Friday, March 28, 2014

Ted Nugent claims that people who hate him, hate America. Because you know THAT makes perfect sense.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

On Tuesday, Ted Nugent called the mayor of Longview, Texas “clueless,” “dishonest,” “racist,” and claimed that he had “bamboozled the good citizens of Longview.” Last month, the town withdrew its invitation to have him headline its annual July 4 Fireworks and Freedom Celebration. 

When the invitation was revoked, Mayor Jay Dean said that Nugent’s concert “didn’t really fit what we trying to put together, a family oriented program…and I confirmed with his thoughts that that probably wasn’t the right act. And I still feel that it was the right decision. It just didn’t fit with what we were trying to put together.” 

On Saturday, Nugent told the Forth Worth Star-Telegram that the real reason for the revocation of the offer was that Mayor Dean is racist. “I hear from reliable sources that the mayor is a racist and was offended that my band performs mostly African-American-influenced music,” he said. 

“Everyone knows ol’ Uncle Ted is the ultimate Independence Day rockout with the ultimate all-American, soul music, rockin’ soundtrack of defiance, liberty and freedom. We shall carry on. We are the good guys. Clueless, dishonest people like the mayor are the bad guys.”

So its racism that is keeping Nugent from playing his 4th of July gig in Texas? And here I thought racism wasn't good for anything.

Nugent also dropped this bomb:  

“Those that hate me are following the Saul Alinsky playbook on how to dismantle, fundamentally transform the greatest nation and quality of life the world has ever known,” he continued. 

“Those that hate me hate America, plain and simple.” 

Wow, I had no idea I hated America. Now I feel bad. 


  1. Anonymous4:19 AM

    So, the Ted Nugients among us love America but hate Americans, right?


    1. Anonymous6:39 AM

      Only Americans that deny social programs that help the poor, think non-whites and women are second class citizens, carry guns, and of course follow the teachings of Jesus need apply.

    2. Good ole Ted, taking responsibility for his own actions as a responsible citizen, huh? More accountability in practice by the fake-patriot nutters.

      He's a joke. Just a bad joke, neither clever nor funny. Anyone who still supports this guy for anything other than his guitar-playing ability in a couple of rock tunes more than 30+ years ago is a bigger loser than shitty pants Ted, including his soul mate, Shitty Mouth Sarah.

  2. He plays African-American influenced music? I think our African American friends should be insulted. All Ted plays is noise.

    1. Anonymous5:22 AM

      I was just going to say the same thing! What an insult!

    2. F U McCain6:44 AM

      Oh my god.

      Ted Nugent is a victim of racism. .. because he is so aligned with black culture? !

      If that isn't shit on a shingle I don't know what is!

  3. Anonymous4:22 AM

    The stupid - it hurts.
    This racist piece of moose poop is going to see a LOT of gigs drying up. Nobody but Billy JoeBob and Cletus want to see his old non talent racist, misogynistic ass. His kind will die away sooner rather than later.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Hurts so bad it stings! Nugent is the infected pimple on the bee-hind of the U.S. of A.
      M from MD

    2. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Sorry, but Longview is full of Billy Joe Bobs and Cletus', they just hate shit pants draft dodgers too.

  4. Leland4:24 AM

    Room Waiting for party of one! Nugent party! All padding in place, floors and ceiling included.

  5. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Ooh, someone's ego took a hit.

  6. Anonymous4:36 AM

    What an ASS. When I see that UGLY person (I refuse to refer to him as a "man") I wonder if he is using that hat as his toilet these days. It sure looks that way. Any person who fought while this creep stayed behind sexually abusing underage girls should despise this person. Getting $16,000 to stay away, not bad for a low life like Nugent. Palin is wondering how she can get a gig like that. Just like the wonky eyed skank, Teddy is looking on the outside just like all the ugly bile he carries inside. These two deserve each other.

    1. F U McCain6:46 AM

      Sarah has been paid a LOT to stay in her studio and keep out of the ring. She does get to stick her nose in though.

