Monday, April 07, 2014

Conservative Christian Congressman from Louisiana gets caught having affair with female congressional aide. Well of course he did.

Courtesy of The Ouachita Citizen:  

Fifth District Congressman Vance McAllister, who campaigned for office last fall as a devout Christian and devoted husband and father, was caught in video surveillance two days before Christmas passionately embracing and kissing one of his congressional aides. 

The Ouachita Citizen obtained the video recording from an anonymous source.

The incident occurred at roughly 1:39 p.m. on Dec. 23, 2013, inside McAllister’s congressional office at 1900 Stubbs Ave., Suite B, in Monroe. 

The woman who McAllister, 40, was caught kissing for almost half a minute is Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, 33, of 400 Zachary Way, Sterlington. She is McAllister’s district scheduler.

At the time of this initial report the Congressman was not responding to calls for comment, and neither was the female staffer.

That all changed a few hours ago, when the Congressman's office released this statement: 

"There's no doubt I've fallen short and I'm asking for forgiveness," McAllister said in a statement. "I'm asking for forgiveness from God, my wife, my kids, my staff, and my constituents who elected me to serve. Trust is something I know has to be earned whether your a husband, a father, or a congressman. I promise to do everything I can to earn back the trust of everyone I've disappointed." 

"From day one, I've always tried to be an honest man. I ran for congress to make a difference and not to just be another politician. I don't want to make a political statement on this, I would just simply like to say that I'm very sorry for what I've done." 

"While I realize I serve the public, I would appreciate the privacy given to my children as we get through this.

So the man who campaigned on his conservationism, his Christian faith, and his deeply held moral values, would like to be given privacy now that it has been revealed that he is a fraud.

Of course he does.

Once again I don't really care about a politicians personal life as a rule, but when somebody demonstrates this incredible level of hypocrisy, well then all bets are off.

By the way you might remember that McAllister was the guy who brought one of he Duck Dynasty guys along as his guest to the President's State of the Union Address.

Hmm, I guess phony Christians really DO flock together.


  1. Olivia4:34 PM

    It's almost a given that anytime a legislator trots out wifey and 3-8 little kids to show what a Christian family values man he is, you can start the countdown clock for when he will get caught in some extracurricular hanky panky.

    1. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Aint that the damn truth. But the reality is it is usually anyone that has risen to a level of power/richness, regardless of faith or political affiliation- it is just extremely gratifying in a weird way when the christian values crowd is called out on their hypocrisy.

  2. Anonymous4:51 PM

    It's amazing how an extramarital affair brings people closer to Jesus ... who must have been hiding from this "honest" congressman before he got caught. Also amazing how they think that bringing their kids' "right to privacy" will somehow exempt them from media scrutiny. I wonder what ol' Phil Robertson thinks about this happy, happy, happy affair?

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Oh come on, Jesse.. He was giving her mouth to mouth resuscitation in the vertical position. Later he performed the Hindlick maneuver

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Here is more. Somehow I think wifey will stand by her man.

    1. Of course she will stand by her man ! That is what the christianists are taught to do. She's very likely reflecting, at this moment, on the ways she failed to be an obedient and proper wife - thus causing him to stray. So sad. (sorry folks, just my opinion).

  5. The old " The Lord has forgiven me, you should too" defense.

    1. Balzafiar6:30 PM

      Sorry, but no. The "Lord" he speaks of is a figment, a fairy tale, used to keep the sheeple in line. He got caught, he should resign. What a fraud.

  6. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I really need to look into this Christianity thing. Seems like you can do whatever the hell you want and if you get busted all you gotta do is say "Ah hayve sinned," ask Jesus to forgive you and everything is cool. Then start boinking the next staffer.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Makes you wonder why people believe in the bible so much when your sins are wiped away like a chalkboard

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      This greasy bastard will get away with it because he's sorrrreeee (weep, cry, tears). Never mind that he ran on his "values" or that he's married with five kids or that he is against same sex marriage (because it hurts "regular" marriage somehow).

    3. Leland2:49 AM

      That's always been one of the biggest bones of contention I have with people like this idiot. They very conveniently forget the second half of the forgiveness quotient: Go and sin no more.

      As you say, they will scream and holler and cry about confessing, begging for forgiveness and then go out and look for the next staffer or the next aide or the next....

      One of the MOST gratifying things of this nature I have seen is when Jenny Sanford to the governor of SC to Kiss Off and filed for divorce! LOVED IT! Way to go Jenny!

      I find it so darned hard to understand how the wives of these assholes decide to "forgive and forget". It's just plain STUPID!

  7. Ah yes the old sin and than all is forgiven trick.
    He at least turned out the lights to set the mood for the night vision security camera...oh and the security guard.

  8. This is why I'm also convinced that, by far, drunks number far greater in conservative groups overall. You've got to have some kind of crutch to blur you to how full of shit you are.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      That's called Saturday Night Sinners, Sunday Morning Saints where all is forgiven and everyone is Reborn. Don'tcha know....

