Sunday, March 09, 2014

Sarah Palin thanks everybody for finally paying attention to her. It's been SO very, very long.

Courtesy of the ambulatory bag of rank resentment's Facebook page:  

Thank you so much to every one who joined us yesterday in D.C. It was wonderful meeting so many energized folks at CPAC and many wonderful staff members. Keep the faith and work hard to make a difference! Sincere thanks to the NRA and ACU and all other event organizers who made the conference possible. God bless, and when we meet again next year, let's have an historic election victory to celebrate! 

- Sarah Palin

Yeah I wouldn't start blowing up balloons or renting out the party room yet you Tundra Twattle.

There is much that can happen in this next election cycle, and I am one to think that after 2010 that liberals are far less likely this go around to sit on their asses while conservatives grab up more seats in the Senate and the House.

Palin may be able to hypnotize the Right Wing mouth breathers with her road kill fright wigs and constantly fluctuating chesticles, but that shit does not fly with those of us who see right through the conservative spin jockeys and Fox News propagandists.

Yeah this election COULD be yet another chance for the Republican party to take a victory lap and once again proclaim that this country leans right of center, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Personally as a proud Liberal I would like very much to make Palin and her cohorts choke on their predictions of a low turnout from minorities, young people, and liberals in this next election cycle.

A prediction by the way that conservatives made for 2012 as well, only in that case there were even fewer white votes for Mitt Romney than for John McCain and Sarah Palin, and Obama won handily.

As for Sarah Palin and CPAC, well Palin's speech was almost as full of barbs directed at the Republican establishment as toward the Liberals and Obama.

In other words she wants victory, but that victory is NOT for the Republican party. That victory is for her twisted idea of what constitutes a REAL American. You know, an under educated conservative, who gets an erection during the national anthem, and masturbates while reading the Constitution.

And that is a candidate who cannot win in an election where there is a good turnout.

So what do you say America?


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    This is all about her TV show!

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      It will last about 3 episodes, then they will turn on the Skanky Assclown.

    2. Anonymous6:30 PM

      I wonder if it will be a comedy? Wasn't she practicing her Goofy comedy routine? Just what the sportsman channel needs. Did you see the line up over there? Whoo whee, breathtakingly boring.

    3. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Maybe only one episode if she's highlighting her dumb-ass husband.

    4. Shins-deep in teabaggers as we are in my area of Virginia, you'd think the cable companies here would carry that right-wing sportsman channel, but no go. Hell, we even get the Pentagon channel with basic.

    5. Anonymous7:51 PM

      You need a life. You all need a life. What is the fun in your life?

      Is it Really to attack people you disagree with? To slander famous people?

      Sad to me.

    6. Cracklin Charlie8:18 PM

      It's really more like a hobby. Slander...libel, whichever.

      So, yeah, it's fun.

    7. Anonymous8:50 PM

      7:51 PM You are SICK and DERANGED. It is not our fault that no one cares about you. Maybe you can give your new Dildo a name, then you would have an imaginary friend to 'comfort' you. We are your Life. Without these blog posters, you have no public contact.

    8. Anonymous10:48 PM

      Aah, Slanderella is back. Hey we didn't miss you when you haven't been around. Did you get put on a Baker Hold? If you don't like it here you could disappear and go elsewhere. Maybe to Slutty Brisket's blog?

    9. Anonymous1:07 AM

      @7:51 PM:
      Jesus you're fucking stupid. You don't like it when Sarah gets attacked (rightfully so) but it's ok for her to spew venom and vitriol at EVERYONE. THIS ENTIRE SPEECH IS NOTHING BUT PERSONAL ATTACKS AGAINST PEOPLE WHO ARE BETTER THAN HER!! And who the fuck are you to tell others to get a life and try to have some fun when all you do is stalk this blog and whine about everyone who "slanders" your idiot queen. And apparently you think "slander" is defined as "saying something true about Sarah instead of kissing her moronic ass 24/7 as she and her followers demand." You need to put your big girl panties on and quit trying to control what people on this blog say. If you don't like it you can always fuck off.

