Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sarah Palin's new show has a theme song that is just as Red, White, and Blue shitty as you could possibly imagine.

Courtesy of Happy Nice Time People:  

You guys we are so excited to bring you this sick new jam that is going to be the theme song for Sarah Palin’s latest teevee vanity project that she will quit in six months, “Amazing America.” Conveniently, the song is also too called “Amazing America” so Sarah can’t mess up the name. Haha she still will you guys. 

Did you go listen? That song, brought to you courtesy of some band we have never heard of called “Madison Rising,” is indeed amazing, if by “amazing” we mean “almost unbearably bad to listen to.” It’s like Nickelback if Nickelback sucked 1000 times more than Nickelback. It’s like the dude from television’s “Sister Wives” started a band. 

Except this band’s lead singer is no doubt way sexxxxier and more brooding and more inexplicably tattooed. 

We can’t even get over the awful. It’s like Creed took a few years off, worked in an iron mine, and wrote a song about it.

You know even though I have every expectation that ANYTHING Sarah Palin touches will turn into a black hole of suckage, I am still sometimes taken off guard by the actual suction.

Part of me thinks that this must be a parody, you know put together by one of the liberals who, as your friendly neighborhood troll claims, is also lying or making stuff up about Palin to make her look bad.

But no, if you go to the actual, official site for the show there is the Madison Rising video above raping your eardrums and making you hate America.

Which I guess goes to prove that there is really NOTHING that a so-called "hater" could do to Sarah Palin, and her "career," that she has not already done herself.

Now if you will excuse me I have to put some Bactine on my damaged ears and take several bottles of aspirin.

P.S. I just figured out that if you watch the video with the sound off then it only makes your eyes bleed. 


  1. It has a snappy beat...
    If you were walk into Walmart with your butt crack hanging out of your Jr. Size spandex pants, boobs hanging low past your crop top... yup, it would have snappy beat.
    Try not to be so hard on Conservative Jackass club.

  2. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Unfortunately, there is probably a large crowd of Amazing Americans who are going to find this song incredibly right for them, and so, it'll probably hit the airwaves, and send them up the Rolling Stones pop chart, where they can hang out with Lee Greenwood and their flags and crosses. The funny part for me is, it's a totally formulaic song with a beat, so it'll be popular. Aren't Madison Rising a Christian music group?

    1. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Christian group? Let's see, gun-toting, flag-waving, gay-hating, war-loving, over-dosed testosterone bible thumpers.


      Oh wait

    2. A J Billings2:18 PM

      Yah! Cuz jes like the song sez, "we never back down from a fight".

      Ah do believe that's just what sonny Jeezus would want songs to say, so as to show how 'cepshunal we 'Muricans are

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I've heard worse. It sounds like any number of amateur bands that play at BBQ joints in dusty little towns in west tx. They are "ok" but just don't quite have what it takes. I read on an other blog that one of the members is rated to Sarah. Talk about nepotism!

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      Been in dusty little towns in West Texas, including the town, the music is way better than this. If these guys played, they would throw things at them!


    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      I can send you a list of BBQ joints in West Texas that have better bands and most likely better vitamin Q to you.

    3. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Please post a couple of places. I love to listen to live music, yep even shit kickin honky tonk music :)

  4. Sarah Palin has some sort of cultural dyslexia?

    1. She's got something. Caution, it may be communicable.

  5. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Sarah Palin is endorsing politicians on Facebook, how much does she believe in her endorsements? I betcha Sarah or SarahPac doesn't believe in them by sending them money.

  6. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Is that Sarah Palin's tattooed warrior combat vet son Caint Get Right holding the American flag? I wondered what happened to him.

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      I keep wondering why the rather dirty guy is sniffing the flag. Doesn't seem very respectful to me.

    2. Anonymous11:33 AM

      According to Sarah she says he stays in the airplane hangar.

  7. Anonymous6:58 AM

    1. That sounded worse than a dying calf in a hailstorm.
    2. Why is that guy sniffing the flag?
    3. I see they cut the part where Sarah is rolling around on the hood of a TransAm in her bikini after noticing that her body is way, way past its sell-by date. But they left the shot of her in the parka, so that's cool.

  8. If you are tempted to say "they're not that bad" then listen to their "performance" of the National Anthem at the Daytona 500:

    H/T wonkette comments

    I miss Phil Ochs.

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Yep, I knew they sounded familiar (in a bad way.) Nothing but the best for Sarah's AA.

