Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Wendy Davis and Greg Abbott win their party's nomination and will face off to become the next Texas Governor.

Courtesy of TPM:  

State Sen. Wendy Davis (D) and Attorney General Greg Abbott (R) won their respective nominations in the Texas gubernatorial race on Tuesday. 

The primaries were called for Davis and Abbott about an hour after polls closed. 

Davis is the first female Democratic nominee to be nominated for governor of Texas since Ann Richards. 

"And now it's time, it's time for each of us to work as hard as we can and to fight for the very future of this great state, thank you so much for your help," Davis said in her victory speech. "I'm looking forward to working with you on this journey. God bless you all, and God bless Texas."

There is really nothing surprising about this outcome however I decided to write this post because the other day I watched a commentator on MSNBC, Chris Cillizza, say that he did not see a victory for Wendy Davis moving forward.

His claim is that the slight inconsistencies in her personal story, that the Right Wing blew WAY out of proportion would undermine her campaign and that the best hope for Texas to go blue was in the future.

This infuriated me to no end.

Look I don't expect every pundit on MSNBC to be a cheerleader for Davis, or ANY Democratic candidate for that matter, but to unfairly handicap the race as un-winnable against an opponent who thought it was a good campaign decision to have Ted Nugent show up on stage with him is ridiculous.

Especially after others have pointed out that the biography snafu will unlikely have a much of an effect on the election outcome.

But look ultimately it is up to the fine folks of Texas to get motivated and prove people like Chris Cillizza and Fox News wrong.

I swear if I were there on election day I would be offering rides to the polls for those who could not get there on their own. But I'm not, so it is up to those who are to make this the biggest midterm turnout for Democrats in American history.

And not just in Texas, we need to get our people motivated and mobilized ALL over the country.

We do that and we will greatly improve our chances of making some serious and very necessary improvements in our government, and set the stage for a much better future.

And just to help build a fire under folks, remember who is shaking her fake water filled pom poms for the other side: 

It was a great night for conservatives in Texas last night – despite what the D.C. media would have you believe. Voters wisely selected many Tea Party candidates across the board. Congratulations to Greg Abbott, we’ll work hard to make sure he is the next Governor of Alaska’s little sister state. We were proud to support Katrina Pierson as well – a bold conservative woman who has overcome bigger challenges in life than election results. Katrina has a bright future ahead, and we know she will continue her fight for conservative values – after all, you don't need a title to make a difference. We need more bold women like Katrina in the GOP. 2014 is just underway, and together we’ll continue to give a leg up to grassroots conservatives, despite the odds, who embrace inspiration, ingenuity, and integrity. We’re just getting started! 

That's right the Queen of Mean is already starting her victory lap, so let's do everything we can to trip her up, shall we?


  1. Anonymous12:19 PM

    What's the long-term effect on women's reproductive freedom when Wendy Davis, a key female, Democratic Party candidate comes out in favor of a law that chips away at Roe v. Wade?

    Davis stated she'd support a law that made abortion illegal after 20 weeks. I don't see how this is a good thing. I hope Cecile Richards and other Texans can convince Davis to change her position.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Yeah, no shit. And Wendy Davis is also a gun nut.

      I hope she's just trying to appeal to the knuckle-draggers in TX, but I am not taking a chance and donating to somebody who sounds so much like a Republican. I'll save my funds for Democrats who aren't afraid to sound like Democrats.

    2. You mean Democrats that lose in Texas, Anonymous 1:52?

    3. Anonymous2:34 PM

      1:52 PM Has no clue about Texas Politics.

    4. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Oh, I have some idea, 1:52, so take your condescension and shove it. For instance, I remember when Ann Richards, a real Democrat, got elected governor of Texas by sounding just like a Democrat.

      If a Democratic candidate in TX espouses the same right-wing SHIT that a Republican candidate does, I am not going to waste a cent on him or her. I don't support politicians who support limiting a women's autonomy over her body, and who are gun goons, regardless of whether they have a D or an R after their name.

      There are plenty of people in TX who are NOT teabaggers, and Wendy Davis is giving them every reason to sit this one out by giving them little choice between her and the Repug asshole.

    5. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Supporting the rights of firearms owners, the rights of Americans including you, does not make one a 'gun nut', a condescending term on its own.

    6. Anonymous3:07 PM

      I have to agree with you, 2:51 PM. Ann Richards was one of a kind, and a state that kept Rick Perry at the helm as long as they did....well, I don't hold out much hope.

    7. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Please please please help us help Wendy! She is NOT even close to a Repub or a tea-bagger, although she is more centrist, which may appeal to some Texans. she's the best chance we've had in two decades to have a sane reasonable person in this spot.

    8. Anonymous @1:52 PM, I hope you're not talking about LaRouchie "Democrat" Kesha Rogers. She's crazier than Louie Gohmert.

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    "little sister state" my ass.

    Alaska may have more land mass, but in regard to population, Alaska has less than 800,000 people. Texas: over 26 MILLION.

    AND... our Governors don't quit halfway through their term to chase money for personal gain. They may suck at times, but at least they stay to do the job they were elected to do.

    I'm not surprised Sarah gave out yet another "backhanded compliment" and insulted Texas/Texans. It's her M.O.

    No disrespect to Alaska. I have family there, and they love it. But there is no need to put down Texas in order to make yourself look good ---> I'm looking at you, sarah. You assclown.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      She can't help but belittle and demean anyone around her, she can't stand being a guppy in the ocean of humanity.

    2. Anonymous1:14 PM

      She always has to make it about her.
      Ad NAUSEUM.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Her biography inconsistencies, and whatever anyone says on the networks will have no affect on the outcome of this race.

    Davis, running for Texas Governor, accepted support from ultra liberal Warren from ultra liberal Mass. Not smart.

