledgement in the death of Joe McGinniss. Stain, take the high road for once in your life. bletch
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 12:39 P.M. - there will NEVER be any acknowledgement of Mr. McGinniss' passing from the blithering idiot - by the same token, no word of the so-called "lawsuit' following publication of "the Rogue". Every fact printed in his book was thoroughly vetted by his publisher"s lawyers; she, on the other hand, was NEVER vetted!
DeleteWhat is a "leaf of a family tree"?
ReplyDeleteDoes she mean branch or twig, or is it really a leaf that falls off the tree and is forgotten? Except when it's expedient to remember.
Sarah, I think you've got your brain in a muddle again. You might ask an editor to glance at what you've written before you post it, so you won't sound so challenged by the English language. "Leaf of a family tree" is risible.
I'm pretty certain that Sarah Palin doesn't know her family tree much further back than her great grandparents on either side of her Heath/Sheeran family. If she did, she'd have publicized it already. I don't think this is a woman who has a clue of her origins back even 100 years much less an actual family tree that she can be proud of. Believe me when I say, genealogy is NOT her friend. How else would Mrs. Palin have been so woefully ignorant of American history? Simply stated, she had NO history that led back through the ages of the founding and settling of this country. Not sure when her people got here but it wasn't long enough ago that they were able to impart upon her a sense of her part, and her family's part in the creation of this country. And she deigns to call Obama a "usurper"? Show us your family history Mrs. Palin! I bet most of your family were ushered in as immigrants through Ellis island and had no part in the formation of our Constitution or the creation of the America that many of us know, love and have relatives that fought for and created.
DeleteSome of her roots go back to the small town my dad grew up in. It scares me too much to further investigate it.
DeleteI love 12:47's comment about the leaf. Let's figure this out. Sarah has a mother and a father. Sarah is the main trunk of the tree and her mother and father are the first two branches. On Sally's side, one of the branches would be the Irish Sheeran side. That's not a leaf, that's a quarter of Sarah's heritage, one of the branches. Not a leaf! Oh, maybe she was being poetic.
DeleteLeaves fall off and die. Or die first and then fall off the tree.
DeleteYeah, like sarah knows whortoculture! She barely knows journalism, now she wants people to she dual majored?
DeleteWhen he went to Ireland, the Irish people named him "O'Bama" and embraced him.
ReplyDeleteO'Bama's obviously from the Black Irish clan, doncha know.
Delete"The term 'Black Irish' has commonly been in circulation among Irish emigrants and their descendants for centuries. As a subject of historical discussion the subject is almost never referred to in Ireland. There are a number of different claims as to the origin of the term, none of which are possible to prove or disprove.
'Black Irish' is often a description of people of Irish origin who had dark features, black hair, dark complexion and eyes."
Obama is only 3.1% Irish so I doubt that his dark coloring can be attributed to being "black Irish"
They were from Spain.
DeleteOur President got the Irish part from his white mother. They actually did some research on his genealogy, and found the village his ancestors came from.
"Mind if I call you Joe"? Cause O'Biden is too HARD to not say.
DeleteHere, here to a real Irishman. O'Bama.
ReplyDeleteAnd we know one Irish clan who is "green" with envy.
You can't get much more Irish than O'Bama !
ReplyDeleteDon't forget Vice-president "O'Biden"!! (c/o the simple idiot following the '08 VP debate)!
Delete5 MILLION!!!
ReplyDeleteObamacare Enrollment Has Now Reached 5 Million
That's millions of people who feel safe and secure where they may not have been before. Bravo, President Obama!
Here's a great story that supports what you just wrote:
For her next publicity stunt, Sarah will dig up the corpse of Ronnie and take a selfie with him.
ReplyDeleteI daresay even after nearly 20 years as an embalmed corpse buried in the dirt Ronnie Raygun probably looks more lifelike than the botoxed and anorexic Mrs. Palin.
DeleteThe Irish love Obama.
ReplyDeleteThe vast majority of people over here don't even know who Palin is. If they do...they refer to her as *that tit..*
Just one? She usually has both in the same size, although not on consecutive days. I kind of like 'that tit' though...might keep it!
DeleteThe woman has no shame. And she is still an idiot. Thankfully, there is no Irish blood in that one.
ReplyDeleteA leaf of a family tree? Sarah must be writing these posts herself these days due decreased contributions to SarahPac.
"...stimulate the nipples of the conservative necrophiliacs. " I am laughing so hard at this, Gryphen. - so hard I can barely type. I'm going to chuckle randomly the next few days in remembrance.
ReplyDeleteHe's been on a roll lately, but this one elevates him into a whole new dimension.
DeleteThinking about how I can work this zinger into conversations.
DeleteMy own mother,she of the raging racism,even detested the Irish......calling them "shanty Irish"......I worked with a fellow who was always apologizing for being Irish.....till I reminded him that the oldest continuously inhabited city in Europe was in Ireland..(Dublin?)....an amazing people......
ReplyDeleteMy father was as well, 2:20 PM, and boy do I ever remember him going off when JFK was elected president and I was only five years old.
DeleteIt's "top o' the mornin' " ye blitherin' eedjit.
ReplyDeleteGood catch.
DeleteYeah, Sarah, do you have any idea what o' even stands for? Also too?