  7. ibwilliamsi4:54 AM

    Hate is a strong word. He disgusts me. I find him to be a lazy, abhorrent huckster who panders to the lowest common denominator in our society.

    I don't have to dignify his position by hating him. I just don't have time for him. I suggest he gets his egomania checked.

  8. PalinsHoax4:55 AM

    Gryphen, you gotta put up that picture of Poopy's twin, Ol' Quitty, photos side-by-side, showing the mirror image of their scrunched up noses, braying mouths and general hideousness.

    1. Anonymous5:24 AM

      Wouldn't it be great if she had an appearance publicly cancelled! I'd love to hear her crazy rant about THAT!

      We need to stand up and shame these crazies till they crawl back to their caves.

    2. Boscoe11:13 AM

      LOL Poopy/Quitty 2016!

      C'mon, you know the debates would be comedy GOLD!

  9. Baby_Raptor5:13 AM

    If hating a child raping, draft dodging, micro-penis gun wanker means I hate America...I can live with hating America.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      I'm with you.

      He is all ugliness and hate, inside and out.

  10. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:19 AM

    Sad part is that these loudmouthed nimrods always seem to know exactly which buzzwords to use, how to twist the argument and how to bark over anyone with sense or facts (see: the cranked-up TeaParty shrew on Chris Hayes's show the other night. Or the waste of carbon from Wasilla). The drooling bottom feeders will always listen because they want to believe that these eff-ed up "messengers" are "just like them". The PR firm or think tank that's coaching this group of yapping mold spores is really earning whatever millions it's costing the Koch boys, the Dominionists, or whomever.

    1. Anonymous6:01 AM

      Exactly, with the buzzwords! I bet none of them could even come up with a single one of Saul Alinsky's titles, let alone be able to state what his "playbook" might be. Forget having read anything. Actual reading is totally unnecessary.

      Buzzwords make stupid people feel smart.

  11. Anonymous5:38 AM

    fuck him. he better wake up and smell the coffee, 99% of America has his number. he's a cowardly, big-mouthed scumbag.

  12. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Bravo to the folks who exercised their freedom and decided to yank the plug on this foul-mouthed draft-dodging has been.

  13. Anonymous5:43 AM

    A repentant Somalian pirate in the country two weeks is more a valuable American than this waste of sac, and other bags of bones like Sarah Palin. Fuck these white 'patriots' who think they have the corner or morality, family, faith and freedom. With guns.

  14. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Calling the mayor names is sure going to get him that gig back. Capitalism, that 'American,' has to look it up.

  15. Anonymous6:01 AM

    "Bad guys, good guys, defiance, racist, Saul Alinsky ....?"

    America's not about fighting, black hats and white hats, Mr. Nugent. Representing "defiance," unless you have a specific alternate plan for our country, is just hogwash. I don't know the race of Mayor Dean (nor do I need to), but am very confused by the charge that he's racist. Is he white and doesn't like songs that were originally African-American, or is he black and takes great offense that yet another white musician has ripped off African-American songs?
    As for good old Saul Alinsky, these knuckleheads like Nugent think they sound edumacated when they refer to someone they never studied or read, but who keeps popping up as a dog whistle, as an anti-Obama-community-organizing slur.

    Alinsky never got this much attention when he was alive. Surely they can come up with someone new to blame?

    Frankly, I think Nugent is smarting because it's been made public that his going rate for a whiz-bang Fourth of July concert is only $16,000.

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Actually, didn't they pay him TWICE the amount he charged? IOW, wasn't his fee just &8,000?

  16. Hard to believe that anyone would think that the writer of songs like "Wang Dang Sweet Poontang" might not be a good fit for a family friendly event. Also am I the only one to notice that Nugent is a crappy guitarist whose playing hasn't advanced in 30 years?

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Ted wasn't any good 30 or 40 years ago and he hasn't improved. From the looks of him, doesn't look like he's bathed since then either.

