Saturday, March 01, 2014

Thanks in part to the debate with Bill Nye, Ken Ham now has the money he needs to finish his 73 million dollar Noah's Ark display.

Courtesy of the AP:

Creation Museum founder Ken Ham announced Thursday that a municipal bond offering has raised enough money to begin construction on the Ark Encounter project, estimated to cost about $73 million. Groundbreaking is planned for May and the ark is expected to be finished by the summer of 2016. 

Ham said a high-profile evolution debate he had with "Science Guy" Bill Nye on Feb. 4 helped boost support for the project. 

Nye said he was "heartbroken and sickened for the Commonwealth of Kentucky" after learning that the project would move forward. He said the ark would eventually draw more attention to the beliefs of Ham's ministry, which preaches that the Bible's creation story is a true account, and as a result, "voters and taxpayers in Kentucky will eventually see that this is not in their best interest." 

Ham's Answers in Genesis ministry and the Creation Museum enjoyed an avalanche of news media attention during the debate, which focused on science and the Bible's explanations of the origins of the universe.

So even though Bill Nye clearly won the debate, in the end Ham gained access to his one true god.


This kind of thing sickens me beyond belief.

The story of Noah's Ark is so easily refuted that a child in elementary school could do so.

Unless of course he was educated by Creationists and taken to this aberration and told that it was a legitimate museum. Which it is NOT.

Time is not on the side of the Religious Right, but if they can keep dumbing down our children they can delay the spread of secularism and the end of Fundamentalism.


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Why is municipal bond money going to pay for a private, for-profit religious attraction?

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      * Foghorn Leghorn voice" I say, I say, it's bibleville.. Good thing is there is one less GD snake charmer that will visit.

    2. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Good question.

    3. Kentucky zealots.

    4. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Ugh, retarded religious people are known to spend their money for stupid shit. Creation Museum was facing bankruptcy, yet if they throw a little more money to an "ark" then it will become a profitable tourist attraction? Yeah, good luck with that, and with the retarded christian folks that live down there in your southern wasteland.

  2. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Dumb folks are being separated from their money. It is what 'godly' folks like Ham do.

  3. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Bill Nye could have shown video of the actual Big Bang with notarized verification from God Himself and the right wing nutjobs would still swear that every word of their Jeebus Book is the absolute, unvarnished, unexaggerated truth.

    They only hear what confirms their beliefs and automatically dismiss as lies anything that could possibly contradict their Bible stories.

  4. angela3:18 PM

    And this is the reason we need to stop giving these retrograde idiots attention. With them its all about the money to keep the crazy going. Religious, conservative grifters.

  5. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I suppose a $20 million dollar sports building named to honor the dead father of your only son Track Menard is cheaper than a $75 million amusement park for Christians to honor a book and a make believe boat builder.

  6. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I think it's time I commenced construction on my spaghetti monster church! They can pay me in tomato sauce and I'd STILL be happy!

  7. Pastor Beldar JC Conehead, DDiv., ret3:46 PM

    and yet the paradox remains that TRUE believers dont need a fiberglass and CGI version of their faith.

    True believers rely solely on the Bible to tell them these legends and fairytales are 'true'.

    An "amusement park" of this kind is amusing only insofar as it testifies to the deeply repressed knowledge that most semi-believers must have that all of these silly myths are nonsense.

    Divinely profitable nonsense.

  8. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Gryph, though you might like this (I know I did!)

  9. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I agree, the less we take notice of this type of willful ignorance the better. I can’t help but think Nye should have avoided engaging with this idiot and simply spent a few days in an elementary school with a PowerPoint presentation about how cool it is to study geology. It is so sad to see a lot of our nation's most brilliant scientists being sought by other countries. I know several scientists who no longer work in the US due to decreased funding. Our country is on the way down as we simply don’t promote science anymore. It certainly wasn’t this way when I was a kid in the 1960s. When the push for the moon began schools ramped up science education. So what if we were nerds! And when the National Physical FItness Program started there weren’t Teapartiers screaming we were being “socialized” for goodness sakes! My generation rocked the science and we also were the first to promote being fit and smart. Whatever happened?

