Saturday, April 26, 2014

Pastor challenging Lindsey Graham for the GOP nomination in South Carolina says that divorce is caused by women loving their children too much. Wait, what?

Courtesy of Politico:  

Det Bowers, a pastor challenging Lindsey Graham in the South Carolina GOP Senate primary, once blamed women for causing most divorces — even when husbands are unfaithful to their wives. 

During a sermon on the Book of Peter delivered at the Christ Church of the Carolinas, Bowers said it was an “abominable idolatry” when wives love their children more than their husbands, arguing that’s what causes divorces most of the time. He added that in the “vast preponderance” of situations where men are adulterous, women are to blame because they have showered too much emotion on their children instead of their husbands. 

“And yet, I find that in about 95 percent of broken marriages, though the husband’s the one that ran out on his wife, the wife loves her children more than she does her husband,” Bowers said in an audio recording obtained by POLITICO. “That is an abominable idolatry.” 

Bowers added, his voice rising: “Do you hear me ladies? It is an abominable idolatry to love your children more than you love your husband, and it will ruin your marriage. And yet you blame it on him because he ran off with some other woman! He did run off with some other woman, and you packed his bags. All of his emotional bags, you packed for him. Is that true in every case? No, but it’s true in the vast preponderance of them. 

“You just ran him off. You paid more attention to your children than you did to him,” he said. “‘Oh, he doesn’t need me?’ He needs you more than they do. He chose you, they didn’t. An abominable idolatry.” 

So to be clear this guy think that even if a man cheats on his spouse, that it is STILL the woman's fault if the man feels that she loves their kids more than she loves him.

And remember, as a pastor this guy undoubtedly provided marriage counseling to members of his congregation.

You know I am just a Philistine and do not really understand religious people all that much, but in my mind there is no way to love your children too much.

And in my experience, of which I have more than my share, what makes marriages break up is a lack of love within the union, not too much love.

I expect mothers to love their children with every fiber of their being, and I don't think I would respect them if they did not. If a man cannot handle that it is on him, not her problem.


  1. Leland2:32 AM

    Do these idiots LOOK for people who embarrass their state? Geez. I am starting to feel that even Alabama isn't this damned stupid!

    Every time these fools turn around they have discovered another way for me to be shamed by my state!

    1. detroitsam6:11 PM

      The republicans in Alabama ARE just as stupid. Palin was just in AL slinging her muck against Obama and the local yokels just ate it up.

  2. Anonymous2:36 AM

    When Reince Preibus or any other gop leaders say they are making great strides in having a bigger tent for their party, it doesn't help their cause at all because of idiots like this pastor. They will never be able to get all these assholes on message. The true message from the gop keeps shining through from the war on women, to wanting blacks to be slaves. They won't stop their backwards fight until only old, white men have the right to vote. Well, gop, you are going to be outnumbered no matter how you play the game.

  3. Anonymous3:31 AM

    What a nutcase! And such a fine example of GOP manhood! He'll do lots to lead the GOP in its "let's-look-like-we-care-about-women" sham. How dumb would anyone be to vote for this idiot. He must not like his wife or his mother. And what does he think of his children? Of anyone's children?

    1. detroitsam6:13 PM

      I'm curious about his wife. What kind of woman would link herself to this man?

  4. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Well gee, this explains why old Todd stays with Sarah. We have seen how she puts him ahead of her kids. Or is that she puts fame and a paycheck ahead of her kids. Oh, wait, and he cheated on her anyway. I'm so confused.

  5. So, this jealous man-child mama's boy who resented every bit of attention his small, dependent children received from their responsible, adult mother who should have been paying attention to him, only him! has extrapolated his dysfunction to the entire population of parents.

    What a smug, damaged, pathetic ass. I guess it is too late for him to ever become a responsible man, let alone father. Regardless of the standard glowing-picture-of-candidate's-family on his website, what a smiling cauldron of simmering rage against women and children he must be to live with.

  6. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Gryphen as a woman I would like to thank you for standing up against these morons. Men like you, guys who love and respect their counterparts, are what keeps my faith in mankind.
    If you cheat own it, don't blame everyone else. So much for the party of personal responsibility.... hypocrites and liars they are

  7. Chenagrrl7:22 AM

    And sister sarry will be endorsing in 3, 2, 1 . . .

  8. Anonymous8:16 AM

    They are trying to demean women some more. Don't ever go against what a man says or does.. Even sell the kids if he says to. You know love the man more than the children. Everything is being said and being shown, slaves for the rich, companies, is coming soon. Really my personal feelings are that , too many women put men first. instead of what is good for their children.. You have to be careful who you bring into your home and protect those children. That goes for men also. These idiots make me so mad with this crap. Any person with good sense would run him out of town

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      i am in complete agreement with you

  9. Boscoe8:33 AM

    ROFL Wow... the Republicans are really going all out with their "white gun-owning men are victims, please pity us" agenda.

    So to recap: the government that isn't trying to take our guns is totally trying to take our guns, The Negroe is a lazy genetic dead-end that was better off as a slave, paying women less is a good thing for women, gays having the same rights as everyone else = special privileges, Christians who want to force everyone else to live by their beliefs are persecuted, inner city people who can't find jobs because there aren't enough to go around are moochers, but white rednecks who think they should get to operate private businesses on public land for free are "patriots", and it's white men who are really being discriminated against.

    I know I've left something out...

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      You left out the part that says the GOP/TP's "big tent" is full of crazy people.

    2. fromthediagonal11:23 AM

      Yup, Boscoe, the "Me, Myself and I" frightened mindset of these nincompoops, aka self declared "Conservatives" seem to be in overdrive.

      The question is this: "What are they conserving"? My answer (Please correct me if I am wrong) is this:

      Fear of losing the White Male Privilege of the 18th Century with which they imbue the Constitution.

      Unfortunately for them, Time has moved on, from the "One White Male who is a Land Owner" to "One Vote for All" in the 20th Century.

      As we approach the middle of the second decade of the 21st century, too many of our populace have been deceived and beaten down by the propaganda of the so-called "Job Creators", the Uber Wealthy who, in trying to protect their ill-gotten wealth, their oligarchy, have fed into the ancient tribal fears of "the Other", rather than coming together with those who look forward to accepting Interdependence.

  10. This type of immature jealousy can lead to child abuse, even murder. Boyfriends of single mothers are notorious for this.

  11. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I had a mother in law like him! She sat me down to dictate I could not finish college, must no longer allow the children to have any activities or her son, my husband, would do what a man she knew did have an affair. She told me I must stay at home at all times and the same for the children! In reality her son did not give a damn about any one's needs nor wants. 100% for him exactly like his mother. Sociopaths!

  12. Monica9:47 PM

    I love the love spell that Prophet Mike did for me which helped me to get my husband back we are back together it worked perfectly well.... my neighbor down the street said he kept driving up and down the street looking for me. Prophet Mike you are really a great spell caster i remember the day i saw your email, i never believed that it was going to work but you assured me that you are going to prove yourself to me and you really did so is my time to prove myself to you too by telling people the good work that you have done for me, thank you Prophet Mike


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