    10. Anonymous1:10 AM

      Don't forget to post your stupid "send the Muslim home to Kenya" poem later you always do Don't miss a thread, now, troll!

    11. Anonymous3:18 AM

      7:51 Must be a family member, worried $carah's "fans" are catching on to her grift, so donations are down. They obviously doi not even listen to her speeches, which caused the Russian newspaper Pravda to call her a traitor for all the insults she slings at our President. Skank is on her way off the stage, next up porn for lazy azz Bristles. Her used up body will compete with Farrah Abraham, another fame whore.

  2. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Oh, we are paying attention Sarah. Everyone likes to watch a train wreck. You jumped the tracks coming out of the station on that one. It was hard to watch you and your idiots going down in flames...especially the nuke comment. Have you lost your pea brain mind...what's left of it. You are disgusting. Have you learned nothing in defeat? You are a disgrace to this country. You should be in prison for treason. Grow up for God's sake. The country is tired of your HS hate routine. Start dressing like a 50 year old woman and act like you know something. We don't need a plagiarized children's story read to us. It wasn't funny now or when stupid Cruz tried that stunt. Sick. Sick. Sick!

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      "Drivin' that train, high on cocaine...."

      (hat tip, and apologies to The Dead)

    2. Anonymous3:20 AM

      Being a grandma to so many illegitimate grandkids is taking its' toll, obviously. So many babies, so few weddings!! Bristles and Willing had better stop and ask how they will afford all these kids when their Mother's money dries up.

    3. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Brissles and Willing are giving their brood up for adption as soon as they emerge. Brissles is saddled with TriG and TriPP only because her moronic mother advertised those pregnancies. (And YES, I am saying that Brissles is the mother of TriG, because she recently posted a FB picture of him, saying he was her kid.

  3. Anonymous5:02 PM

    So....why in 2008 after the election, when she was riding high and still had some political chances , did she totally blow off CPAC and not show up? Why does she just love her some of that CPAC attention now? If she truly wanted to be a politician she would have done something years ago. She is enjoying being another Ann coulter

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      I can't bear Ann Coulter but don't you think that she at least writes her own books & speeches?

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      When Sarah lost the election, the reports are that she hated going back to Alaska, and she hated being the governor. Those offers from Rupert and Roger were much more tempting and glamorous. She took them, and quit her job as governor.

      Karl Rove told Palin to take some time off, study and write a policy book, get some gravitas. Sarah didn't want to do anything that hard. It was easier for someone to ghost write a book for her. It was easier to give unpolished speeches to fans who ate them up. It was easier to chatter away on Fox where facts didn't matter, and the answers were supplied ahead of time. John Coale, Greta's husband, set up both a legal defense fund (illegal) and a PAC for Sarah. The PAC is her slush fund, and Sarah plays to the audience that will keep her PAC solvent, even though it runs at a deficit every year. Sarah made her choice, and it ain't politics.

    3. "Karl Rove told Palin to take some time off, study and write a policy book, get some gravitas".

      When Karl Rove made the above statement, he had to already know that Sarah was incapable of studying, or writing a book or getting any gravitas. Rove isn't a stupid man. The thing that still stumps me is why anyone who - had the financial means and clout to force McCain to pick Sarah - would actually pick her.
      Her stupidity was apparent from the git-go to the majority of the country so why would anyone single out Sarah to be one heart-beat away from running (ruining) this country?

      If he had any consideration for this country, no matter the pressure why would John McCain pick her? More than his Viet Nam "Songbird Johnny" reputation, or his part in the Savings & Loan scandals as a member of the Keating Five, picking Sarah Palin to be his running mate is McCain's legacy. McCain will be remember for choosing Sarah Palin. FU McCain and FU Sarah Palin - you're both traitors to our country.