  9. Anonymous5:53 PM

    But, but, but...the li'l baby Jeebus has forgiven him alllll of his sins so everything is just fine now and we should just forget all about this hypocritical indiscretion.

    And don't ask any more questions.

    And send him some money for his next campaign.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      And, I'm sure all his christian supporters are blaming the woman because, you know, she is a woman and it is always the woman's fault. Men have their "needs".

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Well, her husband has needs also too.

  10. Anonymous6:10 PM

    where's the footage of the two of 'em bangin' each other's brains out from the 45 min prior to the goodbye/see ya later/that was fun kiss ?!?
    looked like the fraud krystian barely had his shirt back on there in the hallway

  11. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Satan made him do it. Or Obama.

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM


    2. Anonymous8:21 PM

      The one-two punch from 6:10 & 7:24. Alpha-to-Omega. Good ones, youse two(2)!

      Paul in Indiana

  12. What REALLY annoys me is the publication of the details of the woman involved - does she really deserve to have her address plastered everywhere - she is presumably single - was no doubt thinking things may end very differently - yet this happens - he wants his privacy, disowns her & she is left to cop it all.

    Perhaps it is meant as a reminder to women - they will NEVER be treated as they should - by anyone.

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      That was slut-shaming at it's best.

    2. angela7:00 PM

      Nope, she is married too. So now her husband gets to be punished too.

    3. Anonymous7:08 PM

      6:30 PM She is married, and she and her husband both contributed over $5,000 to his campaign.

    4. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Nope she's married -- to a buddy and former classmate of his.

    5. Anonymous7:33 PM

      She not only is married but her husband is also a McAllister supporter - both husband and wife donated $5,200 to McAllister. And hubby worked with McAllister for 16 years according to Wiki. McAllister is just practicing the "love thy neighbor" thingy.

    6. I didn't read any of the details so I got the married part wrong - sad all around - but still doesn't mean her address should be plastered all over the internet.

      He will no doubt be forgiven and in the way only known to the GOP weirdos will be re-elected - because family values. The lady is no doubt unemployed and probably facing lots of other issues - because family values.

      No wonder they hate the President - a family man who actually has family values.

    7. Anonymous5:40 AM

      If she didn't want her name in the media she shouldn't be kissing married men on security cameras.

    8. Maple6:21 AM

      Sounds like these folks are akin to the Palins. Wondering when Sarah will endorse him?

  13. Anonymous6:31 PM

    It was actually gay marriage in some other state that drove this poor Christian man to commit this vile sin. Of course it did. Gah, I'm so sick of these people. People like this clown and Palin. People that can do whatever they want and when busted pull out that tired Christian card of demanding, begging for forgiveness and redemption. It's this kind of garbage that I find as a threat to this country. And simply because I don't believe in 1 scintilla of any religion, it's people like me that need to be ashamed. Pffft

  14. Sally in MI6:35 PM

    So Anthony Weiner was run out of Congress within a month, for doing nothing that comes close to this, and this "Christian Republican" will get a pass? Again? Please Proceed, GOP. You're digging your own graves.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Yes GOP, let's hear it from you...demand that this hypocritical creep resign from office right now!

    2. @ 6:48 - the GOP elected a man who left his wife, 4 children and job as GOVERNOR to chase a woman in another country - you really think the GOP care that their rep had a little fling. It's the woman who did the wrong thing - not their wonderful family values man.

    3. Leland2:59 AM

      @ TS

      Sorry, but JENNY left MARK! Packed up and took the kids away from the Governor's mansion and filed for divorce.

      Jenny had all the money in the family and the damned fool throws all of it away for a piece of exotic. But you're right, the stupid came out and elected his stupid ass to another position!

      The people get EXACTLY what they deserve when they are too stupid to tell these POS's they can do it and get away with it AND get elected again.

      And the Repubes DON'T care!

  15. Anonymous6:59 PM

    O/T Malia Litman has a pic of Sarah fallin' off a sled and also too,eating snow upside down.

  16. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I betcha his political affiliation has something to do with an R up front... Can you immagine if he had been a Dem, just like former President Clinton?
    But, since he is a rethug, he will be forgiven and will even be promoted if possible. :/

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      He's getting attaboys and high fives from the other republican males.

  17. Anonymous7:58 PM

    "I don't want to make a political statement on this..." but this wasn't half as bad as what HILLARY CLINTON'S Husband did!!!!

    1. Which might be relevant if Bill had been a conservative, running on family values.

      But he wasn't, so it's not.

    2. Anonymous8:37 PM

      I like Bill, but he did screw up, and he underestimated the attack dogs and the lengths they would go to when he thought he could lie and get away with it.

    3. Maple6:25 AM

      Bill has more than made up for his indiscretions during his post-presidential period. But no doubt he thought (incorrectly as it turned out) that his coital activities would be recognized and forgiven by the GOP, since it seems perfectly okay for them to do the horizontal tango with those whomever they choose.

  18. SHARON8:26 PM

    We all know by now the louder they yell their family value bullshit, they greater the chance is these guys are cheaters...its a fact, that or they are gay.

