Friday, April 25, 2014

Cliven Bundy: "If I say 'negro' or 'black boy' or 'slave" and people are offended "then Martin Luther King hasn't got his job done yet."

Courtesy of Talking Points Memo:  

Bundy was pressed by CNN's Chris Cuomo to acknowledge that he offended people when he mused about whether blacks were "better off as slaves, picking cotton" than "under government subsidy," which was first highlighted by the New York Times. 

In response, Bundy said King wouldn't have wanted the media to demonize him over those remarks and invoked the example of Rosa Parks to show he supported civil rights. 

"I thought about Rosa Park taking her seat at the front of the bus … What Reverend King wanted was that she could sit anywhere in the bus and nobody would say anything about it," Bundy said. "You and I can sit anywhere in the bus. That's what he wanted. That's what I want." 

"That's what he was after, it's not a prejudice thing but make us equal," he added. 

"I understand that Martin Luther King's message was one of peace and freedom," Cuomo said in a testy exchange. "When you suggest that you were wondering if blacks were better off as slaves, that's the opposite of freedom and very offensive to people. And I think you probably know that." 

"Maybe I sinned and maybe I need to ask forgiveness … but you know when you talk about prejudice, we're talking about not being able to exercise what we think and are feeling," Bundy eventually conceded. 

"If I say 'negro' or 'black boy' or 'slave,' I'm not -- if those people cannot take those kind of words and not be offensive then Martin Luther King hasn't got his job done yet," he added.

And yes those remarks were caught on tape.

So let's be clear, Martin Luther King Jr. has not done his job because racist comments are still condemned by society?

This asshole does realize that it was gun toting racists like him that stopped Martin Luther King Jr. from finishing "his job," right?

I have to imagine that right now there are Right Wing types slamming their heads against the wall in frustration and wishing that somebody would shut this son-of-a-bitch up before he says anything else that exposes the fact that behind closed doors they are all racists.

Look how angry he made poor addle brained Sean Hannity.

And Koch brother backed groups are trying to pretend they were not shaking their poms poms in support before he went all Archie Bunker on their ass.

Hey maybe they could convince George Zimmerman to come out of hiding and help explain what Bundy is really trying to say? At this point it probably couldn't hurt.


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Bundy says he and Hannity are best friends forever.

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Hannity is BFF with Bundy and Neo-Nazi Hal Turner.

  2. Super Fan In Atlanta12:23 PM

    Even the Koch brothers are backing off the Bundy train!

    It's hard for David Koch to implement his 1980 Libertarian Plan to become king of the United States when people like Bundy keep telling the truth about how "they" think. Here are the organizations deleting anything Bundy related off their social media posts:
    Americans for Prosperity, Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, American Crossroads, Club for Growth Action, Ending Spending Fund, Values Are Vital, Americans for Progressive Action, Senate Conservatives Action, Kentuckians for Strong Leadership, Freedomworks for America, Liberty & Leadership Fund, Mississippi Conservatives, Citizens for a Working America PAC, Defending Main Street Super PAC, Special Operations for America, American Principles Fund, American Commitment Action Fund, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, Republican Governors Association, and the United States Chamber of Commerce.

    *List provided by
    Tom Mcnicholas (mick7192) @ Huffington Post

  3. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Dr. King---

    Mister Bundy sez "Break's over, boy. Git yer black ass back to work."

    Leave this old coot alone and just ignore him. It's his anti-American, racist, knee-jerk supporters than need to be shamed.

  4. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Bundy: 'Liberty! Freedom! Constitution! States Rights! Government overreach!'

    Palin, Cruz, Lee, Shannon: 'Liberty! Freedom! Constitution! States Rights! Government overreach!'

  5. Anonymous1:04 PM

    ...New Day host Chris Cuomo peppered Bundy with questions over his recent comments as well as his anti-government stance. Bundy was in a far different element than the fawning coverage he had previously received from Fox News, and sepcifically Sean Hannity, the previous few weeks. Now that the network, and the rest of conservative media, has completely abandoned him, his appearances are now limited to less ideologically based media outlets. And, quite frankly, that is bad news for a mush-mouthed racist with limited intelligence like Mr. Bundy.

