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"I meant what I said, and I say what I meant, I am just an idiot 100%." |
Actions to stop terrorists who’d utterly annihilate America and delight in massacring our innocent children? Darn right I’d do whatever it takes to foil their murderous jihadist plots – including waterboarding. Whatever one thinks of my one-liner at the NRA rally about treating evil terrorists the way they deserve to be treated to prevent the death of innocent people, it’s utterly absurd for MSNBC to suggest that I could put our beloved troops in harm’s way, but we’ve come to expect the absurd from that failing network. If you want to talk about what really harms our troops, let’s talk about politicians who gut our military’s budgets, or a president whose skewed budgetary priorities slash military benefits, or an administration that puts our vets on endless waiting lists for care that comes too late to help those who’ve paid the price for our freedom, or those who break bread with those who think it makes no difference how our military heroes died in Benghazi or anywhere else trying to protect America. Those actions are a heck of a lot more harmful than declaring an appropriate message our enemies should receive. If some overly sensitive wusses took offense, remember the First Amendment doesn’t give you a right not to be offended. Perhaps hypocritical folks who only want Freedom of Speech to apply to those who agree with their liberal agenda might want to consider that the evil terrorists who were the brunt of my one-liner would be the first to strip away ALL our rights if given the chance. That’s why we do whatever we can to prevent them from killing innocent people. And for that, we should NEVER apologize. Good Lord, critics... buck up or stay in the truck. And if you love freedom, thank our troops! Thank our vets! And thank those who have the brains to support them and the guts to defend what they have earned!
- Sarah Palin
Well it looks like SOMEBODY'S ghostwriter stepped out for a quick smoke and left the Wasilla Wendigo pounding on her keyboard. "Overly sensitive wusses?" Really?
Of course as everybody outside of the Bush administration will now admit, torture did not keep Americans safe, nor did it help to find Osama Bin Laden.
In fact as this Daily Beast article explains, it actually hurt the U.S.:
We will never know how much information the U.S. lost because it failed to use time-tested, effective, and humane methods of interrogation. We will never know how many years earlier bin Laden could have been captured and how many lives spared if, instead of whisking them off to a prison outside the law, the U.S. had instead charged Mohammed and al Libi in federal courts and treated them properly and in accordance with due process. We do know that bin Laden’s death does not end the threat terrorists pose to the U.S. and other nations. But we also know that the best way to guard against future attack is by rejecting the use of torture outright and staying faithful to the rule of law and basic tenets of decency. This is true not only because it is the right thing to do, but because it works.
All Palin has demonstrated with her truly horrific remarks is that she knows NOTHING about fighting terrorism, and nothing about how much American lost when it allowed fear to frighten it into forget who we are, and what we once stood for.
And now she has helped to remind people what a colossal mistake it would have been to let her anywhere NEAR the White House, and the office of the President.
This just showed up in my inbox. She's pissing people off.
Here is another. Don't let the headline fool you Sarah- they think you and the waterboarders damage the country.
it was in mine,too.
Deletei signed in 30 seconds
Wow ! She might very well piss off her core Evangelical base.
DeleteIf Sarah Palin spoke for Christians that would start a religious war, like WW3. It is bad enough Bristol Palin has been writing about the American Pastor who tried to sell Christianity in Iran. Bristol and her mother have put him in grave danger. Now Sarah speaking, as if a Christian, to baptize by water boarding is far too lunatic and dangerous not to get her put away.
DeleteChristians and Republicans need to do much more then write articles. She is a traitor and a vile threat against humanity and our country. She must be sanctioned and more. It is up to the Christian Church and the Republican Party to do the right thing. Make our country safer, get rid of the blight..
Can Christians address blasphemy in the 21st century? I am curious as to why they would not defend the Holy Spirit? I am beginning to wonder if there are any Christians left on the earth. If there is a Christian they will address her blasphemous ways and her unforgivable sin.
The more she talks the more she becomes marginal to all but a bunch of glue sniffers who idolize her because their own brains are too addled to even comprehend what a menace she is to the rest of society. In two years she'll be out front of the lunatic fringe before she self-destructs completely.
