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If Palin could have gotten away with pandering to the Southern voters in this garb, you know she would have. |
Kathleen Parker quite visibly cringed at the AFP's newest anti-Obamacare ad, not because it was full of crap and propaganda. No, she didn't like the fact that the "Obamacare sufferer" depicted had a Southern accent:
"And by the way, I think you could find someone who doesn't have a southern accent who is confused by this act. (CHUCKLE) Because we always seem to find a character who seems a little country-fied, who can't just fathom. You know, there are plenty of smart, sophisticated people, who are equally hazy about what is really going on."
Now Parker's comments were not very well thought out since the ad that she was referring to was playing in Arkansas. I am not sure how else she would expect them to speak if not with a thick southern accent.
However, though I am by no means a fan of her writing, I took her meaning to be, that the majority of these anti-Obama ads feature people with a southern twang and she was trying to say that there were people in the North who were concerned about the law as well.
In other words she saw this as feeding into a stereotype that she thought was unfair to those living in the South.
Sure it was clunky, and her description not terribly sensitive, but she DOES kind of have a point.
However that point was completely lost on a certain intellectually challenged Alaskan version of white trash, and she took to Facebook, so that her ghostwriter could assist her in letting the world know that she panders to the southern demographic as well:
These people are nuts, albeit entertaining nuts… Ah... this nice Sunday afternoon has been groovin' along so enjoyably, and then – BAM – I see some articles that leave no doubt about how out of touch our self-proclaimed "elite leaders" and opinion makers really are. These people are nuts! Just reading these headlines makes you ask, "Really?!" The jokes on them, though, because they've just added to the entertaining, shake-your-head/almost-feel-sorry-for-them reports that we "average" Americans use as examples of their condescension. These are the "leaders" who look at the crowd behind them and assume they're leading the parade, when really the growing crowd is chasing them out of town. So, check these out and let me know what YOU'VE found that adds to the list!
First, here’s the video of one celebrated member of the elite D.C. chattering class suggesting that people with Southern accents aren’t “smart” or “sophisticated.” Are Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and James Carville exempt from this blanket denigration of Southern intelligence, or was this comment only directed at conservatives with Southern accents? (Poor gal, that Ms. Parker, not knowing the Southern roots of many Founding Fathers who wrote the exceptional, providential Constitution for her to enjoy today.)
Isn't is nice that she even dropped one of her "g's" in this condescending piece of moosepoop in order to show solidarity with her Southern brothers and sisters?
The second part of the Facebook post attacks the amount spent on Obama's trip to Brussels, because now that we have a black man in the White House suddenly we all need to be shocked at that kind of thing.
You know I find it particularly ironic that Palin rides to defend the conservative's habit of pandering to southern voters when it comes to spreading misinformation and propaganda. Especially since we have seen her do very much the same thing throughout her career, both in national politics and in reality television.
I mean do YOU really think this is how this moron dresses when headed out to Nordstroms?
(Yes there are people walking around in camo in Wasilla, but Palin was NEVER one of them.)
As we all remember during her 2008 campaign Palin specifically ratcheted up the racism in order to agitate a certain demographic who were less than happy that a black man might soon be the leader of their country.
That demographic was NOT located up north.
And that same approach is still being used today, by the Republican party, the Teabaggers, and of course the Koch brothers.
It is no accident that those on the liberal side are referred to as "northern elites," or "city dwellers," or as "intellectuals," all of which is considered suspect by those who regularly attend a Baptist church, think a formal affair requires wearing their shiniest belt buckle, and believe that the Bible is the most trusted source for scientific information.
That pandering has lead to scenes such as this one.
In provoking animus among those living in the South, the conservatives have brought us perilously close to yet another civil war. And they seem completely unconcerned if that comes to pass.
However for Palin, pandering to this group has also filled the coffers of SarahPAC, increased book sales, and hopefully attracted viewers to her new "huntin" show.
She is manipulating those in the South for her purposes, and the Koch brothers are manipulating them to suit their objectives, and that was really all Kathleen Parker was attempting to point out.
I don't think I could be condescending enough. F these morons.
ReplyDeleteWas Sarah Heath/Palin(?) referring to the Veterans who were chasing her and Todd out of Washington D.C. after that Memorial
ReplyDeleteProtest with Eduardo Cruz? They were running away pretty fast.
Once Governor of the most northern state on the continent Sarah Palin wraps herself in the rebel flag and rides to defend of the South.
ReplyDeleteThat's our Sarah From Alaska
Looks like Sarah is wearing her false titties under her camo. They go from her armpits to somewhere near her lower mid section. Sarah Palin sure does have low self-esteem.