    The interview became heated pretty much right away, as Bundy tried to hold a dead calf in his arms and blame the United States government for its death. Cuomo told him not to do that and then they got into a debate regarding the US government’s right to own property. Cuomo pretty much schooled Bundy on the US Constitution, telling him to actually read it rather than just carrying it around in his pocket.

    After that little back and forth, Cuomo segued into Bundy’s recent offensive comments and asked him point blank if he is a racist. The response from Bundy was perhaps even worse than the comments that got him into trouble.

    Below is video from that part of the interview:

    ...Well, there you go. The right’s latest folk hero just said that if black people, or “those people,” are offended by what he says, regardless if he calls them Negro or black boy or slave, well, that is just MLK’s fault. Freedom, after all, let’s him say whatever he wants without repercussions. Everyone should be free to say and do whatever they want and nobody should take offense whatsoever. This is the same level of thinking that allows Bundy to feel he is in the right to threaten law enforcement with guns and not pay below market grazing fees to the US government.

    Later on in the interview, Cuomo suggested to Bundy that perhaps he shouldn’t speak publicly about things he really has no understanding of, such as race relations or what certain ethnic groups might find offensive. However, it didn’t seem like Cuomo was able to reach Bundy.

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      I'm encouraged that Cuomo challenged Bundy rather than act as a megaphone or B12 shot.

      There are still some questions to ask. I want to know the specific influences on Bundy's decision to stop paying the grazing fees. I want to know why Bundy thinks he's so smart and why he's so certain that his fringe view of the Constitution is correct and superior to that of Pres. Reagan and several courts.

    2. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Too bad he wasn't carrying on of his burdensome children or grandkids instead of a poor blameless calf. We could do with lots less Bundy spawn; the calf is blameless in this and he probably killed it himself to make a point. Overbreeding uneducated Mormon fools!

    3. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Loved it when Cuomo suggested he actually READ the book he carries around.....ROFL

  6. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Cliven Bundy Destroys Fox News and Sean Hannity By Claiming They Support His Racism

    Cliven Bundy is obliterating Sean Hannity and Fox News by claiming that they still support him, because they are right on, and they understand his racist views.


    ...CNN asked Bundy if he felt abandoned by Fox News. The racist rancher replied, “You know, I don’t think I’ve been abandoned. I think they misunderstood me a little bit. I think Fox and I. I think Hannity and I are right on, and I have no doubt that he would support me if he understood my really what’s in my heart, and I think he does understand me. I don’t think there’s a question there.”

    When told that Hannity called him racist, repugnant, and ignorant, Bundy replied, “I hope I’m not that way. I’ll tell you what. I’m not.”

    Cliven Bundy is destroying Fox News and Sean Hannity by claiming that they “understand him.” In this respect, Bundy is just like Fox News’ audience. They watch Fox, and shows like Hannity, but those programs reinforce their beliefs. Bundy thinks that Fox believes exactly what he does, because this is exactly the message that the network delivers to their viewers every single day.

    Hannity has been trying to run away from Bundy as fast as he can, but Bundy isn’t about to let him and Fox News go. Fox News and Hannity did what they always do. They sweet talk people like Cliven Bundy into believing that they are friends. They use people like Bundy to push their anti- government/anti-Obama/racist agenda, but once the truth comes out, they claim no knowledge of anything, and blame their latest hero for it all.

  7. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I feel guilty about this but I want the next revelation about Bundy to be that he's an FLDS polygamist.