ReplyDeleteGoogle tells me that an awful lot of people have been doing searches of Palin's religious background. It won't take a minute to learn that the auld skank hasn't stepped foot in a church in years, and even then it wasn't for a church service.
Christians are finally going to find out that she's not one of them. Boy oh boy, they are going to be pissed, you know how they get. Popcorn time!
Please continue Governor Palin. Please continue.
ReplyDeleteMust. Buy. Popcorn!!!
OMG - please keep talking $arah. Pleeeeeezzzzzeeeee!!!!
and people still ignore her.
DeleteFunny, Biden has said FAR worse things. Actually, Obama himself has said bad things casually.
and people still ignore her.
DeleteFunny, Biden has said FAR worse things. Actually, Obama himself has said bad things casually.
Right. Never has Joe Biden put our troops in the kind of danger that a President Palin would have. Never. And never has President Obama called anyone hateful names, stamped his foot, and whined. Nor will he. Both men are adults, and not spoiled little 50 year olds who think they still matter.
Delete6:08 -- please give examples of what the Vice President and President have said that have been ignored.
DeleteBiden occasionally puts his foot in his mouth. But never, ever, in a mean vindictive way like Palin continually does. And she does it with prepared remarks. The best description of her spiel that I've seen is "trashy hatred". That should be her hashtag, http://www.patheos.com/blogs/publiccatholic/2014/04/gobsmacked-by-sarah-palin/
DeleteAnonymous 6:08, you are out of your frickin' mind. Joe Biden has never endorsed a war crime, let alone proclaim that he would proudly commit it. Palin is a monster.
DeletePalin and her worker bees have their butts chaffed over Biden. His son actually served in the military and worked in a combat zone. Sarah had to make stuff up, she keeps him hidden in a garage, the best she can talk on camera about him is his warrior body and tattoos.The Biden son can also hold down a job. Sarah's son has been chronically unemployed in spite of their nepotism on a crappy reality TV show.
DeleteCan your sorry ass link to some of the things Biden has said that are worse than, for example, Sarah putting crosshairs on people who disagree with her and voted for a bill she didn't like and telling her lunatic followers to TAKE 'EM OUT! AND TO RELOAD? Has Biden ever told Obama to grow a big stick? How about some footage of Biden joking about nuclear war with Russia? When has he ever compared being criticized to blood libel against Jews? How 'bout you tell us when Biden wrote a book wherein he DELIGHTED in buying his spouse a gun just because normal human beings in this country were mourning 20 precious, innocent children who were slaughtered like animals in their first grade classroom, and the country was actually trying to come together to find a way to make sure it never happens again. and we know Sarah can't have that. She thought it was SOOO cute that she got a gun for her husband simply because she is a fucking sociopath who is so fucking petty and craven that she would torment the parents of these poor babies and disrespect the memory of the children who were sacrificed on the right wing altar of gun worship, (not only at Newtown but all over the country every fucking day) to make herself feel "tough". When has Joe Biden EVER done such a thing?
I have not even scratched the surface of all the insane, cruel, heartless, stupid and hypocritical shit this woman has said and done. So back up what you say with evidence, or fuck off and die you fucking lying twat. Sarah is a blasphemer and a hateful, ugly shitbag. EVERYTHING she does, including personal gift-giving to her husband, apparently, is based on and inspired by her sick hatred of EVERYONE she considers her enemy, and the little fantasy that she will piss off those poeple she imagines to be out to get her. Which naturally makes her gifts for her husband ALL ABOUT HER! Is that how you would treat YOUR husband??
Oh wait, my bad, you don't have a husband because it's hard to meet someone if you're sitting on your fat ass trying to stir up shit on this blog (among others) day after day with nary a clue how pathetic and obvious your posts are. You are annoying as all hell, but it is fun to see you getting bitch-smacked all over these posts. I'm suprised you aren't dead from all the beat-downs you get here, but apparently you love it because you are FUBAR. I'm also suprised you haven't cut your wrists yet since you're worthless and stupid just like your queen. We own both of you so eat a bag of dicks, jackass.