    4. anonymous@5:16

      I do. Coulter is every bit as much a lunatic, and a danger, but she's much more ambitious than Palin and willing to apply exertion to her extremism. Coulter is not lazy; Palin is. Being lifted to national recognition only informed Palin that she wants adulation without accountability, which along with the Trig lie, is what will keep her out of public office.

    5. Anonymous2:49 AM

      "Read books?" Sarah thought he told her to get books out there with her name on them. "Gravitas?" Sarah thought he said 'gravy,' so she asked Piper to whip up some moose stew with lots of gravy. And now she blasts Rove and the GOP 'establishment' for not helping her win something. Anything.

    6. Anonymous3:25 AM

      The Trig lie, PLUS the skanky daughters!! Imagine all those "trial husbands" in the WH? None of them stick around for long., just long enough for Bristles to get pregnant AGAIN.

  4. Anonymous5:09 PM

    wow. ...she now has the wrinkled neck as well as the granny mouth. If I were Sarah Palin I would fire the "postage/facebook" staff for posting pictures which make me look old and show the newly visible wrinkled neck.
    And I see she wore her favorite "going-out" black pants, which she seems to wear to her outings.
    I didn't listen to her rants yet, but the media is reporting that she complained like usual.

  5. Anonymous5:12 PM

    She's beginning to resemble Sally Heath but with dark hair. And Willow is beginning to look a lot like the mother Palin.
    By the way, does anyone know if Bristol gave birth yet.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Would that be to Junker Jr.?

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      You need a life.

    3. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Sarah's always looked like her pretty mother. Willow is a pretty girl. it is interesting that Willow went from being Todd's twin to Sarah's pretty little mini me. And Piper did the opposite, and now is looking like Todd. Track went from mini Todd, to Sarah and Todd again. Bristol's alwayhs looked like todd.

    4. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Track has never looked like either Sarah or Todd. He is the spitting image of Curtis Menard, and he knows it as well as you do. Hi Bristol.

    5. Anonymous8:41 PM

      SOMEone here (cough, cough, anon 7:50) sure is trying to prevent anyone from noticing that none of those kids actually look like Toad AT ALL!

    6. Anonymous8:44 PM

      7:50 PM Track and Piper look like Menards. YOU need a LIFE, Troll. Sarah was cheating on Todd long before they got married to have Curt Menard Jr.'s Baby-Track. Curt always 'checked' on his 2 kids, Track and Piper.

    7. Anonymous9:03 PM

      It's hard to tell who Bristol looks like after all that work she had done, and now she posts nothing but selfies while making weird faces so it's hard to tell. She did look sweet before the chin implant and whatever else she did to herself.
      Sarah does look like her mother even though she goes through extreme looks including the teeny-bopper clothing. She needs a makeover or a fashion consultant.

    8. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Cheating? how can that be since they're xtians and abstinence godly-patriots. lol

    9. Anonymous9:12 PM

      She has the granny mouth going; sort of like the George Washington's mouth. And she is now sporting the Greta wrinkled neck, and of course the cross-eyes which unfortunately for her, make her look mad or crazy evil.

    10. Anonymous9:23 PM

      to Anonymous7:48 PM.
      I feel bad for your mom Sarah. She should stop wearing your clothes and shoes. It doesn't look good at all for a 50-year-old to dress like a teeny bopper and it cheapens her. I know she can't do anything about her intellect, but if she dressed presentable maybe she would get a tiny bit of respect or at least pity.

  6. Anonymous5:13 PM

    It's all about the money-- for her TV show, for a ghost written book, but mostly for her PAC, which is the royal slush fund. Sarah needs to be visible to keep her fans contributing to her PAC. The FEC does little to enforce the few rules there are about PAC's. As long as Sarah works politics into her book or her show, the PAC pays the expenses. All she has to do is donate a minimum of $5,000. to one candidate each filing period. No problem. Consultants get huge amount of non-itemized money. Imagine Sally Heath being paid $3,000 for postage in this era of the internet. (Since then, Sarah has spent far more on "postage." Right).