  17. Olivia6:03 AM

    It's so cute how he and Sarah and other teatards use the buzzword "Saul Alinsky playbook" as if they knew what the fuck they are talking about.

    1. No kidding! I've been a dirty liberal for a long time and I haven't a clue who Saul Alinsky is, or was.

    2. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Very good, GarColga. Alinsky's First Rule: Deny, deny, deny.....

      You now go from "dirty lib" to "dirty, commie-marxist libtard".

    3. Anonymous7:14 AM

      6:32 AM Trolling from UNITED STATES? Do you even have a clue what 'commie-marxist' means? Did you join Ted Nugent when he Shit his pants to DODGE the Military Draft? Did you have sex with teenagers and brag about that? Did you perform songs about 'Poontang'? Did you marry a Pimp like Sarah Palin? Are all of your kids High School Dropouts, some with 9 month Mono to have Bastard babies? The Palins are the only Abstinence only Family to 'Pop Out' Bastard Babies every year. You are as putrid as Ted, Sarah, and Todd. They all like the morning smell of unwashed bodies.

    4. Anonymous7:39 AM

      I think 6:32 is joking.

    5. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Calm down, Anon 7:14. I am pretty sure that Anon 6:32 was being ironic, using the same language ("dirty liberal") as GarColga self-mockingly used. At least that's how I read it.

    6. Anonymous7:53 AM

      7:14 that was sarcasm.

      I see we have stupid on our side, too.

    7. Anonymous8:00 AM

      7:14 You do know that there is no "Alinsky's First Rule: Deny, deny, deny" right?

    8. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Sorry 7:14. YOU did not pass. You are demoted to RWNJ for not having a sense of humour. Now go back and re-read the Playbook.

      You will be tested.

    9. Anonymous8:26 AM

      7:53 AM Stupid is posting what is supposed to be 'snark' without indicating so. Your mistake.

    10. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Did a bit of research on Alinsky and will be checking out his playbook. The conservatives are using Alinsky as a leverage device to rally and gun up their base. So far, I would say the Alinsky was right on with his social work. Will Kindle some reading. Interesting.

      Nugent is so intellectually constipated that I would doubt he could even poop his pants in protest today.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

    11. Anonymous12:57 PM

      If this playbook is so amazing that it can get a Kenyan-Muzzlin-commie-soshalist-community organizer-usurper elected twice to the White House, can the Buffalo Bills borrow it for next season?

      We need a new playbook and this one can apparently work miracles!

  18. Anne in Texas6:10 AM

    Gotta hurt that a town in Texas, the state you were just campaigning for your buddy Greg in, doesn't want you. Longview is located in what would seem to be Nugent-friendly territory. I mean it's not Jasper or Vidor but still.

  19. Anonymous6:21 AM

    So, some much-lower-level 4th of July organizer hired Nugent, for whatever reason, and then higher-ups, including the mayor, started to focus on this Nugent guy, who's threatened the President, and spews anger at every opportunity.
    They did the honorable, and legal, thing, to pay this dirty has-been his cancellation fee, or his total fee, and told him he didn't fit their "family friendly" event. Their choice, to hire him or not. He doesn't have the right to force himself where he's not wanted.
    Mayor Dean is white. Nugent's "reliable sources" don't have a leg to stand on, calling him racist. An anonymous slur -- just the kind of chickensht tactic Nugent would pull.
    Saul Alinsky's been dead for 42 years. William F. Buckley admired his skill and dedication. The Tea Party was supposed to take its playbook from Alinsky, but they've been failures at it because they basically despise everything he stood for.Instead, a few bots make lots of noise for their oligarch paymasters. Rather like Nugent trying to sing African-American songs. They don't know the notes, the words, or the emotion, ending up with a phoney pastiche of noise, but no real music.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      The mayor probably was afraid the town's family friendly 4th of July celebration was going to be over run by gun toting Confederate racists drinking and partying....

