Monday, March 24, 2014

The Clinton's quickly learn the dangers of allowing comedians to ask them questions. They never let up.

Courtesy of Happy Nice Time People:

 Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea were all onstage in Tempe, Arizona, for a panel session at a Clinton Global Initiative University event; how Kimmel got picked is anybody’s guess. A student asked Hillary, “Ms. Clinton, if you don’t represent women in politics in America as future president, then who will?” (Standing ovation, because these people were not in town for the Gingrich Moon Initiative.) And then Kimmel started with the nudging, and it was kind of awful and beautiful all at once.

I also don't know how Kimmel got the job. (If you are going to choose one of the late night Jimmy's I would always suggest Fallon over Kimmel.) However he did manage to force an almost answer out of Hillary, and that is no mean feat.

The woman is almost as slick as her famous husband in avoiding answering uncomfortable questions, but EVERYTHING in her body language, and that of her family indicated to me that she is absolutely running.

Here is the now famous selfie that the group took after the panel session.

Yep, that is going to be framed on a White House wall at some point.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    No comment except, I'll be voting for another Dem in the primaries and hopefully he or she wins. I'm over the backstabbing Clintons.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      There are no other Dems than Hillary worthy of the vote. Hubs and I have already decided we're sitting this one out if she is not nominated, or doesn't run. Even we Democrats have to ingest a bit of Oligarchy at times to get the candidate that is better than the alternative. Yes, they are a dynasty, yes they are wealthy, but really, you want to let a Mitt Romney type into office? American POTUS politics has become a lesson in voting for the least harmless of American Oligarchy and Plutocracy. Things aren't going to change, you simply must go with the lesser of many evils. Dems got nothing else BUT Hillary that would even give them a shadow of a chance in 2016. Swallow hard and let it go.

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      I must agree, 12:59 PM, but I'll never sit an election out.

    3. Anonymous1:59 PM

      12:04 - thank you.

      The Hillary fan club has no idea how much she is disliked outside her base, even within the Dem party (if not especially so).

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. @12.59 - sitting out elections got GWB elected and gave the GOP the house in 2010 - great ideas you have.

      There are many democrats worth voting for other than the Clintons - the GOP and their bff - the US media support Hillary - because there is a good chance she would be defeated by a republican

    6. Anonymous2:46 PM

      You can keep your blinders on Liz, ignorance is bliss after all.

  2. Anonymous12:45 PM

    O/T but watch out Florida, more corruption is coming!

    Florida Moves To Restrict Media Access To Stand Your Ground Case Records

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Florida Man Strike Again!

  3. Anonymous1:57 PM

    "but EVERYTHING in her body language, and that of her family indicated to me that she is absolutely running"

    Gryphen, you reading the tea leaves for Hillary now, much like the palinbots do for their Queen Esther?

  4. AKinPA2:00 PM

    Off topic, too, but where is the Alaskan Heart's post today lamenting the destruction of Alaska's wildlife on the 25th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez disaster? Or, to be perverse will she just post a drill, baby, drill screed and call the disaster collateral damage?

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Who cares, she's been in Arizona since March 9. We Wasillans hope she finally stays there.

  5. Anita Winecooler7:20 PM

    Yeah, she'll be running.

  6. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Thanks for sharing that, Griffen. Hillary in 2016 has a nice ring to it.

  7. Anonymous8:39 PM

    While I would SO bang Clinton, it kills me that he was President and even more that he was president the whole 8 years.

    It's a shame people don't care more about where he spends his Global money. Have you seen his travel bills? MILLIONS toward travel.

    Either hes a diva, or just a politician.

    It s also amazing how people basically have forgotten everything they legitimately criticized Hillary for.

    im waiting on the REAL rise of obama book, published probably in 2050.

  8. Anonymous8:41 PM

    People are awesome. I love them all. I love the complexity of the human race. We're all good, bad, and all in between.

    I wish everyone would write an autobio. (not plain biography, as no one outside ourselves can capture our real persona or story)

    In retirement, my dream is seeing my gg grandkids playing by the creek while I read biographies of everyone


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It just goes directly to their thighs.