    In order to keep herself in the media, Sarah uses all kinds of tricks-- holding a Big Gulp (last year) or repeating the Dr. Seuss stunt (this year). At one speech, she'll wear giant boobs, and at another speech, Sarah will be the biggest boob in the room. Her footwear and wigs are outrageous. Ah, but that means that she is noticed. Stupid, juvenile jokes? That's her limit and the limit of intelligence of her target audience. All Sarah wants is to be noticed. That means that people will watch her show, buy her book and donate to her PAC. They think that Sarah is running for President. Sarah is running all right, she is running a great scam, and as long as they keep falling for it, Sarah will keep the show running.

  7. janice5:28 PM

    She got 2% in the straw poll, how embarrassing. You can bet when the campaigning comes, she will not be asked to help or go onstage and talk for a candidate. Do you suppose she really thinks one of them will pick her for VP? It will be very lonely out there. Is she too dumb to know what that 2% means? Does she still think she is a big shot in the Tea Party?
    They did not even vote for her..........................

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Let's assume there were one hundred people voting in that straw poll. That means $he got TWO VOTES. Probably cast by herself and her 'first dud' pimp husband.

    2. Anonymous3:30 AM

      I mthought she told Greta that her speech was going to be "uplifting, positive"? Maybe she had not read it at that time.

    3. Anonymous7:21 AM

      49 votes out of 2,459 votes cast. Sarah Palin is the bottom of the Tea Party barrel.

  8. Anonymous5:29 PM

    She sounded and looked like a has-been, C rated comedian at a roadside lounge. On the outskirts of town. Maybe she could find something in Branson..............

    1. PalinsHoax6:12 PM

      Maybe the Ol' Desperate Dips**t could find some action at Sheep Creek Lodge, like the good old days.

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      lol at your ignorance.

    3. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Well, as a Palin fa, you would understand ignorance. Did you know she didn't write that Seuss takeoff? No, she stole it from someone else. As usual.

    4. Anonymous8:40 PM

      7:48 PM Right, it is the Mugshot Saloon where Sarah gets her 'groove' on.

  9. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM


    She STILL didn't get it. Last in the parade of nutjobs and no one's even close to "winning" material.

    All Hillary has to do is walk across the stage and say "I'm running for the Office of the President".

    Sayonara, Adios, Tata, Toodles Sarah!

  10. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Sarah is not a serious political candidate. She didn't bother to run in 2012. She wasn't part of the Republican Convention in 2012. 2%, even with an audience packed with her fans isn't a big vote. Sarah appeared on Fox two times since the New Year, and both appearances, just in the last week (Greta and Hannity). There was a time when Sarah's dance card was filled, and she had an appearance every week, a $100,000. speech to give every week. In addition, they paid her outrageous $18,000 travel expenses for her, Todd, five star travel, private jet, room service and goodness knows what else they put on the bill. Now, Sarah's PAC is paying her way, and she really needs the donations. They spend more than they receive. Some fiscal responsibility.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      10,000 in attendance at CPAC and Palin gets 200 votes... Yep, she has a following, Six times as many people who died in the Heavens Gate cult voted for Morticia Palin!

    2. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Only 10,000? Wow. The Gay Lord Hotel didn't attract many of the faithful this year.

  11. Anonymous6:11 PM

    The same fiscal responsibility that left the City of Wasilla in DEEP DEBT. Sarah Palin is a fiscal disaster.

  12. janice6:13 PM

    She is 50 now and her face is showing it. She has not accomplished one thing in her life. She has either been beaten or quit. Her political days are over, her kids are all losers and her husband is happy with his toys.

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Sounds like you're projecting. And still lying. What's the point in slandering people?

    2. Anonymous8:05 PM

      So 7:48..what has she accomplished in her life? You seem to know her..tell us. Prove that she has accomplished something worthwhile, and not quit every time it got hard.