    2. Anonymous11:14 AM

      anon at 7:09 AM
      Longview is full of "gun toting Confederate racists drinking and partying...." people, they just don't like cowardly shitty panted draft dodgers and they certainly don't think a draft dodger should be involved with a patriotic celebration because draft dodgers like Ted shit pants are unpatriotic.

  20. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Here is a wiki excerpt from my search to locate what "Saul Alinsky Playbook" might actually mean.

    Divided into ten chapters, each chapter of Rules for Radicals provides a lesson on how a community organizer can accomplish the goal of successfully uniting people into an active organization with the power to effect change on a variety of issues. Though targeted at community organization, these chapters also touch on a myriad of other issues that range from ethics, education, communication, and symbol construction to nonviolence and political philosophy.[3]
    Though published for the new generation of counterculture-era organizers in 1971, Alinsky's principles have been successfully applied over the last four decades by numerous government, labor, community, and congregation-based organizations, and the main themes of his organizational methods that were elucidated upon in Rules for Radicals have been recurring elements in political campaigns in recent years.

    It seems to me that the Tea Party and their ilk have been using the Saul Alinsky Playbook the whole time!

  21. OverMountainMan6:30 AM

    Before discovering his ideaology I attended no less than 5 Nugent concerts, One of which was recorded in the Gusiness book as the loudest ever at the Omni center in Atlanta Ga. In all of those concerts I don't recall seeing one single black person in the audience not one not even in Atlanta.

  22. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Longview is in the district of Louie Gohmert. The mayor is a white man. Nugent is calling him a 'racist'? and claiming that his music was influenced by African Americans? What an insult to the great music that African Americans have contributed to the world.
    Gryphen, There 's hope for Texas!

  23. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Here is an excerpt from wikipedia on Saul Alinsky's Playbook, which is really called Rules for Radicals:

    "Divided into ten chapters, each chapter of Rules for Radicals provides a lesson on how a community organizer can accomplish the goal of successfully uniting people into an active organization with the power to effect change on a variety of issues. Though targeted at community organization, these chapters also touch on a myriad of other issues that range from ethics, education, communication, and symbol construction to nonviolence and political philosophy.[3]
    Though published for the new generation of counterculture-era organizers in 1971, Alinsky's principles have been successfully applied over the last four decades by numerous government, labor, community, and congregation-based organizations, and the main themes of his organizational methods that were elucidated upon in Rules for Radicals have been recurring elements in political campaigns in recent years.

    It seems to me that the Tea Party and their ilk are using the Saul Alinsky Playbook themselves. That goes for Nugent and Palin. Since they began their "grassroots" efforts to organize those who felt dis-empowered, old Saul has been their friend. So why do they use "Saul Alinsky Playbook" as a derogatory phrase?

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM



    2. Boscoe11:06 AM

      "So why do they use "Saul Alinsky Playbook" as a derogatory phrase?"

      Because, Glenn Beck.

      Teapeople are too busy reveling in their freedumbz to READ.

  24. "So its racism that is keeping Nugent from playing his 4th of July gig in Texas?"
    Yes. His. Among other reasons.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Longview is probably close to 100% white, very conservative small town in Red East Texas. The guy that hired Ted in the first place won't have a job by the time the 4th of July rolls around. It's just an average red east Texas town that has no use for shit pants draft dodgers.

  25. Anonymous7:23 AM

    This guy physically repulses me whenever I see a photo of him! Plus, every thing that comes out of his big mouth is nasty. He and Sarah Palin match perfectly and I'm glad they love and support each other. I just want them to keep their commentary between the two of them! The majority throughout America are NOT interested in their rhetoric!

  26. hedgewytch8:00 AM

    Nugent portrays the classic symptoms of having a major Persecution Complex and Projection Syndrome. Something that seems to have become an epidemic in the US. If our Country had been made up of folks like him 200+ years ago, we'd still be an English colony.