ReplyDeleteIt's called The Southern Strategy and she's been bought to promote it.
ReplyDeleteI'm quite used to the "shake-your-head/almost-feel-sorry-for-them" feeling where SHE is concerned! And, if anyone thinks she actually wrote this moose crap, do you honestly think she knows what "denigrate" means, let alone how to use it in a sentence?
"do you honestly think she knows what "denigrate" means"
DeleteI'd be afraid to find out she thinks it's a four syllable Southern contraction for what an African-American person consumes at meal times....
I agree, BJC.
DeleteNot to mention Stain using the word 'providential'.
DeleteI'd bet my right tit she has no idea what it means.
12:43 -
DeleteIsn't that the name of a city in Rhode Island?
(I bet your right AND left girls are safe!)
Sarah also doesn't know what a single-thought adjective is. Someone else wrote "shake-your-head/almost-feel-sorry-for-them reports". The use of hyphens is done to show a "single-thought" adjective referring to the noun "reports". Professional writers know how to do this, not our Sarah.
DeleteShe’s eating one of her own, right? I’m confused. Sarah does that to me.
ReplyDeletePalin never forgets a slight. This is what Parker said about about Palin in 2008.
DeletePalin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.
No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I’ve been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I’ve also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.
Palin filibusters. She repeats words, filling space with deadwood. Cut the verbiage and there’s not much content there. Here’s but one example of many from her interview with Hannity: “Well, there is a danger in allowing some obsessive partisanship to get into the issue that we’re talking about today. And that’s something that John McCain, too, his track record, proving that he can work both sides of the aisle, he can surpass the partisanship that must be surpassed to deal with an issue like this.”
Yes, Parker clearly is in Palin’s sites. I would wonder about a beef that lasts that long. Palin is an obsessive compulsive.
DeleteBought and paid for whore. Nice life. She's been riding high for quite awhile now and it's only a matter of time until something horrible happens to this scourge to humanity. Fuck her and the broomstick she flew in on.
ReplyDeleteKathleen Parker is as "right" as she can be. I have contacted her about several of her columns. I have no idea WHY she is featured in the newspapers, along with Krauthammer and Will. They are so out of touch with regular people, it is disgusting. Will, Kristol, Krauthammer and the others do nothing but criticize the President, but do not run for office to try to make changes. Not that they could win, but they could do more than just attack in print. Is $carah wearing one of Toad's long sleeved white shirts under that repulsive camo shirt? Did she get that shirt hoping to wear it at one of Bristle's weddings??
ReplyDeleteIn any and all of her posts, Sarah: Makes sure readers know she was doin' outdoorsy stuff on a Sunday afternoon and havin' fun (click) - pretends she was reading an article (click) - calls people she doesn't agree with names (nuts) (click) - saying stupid things (click).
ReplyDeleteDid many Founding Fathers have southern roots? I though many of them, or at least some of them, were from Great Britain. I thought 'southern' during the Revolutionary wars was very much influenced (art, culture, architecture) by British and French culture. Today's southern culture is a mixture of different races, Caribbean, Hispanic, French Acadian, Latino, European, etc. which makes it unique and interesting.
Anon. 10:12 here. Last but not least, I accidentally missed to add African-American to the southern group list. These are all the true roots of the south and it is what makes America great.
DeleteSince Thomas Edison wasn't around during the Revolution, we really don't know what any of our founding fathers sounded like. They may have had an English accent for all that we know.
DeleteAs for the founding fathers being labelled "southern," the issue had more to do with slavery and economic issues. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution would not exist without the northern men caving in on slavery, in order to get the South to come along. There was slavery in the North, too. Years ago, we visited the home of Louisa May Alcott (who wrote Little Women). She lived in Concord, MA, and on a nearby hill, there was a sign posted that described a run-away slave named Tom, who took off, over that hill and wasn't seen again. There were also free men in the North, as we saw in "Twelve Years a Slave."
Thanks for including African-Americans who were forced to build the damn south.
Delete14 of the 33 signers of the Constitution were from the southern colonies. 15 if you count Washington.
Delete26 were born in the colonies, 4 in Ireland, 1 in England,1 in Scotland and 1 in the West Indies.
Another tea party genius , Matt Bevin , also had some palinesque thoughts about the Founding Fathers this week.
DeleteBevin is challenging Mitch McConnell in the Kentucky Republican primary.
McConnell supported a bill making the
cruel " sport " of cockfighting a federal crime.
Which sent the tea party into orbit.
To contrast himself to McConnell and shore up his tea party bona fides , last weekend
Bevin went to a Kentucky rally supporting cockfighting.
When called on this , Bevin tried to pretend he didn't understand the purpose of the rally.