    And then let's talk about Bundy's stated belief that his cause for freedom from laws is a 'righteous' one. Let's talk about his objection to abortion in light of believing that a woman's role is to produce babies to improve one's status in the after-life, no matter how much suffering is experienced on earth.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Oh fucking come on, their entire "religion" is based on a snake oil salesman and conman looking into a hat to read golden plates that absolutely no one else could see or were allowed to examine. In all of the history of stupid duped people following a person of questionable intent, the Mormons are the highest example of religious fleecing. Joseph Smith just made shit up, he created stories (even more fantastic than the stories created by the christian bible, and that's sayin' something!) My favorite is the one about Jesus was in American hangin' with the Native Americans. These people are so fucking brainwashed that it's not even amusing. They are broken in the brains and they overbreed and create wayyyy too many more that are broken in the brains. We should just give them fucking Utah and tell them to stay there and we'll put a big fence around it to keep them in there.

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      As long as we can keep Moab, Arches, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, and Zion, I'm fine with letting Utah go.

  8. Anonymous1:11 PM

    RNC Spokesman Is Furious The GOP Has Been Lumped With Bundy (VIDEO)

    A top spokesman for the Republican National Committee got heated during an interview Friday on CNN, saying Republicans have been unfairly linked to Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his racist remarks.

    RNC communications director Sean Spicer denounced the comments from the rancher who became something of a conservative hero earlier this month during a standoff with the federal government over gazing fees. Bundy's star came crashing down on Thursday after the New York Times published quotes in which he wondered aloud whether blacks would be better off as slaves.

    But Spicer also used the opportunity to criticize the media for injecting GOP politics into the story. He did not acknowledge, however, that several high profile Republicans, including possible 2016 presidential contenders, had praised the rancher before the racist comments became public.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Well, perhaps all those Republican politicians who traveled to the Bundy ranch or were interviewed by the media, enthusiastically praising and supporting such A Fine Patriot, should have thought of that BEFORE they went on camera.

      They were sooo damned eager to get their faces on television or their names in the newspapers that they jumped right on the Bundy bandwagon before checking to see if the driver was a racist lunatic.

      Too late now, folks - your names will forever be associated with the slavery-lover from Bunkerville!

  9. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Nevada Dems Beg GOP To Hold 2016 Convention In Vegas Because Bundy

    Nevada Democrats released a tongue-in-cheek memo Friday urging the Republican National Committee to hold its 2016 convention in Las Vegas because it would draw attention to GOP figures who praised local rancher Cliven Bundy before he made racist, pro-slavery remarks.

    "Sure, after embracing Bundy for weeks -- even calling him a 'patriot,' in [Sen. Dean] Heller’s case -- most Nevada Republicans tried to distance themselves from Bundy after his latest comments were exposed," read the memo, addressed to Chairman Reince Priebus. "[W]e are so excited about you helping Nevada Democrats put the national spotlight on Nevada Republicans like Bundy, Heller ... among others, with a RNC convention. They are ready for their close-up, Mr. Priebus. And so are we."

    The memo, distributed by Nevada Democratic Party spokesman Zach Hudson, was conspicuously titled "Cliven Bundy And The 2016 RNC Convention."

    It cited the rancher -- who has been in a public spat with federal officials for illegally using public land since 1993 -- as another reason why "Nevada Democrats [want] the 2016 Republican National Convention to take place in Las Vegas."

  10. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Colbert Sings 'The Ballad Of Cliven Bundy', Says Bundy And Hannity 'Go Together Like Ku And Klux'

    We thought "The Ballad Of Cliven Bundy" was going to be the most outrageous part of this segment from Thursday's "Colbert Report," but turns out, the song was just a warm-up.

    Check out the clip above where Colbert takes on Bundy and his apparent BFF Sean Hannity. As Colbert puts it, thanks to the Fox News host's non-stop coverage and support of Bundy, "Now, when anyone thinks of folks who have insight into 'the Negro,' they'll think of Sean Hannity. These two go together like Ku and Klux."

  11. Anonymous1:21 PM

    On April 25 the Huffington Post reported that after Cliven Bundy's racist tirade became public,Americans for Prosperity scrubbed several of their social media posts supporting Bundy. A Media Matters check of the links below from AFP Nevada and AFP Colorado showed that incendiary posts supporting Bundy had been removed from the Internet.