  27. Caroll Thompson8:12 AM

    I love America. But I do not like a man who sat in poop to avoid serving his Country and now wants everyone to think he is a badass patriot. Plus his music absolutely sucks. Oh yeah. I also do not approve of older men preying on underage girls.

  28. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Ted, you are a festering boil on the ass of America. Its time for you to go away. You are a nasty ass infection that is sorely in need of a cure. You sir are the worst kind of seditionist. A traitor to this great nation. You are not exceptional, nor inspirational. You are and always have been a pedophiliac ball of puss. A subhuman virus in need of a cure. Just keep ranting because your stench and the stink of kind like yours is reaching more and more true patriots. We need you out in the sun light to be seen and not hidden in the brooding paranoid darkness of your soul.

  29. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Nugent, lets see, here's some of his greatest hits, wonderful for family-oriented 4th of July parties, that is, if you want your kids to use him for a role model.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Looks like most of what is in that article can't even be posted on blogs. Look what he says about black people/African Americans. Look what he says about his machine gun. Look who he calls "greasy".

  30. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Longview and it's mayor are red as red can be. Sorry Ted, there are probably way too many retired military in Texas for anyone to like a nasty Pants shitting draftdodger. Oh and thanks for campaigning for Greg Abbot, it cost him quite a few republican votes.

  31. Anonymous8:48 AM

    My late life-long Repubican, Texas born and bred, paratrooper who served honorably in Korea, gun owner husband thought of Ted Nugent. We lived in suburban Chicago in the 1970's. I had never heard of Ted Nugent when he made the news for something disgusting. My husband gave me a full description of Ted and it was NSFW. He couldn't stand him.

    Keep on whining Ted, you're a has-been, no talent creep who's only appreciated by the likes of Sarah Palin and her low information Teabagger crowd. Ted should be counting his blessings that he received the $16,000 that Longview paid him to get out of the contract. I predict that many other towns will think twice before every signing an appearance contract with him.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      nuge isn't worthy to lick the soles of the shoes of your late Korean war veteran husband or my late Vietnam veteran father. He is a cowardly pos and his wearing of camo now but not when he was called upon to serve his country he professes to love so much deeply offends me.

  32. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Nugent's unhinged rant just validated why he was cancelled.
    It's too risky to have people
    like Nugent and Palin and the rest of the tea party at civic events because of the very real possibility that will say and do something
    so offensive , it will tarnish not just the event , but, those
    who were foolish enough to invite / hire them in the first place.

  33. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Is it possible that this dipshit is getting STUPIDER?? Has he had a friggin' stroke recently or something? Hey, Ted you dumb bastard, anyone who plays rock music is playing "African-American-influenced" music. And wasn't it a few months ago you were telling us you'd never witnessed racism against blacks since the 60's, it was all gone? But now, people are racist against blacks if they don't like your music? You are a fucking moron, can you even hear the shit that comes out of your deranged face? How does this guy's family stand him? Guess he's still raking in the money.

  34. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Great contract written by Ted's agent
    16 Thousand for doing nothing.
    Keep rocking Ted

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Well worth it to keep that draft dodging shit pants bagger out of Texas.

  35. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Right, rocking in his own shit.

  36. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Based on his facial expression in this pic he must be smelling the crap in his pants.

  37. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

    I see he took advice from the ever persecuted Palin family. Apparently, he doesn't have brains enough to realize, by having the last word with this red meat filled whinefest, he won't find a gig willing to hire him for anything. "Ready, Fire, Aim!!!!" LOL!

    For such a poopular singer, it's obvious he went for "economy" dentures, but what does one expect from a subhuman mongrel motherless whore draft dodging "mentally challenged" inbred?

  38. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Didn't he promised us that he would kill himself if President Obama was re-elected, so why doesn't someone ask him when he intends to fulfill his promise?

  39. Not taking sides. but what happened to Freedom of speech in America, I guess if it does not represent that which agrees with what you are saying, it is wrong....... well I fought for this Country that represents both sides of the argument....... let us not loose anymore Freedoms.......


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