Apparently he thought the bloodied and dead roosters were an ad for Chick- fil- A.
Then he doubled down and went all Palin and said that cock fighting and dog fighting
were actually sports enjoyed
by the Founding Fathers and were part of our national heritage .
“It’s interesting.
When you look at cockfighting, and dog fighting as well, this isn’t something new,”
Bevin said. “It wasn’t invented in Kentucky, for example. I mean, the Founding Fathers were all—many of them—very actively involved in this and always have been.”
He went on to say that “these things have been part of our tradition and a heritage that goes back for hundreds of years and were very integral early on in this country.”
Bevin also told an interviewer that cock fighting was a First Amendment right.
The Humane Society has called on Bevin to withdraw because he supports animal cruelty.
Palin said in October that she would weigh in on the Kentucky race.
"We're going to shake things up in 2014," Palin wrote. "Rest well tonight, for soon we must focus on important House and Senate races.
Let's start with Kentucky —which happens to be awfully close to South Carolina, Tennessee, and Mississippi — from sea to shining sea we will not give up. We've only just begun to fight."
Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2013/10/17/2881122/sarah-palin-suggests-she-will.html#storylink=cpy
Uumm... Kentucky is awfully close
to Mississippi ????
The only question unanswered is whether it will be Palin who pens a holiday themed book about cock fighting or Limbaugh who pens a children's book about cock fighting.
I made the same comment about Palin last year on another blog that we know she reads (people trying to drive her out of town but she jumps in front of them and pretends it's a parade).
ReplyDeleteWe know she gets 'fashion & haircare' tips from the expose-Palin blogs but didn't realize she is harvesting comments too. All she has to do is switch a few names and hit enter.
Sarah, here is a fashion tip for you. The Girls With Guns look makes you look even cheaper than you usually do. That line of clothing is for Girls Looking For Guys with guns looking to get laid. Pink trimmed camo is going to show up in the woods like an orangutan's red ass in the jungle. Bang, Bang, Bang....dinners going to be late. You can't get pink tacos at the Taco Bell drive-thru. Anyway, I hope not.
DeleteSarah wearing Girls With Guns is false advertising. She is a spent shell in the ammo box of life.
A Dud.
DeleteGirls with guns, about as sexy as guys with tutus.
DeleteAnon 10:53 I'm sure she means to look as cheap as possible. Her fan base thinks GWG clothes are sooo classy and chic. Gotta keep 'em happy or the PAC is gone. Snort.
DeleteWhy does that Yankee Sarah think anyone in the south needs her to speak for them? Sorry Green Screen, southerners can speak for themselves and there is nothing they hate more than some Yankee like you pretending they have an accent.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Palin's limited knowledge of Southern life has caused her to lump all Southerners into a camo-wearing undereducated group of ne'er do wells that cast their votes for God, Guns and Babies.
DeleteWhat she fails to realize is there are proud Southerners, people whose families have been in this country since the beginning. People who are educated, people who, yes, had plantations and owned slaves and fought on the wrong side during the Civil War. Many of us are still proud of our heritage, and unlike Mrs. Palin, we have evolved beyond the racism and that used to define the South. Some of us no longer live there, but are still proud of our heritage and those in our family that sought a better life, over 300 years ago, in this new country. Many of us can count family members that worked diligently to make this Country a better place for ALL, while she continues to divide Americans and adhere to the Southern stereotype that went out of fashion long ago.
Suffice it to say, a Palin daughter, even if raised in the South, would never have been in danger of being invited to present herself as a deb and be invited into polite society.
Not more than 50 years ago, "Palins" were the people that cleaned out our stables, and that is certainly all that they are qualified for, even given the wealth and fame that they have so recently acquired. Mrs. Palin fails to realize that with great fame and great wealth comes with a certain responsibility to be a leader, an example of how America works, how the freedom allowed in this country can make a great person out of one who starts with very little. However, she's in bed with the wrong crowd of rich people; she's a whore for the dividers, rather than those that can bring everyone together, regardless of political party.
Just as Mrs. Palin does in Alaska she does in the South. She glamorizes the low achievers, the uneducated and those without desire for achievement. She romances the lowest common denominator in every segment of society because they are the only ones dumb enough to be glamoured by her song and dance.
She speaks of the "chattering class" as if she really understands what that means. She's a pretender, looking in from the outside, collecting filthy lucre for spreading hate. Then again, she's been preparing for this her entire underachieving miserable life.
Anonymous 12:11
DeleteYour comment is one of the best I've read, unfortunately old stereotypes die hard. Parker put her foot in it, but Sarah smeared it a far and wide as she could. I'd say "Bless her heart" but she wouldn't realize the insult.