  12. Anonymous1:23 PM

  13. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Cliven Bundy Has His Very Own Country Tribute Song

  14. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I'm just waiting for Bundy to say something sexist, homophobic or anti-Semitic. He and Phil Robertson could be besties.

    Jennifer K

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      So, his being racist wasn't enough for you, Jennifer K?

    2. Anonymous2:17 PM

      That's obviously not what Jennifer K is saying.

      The rest of the tea party just have to make sure he's actually one of them and not some racist who thinks women are equal to men and that jews and gays are fine. His strangely positive views on the "spanish" (read: Mexicans) are enough to give the die hards some pause.

    3. Wasn't one of Romney's multiple grandmothers from South America? Mormons have a soft spot for the Latin ladies.

    4. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Mormons have a soft spot on their heads.

    5. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Thanks Anonymous at 2:17pm. I've noticed people who are racist usually spread their bigotry around towards other people-gay, women, immigrants, etc. Just take a look at Phil Robertson or Laura Wood from the blog Thinking Housewife.

      Jennifer K

  15. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Cuomo to Bundy: "Now you come on the show, you hold up a dead calf and that makes everybody upset. But you should look at yourself for why the calf is dead, because if you paid the fees, this wouldn't have happened. Isn't that a fair point?"

    Cuomo deserves an award.

  16. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I do so hate Mormons and consider them some of the most duped and stupid religious cult members on the face of this planet, however, they are all white and blond, so this isn't racist, right? Fucking Bundy and his 14 kids and 52 grandkids. That is so wrong in so many ways; the stupids just keep breeding out of control and the rest of us are left to listen to their idiocy.

  17. *SHUDDER*

    Check out this picture of Baldy with Gov Kay Orr!

    Seriously....Baldy's caretaker really needs to remove those jeans and burn those bad boys ASAP!

    The stank is coming through my computer! LOL!!



  18. Anonymous1:54 PM

    LOL! Gryphen - "Went all Archie Bunker on their ass".

  19. Another picture of Baldy at today's Klan meeting in Nebraska! The Toad got a new shirt for the occasion! LOL!!!

  20. Oh dear! Baldy's wonky eye is a "whirling" in this pic!! And Ted Cruz looks "greezy"!

    Apparently BaldyPAC sprung for a hair dresser who is NOT a Palin! Here's apic of Baldy with her wig wrangler!

    1. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

      Dang, it looks like the long island medium with black hair meets Gumby. Sarah's mantra is "If it's FREE, it's for MEEE!"

  21. sewnup2:10 PM

    "...wishing that somebody would shut this son-of-a-bitch up before he says anything else..." I say let him ramble on, just keep diggin', Clive Ol Boy, till your hole is 'way deep.

    Maybe if he exposes enough of the rot so many of them have swallowed without thinking it'll be a jab in the butt and some of them will begin to THINK about what they do/say and how it affects other people and themselves instead of just gulping it down like their morning coffee. If their heads aren't tooo wooden, that is.

  22. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Here's one helluva take on this whole 'racist' Bundy issue. It's amazing how twisted around people can get.

  23. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I found the answer to my question of why Bundy thinks he's so smart. Turns out he's getting direct revelations from God.

    The Esquire article also documents the extent of crazy spinning around in the heads of the men with guns who flocked to Bundy's ranch. Also, too, Bundy is angry with his defenders for failing to carry out the full instructions from the Lord.

  24. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Is his first name really "Cloven"?

  25. Anita Winecooler5:52 PM

    I'll keep eating my popcorn, waiting for his fifteen minutes of shame to run out and watch the fallout. He's the perfect mascot for the GOP's outreach to minorities, women and welfare cattle.
    Someone at FOX turned the lights on, everyone's scurrying like Kochroaches!

  26. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Maybe the welfare cowboy would be better off himself, if he picked cotton rather than lived off the government teat.

  27. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Um, there's a reason Martin Luther King, Jr. hasn't been able to "finish the job." Anyone remember?

    He was murdered.

  28. Anonymous1:52 AM

    I searched for a Bundy bio...........what is his educational backround?........vacuous as possible I suspect......


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