      'Patriotic' band performs spectacularly awful national anthem at Daytona

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Liz, thanks for the link. I'd already seen the video you posted, and was APPALLED, to say the least. Even the Nascar crowd was disgusted by MR"s rendition. If this is "patriotism", I'm gob-smacked.

    3. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Oh.My.God. That' the worst rendition of our National Anthem that I've ever heard. I think the guitar player to the left of the lead singer was having a seizure. WTF!

    4. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Husband and I like NASCAR and we are liberals that voted for Obama twice and are proud of it. We don't watch the prayin' and patriotizing before they start their engines.....but there is something about all of those LEFT turns and car wrecks that keep us watching. (A good wreck is why we keep watching Sarah doncha know?)

      There is a practice called start and park were a few of the drivers can make a ton of money running a few laps and heading for the garage claiming engine trouble or whatever. The Palins should check out this sketchy practice. Google Joe Nemechek...he's a pro at making this kind of dough.

    5. Anonymous11:35 AM

      ANON at 9:59 AM

      This liberal is also a nascar fan, nothing wrong with car racing.

    6. Anonymous11:14 PM

      yep same here >>> GO 24 !!

  9. Anonymous7:10 AM

    They are the self-proclaimed "most patriotic band in American!!!!"

    Of course they suck.

  10. Anonymous7:20 AM

    From a pure music judging standpoint, this band doesn't sound bad. The singer has a great voice, is not pitchy, and the band is good.

    Notwithstanding, the idea that they have something to do with Palin makes it predictable. If these guys use this schtick (Palin-style hubris patriotism), they'll ruin their careers. They need to steer far far away from anything having to do with Sarah, if they want a successful go at it.

    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Have you seen the venues that want Sarah? This D level band is all they'd get to agree to play at their events anyway. Anytime a con tries to use a mainstream rock song, the artists ask them to drop it. They'll have a healthy bottom line playing only to the Red White and Blue crowd. 'Merica!

    2. Anonymous4:41 AM

      the singer has an awful voice, the music is lame, the lyrics are lamer and don't even rhyme: fight & life? seriously? i listened for ~20 seconds and the right side of my face went numb... i'd rather listen to nickelback

  11. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Why is it that people who claim to be the most patriotic happened to be the most idiotic of our society....

  12. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Now I know what a cat caught in a blender sounds like. Whew! That was painful.
    Word of advice: Get a voice coach, get a sound man, hire an image consultant, ......oh hell, what am I saying? Just stop,stop right now. We all would appreciate it.

  13. Anonymous7:30 AM

    The lead singer looks like Todd...but also,too, looks like Sarah. Creepy profile like Todd, hair and jawline like Sarah's and the "I haven't had a bath in 2 weeks, I'll take one right after this next hit" look, like everyone associated with the Heath/Palin klan.

  14. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Hahahaha!!! These squirrel pie eatin', pig squealing, inbred retards were mocked for their horrible rendition of the National Anthem. And that was done by the squirrel pie, inbred, redneck Nascar crowd!

  15. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Isn't one of those 'singers' one of her distant cousins? If so, there is ANOTHER (extended) family member on the grifting teat of hers.
    Nepotism, $arah... Go look up the word. I betcha ya even find a picshure of yerself and maybe of yer whole fandamily right next to it!

    1. Ailsa8:54 AM

      I believe her cousin is J D Morgan, leader of Missing Stateside, but after listening to the video above, I don't have the strength to check that out.

      Also too, if I'm correct, I'll hate myself for knowing how much Palin trivia I've taken on board.

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      "Money laundering"is another way to look at it.

      "Hey, Cousin Jethro, I'll get your garage band a gig on my new teepee show, and all it'll cost you is 25% of what you make. Pay me in tens and twenties at the next family hoedown."

    3. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Crony Capitalism

    4. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Oh, Ails!

      That's terrible, truly!

      Maybe you could get a neat little lobotomy? You'd still be much smarter than any Palin.


  16. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I find it interesting that the Sportsman Channel's FB page has numerous posts about Amazing America, and yet, they have nothing up about how there are more hosts than Palin doing the narrating. Why aren't they bragging about the other hosts? Why have they basically showed us the whole show in commercials, yet they won't name their three (or more?) hosts publicly? It seems the show is really about the worst of the worst. And the theme song; well, gag me with a spoon!

  17. Anonymous8:07 AM

    At last! One of Sarah Palin's panty sniffers caught in the act.

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:04 AM

      That's a good one!

      Song (and band) sucks, though.

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Sex on the flag, Red, Wild, and Blue. The touch, the feel, the smell, the fabric of "rill patriotic AmeriCANS.