OMG - Palin is not, and never will be, a YANKEE. She's a carpet bagger aka tea bagger.
DeleteDid the Palin Curse strike again? Was the man from Wasilla who was arrested for murdering a child a relative of Diana's ex? What a monster.
ReplyDelete"Groovin' along"? Who the hell is she pretending she is now, Marcia Brady? I swear, every week she's a new character! (And, Toots, do you really expect us to believe you spend your Sunday afternoon reading anything but IM and the other blogs that scare the moose chili out of you? Hmmm?)
ReplyDeleteIt's called schizophrenia
DeleteNot schizophrenia.
I liked it when Marcia and her gang of prissy puss's got sprayed by Peter's science fair volcano. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia, yea, Palin is a Marcia. All attitude with no substance.
ya, she's 'groovin' along. Is that comment directed to Piper's crowd?
Deleteshe's a pos.
That's from her six year four year degree in journalism!
DeleteSix years for a possible, but not probably, 2 year degree in General Education.
DeleteWhen Sarah announces that her latest TV show is "Red, Wild and Blue," she doesn't sound like she is speaking is a smooth, melodious southern drawl. She sounds like a red neck hick. (And, I'm sorry to insult red neck hicks, but most of the people in Sarah's show sounded like that, too, and I doubt that they read liberal blogs on the internet. Sorry to offend if the literate one in their extended family is insulted).
ReplyDeleteLooking at old videos of Sarah when she was governor,she sounded different. Her voice was lower and she tried to sound as if she knew what she was doing. It was a bluff, of course, but at least she was more under control than she is now.
Maybe it's wrong to generalize about a large group of people. Many people from the South have gone on to be famous literary giants (Tennessee Williams,Truman Capote for example). But, in becoming educated and exposed to other people, most people's southern accent seems to tone down a little. Sarah, on the other hand, has affected a y'all country accent by droppin' the g's, and talkin' like an uneducated hick, unflippin'believable, geeze and all Honey Boo Boo.
Remember, in 2008 the Wasilla Wendigo affected a Fargo accent. Now she's from Alabama?
DeleteAbout the President's trip to Brussels or anywhere else for that matter. He is the President of the United States, traveling on official business. This example was pretty important, getting the support of the other (now) G7 nations to sanction Russia for invading Crimea. The President and the other leaders chose to meet face-to-face instead of by conference call because that's how they do business. The President flies in Air Force One because that's how previous presidents traveled, when there was air travel. There has to be massive security. Palin still thinks that she was the one running against President Obama, not John McCain. And by the way, when GWB landed on the aircraft carrier to announce "Mission Accomplished," which was a stunt and nothing more-- how much did that cost, and where was Palin's outrage then?
ReplyDeleteA private message from Mrs. Todd Palin, about some stuff and such:
Delete"Also too I'd like to be down there or over there or wherever the Brussels (I do not like the sprouts, just sayin') is and fly on the private President plane also to the GEE-7 as it must be a pretty great thing to engage and be in as to be invited to attend if it called a GEE-7, 'cause also GEE means wow this must be good and one GEE is good enough but 7 must be amazing!
Also too GEE is the word that I learned on my Amazing show with the dog musher lady and the GEE when said tells the dogs to turn to the right, which is also good because dogs turning to the right will also be much better than the liberal dogs who turn to the left. So if I was to be a musher then my dogs would have only a Gee and no Haw because there would not be a Palin dog that ever turned to the left, never."
ReplyDeleteOh, Screechy, is this your way of identifying yourself as the comically inadequate "shaking my head/smh/I feel sorry for you" IM troll????
Or her mother?
DeleteAnd, the smh troll makes her appearance five hours later, oblivious to BJC's insightful observation.
DeleteParody is dead, truly.
The only time she has a southern accent is when she is talking to one of racist friends other than that she has a fakeass bad-delivery fargo accent.
ReplyDeleteI'm from Fargo. So, we have an accent then? You know, I yus' don't hear it.
DeleteSay, you know sarah's married to a strange looking fella.
DeleteI noticed she didn't tweet or facebook about the new TV show--no reminder to watch the show, no 'thank you' to her 'posse', no 'thank you' to her fans after the show aired. She can't even bring herself to retweet the Sportsman Channel promotions. I don't think Brancy had anything to say about Mom's show either.
ReplyDeleteNada. "Really?!" BAM! Doubt this is what the SC had in mind. "What's up with that?!"
Another bewildering factor....
DeleteGreta didn't blog about Amazing America. She wrote two posts about Sarah's Tonight Show appearance--before and after. But nothing on Amazing America. ???