    3. Anonymous8:19 PM

      @7:48 Listen, honey, you should be dong your school work. They'll give you your consultant's fee anyway. Don't worry about it. You are getting everything all wrong, so it's looking bad for Sarah.
      1. Slander is spoken, libel is written.
      2. Sarah is 50 years old. That's not a lie.
      3. Sarah looks 50 years old. That's not a lie.
      4. Her political days ARE over. She was the comedy act at CPAC, not a political speaker.
      5. I don't see any evidence of Track, Willow or Bristol going to college or working. I don't know what they do. Piper, you had better stay in school.
      6. Sarah HAS been beaten or quit. She also messed up. As mayor, she had to hire a city manager and left Wasilla $20 million in debt. she quit as governor and she lost as VP nominee. I guess she might have done a good job on the city council. Wow, that's some accomplishment.
      7. While we're at it, Sarah does not live life vibrantly. There's not such thing.She's a fake.
      8. This is not manipulation.
      9. Projection? None of us have ever dreamed that we were presidential or vice presidential material, or anything else that was beyond our abilities.
      10. If it's not a lie, it's not slander.

    4. Anonymous8:38 PM

      7:48 PM Is Glen Rice Slander? Is Sarah's Fake Tri-g Pregnancy Slander? Is Todd the Pimp Slander? Is Track Menard's Drug use Slander? Are Bristol's Drunken 3 one night stands Slander? Is Bristol's baby by Joey Junker Slander? You are SLANDERELLA, that will be the title of the only movie that you have a slight chance for. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    5. Anonymous11:03 PM

      She's an accomplished grifter once she realized that she could make more money being a snarky 7th grade level hater than being stuck in a lowly governors office having to do things beyond her capability.

  13. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Sarah had to pay ( or have her newest reality show pay) to even be at CPAC, SarahPac donations are nose diving, none of the Palin's can hold down a job and that eats up money at a high rate,no large checks for 10 minute speeches anymore, her looks are fading extremely fast, check she can't get 200 posts on an article on this blog anymore. No one cares about Sarah and her $$$ making ability will never be what it was because she won't run for anything.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Sarah never pays for anything. If Sarah managed to sneak a political message into one of her shows, then the PAC paid the $9,000. to rent that table at the CPAC for three days.They also handed out cheap tote bags advertising the show. Yeah, I always watch something that I see advertised on a shopping bag, too.

  14. Anonymous6:46 PM

    haha! Sarah and Todd, in a little financial trouble? Donations down? Law suites taking their toll?

    The Palin's One Nation Bus for sale, only 29,000 miles!

    Todd's fb= "grandma palin" needs something smaller to drive!

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      'palin needs something smaller to drive'.... she said the same thing when she married Todd after boning Glen Rice.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Too funny!

      I guess $he will have to come up with something new next time $he wants to ruin the announcement of next year's Republican Presidential candidates.

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      This highly interesting! She's not using it for her tv show. And there haven't been any filming sightings.. I wonder if she even left Alaska for any of her episodes?

    4. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Did the big bad IRS come a knocking looking for unreported income finally? Liquidate those assets! Everything MUST go at Crazy Sarah's House of Grifting!

    5. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Meh, it's not even that nice. Also too, look at the year. It is a 2004 which means it was built and for sale in 2003. She had a used coach to begin with. Nothing custom, run of the mill interior, only 3 slides, no self leveling jacks just manual ones no kitchen island, none of the things motorcoach RVers( yes I am one) really want all that badly. Also too, it is 10 yrs old. Most luxury RV parks don't allow coaches over 10 yrs old. Mileage means nothing in motorcoaches, it's all about the age. Also too, the consignment sales agent will get 30% and I doubt it will sell for much over $100,000. There is a huge loss on coaches once they are driven off the lot. By the mileage I am guessing they bought it new, but a few yrs old and most likely since they have no clue about RV's they probably paid way too much( as I said before age means everything) I doubt they will recoup more than 55-65 grand. In other words they will lose their ass on it.
      But, I don't know why such a "vibrant" "outdoorsy" "close and do everything together family" would bother selling it anyway. I think you are correct and the money issues are beginning to hit the Palins

    6. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Not surprising. I bought one about 5 years ago and regretted it fat the same day. sold it a year later. Though it was only $112000 or something.