    Off topic, but I was thinking (dangerous) if I had money I would place full page ads in all the big newspapers asking the billionaire Koch bros to spend an equal amount of their millions they sift through their web of dark money groups to make sure every single veteran in this country has a place to live. Pay the rent & utilities for a year while they figure out their lives. Imagine....the very men & women that have protected the Koch empire to grow and thrive, seems only fair. Pay the same amount of money they use to buy our politicians & destroy our democracy to these vets that protected their right to do it. Imagine

    1. Anonymous10:06 PM

      Sharon, dangerously good thinking, IMO.

      The Adelson Rove Kochs, oh my; all of 'em, any of 'em.


  19. Anonymous9:38 PM

    The "good" congressman's main concern right now is probably who in his organization released the video. It's getting to where ya just can't trust anybody! LOL

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      At 9:38 PM I predicted that congressman's main concern would be who released the video. Just heard Lawrence O'Donnell say that McAllister is having the FBI look into who released the video. Also, too, as we all knew he would, the woman he was involved with is "no longer on his payroll". These people are too predictable.

  20. Boscoe10:18 PM

    Honestly, I'm surprised the schmuck didn't claim the video was "clearly taken out of context..."

  21. Anonymous10:40 PM

    I just thought of something. Out of the 4 relationships Bristols had in her life, only one (the first) was bad and filled with distrust for him. The others ended in friendship. (well, at least Gino is friendly with Willow et al)

    She remained friends with Ben, though that was mostly a friends thing anyway as everyone knows.

    And Joey is a good, non-needy man and she can actually be her down to earth self.

    Her biggest lesson is not settling for less.And raising standards.

    On top of all that, she still maintains her plutonic relationships too. ie jake. His mom loves her.

    1. Anonymous5:21 AM

      "I just thought of something"? Good for you, Bristol. Keep working on that, and the next time you think of something it might have to do with picking up a parenting book or an application to a community college where you can think of more things. Imagine how exciting having one or two thoughts every day can be.

      Wild (astonished once again at young minds) Tort.

    2. Anonymous5:42 AM

      Easy 5:17, they always "pause" before they play. Or, "Living Life Vibrantly" has a real other meaning.

    3. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Blah Blah Blah.....doing double duty over here now, troll, since SPHASH nuked you into oblivion?

    4. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Bullshit, 10:40 PM Bristol did not become pregnant this time by just being friends with a 'non-needy' young man. How many of Bristol's babies live with her? Bristol 'fucks' any man that she can con into a date. You Palins are stupid enough to think that your LIES are believable. So you are telling us that Willow is sleeping with Bristol's cast-offs? Promiscuity is a Palin Family trait. They breed like rats.

    5. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Sounds like Bristol should not have been running around spreading her legs for one and all until she was more mature then. But, by what her neighbors in AZ are saying she is still fucking any man that will have her.

  22. Anonymous2:40 AM

    I'm a little confused about "family values"............

  23. Anonymous2:48 AM

    In my job, if you say you are a nurse and then you are found out not to be a nurse, you are fired and possibly arrested.

  24. Anonymous2:51 AM

    He's very unattractive. Amazing her has a wife and a mistress!
    Amazin' 'Merika

    1. Balzafiar6:13 AM

      Attractive doesn't matter; it's the power or money that draws them in. Case in point: Jackie Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis, easily the least attractive man in the entire universe.

  25. Anonymous4:22 AM

    I blame gay marriage. Every time a gay couple registers at IKEA, a straight, married Conservative Christian sticks his penis in a woman who is not his wife. Nice going, gay people.

  26. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Well, since he's a Republican, his wife will forgive him publicly and he'll get re-elected. Remember David Vitter?

  27. Anonymous5:41 AM

    I don't like it one bit that the woman's address was given out. What is the point of that? Slut-shaming? He's the bad guy here, now trolls are going to threaten to rape her and call her names the way they always do to any woman with an excuse.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      She's also married, to a good friend of his. They're both lying cheaters.

  28. Anonymous6:24 AM

    So now she got fired but he's just gonna run again in November because of all that "support" he's getting! Gross.
    To people bringing up Clinton, I don't care who he bangs or bonked. He did NOT run on a family values campaign! I don't care who you mess around with in your private time if you are not promising some sort of God fearing, saintly life.

  29. ibwilliamsi7:27 AM

    "There's no doubt I've fallen short and I'm asking for forgiveness..."

    All's fixed, amirite?

  30. Beldar J Conehead7:57 AM

    C'mon, Gryphen, there's nothing to see here. It's just a fundraising stunt for HypocritePAC, a lobbying association supporting the whole severe conservative, family values-oriented, uber-xtian sex addict agenda.

    Their motto: "Thank Jeebus, it's always tighter on the other side of the fence."

    (wait, that doesn't mean what I think it means, does it?)

  31. Anonymous9:04 AM

    OMG. oh, that is his business. IF that is what the camera caught and his wife and kids are ok with it then let him go on about it with his staff. That's what Christians do when the cameras aren't rolling too.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      And let him continue to tell people to vote for him because he's a good Christian who cares about traditional marriage and family values, right?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.