The show is cancelled already?
DeleteIf Sarah Palin were to drop dead tomorrow of a heart attack the world would be a better place.
ReplyDeleteSarah better be placed in an unmarked grave or her gravesite will reek of beer urine piss.
DeleteNow you're making this hard. I've been praying for one of the 5 conservative supreme court justices to have a major health problem, something that would prevent him from being able to serve on the court.
DeleteLet's really get in the mud, Breitbart! How fast will Miss Outrage call out THIS ad? Yeah, never.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans Destroy Their Chances With Women With One Vile Poster
That's Andrew Breitbart's MO. It's sick enough for Sarah to get her jollies.
DeleteO/T but did you see this Gryphen?
ReplyDelete...Religious right activists celebrated Mississippi’s biblical law as empowering businesses to reject the Constitution and enforce biblical law discriminating against same-sex couples in the name of Christianity, and shortly after Governor Phil Bryant signed the scriptural edict into law, head of the Family Research Center, Tony Perkins, issued a statement saying as much. The leading prospect to head a Supreme Christian Council to rule theocratic America said, “Whether it’s someone like Pastor Telsa DeBerry who was hindered by the Holly Springs city government from building a new church in the downtown area, or a wedding vendor, whose orthodox Christian faith will not allow her to affirm same-sex marriage,” the religious edict will “prevent government from discriminating against religious exercise.”
Religious exercise in fundamentalist Christians’ minds is freedom to dominate the population and void the Constitution most Americans errantly believed granted all Americans equality under the law.
"The second part of the Facebook post attacks the amount spent on Obama's trip to Brussels, because now that we have a black man in the White House suddenly we all need to be shocked at that kind of thing."
Sarah be honest if you can, if your last name was Obama do you think you would complain if you were the First Lady and traveling with President Obama?
Tell the truth Sarah, because history will show as governor of Alaska you charged (lied) the Alaska taxpayers to take your kids to functions and the ethics board made you repay for those illegal travel charges.
Sarah Palin is Jealous of the Obamas, they have class, and the Palins don't. How many Grandkids are claimed by Sarah? How many of Sarah's adult offspring with babies are married? How can a Pimp's wife complain about the President? Track must have received a BCD from the Military, since Sarah does not mention him anymore. Sarah and her Dysfunctional Family are an embarrassment to all of Alaska.
DeletePalins are also an embarrassment to the McCains. I don't think they are Facebook friends.
DeleteThere would have to be a court martial for Track to get to get a BCD so I don't think that happened. He's in for the duration until 2015... If he does not complete his contract as signed in 2008, he very well may get a BCD. He has to be clean to complete his term and it doesn't look like that's going to happen any time soon.
DeleteReview: New Sarah Palin TV Show Off to Amazing Start
ReplyDeleteBig Hollywood -
[So who is praising Sarah Palin and Amazing America? Who is Big Hollywood? Why it is that Palin kiss ass below]
Breitbart News:
That show didn't make it to the 100 most watched cable shows for that night. Sponge Bob had more viewers. Reruns of Seinfeld and Friends had more viewers than Sarah.
DeleteIt's Breitbart. Reading that sit is like reading The Onion or The Daily Currant.
DeleteChan Thion > Sarah Palin
ReplyDeleteYesterday at 9:00pm · wow! your way of looking at things amazed me !
Chan believe me, Alaska and America is amazed at John McCain for picking Wasilla's village idiot as his vp pick.
Lee Hampe > Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete4 hours ago · Sarah,
Why would you endorse Liabeth in SW FL in the primary? She is a moderate running against Tea Party conservatives. Peggy Hampe
Lee are you saying that Sarah Palin threw Tea Party Conservative Peggy Hampered under the bus? Just be happy Sarah didn't place one of her gun cross hair symbols on her name. Think positive.
Vo Jo > Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete4 hours ago near Vancouver, Canada · you should be a president united state your smart and beautiful too.i would vote for you any day.
Vo Jo good thing you live in Canada you moron. We don't pick presidents because they are beautiful. By the way did you see Sarah Palin in 2008 when she went to Hawaii after losing the presidential election for McCain? Sarah was on the beach and it was not a pretty site. Trust me, I wouldn't lie to you. Don't believe me? Check out the internet for her pictures.
good to know they have just as poorly educated rubes in Canada as we do here.
DeleteYes, unfortunately we have our fair share of uneducated trailer park mokes here as well. However, Canadians as a whole can flush them out pretty fast!
DeletePlease try to let Toronto's Chris Farley impersonator down gently.
DeleteRon Winkel > Sarah Palin
Question for you Ron, why is Sarah Palin afraid to run for president if she has more likes than NASCAR? Sarah knows better.
