Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Wonkette marvels at Sarah Palin's diminishing grifting skills.

Courtesy of Wonkette:  

In our latest edition of Sarah Palin Picked Your Pockets (And You Liked It), we discover that so far in the 2014 election cycle, up through Dec. 31, 2013, Sarah Palin’s SarahPAC has given a total of $5,000 to candidates … or, er, one candidate, comer Jason Smith of MO. What else (Nordstrom) is SarahPAC (Nordstrom) spending money on (Nordstrom) today?

Wonkette was inspired to make their post after Open Secrets did their very helpful breakdown, which was not yet available to me when I did my first reporting on this back in January.

Here is what Open Secrets posted:

If she keeps spending more money than she takes in she may eventually have to start spending money she actually earns from doing something. You know, like the little people.

Here is the breakdown of the expenditures.

Personally I think it is that "Unclassified consulting" which keeps so many secrets safe up here in Alaska. 

When she can not longer pay that, then things will start to get interesting.


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    I never understood the "unclassifiable" category. Seems to me, it's a gateway to all kinds of fraud.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Bristol: babysitting, blog and Facebook rental, hush money, skin care
      Willow: hair styling, hush money
      Piper: she has to accompany Sarah when no one else is available
      Todd: body guard duty, purse carrying, hush money
      Nancy French: ghost writing
      Sarah Palin: slush fund

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      I'm pretty sure sarah is left to troll the blogs due to lack of funding.

      Come on Pees! Don't let the Quitter Queen do her own dirty work!

    3. Anonymous8:56 AM

      @7:909 Aw, come on, give the gal a break. She claims to have been a journalism major and now she's finally getting some real writing opportunities.

  2. Anonymous6:49 AM

    And only a measly $5K to candidates.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      That's the minimum by rule. Heaven forbid she part with more!

  3. People still give her money. What a shame.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      The only people who give her money are proudly boasting double-digit IQ's hovering between 73 and 82--just like their not so bright Sarah. Some days her IQ zips below 73, but she is unaware because Sarah is ______ (fill in the blank).

  4. Anonymous6:57 AM

    WTF! She's so drugged out and....????? A Earthworm take one for the team? Ummm dipshit that is a Endangered species that your Hero Ronnie Raygun gutted the ESA so people who owned the land the "Earthworm" lives on can drill and kill it! WTF? Muzzle her! So I guess her and Tawd are going to cpac? He will be looking for business, pimping business, lots bOb action at cpac. Disgusting people could of been in the WH..? She may be written out of GOP history but not ours we will never forget or forgive the Supreme grifter until her and her grifter family is in JAIL!

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      It used to be people at the IM site were the only ones to notice her drugged out appearance but looking at the comments on Mediaite and other sites it appears LOTS of others are now noticing it as well.Uppers and downers and bad wigs make for a pathetic fool and really who would be surprised to hear she is in either the hospital for "exhaustion" or rehab? except of coarse for her fan club at the seaofpee.

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Diidn't Sarah hold up a Big Gulp at the last CPAC speech? This year, she should hold up an earthworm, and wear her best Mom jeans.

    3. Anonymous9:40 AM

      That would be "earthworn", right?

    4. Anita Winecooler5:10 PM

      I think a lot of folks who worked McCain's fiasco of a campaign are "in" on her "alleged" drug use. Her pupils are more dilated than her cervix was with her last birth. She's proven she's not the sharpest bulb nor brightest tool, yet people give her money. What gives?

  5. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Fundraising = Begging.

    SarahPAC pours more resources into begging it's mailing list for more money than anything else.

    Refusing SarahPAC's entreaties is tantamount to rejecting the Lord, who in the name of Jesus Christ, is Our Father in Heaven. All the bots need do is have faith in Sarah and turn a blind eye to her stuffed bra and vodka slugging.

    Donations down? Time to sacrifice another child on the altar of the Almighty Dollar. Whose turn is it this time?

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Well didn't bitchol just drop a junkie child?

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Junker should demand a DNA test, after reading about Bristle's 5 night bender. Seems she was with 3 different guys that one week alone!!

    3. Anonymous8:47 AM

      No just Junker? All of 'em any of 'em and any who adopted a "palin" child b/c I don't think ANY of those kids are Tawd's! No palin dna!

  6. Anonymous7:13 AM

    She's sent all that money to figure out who to send her $5000 to? In order to get to to decide, it cost all those consulting fees, yeah, right. In their little heads, did it ever occur to her fans that they'd be better off sending the money directly to their candidate? Can't they think for themselves?

    Sarah Palin is a cult.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      from the pee pond:

      metroid_fetish • 2 minutes ago

      Sarah spent $5,000 on candidates last year. Great job, donors! Maybe if you double up your contributions this year, she'll still donate $5,000 more! USA USA USA GOD GUNS USA!
      The stupid BURNS, 7:13 AM!