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I say we load it up with two of every animal of the world, put it in the ocean and see if it floats.

  11. Anonymous5:10 PM's what's for breakfast......

  12. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Years ago(early sixties as I recall),my stepfather overheard an Evangelist tell his publicist after a live interview...."now let's go find me a woman"......the more things change,the more they stay the same.....and this was a nationally famous individual at father was truly devastated by the attitude of this "man of the cloth".....I can still see the hurt in his face as he told me....

    1. Anonymous5:19 AM

      BTW.........this jerk is still alive.......

  13. Anita Winecooler6:08 PM

    Oh Great! A Dollywood for dumb folk! Some species need DNA tests to get "sexed", Some of those pairs of animals MUST BE same sex. Add Noah, human error, cold water and "Shrinkage" and "Houston, we got a problem"

  14. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Hey Noah, you didn't build that!

  15. Anonymous8:11 PM

    You know Griffen, this is the problem with you and most militant Athiests.

    IF Bill Nye had approached the entire debate with the scientific theory of Creationism you could have made some headway. You don't have to convince Athiests, Agnostics will always have their own separate views and be open for change. You should at least TRY to explain to Thiests that there are scientists that believe a supreme power may have started the big bang.

    In this type of battle it is the small victories that matter. Take your head out of your ass Grif. re-evaluate your strategy, and realize that one step at a time we can win this fight.

    Although I completely agree with your beliefs, it is your own tactics that make you... and us fail.

    1. fromthediagonal6:02 AM

      Anon@8:11... here is your spell check for the day:
      Deist, Theist, Non-Theist, and Atheist all are owners of an E before an I...

    2. A. J. Billings3:08 AM

      @anonymous 8:11 pm

      First of all, for you to characterize Gryphen as a "militant" athiest is both inaccurate and pejorative.

      Being a thoughtful ration athiest does not mean you are standing on street corners yelling at people like the Westboro idiots.

      Also too, your idea of "small steps" is ludricous as related to trying to convince the ultra religious crowd about anything or everything.

      99% of them are not open to reason, they only believe their badly translated and edited manuscripts, and cling fiercely to their Dominionist and theocratic dreams.

      If religious people can't be convinced by science, logic, rational argument, and demonstrated proof, giving them a so called "small step" about the creation isn't going to amount to anything

      The religious evangelical Christians believe the "unsaved" are doomed, decieved by the devil, possessed by demons, and have no credibility whatever.

      I think of it as trying to convince someone to imagine a color they've never seen, that is a new color: Such a concept is beyond the religious because they are all members of various "cults" that inculcate their adherents with a form of mythological madness.

      Most religious people can't abandon their fairy tales until they experience an awakening of some sort, have a tragedy, are betrayed by their church or pastor, or finally see the immense hypocrisy of people like Bill Gothard , who's true character as a vicious pedophile is finally being exposed.

      In early 2012, this all changed for us when a young lady shared with us her experiences working for Bill Gothard at Headquarters. While it has long been widely known by anyone who worked there that Bill had his favorites, this young lady opened our eyes to what being a “favorite” meant: unwanted and unwarranted emotional and physical attention from a man in a position of authority to young women who could not refuse it. In other words, it was textbook sexual harassment.

  16. Caroll Thompson1:50 AM

    What will not be beyond belief is when Hamm can't pay the bondholders and they are stuck holding the bag, if you will. Those bonds being issued are revenue bonds and do not have the full faith and backing of state or local government. In this case, they are like junk bonds. I hope those buying them need a tax loss because that is all they will be good for.

  17. Anonymous3:14 AM

    They didn't get enough to finish it, just break ground. Now that all the idiots have tapped out their SSN checks and pensions/annuities there will be no more where that comes from. Another boondoggle dies a welcome death.

  18. Anonymous11:01 AM

    What a complete waste of money! Even for believers, the money could be spent in much better ways. How about feeding the poor or buying them coats. WWJD? He sure as hell wouldn't waste the money on a fake ark.. He would put it to good use. What the hell is wrong with this man?


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