It's hilarious how the quitter's fans can't spell.
DeleteI find it rather humorous that her detractors seem to employ questionable grammar.
I found this precious!
DeleteRoy Fogle > Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete10 hours ago · Where are you, WE Need you. America needs you!
What do you mean WE jackass?
Zoom in on Sarah Palin in the camouflage picture. Looks like a clown did her lipstick. Her lipstick goes pass her bottom lip line.
ReplyDeleteIt's an improvement over her lip liner tattoo she thought was so hot as a Mayor of Valley Trash!
DeleteShe has tattoo eyeliner as well. The only 'real' thing about Palin is her consistent fakery.
DeleteI don't worry about the Southern state whites and klansmen opening the door to Sarah Palin. They won't take her tryst with a black man named Glen Rice too kindly. buh bye, Sarah!
ReplyDeleteEven if it only happened one time? Oh well.
DeleteWhat did Sarah do with Glenn Rice?
DeleteThere are white pornstar females that won't have sex with black men on sextapes because they would be banned from certain white male pornstars. Sarah better be careful. Do you think she should would deny being with a black man if it is true if she wants those billies and rednecks to watch her reality show Amazing America show?
DeleteI won't watch any porn stars, male or female, unless they get down with all races and also too pleasure animals. Even the least of us have our rules.
Delete3:10 PM one time is too many for Rednecks.
Delete@ 3:16 - Sarah played his flute.
DeleteEither too much botox on Sarah's left eye or she may of had a doctor pull too hard on her forehead. Her left eyebrow is pulled up too far. The left eyebrow is higher than the right one.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you write about nonsense just to write about Sarah everyday?
Why does Mrs. Palin post inflammatory ghost-written diatribes of lies to her Facebook each day if she doesn't want saner minds to debunk them?
DeleteOh look, it's the smh troll. Yawn.
Deletesmh has given 4:21 PM an orgasm when she uses her 2-toned Todd toy.
DeleteMaMcGriz • 7 hours ago
ReplyDeleteAs we've noted in the past, Sarah's way of speaking in compound and grammatically correct sentences draws criticism from folks who don't seem able to keep up with or understand such communications. Here's a good piece highlighting how that 'brain failure' or what we might call dumbing down actually occurs. Critical thinking skills are enhanced by actually reading actual books.
Besides laughing my head off that THAT, sadly, this brainiac linked to "Rob Lowe on the Problems With Being Pretty."
Sounds like MaMcGriz is trollin'. But I'm not familiar with how things go amongst the "faithful." Maybe they really believe she talks good and stuff.
DeleteMaMcGriz is just like the rest of them. Pete is my favorite, posting all his crap while on food stamps.
DeleteAnonymous 9:05 PM
And not one soul over there has told Pete to get off his lazy ass and look for a full-time steady job. Folk on food stamps are usually demeaned and put down by these good anti-government Christians but not old Pete. Why?
Out of all the things i detest about Sarah The Simple her facebook rants are tops on the list, of coarse that is about all she has left now days. This latest example would get a c grade if it were a high school assignment, no facts to back up her assertions, no research [ because that may require work and time] just the same old tired "Elitist" meme.
ReplyDeleteShe does more to divide the people of this country than anyone else using the "It's us or them" theme. Her "us" is the so called salt of the earth extreme religious uneducated minority and i do believe they are the minority. There are far more logical tolerant people in this country than them and it has to chap her ass, she keeps spinning her wheels and never gets anywhere, her pac is bleeding funds and no matter how loud she screams it's just not working as well as it used to. Scream on Sarah, bless your heart.
No one is swooning over the latest reality tv endeavor including the c4p fans and when that happens..well it's not a good sign.
By the way the Founding Fathers were considered the elites of the Colonies, most were in law, all were educated and spent a lot of time "chattering" away together to exchange ideas, opinions and find common ground for the good of the people.
I wonder what the founding fathers sounded like. Did they speak with a British accent? Was the British accent of the 1700's the same as today? Where DID that Southern drawl come from, anyway?
DeletePBS ran a special on the hillbilly accent. Allegedy it was borne of Irish and Scottish accents from the original settlers and descended into the drawl of the slaves they used.
DeleteGot an email from Senator Al Franken, Subject: sarah palin, yep I donated, best money I ever spent, and I don't even live in his State
ReplyDeleteSo what did he say? Do share the good parts.