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      "Can't they think for themselves?"

      Palin cultists don't think of course, they mindlessly venerate. They revere a persona most folks can easily see right through. They can't spot an obvious fraud. They are easy marks for her grifting operation.

    3. Anonymous8:15 AM

      No they can't think for themselves. They always wait to hear what Dear Sarah has to say about an issue. If they forget and actually voice an opinion before hand, they are trounced by the others to wait till Dear Sarah tells them what to think.

    4. Anonymous10:02 AM

      If they could think period they would not be Sawah fans. Lol. USA, USA!

    5. Anonymous7:38 AM

      I'm metroid_fetish. I was trolling the dumb bastards.

  7. angela7:20 AM

    Unclassifiable consulting? WTF? Everyone knows Palin is a grifter but now she isn't even trying to pretend.

    Hysterically, her appearance last night didn't give her time to get straight from whatever the hell it is she is on.
    I'm pretty sure she scared her donors a bit with the drugged
    out, moose skin on the head look. It kind of marred her usual Obama hating, drunk pole dance performance.

    Still bitter and mad--huh Sarah?

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      To her grave, angela, to her grave.

    2. Anonymous5:56 AM

      Unclassified consulting includes renting the PAC your email list.

  8. ManxMamma7:24 AM

    Slightly O/T but I just saw the video of her on Hannity last night. First glimpse took my breath away and not in a good way. If one of my employees came to work in that condition they'd be fired on the spot. She has never looked more incapacitated. I just can't fathom how her family can allow this to continue. She looks like she's on her last legs.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      One poor pee ponder is getting crucified for suggesting she looks medicated!!

      Not that they didn't agree, just that he shouldn't be saying that out loud where "spies" could read it.

      Like we all couldn't see that for ourselves.

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Would be interesting if IM was able to have the Hannity show accessible on this blog.....everyone is saying that Palin really looked and acted drugged on the segment.

    3. The Hannity interview will post in about 45 minutes from now.

    4. Anonymous8:39 AM


    5. Anonymous8:41 AM

      While I wouldn't fire an employee, I probably would rush them to the ER, she looked and sounded like she was either drugged or having a stroke. I guess with my employees I would think a medical issue first and then drugs(BTW people have grabbed the wrong bottle out of a medicine cabinet).
      But, if any like Sarah showed up continually looking drugged they would be gone.

    6. Anonymous8:50 AM

      It wasn't just her looks. She sounded really off, too. She could not explain the situation clearly. Ukraine supplies oil to Europe via pipelines. That sent Palin off on another road, defending the Keystone Pipeline instead of staying on the topic of Ukraine, Russia and Putin.

    7. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Thank you, Gryphen! Can hardly wait to view it!

  9. Jimmy Walker7:24 AM

    Media production: is that $6,540 going straight into Todd's pocket for his services as a cameraman? Surely Sarah can peel off a few more thousands for her husband's many contributions? Or are his services lumped into that nice, fat, juice "other consulting," which tops $100,000?
    A slush fund, to use old-fashioned terminology.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Todd doesn't seem to have a day job. He must earn $$$$ for acting as body guard, driver, purse handler, baggage wrangler, videographer. Is he also going to be appearing in the new reality show? More $$$$

    2. Anita Winecooler5:39 PM

      He's a "Grip" and "Fluffer" too!

  10. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Why anyone would, or did (!), forward money to Palin's PAC continues to amaze me. People - send the money directly to the candidate you want to support. Palin isn't running for anything (although she's been a prick teaser about doing so for awhile now!) - do NOT send money to her! She's a 'taker' and nothing more!

    I'm hearing negative commentary about her appearance on Hannity - FOX - yesterday. What else is new? Haha!

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      She's getting absolutely NO press today. That's gotta burn! $arah, honey, your time is UP!

    2. Anonymous8:27 AM

      That poor ol' heart-challenged vg1 at the pond is up today crowing about the billions in revenue she generated for news outlets overnight! All world leaders are focusing on what she said today and will act accordingly! "The POWER Of Palin!"

      Funny, I see no mention anywhere except the cult sites!

    3. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Last night, one her her gushing fans from Virginia was convinced that the hidden message in Sarah's interview was that she was running for President in 2016. The mess that I saw on my TV could not run for dog catcher, but he must have seen something that I missed. Yelling at the current President, without offering real solutions, is not a sign of anything except Palin's continuing anger at losing in 2008. Her fans seem to think that if they send her more money, she will run. That's not going to happen. It didn't happen in 2012, and her chances diminish with each passing year. She gets older, less focused and it's pretty clear that all that she has now are "Mom jeans," "earthworms" and a couple of other catching phrases.

  11. Smirnonn7:31 AM

    "Unclassifiable consulting" = hush money.

    The paylump is sure going out - not with a bang but with a whimper.