    3. Anonymous12:53 PM

      I CAN't.

  18. Have I ever said how much I hate shitkicker "music"? I hate shitkicker music with "patriotic" lyrics even more. I can't stand the fact that the last progressive radio stations in Seattle and Portland went bye-bye and were replaced by country music/right wing radio stations.

    OT: I'm currently reading a book via Kindle written by someone named C. J.'s a series about a semi-competent (or semi-incompetent) Wyoming game warden named Joe Pickett.

    He's honest and true and trusting, right in the middle of sleazy corporate hacks, shifty career government bureaucrats, bribe-able law enforcement types, and politicians out to fatten their wallets. Halfway through the first book it's amazing that he hasn't managed to get himself killed.

    The point of my saying this is that the theme of the book reminds me too much of everything you, Gryphen, and other Alaska bloggers have written about life these days in Alaska -- and the fact that Sarah Palin has been part of the same intrigue in real life as the antagonists in the book.

    "What's in it for me" politics and corporate vested interests are so blatantly obvious in states like Alaska and Wyoming (et cetera) that even murder mysteries use the intrigue as a plot line.

  19. Anonymous8:26 AM

    So they went to a head shop and bought one of every bedspread on sale, then went back to Mom's spare room/ their recording studio, and nailed the spreads all over, to cover the white walls. When they got the "Amazing American" gig, they decided to tack up an American flag over the dusty bedspreads, so they'd look all patriotic.
    And to answer one of the questions posed in the song: " Who wouldn't want to be an American?" Well, if belonging to the USA consisted solely of shooting things and wrestling things and fight, fight, fighting, I can think of several billion people who don't find that way of life attractive.
    Luckily, being American doesn't involve all that rough, tough posturing beloved by Sarah and her couch sportsmen.
    The real America is a place and a feeling that Sarah and her bedraggled posse have never visited.
    Clue: shampoo is sold in our America.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Like like like!

    2. Anita Winecooler7:06 PM

      Excellent Comment! You hit the nail on the head!

  20. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Couldn't take the sound, so watched with the sound off. I wonder if the choppy, editing is done to avoid copyright violations. Is there a limit to how much of someone else's video you can use without credit and/or permission? Maybe that would account for the one- and two-second stock-footage-type scenes, and the longer bits that were obviously shot by the producer of the video. Some of the "iconic" images are odd. When was the last time the majority of Americans went to the blacksmith? And apparently shooting at things is a quintessential American activity, as is rolling in the mud with livestock. Who knew?

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Why didn't they use the turkey slaughter video? And Wasilla homeboy Morlock's photo would fit nicely in that wreck of a montage.

  21. Anonymous8:35 AM

    What is the american way of life anyway, shopping at walmart and then pigging out at buffet greasy restaurants with people so fat they can hardly haul their lard asses into their SUV? some way of life

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      Further to your point, what is this so-called "American Dream?" I keep hearing about? Apparently the US has a patent on happiness, freedom, and prosperity...who knew?

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      I think it's the Walmart greasy all you can eat everybody squish into the front 'o the pick up crowd.

  22. Anonymous8:47 AM

    That ink on his warrior bod (or did he not serve?) looks downright satanic. And it is flag protocol to bunch it up like you are making love to it with your sweaty body? Patriots sure like to soil the flag for their photo ops, right Sarah?

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Just like their kids: they can fucking destroy it if they want to because it is THEIRS!

  23. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The track isn't all that bad, but like Palin's malapropism verbiage, the singer's voice doesn't fit the package. He belongs in a guitar coffee lounge act, not a 'rock/metalish' band.

  24. More craptastic from Madison rising.

    They played the national anthem at a recent auto race and were A-W-F-U-L!!!! Check the link for more grins and giggles.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:02 PM

      OUCH! Desecrating the National Anthem while holding a folded flag over his heart. I've heard cats in heat with better vocals, just sayin'.

  25. I am TOTES digging the 60 cycle hum at the beginning of the video. The rest of it? Notsomuch.

  26. New drinking game! every time someone shoots at something in the above clip, take a shot. Within 2 minutes you'll be HAMMERED!

  27. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Sarah "wrote" this theme song, don'tcha know.

  28. Anonymous9:27 AM

    They should have Bristol as their lead singer. She is an accomplished dancer and I bet she sure can hum.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      She's great at "hummers"... I don't think it's the same thing. ..

  29. Anonymous9:40 AM

    A top-rated show for Sarah Palin
    A no.1 hit for Madison rising
    Cant wait for April 3

    1. Anonymous10:06 AM

      lol, good one, such snark!