DeleteShe posted an old photo of Senator Franken as Stuart Smalley with a clown nose alongside the regional candidate she was hired to endorse implying that he was a clown. Pretty sure there is an older post about it here at IM. It was tacky looking and probably didn't hurt his chances but it was surprising that she would hone in on him as I doubt he even knows who she is and vice versa. All she needs to know is that an assigned target is an intelligent, successful Democrat or merely liberal and she locks, loads and spews.
DeleteHis appeal for donations just mentions that it was surprising that the RW is so desperate that they are sending her in to do battle against him. I've donated twice cause I have adored him for years and have come to admire him even more for his political record. Plan to send one more before the April 30 appeal deadline.
Thanks 9:07 for the back up, @5:59, I'll share the whole email:
DeleteSubject: Sarah Palin Alert
Dear Mamie
Can I interest you in some bad news? The Supreme Court just demolished one of the few spending limits we had left, removing the overall limit on how much wealthy individuals can spend on candidates.
The Koch-backed attack group running ads against me just put out a new poll showing two of my Republican opponents within single digits-and, regardless of whether you trust their numbers, it's sure to egg on more right-wing attacks.
Oh, and sarah palin is now involved in the race-she just endorsed the Republican who, according to the Koch-affiliated poll, is only three points down.
So, that's just a whole bunch of unsettling developments, right in a row. Sorry, but hopefully, it put you in the mood to do something about it.
We need to raise $200,000 by April 30th to maintain our advantage in this race, can you help out by contributing $5 today?
Kathleen Parker took umbrage with a dazed and confused Akanasan who used the word "angst" properly in a sentence? First of all, Kathleen Parker isn't a liberal east coast elitist, she's a Republican Pundit, so Sarah's totally off her rocker.
ReplyDeleteI've been waiting with bated breath for Sarah's "Why doesn't Obama call the people in Amsterdam so they can help build a dam and find that jet that sank in the ocean? All it takes is a phone call!", but I suppose Ram put the kaybosh on that idea.
I love the southern reference in this part :
Ah... this nice Sunday afternoon has been groovin' along so enjoyably, and then – BAM – " Say that out loud with a Gomer Pyle accent, and ask yourself what the hell is Granny trying to say?
And, yes, she WOULD proudly wear white sheets and a hood if it meant more money in her PAC.
Hey, it's Sunday! Why wasn't Palin in church, then at home reeading her Bible? Sunday is the Lord's day.
DeleteLet's get to the point. Sarah Palin has a long list of people who are on her grudge-list. The first names that come to mind are Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, Barack Obama (of course!), and Kathleen Parker is on that list, too.
ReplyDeleteHere is an article that KP wrote in September, 2008:
http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/225784/palin-problem/kathleen-parker Just line will do it. ":Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League."
"Palin filibusters. She repeats words, filling space with deadwood. Cut the verbiage and there’s not much content there. Here’s but one example of many from her interview with Hannity: “Well, there is a danger in allowing some obsessive partisanship to get into the issue that we’re talking about today. And that’s something that John McCain, too, his track record, proving that he can work both sides of the aisle, he can surpass the partisanship that must be surpassed to deal with an issue like this.”
There are a long list of headlines of columns that Parker has written about Palin which are not flattering to Palin.
"Palin sits out 2012. There is a God."
May, 2011 "McCain chose Palin for her looks."
In 2013, Palin made a this comment, "“I say this as someone who’s kind of fertile herself.” which prompted a column about the fertility of Sarah Palin.
Parker has written many more columns which are critical of Sarah, and finally, at long last, Sarah found some trivial way to strike back-- people who talk with southern accents. The way that Sarah devours the English language, chews it up and mangles it, spits it out in mean girl word salad-- Palin is in no position to offer criticism. Palin's speech is worse than that of an uneducated person from the backwoods. Palin claims to have a degree in journalism. She sounds as if she is still in high school, in some backwater town where sounding dumb is the way that people speak.
$creech's new TeeVee show sure didn't get any mentions in the news or blog spheres. Did it air already?? LOL
ReplyDeletePlastic Sarah, pull her string and she will say the same old thing.
ReplyDeleteA cliche here a cliche there, and something about a Mama Grizzly bear!
If asked a question she will balk and proceed to further sqwack" Listen to Me! c4p. I am smart as smart as I can be!"
Send her your nickles, throw in some dimes, it's so hard to be a misunderstood patriot in these end times.
Three years ago, but I'm posting the link. Nothing has changed but her deeper slide into madness.
It is interesting that women saw through Sarah Palin right away. The moment I heard her mean-girl speech at the convention, I heard those nasty girls from high school who had disappeared from my memory long ago. The female reporters: Katie Couric, Kathleen Parker, Peggy Noonan saw right through Palin. As professionals, they tried to give her a break, in the spirit of giving someone of their gender a break. Instead of working with the reporter, Palin saw Couric's questions as traps, gotcha questions, someone making fun of her. Sarah knew how to dazzle the men, but I don't think that she could fool all of the women. (I'll have to make an exception for the star struck gals in the Pee Pond who worship her like a rock star, but smart women see right through Palin.)
