Saturday, April 12, 2014

On last night's New Rules Bill Maher eviscerates the Right Wing lunatics, and takes special care to include a certain half term governor.

Courtesy of Politicususa: 

Truth is there has never been a better time to quit government, and go into the lucrative business of b*tching about government. It worked for Joe Scarborough, Mike Huckabee, and most famously, of course, Sarah Palin. The one night stand of Alaska governors. When Sarah announced she was resigning as governor, she said, “It may be tempting to keep your head down and just plod along, but that’s a quitter’s way out.” Yes, only by quitting was she not quitting. You see, Sarah realized she could have a greater affect on influencing stupidity from outside of government, and pledged to work to elect people just like her, just not her. 

The fact is today’s Republicans aren’t built to govern. They don’t want to go to the moon. They want to howl at it. That’s why just the fact of getting elected means you’re already damaged goods. Unless you go to Washington and act like the single biggest prick in the room every time, you’re suspect, which is why there’s really only one man current in government who the base completely trusts. I’m talking, of course, about Ted Cruz. 

He’s the guy who best understands that high office is just a higher form of talk radio. Rick Perry told them that they should have a heart. Mitch McConnell holds a gun like a girl, and Marco Rubio is pretty soft on Mexicans for an Italian. John McCain is against torture, and he was tortured. Flip-flopper. Chris Christie actually touched Obama during Hurricane Sandy when he should have lured him to the Pine Barrens and hit him with a shovel, and Michele Bachmann compromised on gays by marrying her husband.

I actually thought the first part of New Rules had a couple of real groaners in it, but when Maher got to the  Tea Party, Ted Cruz, and Sarah Palin he really hit it out of the park.


  1. “They don’t want to go to the moon. They want to howl at it.”

    “…and Michele Bachmann compromised on gays by marrying her husband.”

    He might not be easy to live with, but the guy’s brilliant.

  2. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I love it when Bill goes after idiot Palin! He does it better than anyone and there isn't a damned thing she can do about it! Remember how she tried doing so by knocking his manhood and the fact he is short? It only made him go after her more!

    Keep it up Bill! It's one of the reasons I never miss your show on Friday nights!

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Todd Palin is 'short' in more ways than just height.

  3. Anonymous5:23 PM

    There was a Freedom Summit in New Hampshire today, promoted Citizens United and Americans for Prosperity. The speakers were:
    Senator Rand Paul
    Senator Ted Cruz
    Senator Mike Lee
    Senator Kelly Ayotte
    Gov. Mike Huckabee
    Speaker Newt Gingrich
    Rep. Marsha Blackburn
    Rep. Louie Gohmert
    Rep. Steve King
    Mr. Donald Trump
    Laura Ingraham
    Arthur Brooks, AEI President

    Over at Sarah's fan website, they hate the Bushes, Karl Rove, Rubio, and the Establishment Republicans. They have been left out of this party. Where are Romney and Ryan? Oh, like Sarah, they lost, too.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      so much stupid in a very small state

    2. A J Billings7:00 PM

      Look, there's a lot of stupid in every state. I live in NH, and fortunately for the USA, a lot of independent and rational voters here recognize the Koch grifter movement behind Citizens U, and AFP.

      We voted another Democrat in for Gov, who has her flaws, but at least is not a raving lunatic teaparty nut like Perry.

      Yes, there is a contingent of flat earth, religious Christian Taliban here, but fortunately we are still a purple state, and voted for Obama last time, in spite of his own problems

    3. Anonymous10:59 PM

      Ouch. No Scott What's-his-name, the transplant from Mass, where he served as Senator for all of two years, with pick-up truck and datable daughters? He just announced in NH for Senator.

  4. Anonymous5:29 PM

    WTF does she care? Any of them? They DON'T.

  5. A J Billings6:02 PM

    It's nothing short of amazing that the Pbots and Palin worshipers continue to believe that caribou Barbie will actually run for President, send her their social security checks, and fawn over her every word like they are a decree from the Pope.

    Given what a narcissistic sociopathic lunatic $arah is, I have to wonder if even *she* is amazed by the money they give her, in spite of knowing that she has no intentions beyond being a fame whore and a grifter.