DeleteWould that be like 10 o'clock? Sarah doesn't get it. My favorite use of the apostrophe was when Todd wrote an angry letter to Joe Miller, who failed to endorse Sarah after she said something nice about him. Todd challenged Joe by explaining that he should try standing in her shoes. Todd knew that there was a possessive in there, but he couldn't quite figure out where to put the apostrophe. So he wrote, Put yourself in her shoe's Joe for one day." It runs in the family.
DeleteHey, Sarah, It's Top o' the Morning, not Top 'o the Morning. Turn in your journalism degree and take the class over.
ReplyDeleteA classic bit of cinema comedy, that was not far from the truth:
OT but I just received an email from a group called OFA asking me for money. Anyone ever hear of this group?
ReplyDeleteGoogle it. It exists...
DeleteI get them all the time. It was formed by President Obama's campaign organizer David Pouffle I think.
DeleteOrganizing for America is the group that did all the state groundwork to get Obama elected the second time.They are legit...
DeleteSo keep donating. We gotta elect him the third time, also, too.
DeleteO'bama is not Irish
ReplyDeleteNot even a Black Irish name
DUUUUHHHH!!! He got his last name from his father! On his mothers side, though, they HAVE traced him back to Ireland. See the link below as well as somewhere above.
We're just having some fun.
DeleteHow does it feel to go through life with no sense of humor?
3:09.. .do you not recall when our President made a trip to Ireland? Of course you don't. It's like 2008 Palin pretending that Rev,. Wright had not been talked about, investigated, and shunned well before she was plucked out of Alaska. The GOP paid zero attention to the Democratic nominating process until Obama was the candidate. Then they trotted out all the manure that had been shoveled into the pit months before, because heaven forbid they run on their own merits and ideas.
DeleteI am surprised she didn't try to slather a sarahpac label all over that picture of Ronnie O'Raygun. They seem to do that frequently whether they have any semblance of permission to use the pic or not. How's that 9/11 pic lawsuit going scarah?
ReplyDeleteThat photo of Ronald Reagan belongs to the Reagan Library of photos. They sell those photos, and if the photos are used, they require the user to say where the photo comes from. They want to be credited because it's their photo. In Sarah's mind, if it's on the internet, it's there for her to use, kind of like taking the iconic September 11 photo of the firefighters raising the American flag. That photo was copyrighted by the newspaper that owns the rights. Any money from using the photo goes into a fund for the firefighters who are suffering ill health because of breathing toxic material on the Trade Towers site. Sarah took the photo, cropped it and turned it into a black and white advertisement for her PAC. I wonder what happened to that case.
ReplyDeleteThe Sheerans only have a leaf in the family tree, and not even a small branch? According to Sarah, the Sheerans must've been some of the "illegitimate" trial daddies who didn't marry and stay with the breeder baby mamas of the Palin/Heath klan that they knocked up. Doesn't surprise me either. He banged her and Shee ran. Sounds like she made a mess in the tent like Beefy. Family tradition.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you slandering an entire family? Does your life suck that much?
DeleteGrow up
They're a budd on a twigg off a branchh with a leaff. Sarah's running days are gone. Last time Sheran, both her feet were off the ground and she could see her toes.
DeleteOh Brissie...you just can't help yourself, can you.
DeleteSpeaking the truth is not slander, trollie.
Delete"leaf of our family tree"- she must be "thinking" of the old joke and got mixed up again.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know your white trash? No branches in your family tree.
Gryphen= turning pure positivity into shit for a decade.
ReplyDeletesmh at democrats.
DeleteThat ship sailed a long, long time ago, doll.
DeleteWhy do they have to go all the way back to Ronald Regan for "Saint" in any matter, where there any other Republican Presidents since Saint Ronald Regan passed away?
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo, carry on, Sarah whats your name. Did you dye your meth green today in honor of the putting on of the green, or is that just dried snot under your nostrils?
Since Sarah mentioned her mother's Irish roots, how about a tip 'o the hat to Sally? Ooops, that's supposed to be tip o' the hat. Sarah got her Top 'o the Morning wrong. So much for her Irish heritage.
DeleteDon't tell me, during Black History Month, Sarah tells her children of her experience in her sister's college dorm room?
ReplyDeleteOT: TBogg pokes fun at Sarah Palin's CraPP TV chanel: "Thank Jeebus that the vast wasteland will finally contain people that even the cast of Honey Boo Boo can look down upon…."
Too funny:
DeleteSo Tapp video service (“Tapp! We’ll tap anything!”) will offer the Wonderful World Of Wasilla for a mere $10 per month, which is about five Slim-Jims if you are a Sarah Palin fan, or two four-packs of Bartles & Jaymes if you are a Sarah Palin daughter.
And what kind of delightful programming might we expect on this new addition to the other eight-hundred channels you never watch??
‘America’s Top Meth Chefs’‘The Big Bang Theory Behind The Circle K’‘So You Think Bristol Can’t Dance, Well Screw You, She Does Just Fine, C’Mere Sweetie, Don’t Listen To Them’‘How I Met Your Mother’ hosted by Glen Rice‘Dr., Who Knocked My Daughter Up This Time?’
Something like that…
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is out withanother ad for her new show "Red, Wild, and Blue" on the Sportsmen Channel.
ReplyDelete"Get red, wild and blue, America," Palin says in the trailer.
Get Red, Wild and Blue? This best not be another porno channel. We don't need to see any Palins getting wild then their private parts turn red then blue from getting sore.