    7. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Who has the heart to let the Pee People know that this is the sign that Sarah won't be running for President?

    8. Anonymous8:12 PM

      When the Palins went on that One Nation Tour with her PAC advertising plastered all over the bus, I assumed that the PAC rented the bus and had it wrapped. No! They bought a used bus! And, they used it twice. Since it was bought to promote Sarah and her PAC, I am betting that the PAC paid for it. When they sell it, will they keep the money or will it go back to the PAC? (Everything that Sarah does IS political, so of course it is paid for by her PAC).

    9. Anonymous8:21 PM

      No more bus tours, $arah? Do the bots know you're not running as we have for years? Plead, you'll get that bus back, or are you just too cool that the Kochs funded you a jet? What a Queen Esther savior you are!

    10. Anonymous10:19 PM

      Todd described Sarah driving that bus as white knuckle driving down the highway. Wouldn't Sarah need a special license to operate a bus? I don't know about Alaska, but when they were on the One Nation All American You Ruined Our Family Vacation Bus Tour, Todd left early, leaving Sarah, Sally, Chuck and Piper. A special license to operate a bus is required in Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts. Did Sarah really drive the bus on the bus tour? Really?

    11. Anonymous10:53 PM

      ANON at 10:19
      Yes, a she would need a bus license( which in most states is different than a class A license) Most states states license it under a Class B with a bus drivers endorsement.

    12. Anonymous4:25 AM

      It has a cassette player? What, no CDs?

  15. Anonymous7:01 PM

    What you say, America? She's been nothing but panned. She can slut herself up, barely crawl herself to the microphone if she wants, fake boobs all she wants, fake a pregnancy all she wants, don any dirty wig she wants, plagiarize all she wants, cutesy tootsy silly voices all she wants. Exercising your freedoms, right, $arah? In return, rill America and the world can LAUGH and that we are! You aren't even the rodeo clown anymore. You're one mess.

  16. Is tat the tail of a chipmunk or some other critter hanging down from underneath her wig? Ewwwwww!

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Yep, just looking at that hair. REALLY?

    2. Anonymous10:54 PM

      I think she is trying to bring back coon skin caps but someone should have told her it helps to tan the hide so it doesn't rot on your head.

  17. Anonymous7:31 PM

    The NRA and ACU must be so relieved to receive Palin's much sought after praise and know that they have pleased her.

    If I were a 'true conservative' politician I'd be plenty miffed that Palin seems to have elevated herself to the center of the Universe.

    1. Anonymous2:41 AM

      She's always seen herself as Center of the Universe. Bet she carries a Bible that calls God "she."

  18. Amazon, "Good Tidings And Great Joy" 3/09/14 23:30est
    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #30,780 in Books

    Doesn't a genuinely good book, even one holiday-themed, coast a little higher than that in its first year of release?

  19. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I really wish people would stop looking at the country as this race and that race, and singling out minorities like we're different. There is no difference, other than foreigners get college scholarships for no other reason besides being foreign and businesses are criticized for their employers, despite wanting to hire the best people over making sure there's equal races. (FEW FEW are racist employers and I've NEVER met a person who votes for a leader based on race)

    Democrats need to grow the hell up and actually pay attention, elect QUALIFIED People with CREDENTIALS, and LISTEN to what they say.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Wow, you need to step away from the koolaid my friend....

    2. Cracklin Charlie8:02 PM

      Shut up, Sarah.

    3. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Seems you are the only person bringing race into everything. Still got that jungle fever huh Sarah?

    4. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Sarah, next time, spend the extra 10 bucks and get the real stuff.

    5. Anonymous11:04 PM

      7:43 PM
      Can't imagine what "little pocket of rill Amurika" you live in but I couldn't spend a few hours on here just naming people I know who voted against President Obama just based on his race. They happily proclaim it outloud and in public when with people like they are.