    We can only hope that some day, somehow, the lies, crimes, and shameful behavior of baby-gate and Tawd-pimping will see the light of day in a courtroom

  6. Anonymous7:09 PM

    When the real truth about what happened in the final days of the Palin/Parnell administration gets out Bill Maher will have some new material for his Palin smackdowns. Even though Sarah is a Right Wing Nut Job Talibangelical, the hypocrisy and utter stupidity of what really happened is stunning. The jokes will write themselves, and they will be using her own words.

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      @7:09... so... what did happen during the final days of the Palin/Parnell administration. Lots of rumors have been out there, even some do with a child abuse case that Palin screwed up on big time.

      What's your take on it?

  7. Anonymous7:10 PM

    If moderate Republicans want to regain control of their party a few human sacrifices will need to take place starting with Palin followed by Trump and Cruz. We all know how Palin can be taken down and McCain has the weapon in the form of documents.

  8. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Watch: Bigot Freaks Out Over On-Stage Same-Sex Kiss, Director Handles It Perfectly (Video)

    '...I have to ask, and I do so in all sincerity: In putting on Deathtrap, we are “play acting,” and in this particular play we show two characters carrying out a cold-blooded murder, and then we show them kissing as the motivation for the murder. You object to the kissing, but not to the fact that they’re murderers? You are comfortable with your son witnessing an enacted murder, but not a same sex kiss? In both cases, it’s just make-believe, but how is a play that depicts murder, whether it’s a contemporary murder-mystery like Deathtrap or an immortal tragedy like Macbeth, morally acceptable while the depiction of a fairly innocuous, albeit same-sex kiss, is totally unacceptable?'

  9. Anonymous8:15 PM

    And yes Maher makes his living with hate, divisiveness, and attacks. Many libs can't stand him.

    1. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Suck it, Florida troll.

    2. Anonymous10:06 PM

      I love him. The man tells the truth, and that is not hate. Sarah Palin's hate and divisiveness and attacks are all lies. Everything out of that increasingly wrinkled mouth is a lie. She's been lying forever. I suspect when we find out who Trig's real parents are, and have documentation, she will deflect and lie about that. She's pathological: Bill is a comic. See the difference?

    3. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Now THERE is another bit of evidence that Republicans have absolutely no sense of what humor is.

      Making people laugh is not hatred or divisiveness, for cryin' out loud. If hearing the truth in the form of a joke is beyond your capability, it would seem that way, I suppose.

      Life must all seem like its one big ugly nightmare, to those who cannot laugh.

    4. Anonymous10:53 PM

      Citation, please, 8:15. Otherwise, it's just your fantasy. And, anyway, how many liberals do you know, in the first place? Well enough to ask them what they enjoy watching on TV? Facts, pls.

    5. At least it's not his platform for re-election.

    6. Anonymous6:32 AM

      :) Maher makes his living being funny and witty. sarah makes a living being hateful, divisive & attacking others. There fixed it for you, dirty sarah panty sniffer. :)

    7. Our Lad6:46 AM

      @8:15 Go impale yourself on Mrs. Palin' s cock, you halfa motherfucker.

    8. Anonymous8:39 AM

      8:15 It's obvious you don't know what you are talking about troll! His shows sell out across the nation....he's been on cable/Friday nights for years and has a huge following there too. Remember, they would not continue extending his contract if he were not good with a large viewership!

      Republicans, Independents and Dems are folks that follow him. He's smart, well read, knows politics inside and out (pros and cons), knows history, is a great interviewer and fast on his feet w/his great, fun-filled, sarcastic humor!

      Love him, love him!

    9. Anonymous6:28 PM

      8:15 PM That is why he has a long running show? You are too stupid to even have a clue. Your Lust for Sarah and Bristol is all that you have. Have you stenciled their names on your 2-toned Dildo?

  10. Anonymous8:32 PM

    8:15 PM, What's your point?
    Who else makes their living espousing hate, divisiveness and attacks? Let me think, um, Limpaugh, Hannity, Fox, Malkin, Coulter, Ingraham, Breitbart, et al.

    1. Anonymous10:06 PM

      And pretty much that entire list of speakers in NH. I'd bet there wasn't a grain of truth in anything they said yesterday.

  11. An European Viewpoint12:55 AM

    I love the Bachmann comment.

    1. Anonymous6:34 AM

      I loved the saggy-faced picture of sarah Bill had up while ripping her a new one.

  12. "The one night stand of Alaska governors."

    That is my all time favorite comment.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.