Monday, April 07, 2014

I think you'll enjoy this hard hitting Obamacare ad.

Courtesy of Liberals Unite:  

Obamacare? Are you nuts? 

All the dialog used in this hilarious video was lifted verbatim from the comments sections of conservative web sites.

I saw the end coming a mile away. Still pretty satisfying though. 

I sometimes fantasize about something similar happening to some of the more aggressive anti-Obamacare trolls on Fox News or in the Republican party.


  1. Culling the gene pool...

  2. Contagion: The best reason for universal healthcare.

  3. Anonymous6:43 AM

    GOP Grapples With The Unsettling Fear That Obamacare May Succeed

    New Yorker Shows Obama Getting His Health Care Revenge On Republicans

    Gallup: Uninsured Rate At 5-Year Low As Obamacare Coverage Takes Hold

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM

    The House GOP’s Down-Low, Backhanded Endorsement of Obamacare

    ...You see, by agreeing to amend Obamacare, Republicans are acknowledging the law’s existence and legitimacy. The only things they’re supposed to be doing with Obamacare are burning copies of it on the Capitol steps and voting to repeal it. But here they’ve done the exact opposite. And what made it even worse was the way they did it. The change was very quietly tucked into a larger bill, the Medicare “doc fix,” which helps payments to doctors who serve Medicare patients keep pace with inflation. Only House majority leadership—the Republicans—can do that. And then, to make matters still worse, the yellow-bellied quislings passed the thing by voice vote, so no one had to be on the record.

  5. Anonymous6:47 AM

    The Opposition To ObamaCare Is Strangely Familiar

    The intense conservative ire for Obamacare may seem like an anomaly in American history. But it's eerily reminiscent of two other large -- and now widely popular -- expansions of the safety net: Social Security and Medicare.

    The two programs are now a staple of American political culture. But a backward glance at the political environment during their inception reveals equally fierce, ugly antipathy from conservatives -- including screaming warnings that they'd be ruinous to freedom.

  6. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Republicans Quietly Make an Important Fix To Obamacare That Democrats Wanted

    ...Reps. John Boehner (R-OH) and Eric Cantor (R-VA) did such a good job of hiding the fix in the bill that many House Republicans might have had no idea that they were voting on this Obamacare fix. Last month, House Republican leaders introduced three fixes to the ACA while their party was distracted by CPAC.

    It is obvious that House Republican leaders intend to fix the unintended consequences of the law, as they simultaneously campaign on destroying Obamacare. Republican voters are being lied to by their own leaders. The Republican led House seems to have no intention of getting rid of the ACA. If they were serious about getting rid of it, why would they pass improvements?

    House Republicans have a political interest in keeping the ACA on the books. If Republicans repealed the law, they couldn’t campaign against it anymore. Republicans believe that Obamacare is one of the few issues that will get their voters to the polls, so their actions will continue to not match their words.

    There is no bigger sign of totality of the GOP defeat on the ACA than these quiet fixes that House Republican leaders continue to pass.

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      And it is not going over well with the TPers, stay tuned!

  7. Otto Katz7:21 AM

    I'm not a troll, honest! But I don't think it (the ad) works. They'll just say "He deserved it for not watching where he was going, and sue the bus driver, anyway". I think a better ending would have been him having a heart attack on the sidewalk. Something that could only been caused by his own body attacking him. Cancer is too slow-moving for a hard hitting commercial.

    We really need single-payer. It won't happen in my lifetime, I'm too old. But hopefully in my children's and grandchildren's lifetime it will happen.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      I thought the girlfriend would turn, look him in the eye, say how now that she had signed up for the ACA and for the first time had insurance because of her pre-existing condition - and then dump his sorry ass, like the old, "I don't date smokers" commercials.

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      I, too, did not like the bus ending. Though I get it. And maybe that kind of ending "hits" younger people more since they grew up with video games that do that kind of thing.

      Problem is if you get hit by a bus, that has nothing to do with Obama Care, or any personal insurance. The bus company's insurance would pay for it and you'd get a fat lawsuit payout to boot. Unless you had some sort of special insurance coverage, your regular insurer would not even talk to you about it except to tell you to talk to the bus's insurance company.

      I thought he'd trip over his own feet. I also like the girlfriend dumping him. What a loser, spending all that money on beer when he could have an occasional beer and spend the rest of something useful--even if it wasn't Obama Care--how about saving for something? Go for BIG, not beer.

    3. Anonymous6:10 PM

      You can sue, but won't win a lawsuit against the bus if you walk into traffic. How could the bus possibly stop in time?

  8. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I work in the medical profession so I get to see and hear people who refused to provide for their well being or in the event they got a bladder infection to their appendix ruptured.

    When a person sincerely says it is wrong the government require people to buy insurance I ask them if they are aware that people believe they are entitled to health care when they get sick.... They show up demanding life saving surgery (appendix out for example) although they chose to have cable, vacations, new cars oblivious to their choices. Some people are like the fellow in this commercial and in time will be hit by the proverbial bus.

    Then there is the category of uninsured who if their condition worsens are very angry they were not admitted by the ER and given prescriptions to take at home. Entitlement has increased in our society.

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      "Will be hit by the proverbial bus." Maybe that's the subliminal message to this. We are all being so analytical in our thoughts on this that we aren't seeing the underlying message: Don't get hit by the proverbial bus!

      (OK, maybe I'm the only one being analytical. Besides, if the guy is dumb enough to walk in front of a bus, you gotta know he does a lot of other stupid, dangerous things.)

    2. Anonymous4:41 PM

      Yes, isn't it interesting they have the money for guns, cigarettes, cable tv, the latest phones, computers and internet access, but no money for health insurance.
      Sounds like my neighbor, who had a heart attack at age 40 and ended up with a $14,000 hospital bill because he didn't have any $ for insurance.

  9. Beldar BHO Conehead9:29 AM

    Gryphen - which I'm just about almost certain isn't even your real name - your one-sided libtard support of Obamacare is sooooo predictable. You're just incapable - in typical librul fashion - of appreciating that every issue has two sides, arent you...

    That is why when the stately "Obama Signing Obamacare Law" statue is eventually unveiled to widespread popular acclaim in D.C., there should also be "an opposing viewpoint" installation, perhaps a simple bronze plaque, maybe on the wall of the visitor's center close to the restrooms for all to see, that could read "These are the men and women who did not want Americans to have fair, universal and affordable access to health care" and include the names of every politician who either voted and/or railed against Obamacare. (The plaque could even be bought and paid for by Faux News, in much the same way as their former-politician, in-house pundints are bought and paid for).

    But maybe that's just a little too "fair and balanced" for you and the last few remaining deadender Obama-lovers still visiting your defunct blog!

    My advice to you, buddy boy, is to GROW UP!!! (and live vibrantly, also, too...)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.