    6. Anonymous11:06 PM

      Tell that to Sarah who decided that the best way to honor MLK day was to play her sorry race-baiting card.

    7. Anonymous3:45 AM

      Does that person think $carah is "qualified"? If so, for WHAT?? Name ONE actual idea she has for "progessing this great country forward" as she likes to proclaim. It HAS been great for the Palins, getting tons of $$$ for nothing, which seems to be their goal. After all "What's in it for us" is Toad's expression. All good things must end, so they had better do more than get pregnant and start WORKING for once.

    8. Anonymous1:07 PM

      What, pray tell, are you talking about? The tea party is racist. It only sprung up after President Obama was elected. People sent Ted Cruz and the rest of the nutjobs to Congress because they're fearful of a black/brown country. This country is a racial democracy. The Constitution--this country's founding--was based on denying citizenship to a huge swath of Americans.

  20. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Classy as usual; it looks like she wore her jeans and "fuck me" hooker shoes.

  21. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Even with a high turnout of 'liberals', the RePukes can still win, if there are no viable (or NO!) liberal/democratic candidates out there...

  22. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Democrats need to grow the hell up and actually pay attention, elect QUALIFIED People with CREDENTIALS, and LISTEN to what they say.

    We did, twice.

  23. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I say YUCK to that motor coach! Everything is so BLAH in there - beige/light brown wood and walls and cloth - NO kind of personality AT ALL.
    (Also, too, can you imagine buying something where the Tundra Turd and her PIMP husband sat on/slept in, sh*t in, etc???


    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Smoked Meth in?

    2. Anonymous3:46 AM

      The Palin girls tested "trial husbands" in??

    3. Anonymous5:58 AM

      looks like the shower has never been used..oh right, we're talking sarah, probably hasn't. you know her wigs melt if they get wet.

  24. Anonymous8:22 PM

    I just saw her couple of pictures from the CPAC. Since when are bell bottoms in fashion again? I thought they went out with the 1970s?

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      I think she wore large clothing to disguise her frailness. I swear I saw that blouse at Target last night. Heaven forbid her purchasing a quality suit.

    2. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Bell Bottoms hide her ugly toes when she wears those 'Hooker Sandals'.

    3. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Nothing says classy like wearing those same old black jeans to give a speech that will be televised nationally! Sarah, surely you have grifted enough money that your PAC can provide you with several appropriate, attractive outfits for your few speaking engagements.

    4. Anonymous2:40 AM

      "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." When your eyes are crossed, it's hard to see what things look like. And when you shop the junior departments, it's hard to find anything appropriate or classy when you're 50. Of course, given her choices in footwear, Sarah doesn't know class anyway.

  25. Anonymous8:28 PM

    O/T: why is Piper-Diaper the only one on her basketball team that does not wear knee protectors? Is it because she actually does not get any floor time? Is it because she is actually the 'ball girl' that has to keep the ball clean and dry for the othe other girls?

    1. Anonymous10:21 PM

      I am surprised and encouraged that apparently Piper goes to school. Maybe Stain has learned from her earlier mistakes that home schoolin' aint't the best.

    2. Anonymous2:38 AM

      Is that a school team or a local team? We have 'home-schooled' kids here who participate through our community center but never attend real school..they also have their own band.

    3. Anonymous4:12 PM

      There's a huge barrel full of jokes regarding her lack of kneepads. The nicest one I can share (she's just a kid) is Mommy smacked them on her own chest, you know, to puff up her "credentials".
      The older girls, meh they don't need knee pads, their real ones are calloused.

  26. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Whoa Sarah Palin needs to avoid any close up photos. Her skin is wrinkly and dry. She has to cake on the makeup to hide all of the lumps and blemishes. She is aging poorly, could it be the stress of faking her marriage and the pregnancy? Could it be the dwindling funds in her Pac?