    Abbot is the Mr. Texas white male republican conservative bible thumper, he will win a decided victory.

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      We'll see.

    2. Oh, there will be a decided victory, but I'm willing to wager it'll be for Davis.

    3. Anonymous1:23 PM

      If biography inconsistencies were the deal breaker, then it didn't seem to matter when Sarah told that wild story about her Wild Ride, giving birth to a premature special needs infant in a small town hospital that doesn't handle that kind of birth.

      I don't think that the Republicans should focus on biography inconsistencies. They have enough dirty laundry that could get aired.

    4. If Democrats SHOW UP to vote, DEMOCRATS win. It really is that simple.

    5. Anonymous10:15 PM

      You don't Mess with Texas Wome!!! I know; I am one!

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Baldy sent out that missive because the candidate she endorsed in a Republican Congressional primary, Katrina Pierson, LOST to Pete Sessions. The coveted Baldy endorsement worked as well as it did for that blockhead Lonegan in New Jersey.

    And Pierson really turned out to be the perfect Baldy endorsee. Convicted of shoplifting (OK maybe a youthful indiscretion) and discovered to be on unemplyment while she volunteered for the great Ted Cruz. Yes - taking money from the hated federal government while telling the gummint to stay out of her life.

    The inmates at the Asylum have been trashing the "low information" voters of Texas all day so Baldy stepped in herself instead of sending Creepy Jr. Uh Asylum Tea Baggers? The voters know ALL ABOUT YOU. And they don't like you.

    The Palin Curse continues.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Endorsement? How much did Sarah and/or SarahPAC donate to those candidates? Talk is cheap.

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      I guarantee you, 1:21 PM, zero.

  5. Anonymous12:56 PM

    If Sarah was as bad at picking her nose as she is at picking candidates .... the boogers would still be hanging there.

    Gryphen one of her booger pics please

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      the crusty cocaine booger pix ?

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Let's all ask Sarah how many thousands of dollars she gave to Katrina Pierson's underfunded campaign. Sarah?

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Or if she asked any Pee Ponders to send Katrina some couch change instead of sending it to SarahPAC

  7. I wouldn't take anything Chris Cillizza says as gospel any more than I would Chuck Todd. They're both not even trying to hide their water-carrying for the 1%. One of the reasons I don't watch Andrea Mitchell's hour on MSNBC any more is that she depends on both of these flacks for "punditry".

    1. Andrea Mitchell is married to Alan Greenspan. She's a water carrier too.

  8. Alaska's little sister state? Sheesh. And, I thought $arah had moved herself to Arizona.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      She's still denying that's her full-time residence. It would ruin her (cough) image (cough).

  9. Anonymous1:20 PM

    That woman can hardly dress herself, and she looks a mess.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      yeah...WTF is she thinking going out in public looking like that!
      Is this the work of her beauty school dropout daughters. Get your money back from Pentrose ASAP!
      I can't believe my eyes.

  10. Grrrr !1:33 PM

    "We’re just getting tarted!"

    Fixed it for ya, SarahPAC ...

    (Please remit $58,215.73 for my Social Media Consultant fee.)

  11. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Conservative values like: Having a Fake Pregnancy, 2 Daughters who were teen Moms without Husbands, A Pimp for a Husband, A drug addicted adult son, A Pac used for personal expenditures, Making traitorous statements against the POTUS, Hanging out at the Mugshot Saloon while your Husband is out Sex Trafficking, Having adulterous affairs with your Husband's Business partner, Having Pre-marital sex with someone other than your Fiance?

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM

      What, 1:52 PM? That doesn't sound like commonsense genes to ya?? ;-)

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      2:32 PM The same Genes that were passed on to Track, Bristol and Willow?

    3. Anita Winecooler6:52 PM

      Sounds like Pie on Ear Sarah. She's too weak to eat sitting up, her husband's chasing anything in high heels or a real woman with real curves.

  12. Doesn't Gregg Abbott look like a younger George W Bush?

  13. Anonymous3:40 PM

    How many years has the lazy bitch been saying "we're just getting started"? Let me tell you: for five long years she has been "just getting started".

    Get up off of your bony old ass, Sarah, and fucking START.

    1. Anonymous11:52 PM

      In typical Palin fashion, she expects everyone else to go to war like some chicken-hawk.

  14. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Sarah, buy yourself a full-size mirror and look at yourself before stepping out that door. Better yet, do yourself a selffie and look at yourself before going out. Your look like Sh#t. I never thought I would tell someone such a thing but someone has to. Please Sarah. Just look at yourself.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:54 PM

      Seriously great advice. She could stand to lose a few pounds so her clothes fit better. She hasn't been in any marathon races lately, I wonder what's up with that??

  15. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Palin curse
    Palin curse
    Palin curse!
    It works if you says it three times right?

    1. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Once is usually enough.

  16. Anonymous4:30 PM

    March 5, 2014 at 9:22 AM

    Barrack graduated from Harvard. Todd attended Wasilla High. No comparison.

    Michelle graduated from Princeton. Sarah got kicked out of The University of Idaho. No comparison.

    Sasha Obama, as a 9-year-old, practiced speaking Chinese with Hu Jintao, the Chinese president. Willow and Piper can't read dis. No comparison.

    Mrs Sunny Johnston swept Levi off his feet. Bristol drops her panties at Levi's feet, but he doesn't notice. No comparison.

  17. Anonymous8:03 AM

    The CHEPO looks like Hell. WTF! I can't stop being amazed at the ever-changing-extremes this woman goes through.

    And so well put Levidumpedthepalin, the woman can't stand their positive accomplishments and she's RED jealous, no wonder the woman is pooping in her pants, along with her pedophile followers--Rush, Duck people, Nugent, etc. DANG!


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