ReplyDeleteThe female reporters: Katie Couric, Kathleen Parker, Peggy Noonan should have ripped Sarah Palin a new asshole. If they did we wouldn't be putting up with her fake bullshit now.
Delete@6:59 They were as critical as their profession allowed them to be. When Peggy Noonan first heard Palin speak, she said (not realizing the the microphone was on), "We are so screwed." Later, she was made to walk the comment back and apologize. Katie Couric was on David Letterman's show and he asked about her interview with Sarah Palin. In an unguarded moment, Couric said that there was worse that was left on the cutting room floor. Dave leaned in, asking, "What else did she say?" Katie realized that she had said too much and said that she could not talk about it.
DeleteThere is a rule in serious reporting (newspapers, TV, other media) that the reporter should not reveal anything other than what was printed in the article or shown on TV. It is inappropriate to describe things that were said off the record, or didn't end up in the finished piece. In some places, it's in the contract.
Tina Fey was allowed more latitude because that was satire. Bill Maher protects his political jokes by saying, "Oh, I kid Sarah Palin." That means that it wasn't a mean-spirited thing that he was saying, it was a joke, which is protected under the first amendment.
Do you think Sarah Palin will go back to Alaska to see Trig before Trig turns 11 years old?
ReplyDeleteDon't think so. Self centered Sarah Palin is having too much fun getting attention by herself.
DeleteHas anybody asked Trig if he wants to see Sarah? Remember Trig's first week of school? Sarah may have seen Trig on his first day but she took off hunting after that. It's sad Sarah didn't stay home to encourage and share in his happiness.
DeleteOut of the blue, came across someone, and I WILL talk in riddles to protect her. Everything we've always thought about $arah is true. Right down to Trig.
DeleteNo need to talk in riddles about Sarah Palin. We KNOW she's a liar and did not give birth to anyone after Piper was born. She's a nitwit who was protected by her father and her boyfriend her entire life because she is an IDIOT. She used to be pretty so had some value as long as she didn't talk. Her mouth had uses. She is still protected by her father and her boyfriendS. Some things never change.
DeleteI've been wondering about that picture of Sarah Palin in the white outfit. It's obviously photoshopped to add the hood and badge, but I wondered when the original picture was taken.
ReplyDeleteApparently it was in October 2008 when Palin flew to Tampa Florida and met up with Charlie Crist and Mel Martinez (Geoffrey Dunn wrote that she wanted to refuse to even stand next to Crist because he was pro-choice -- nasty judgmental bitch that she is)
and http://www.theodoresworld.net/pics/1008/clearwaterImage2.jpg
That white jacket/blouse is so frumpy it looks like something Palin bought on her own.
I believe, if memory serves, that this Florida trip happened just after it was reported that she was ordering/buying all these expensive clothes/shoes/underwear, etc., for both herself and the entire family on the campaign's dime. After that, she started wearing "her own" clothes (according to her) that she claimed she bought at a consignment store in Wasilla. And I think we've all seen photos of her "stylish" attire as Governor.
DeleteSarah will not be back in Alaska anytime soon.
I feel bad for the gulf coast, they are about to experience another toxic disaster.
Did you read her bio? Among the "stretching the truth" and photo from 2008- they wrote:"She received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communications-Journalism from the University of Idaho in 1987.
DeleteSarah must have gotten the department mixed up with the degree since U of Idaho only has a journalism degree. Guess that happens when you don't graduate and have a diploma.
Just to add some additional info about Kathleen Parker that may serve to better explain where she was coming from on Meet the Press, not that you'd expect the imbecile Sarah Palin to be fully informed or comprehend what she's hearing before she shoots off her white trash mouth.
ReplyDeleteKathleen Parker grew up in Winter Haven, Florida, and currently lives with her attorney husband and three sons in Camden, South Carolina.
I think she may have taken umbrage at ads that always depict (or feature) southern people as back country, uneducated rubes, when the south is also home to many, many smart, educated, professional people who may still have an accent, but speak in grammatically correct sentences. Yes, even in Arkansas.
Anyway, I'm thinking she assumed that everyone around the Meet the Press table would understand that she was actually speaking in defense of people in the south (because they, and anyone who is familiar with her as a journalist, know that she lives in South Carolina). As for Sarah Palin, I'd hazard a guess that Kathleen Parker's response to her stupidity would be "Sigh. Consider the source."