  12. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I love the pee pond comments... She looks so bad because she's SOOO busy! She's a "blur of activity!" She's just exhausted from all she does.

  13. Boscoe7:55 AM

    Personally, I think when Palin can no longer afford "unclassifiable Consulting", Her kids and parents will suddenly have to get real jobs.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Boscoe. Did you not read Bristle's comment about "busy hands, sleeping well?" Seems her hands have been busy with random guys she picks up in bars and spends the night with. Five in one week the blog Crazy Days and Nights reported. Two lasted two nights, the other 3 sobered up, realized who she was and took off running!!

    2. I still think Willow is the most employable of the bunch, but she can’t pull that train by herself.

    3. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Barstool has shown that she can pull a train. Choo choo!

      Nobody wants to be the caboose.

  14. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Donations must be declining and the RNC wardrobe is too big. Her clothing appears that she is shopping cheap, fast fashion, and the shirt she was wearing last night on Hannity looked like it was purchased at a thrift store. Those sleeve bands flaring out from her emancipated, flappy arms did not say fit, sportswoman. And, her attitude and message did not convey stateswoman, either.

    I think yesterday's gullibility troll was Sarah. She looked totally spent on the Hannity video. With the stuff coming out about Bristol and the custody case and the stars not lining up with Mars for the Palins, she may not have much Wow Power at The Sportsman's Channel. Sarah attracting female viewers to outdoor sports is about as likely as the Democrats getting back the old, white, male vote.

    I, for one, am getting tired of baiting and hunting for trolls. It's not fun or a challenge anymore. Ya know what they are going to bite on and it's never a meaty debate when one is on the line. Done.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      I think yesterday's gullibility troll was Sarah.


    2. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Agree. That troll stopped right around the time the 'interview' happened...

  15. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Can anybody figure how Sarah Palin gets her cut of SarahPac's money? She must have a LLC that we don't know about.

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      It pays for her lawyer. It pays for her travel. It pays for her food and expense while she is traveling. It pays for her hair dresser, her skin care giver, baby sitting. Any expenses for her political commentaries could be deducted. Palin has few real out of pocket expenses since the PAC pays for so much. I hope that the PAC pays the fees for using Sarah's trademarked image, too, also. And, then there could also be LLC's. $$$

    2. Anonymous9:05 AM

      But with the Sportsmen Channel now footing her lifestyle bills, what is a multi-millionaire to do? Not hire a personal shopper to give her taste and style, that's for sure. Mom jeans? Isn't that better than her Forever 21 slut jeans?

    3. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Isn't that 'North Star' consulting one of her LLCs? Also, too, I vaguely remember some 'Pie Sky' LLC that $he started after 2008.

    4. Anonymous6:01 AM

      Renting her email list as other politicians (ex. Newt Gingrich) did. Don't you find it amazing that when you contact a politician you are then on all politician's mailing lists?

  16. Anonymous8:19 AM

    “Compliance" also sounds so petulant. Yes, Sarah, there are rules, but most of us don’t charge to comply.

  17. Anonymous8:31 AM

    The Open Secrets list of expenses is a lazy, confusing mess.
    It adds up to $406,459.


    SarahPAC total expenses for the period were $713,551.

    An example:
    The OS pie chart shows 'Unclassified' as $239,600.
    The OS detailed list has 'Unclassified' as $105,008.

    Here's the PAC's expense detail if anyone is interested:

  18. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Total spent 1,200,000. Less than $400,000 listed.

    Where did the rest go?

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      I just posted the same down below. Sorry, didn't see your post. Yeah, where DID it go?

    2. Anita Winecooler5:35 PM

      It's in Bristol's "College Fund" aka paying the lawyer for custody papers.

  19. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Sometimes the comedy in the quotes from c4p just write themselves

    pete4palin • 2 hours ago
    Palin has more testosterone than Obama can ever hope to have.

    Well, pete, maybe she should lighten up on those testosterone treatments

    1. Aha! Some women with high testosterone levels develop frontal balding. Good catch, Pete.

  20. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Why does Sarah Palin hide her cut of the money? Why can't Sarah Palin use her real name on her FEC disclosure?

  21. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Note to Gryphen: When you post the video of Sarah on Hannity last night, please note that at the beginning, they show a clip of Sarah's prediction in 2008 that Putin would invade Ukraine. At the time that Sarah was warning us that Putin was going to rear his head in Alaskan air space, Putin was NOT the President of Russia. Medvedev was. Putin left office as President in May, 2008 and Sarah was talking about a man who was not in power. It's amazing that she could see so far down the road to a time when he would be elected to as President of Russia again. He was reelected President of Russia and took office in May, 2012. Did Sarah also predict that?

  22. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Okay, wait a minute. I got out my trusty calculator and added up said expenditures. It rounded to approximately $395K. Total expenditures were $1.2M. What happened to the rest?

