Tuesday, April 08, 2014

New "documentary" would like you to ignore all of that science stuff on Cosmos, and allow them to give you the straight poop on the Copernican theory. Forget arguing against Evolution, these people are going old school.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A new documentary film, narrated by a former Star Trek actress, promotes the long-ago disproven idea that the sun revolves around the Earth. 

“Everything we think we know about our universe is wrong,” says actress Kate Mulgrew as she narrates the trailer for “The Principle.” 

The film, which is set to be released sometime this spring, was bankrolled in part by the ultra-conservative and anti-Semitic Robert Sungenis, who maintains the blog “Galileo Was Wrong.” In addition to Mulgrew, who played Capt. Kathryn Janeway in “Star Trek: Voyager” and “Star Trek: Nemeis,” the film features several scientists, including Michio Kaku, Lawrence Krauss, and Max Tegmart.

The scientists are of course quoted completely out of context to give the impression that they support this lunacy.

In fact one of them, Lawrence Krauss, went to the film's Facebook page , where he responded to concerns that he participated in the making of this film:

I didn't..but the good thing is that I am hoping that journalists contact me, in the rare chance that more than 3 people actually want to watch this garbage.. and I can tell them it is not worth watching..

The technique of interviewing scientists, and then taking their answers completely out of context, was also recently used by Ray "The banana man" Comfort on his incredibly deceptive piece of propaganda, "Evolution vs God."

I cannot however so easily dismiss Kate Mulgrew's participation as the narrator of this pseudo scientific piece of garbage.

I thought she was great as Captain Janeway on Star Trek: Voyager, and recently rediscovered her in "Orange is the New Black" as the incredibly intimidating 'Red' Reznikov.

I actually think that this is just a desperate attempt to ride on the coattails of Neil deGrasse Tyson's new Cosmos series by introducing a "documentary" which supposedly refutes what the Professor has been saying about scientific assertions.

Personally I am pretty shocked that in this day and age there is anybody who would actually put forth a theory that was refuted over 500 years ago.


  1. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Well, it's obviously not a "documentary" since it doesn't document something that happened or is happening. It's a work of fiction, so I'll stick with "Cosmos." I like facts especially when they are given in their historical perspective.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Maybe they don't understand the definition of documentary, after all it has more than two syllables.

      Factual another pesky big person word.

  2. LisaB25954:46 AM

    First off: Kate Mulgrew is an actress. Captain Janeway is a role. She was paid to portray her, just like I'm sure she's paid to narrate this.

    It's wrong to conflate an actress with a role. Mulgrew has no special responsibility to the scientific community because she was captain of a fictitious starship in a TV series twenty years ago.

    1. Maple6:18 AM

      Hmmm -- She has always played fictitious characters. If she was told this "so-called" documentary was actually a work of fiction, then I could excuse her. Otherwise, her lack of integrity in participating in this makes her "least admired" in my books.

    2. Anonymous6:21 AM

      Kate Mulgrew is an actress, yes. This is a sold as a "documentary". This isn't just another acting gig if they are portraying it as truth and fact, even if played while in character. If she sees it that way, then she IS being irresponsible.

      4:46 "Mulgrew has no special responsibility to the scientific community because she was captain of a fictitious starship in a TV series twenty years ago."

      Don't we all have the responsibility to not portray fiction as fact?

    3. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Scroll down. She's come out against the documentary and the documentary maker and said she was duped.

  3. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Will the flat-earthers now get their own documentary?

  4. When I tried to see this video, a box came up: AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED: Try again later. "An error has occurred..." Ya think? LOL

  5. Anonymous5:25 AM

    It is just another attempt to "change history" so the knuckle draggers will continue to be confused and afraid.

  6. Anonymous5:34 AM

    As the old adage indicates....Never Underestimate the Stupidity of the People.

  7. Anonymous7:12 AM

    "Personally I am pretty shocked that in this day and age there is anybody who would actually put forth a theory that was refuted over 500 years ago."

    Heh, given the ridiculous level of fundamentalist fervor gripping parts of the country, I am not so surprised.

  8. Anonymous8:10 AM

    ‘Angry’ religious sign pops up in North Carolina promoting intolerance

    A religious billboard in causing controversy in Clyde, North Carolina, which reads, “Coexist, tolerance, sexual perversion?” “God says ‘NO!” The ‘no’ is in Republican caps of course.

    “Michelle Grosse, a resident in the town said, “Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is now. That’s not the kingdom of heaven. That’s rude and nasty.”

    WLOS reports, “Grosse noticed the billboards last week. She says she thinks they are offensive and is upset someone is using signage to send the wrong message. Grosse says she believe the billboards promote intolerance and are unchristian. People in Clyde have mixed reaction to Grosse’s complaints. “If they want to complain about something, complain about something that needs to be fixed,” said Allen Thornburg.”

    That’s funny because my God says the exact opposite of what this sign says.



  9. Anonymous8:27 AM

    What blew MY mind was this sentence in the article:

    "... About one in four Americans believe in geocentrism, which places the Earth at the center of the universe and the sun, planets, and stars revolving around it. ..."

    IOW, one in four Americans live in the 14th/15th century. No WONDER that they are OK with the way the ReThugs are treating women...


  10. Anonymous9:26 AM

    GOP Candidate Wants To Get Elected To Keep His Daughter From Learning Evolution


  11. Sp. context. Completely quoted out of context. Your first sentence.

    As for Kate Mulgrew, I am very disappointed she is so hard up for money she would sign on to this project without even knowing what she was narrating for.

  12. Boscoe10:01 AM

    There are neither enough faces, nor palms on the entire planet to affect a facepalm epic enough to react sufficiently to this stupidity.

  13. Anonymous11:34 AM

    IIMO all the people associated with this 'documentary' are straight out of the book "The Peter Principle".

  14. Anonymous12:59 PM

    ‘Star Trek’s Kate Mulgrew on geocentrist film: ‘I was a voice for hire, and a misinformed one’


    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      So happy to hear it.

  15. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Dr Robert Sungenis - 'Geocentrism' 'Geocentric Cosmology'


  16. Kate addressed this over on her Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10151985862292466&id=7122967465&stream_ref=10


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