    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Palin sets a very low bar for what she terms success and echoes this with her choices for supporters. Makes 'winning' more in line with Charlie Sheen's definition than people in the real world.

    3. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Sure Sarah, keep telling yourself that. Snort.

  30. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Hey, a nice hefty dose of the 'Mighty' PEARL JAM or even The Mavericks should clear that gunk right out.
    M from MD

  31. Anonymous10:28 AM

    There were only three short shots of a female in the entire video and they were all of Sarah. Amazing America, just the way Sarah likes it. go figure.

  32. Anonymous10:46 AM

    What, they couldn't get Nugent to do the theme? Or did Sportsman Channel pay him not to?

  33. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Why didn't Sarah ask for a Motown sound for the show's theme? Is the bitch prejudice?

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      I don't think Sarah Palin is prejudice. In the internet you keep seeing comments that she did Glenn Rice who is black while she was dating Todd.

  34. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Ugh, listened for a bit, then stopped, cause it is so insulting. If you don't like guns and all that shooting, and you're not a redneck. Ugh, there's way more to American than what they show, thank heaven. Gross, the music is really bad.

    10 cats.

  35. If you take several bottles of aspirin you will probably bleed out and the tinitis will be horrendous, but you would not have to hear this song again. Madison Rising is a Christian rock band. Wikipedia lists their singles as "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "God Bless America", so they don't seem to be very creative. I wonder who wrote this crappy song.

  36. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Seems to me that a few years ago, before Bristol turned 21, she was filmed in a bar with friends. The story was that she was there because she was "friends" with a member of the band - Madison Rising. The story was from a Palin perspective & quite a bit was made of the band being so talented & she was helping them promote it.

    Problem is that I can't, for the life of me, remember where I saw the story. Maybe you can search your much better memory Gryph.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

      Was there a mechanical bull involved?

    2. Anonymous11:04 PM

      at 19 she was in Rumrunners here in Anchorage

  37. Anonymous12:52 PM

  38. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Listening to that was as about as exciting as watching the sky looking for heelycopters.

  39. Anonymous12:58 PM

    There is nothing in Granny Grifter's life that advocates for nuance. This is so close to a teen-age hissy fit it is funny! She is incredibly clueless.

  40. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Wait... The most patriotic band has an American flag hung INCORRECTLY in their video for Palin?!?

  41. Anonymous1:15 PM

    What a dumb screechy video that is. Just like Palin!!

  42. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I scrolled by that picture quickly and thought the leader singer with the extremely greasy hair was sarah! haha

  43. Anita Winecooler6:30 PM

    I knew it! Sarah DOES have a pair of grannie panties with the flag on them to match the shoes. That guy huffing is inhaling the hell out of them. Does that make madison rise?
    All kidding aside, They have wallpapers with what looks like arabic symbols and the flag is hanging backwards. The music sucks and the singing sounds like shit. Who or What, exactly, is their target audience? I can't imagine the scooter crowd relating to this in any way. Unless, of course, they add "props"

  44. Anonymous9:05 PM

    To Madison Rising. I know you have to start somewhere.
    Now, get as far away from Sarah Palin as you can, and don't
    look back. Palin is" Palin/Joke" to the majority of people.
    To Your age group, she is old, needy for male attention and
    stupid. Start working long hours writing, practicing over and over difficult note patterns on your instruments until it is second
    nature. Listen over and over to professional groups and figure
    out what made them soar over just average. You would be surprised how many of the above average groups of your style
    of music listened to their parent's jazz and big band records
    that their parents had playing daily . Read up on the work ethic
    of your idol's Don't stay in the Palin mode of being too lazy to grow and learn ,taking the easy way out. Other people write her books, and she signs her name. Her Face Book writings are not
    written by her either. She I also a coat tail hanger on .
    Palin is below average in all that she does and has done, plus
    quits if the going becomes too difficult . Be the opposite of
    Sarah Palin and you will soar way above average !

  45. Anonymous6:55 AM

    What a star spangled shitstain. And why does the singer keep switching microphones? Oh, and the rf interference guitar amp buzz at the top of the video to make people think it's recorded live is laughable.

    American exceptionalism is such an expression of insecurity and stupidity. Yeah, no where else in the world do people forge metal, work hard, hunt, fish or build things. Anyone who has traveled the world at all realizes pretty quick that everyone in the world is not fixated on how awesome the USA is. They more often than not do not even think of us at all or think of us in a negative way, especially our fucked up political system.

    (cue Will McAvoy in the series pilot of "The Newsroom")


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