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      That's what *I* want to know, too! I saw the accounting yesterday on Wonkette, and was wondering, why they did not address that fact.

  23. Anonymous9:01 AM

    SarahPac spent: Fundraising $548.9K????



  24. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Stain is clearly not shopping at Nordstrom. Either she has lousy taste, is too cheap to buy nice, fashionable clothes, she's picking from her daughters' closet, or she frequents second hand shops. Stain is a sartorial shitflop.

  25. Anonymous9:17 AM

    SarahPAC paid $80,500 to Timothy Crawford so SarahPAC can give $5,000 to one Republican candidate?


  26. Anonymous10:01 AM

    How does the FEC let her get away with this type of accounting??? I mean, the majority of expenses is for 'unclassifiable' consulting. IOW, for BRIBING people to be quiet!
    IRSA, ARE YOU READING AND WATCHING AND TAKING NOTES?!?! I hope, someone up in Alaska can send them a notification...

  27. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I have a feeling that the entries for "HSP Direct" are for "Houseld Sarah Palin."
    It makes total sense since there are just charges with differing amounts, etc.

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Heath, Sarah Palin
      or Hell Showme Payday?

  28. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I'm puzzled. Sarah Palin makes all that money and her kids are worthless lazy bums.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Bristol is not lazy. See website below.


    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      That's why they are worthless lazy bums.

    3. Anonymous11:32 AM

      How old is Track?
      What does Track do for a living?
      Does Track live under his mother's roof?

    4. WA Skeptic11:33 AM

      Just an obvious conclusion: The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree. Her kids are learning from direct observation.

    5. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Is that why Sarah Palin doesn't pay for her kids to go to college? She knows it would be a waste of money.

    6. Anonymous3:12 PM

      What were they doing before Sarah made all that money?


    7. Anonymous9:54 PM

      So true, WA Skeptic at 11:33. It would be mighty difficult for Sarah's four biological children to show any promise, independence or work ethic.

      Sarah is now a professional grifter. Before that she lazied her way through life depending on her looks to get whatever she wanted. She has been a liar and sociopath her whole adult life. Wonder what events in Sarah's early years made her that way...or maybe it's genetic.

      Todd is a pimp and was the power behind Sarah's throne when she was governor. Together they have been very poor examples as parents. The family motto, expressed by Todd, is "what's in in for us?"

      Bristol really seems to be dim-witted and without any self-worth. Track surely long ago realized his connection to the Menard's and wonders why they didn't rescue him from this mess. Willow is the middle child who gets nothing compared to older sister Bristol and undoubtedly resents that inequity along with being the live in baby sitter. Piper is the bully...who can blame her after her mother calls her Piper Diaper and gives her the initials P.I.G. Last is innocent Trig, the election year prop and presumably another one of Bristol's several biological children.

      Except for Trig, what a waste of their lives here on earth. Add to that the damage they have inflicted on others with their words and actions. Awful and unforgivable.

  29. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Say it ain't so, Sarah's daughter Bristol got wasted 5 nights straight and went home with 3 different DUDES? No wonder Sarah was up all night Trolling in Bristol's defense. Bristol is just like Sarah was at the Mugshot Saloon. Wasilla Family Values?

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      not sayin' that the crosseyed skank still doesn't frequent the Mugshot but in her, ummm, more openly promiscuous days the Mugshot was back then Hoopies Roadhouse - with the Kashim Inn, back then, conveniently right next door ...

      ask me how i know ? hells bells, i was there .. LMAO !!

    2. Anonymous4:23 AM

      6:11 "the Kasim Inn"?? Are you sure it was not "The Kash-In Inn"?? Did Toad own it back then, starting his "bidness"?

    3. Anonymous11:55 AM

      A relative of mine use to manage that motel - The Kashim - back in the day when it was owned by Doc Sims, the local Palmer dentist.

  30. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

    The timings a bit strange. Who does an interview the night after the Oscars? Speaking of Oscars, looks like she raided the open bars, crack houses, sTRIPPer pole bars, and the corner seat of any bar open closest to the men's room.

    Wonkette rarely disappoints, Especially their comments

    "We don't need a minimum wage law in this country. We need a minimum IQ law. How stupid to you have to be to give this broad money?"

  31. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Gryphen, several have pointed out the glaring inconsistency in your report, yet you have not clarified. I suspect you missed a major piece of the info making your report entirely incoherent. To restate, one citation says expenditures were roughly $1.2 million, the rough breakdown reports only about $400,000 in expenditures. Where is the other $800,000

  32. Sarah Palin needs to stop playing nursemaid to GOP cowards who keep using her for their dirty work. Is she trying to out-Rove Rove, and pushing herself into a corner of political oblivion??

    Why are GOP women continuing to indulge their sexist base?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.