  27. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I liked the "bilewagon' nickname Charlie gave her.
    That article was an awesome smackdown.

  28. Anonymous9:24 PM

    There were 2,459 votes cast in the 2014 CPAC Presidential straw poll, Sarah Palin received 49 votes. BWAHAHAHAHAHA, Presidential? Even the Tea Party Faithful don't think so. One of Todd's Prostitutes, other than Sarah, would have gotten more votes. Sarah Palin needs to find a job, if any Business will hire her Stupid Ass.

    1. Anonymous11:19 PM

      Only 49 votes! Let's see, they paid $9000 to get her on the stage so that's about $183 per vote. hahaha

    2. Anonymous2:37 AM

      49? What, her PAC didn't pay enough people? Remember when Bachmann bought the Iowa Straw Poll in 2012? Sarah still doesn't play the game very well.

    3. Anonymous5:38 AM

      Like her measly 5K campaign donation, she's not going to spend any more than she has to since she's NOT running.

  29. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Sarah, you are one Class "A" shithead. 'Nuff said.

  30. But..but turtle err I meant mitch mcconell said they're going to crush the teaparty everywhere, oh $arah that's going to leave a mark

  31. Anonymous10:33 PM

    "...let's have an historic election victory to celebrate!"

    Yes, let's do that...when Hillary takes your fucking sorry ass to the cleaners!

  32. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Viva Señora Lumpy!

  33. Anonymous11:10 PM

    "fluctuating chesticles"....hehehe


  34. Anonymous12:02 AM

    UGH Leave it to TMZ

  35. Anonymous12:40 AM

    I am stunned. I shouldn't be...I have visited the C4P page in the past. I suppose I forgot how pathetic these "followers" of the Quitter are. I could cut & paste for hours the many ramblings of these sad, lonely, hopeless & truly stupid "teen-fan-club-like" losers. But alas, it's easier to say "just go there and read the comments, especially from the CPAC speech thread" yourselves. Although I despise directing anyone sane to dive into that cesspool of ick. The 1st comment that jumped out at me started with "I just donated to SarahPac!" Well, there ya go....! Other interesting & telling comments like "I heard Sarah has a photographic memory! She was NOT using the teleprompter!" (and MANY more regarding the teleprompter which was featured in a few photos floating around & that it was "just there" but not used of course by their Queen) and of course a shout-out about Green Eggs & Ham and Sarah giving credit to "the internet" for MOST of her made-up poem, although they said she did acknowledge "the rest of the poem" SHE wrote. ??? I don't recall that, but I admit, I refuse to listen to the screech. And I could go on and on. I couldn't sleep this evening. So I decided to read the comments of her incredibly mentally deficient & dwindling amount of admirers over at the Pee Pond. I am now ready to retire, but 1st I must bang my head on the wall.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      This is what they base their voting decisions on, too. Sad and scary, isn't it?

      Take a couple aspirin and try to relax, that is crazy territory!

  36. Randall2:45 AM

    Sarah Palin is THE symbol of what is wrong with the Republican Party in the 21st century.

    Sarah Palin:

    you don't need no education


    being mean is the same thing as being passionate

    none for thee means more for ME

    saying you BELIEVE in GOD is enough - you don't have to actually be good or do good - or even read the Bible

    Being snotty is the same as being witty

    If you're pretty (or handsome) enough you can get away with a LOT

    It's not a lie if YOU believe it

    Sarah Palin will be a significant figure in history as THE main symbol of the marginalization and eventual dissolution of the Republican Party in the 21st century.

    The very name "Sarah Palin" will (has already) become synonymous with "epic failure".

    And John McCain's historical record will forever bear the stain of Sarah Palin as well. Also, too.

  37. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I bet John McCain will never forgive the as#$hole who introduced & picked this woman. In the words of $carah herself: "flipping unbelievable." lol ...
    Now try to seperate yourself from her John republican party. HAHAHAHAHA.Now this woman is the Voice of the republican party!


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