Many who read and comment here are amused by Mrs. Palin's lack of gravitas, reason and education and her propensity to babble incoherent nonsense but every now and again it becomes crystal clear what a vile and dark individual she truly is. She is a cauldron of venom and poison, a truly gothic creature that might as well have sprung from the imagination of Mary Shelly or Bram Stoker.
ReplyDeleteWell, even Frankenstein's monster had a good side.
DeleteShe is the prophesied AntiChrist.
DeleteNo, she is driving people away...isn't the anti-Christ supposed to be a likable guy who attracts people to him? She is even driving away the GOP now...there will soon be no one left but her advisors and her leftover postage stamps.
DeleteI'm probably going to get jumped on, but I think Granny Hollywood is right. I think every member of an anti-American secessionist groups and anti American militias should be arrested and waterboarded. I think they could actually start in AK with the AIP, all present and past members and those that seemed "friendly" with those home grown terrorists
ReplyDeleteWhich would include Sarah Palin and Todd Palin. She spoke before the group (AIP) as 'quitter' gov of Alaska and Todd was a member for 8 years (AIP) although she tried to deny it when on the ticket w/McCain. A member of the McCain team called her out on her lie about the fact Todd, indeed, was a paid member (AIP) for eight years...they had secured proof of it. Refer to: "Game Change" = fact/proof.
DeleteI'd love to see the two of them water boarded/baptized - even better it would be a hoot to have it on national TV for the world to watch. Damn, but it would be fun!
May she rot in Hell and may her death and removal from this earth come quickly.
@4:56 I'm jumping on you for being too nice. You should have called them exactly what they are-- domestic terrorists. And you know how we treat terrorists. No trial. No charges. No rights. Here comes your baptism, LOL.
DeleteOh, so you endorse the war crime of torture.
DeleteShe is such a lunatic! And how very childish to call people "wusses". When she said "...those who break bread with those who think it makes no difference how our military heroes died in Benghazi...." she made a not-so-veiled slam against John McCain (who will be honoring Hillary Clinton in Sedona, AZ). There is no way that this looney toon will EVER be in a position of power.
ReplyDeleteTerrific, another "blood libel" scree.
ReplyDeletecheaper than hiring a ghost writer for the speech, a videographer and having to deliver a speech. She just ran that thing off without thinking.
DeleteShe's a very foolish person. By saying what she says in public, she puts Americans and their allies in danger. The enemies may never have had the urge to terrorize this week, but with the foolish woman on steroids wishing waterboarding on them and baptizing them into western christianity, she enrages them into riots and possibly deadly attacks.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how this stupid woman defends it, she puts military who are embedded near possible enemies at risk by what she said. If one of her children were kidnapped by bullies and they heard a school official threatening the bullies with torture if they get caught, would she be happy about that? Wouldn't she be begging that school official to shut up not to intensify a situation and put ideas in their heads? Sarah Palin is doing exactly that - there are westerners incarcerated in Islamic prisons and are at the mercy of their prison guards.
They should know that no one here supports this stupid woman or her stupid comments. She should get a visit by the Pentagon.
All it took to spark riots in Libya was that anti-Muslim film. Sarah's joke was a not-very-funny anti-Muslim remark. Baptizing a Muslim, ha ha ha. Very funny. That will teach them. Oh, I can say that. I have the First Amendment on my side.
DeleteWell, Sarah, those people criticizing your stupid joke also have the same freedom of speech. She can dish it out, but she can't take it.
I get what you're saying, but there is no one on God's earth who thinks that Sarah Palin speaks for the US government.
DeleteNo one thought the producer, director or writer of the anti-Muslim film that brought on the deaths in Benghazi spoke for the US government.
Delete7:12 PM ???
Anon 5:05 You are applying reason and critical thinking skills that Palin has neither of.
DeleteWhen McCain makes his next remarks to the press about how ineffective the President is in dealing with Putin and Ukraine, some reporter better ask him about Palin's grotesque remarks.
ReplyDeleteThey better grill him mercilessly about this harridan on the Sunday morning shows.
Also, as despicable as the waterboarding/baptism remark was, why is there no outrage over, "ammo is expensive. Don't waste a bullet on a warning shot"?
Did she say that?
DeleteAbout Us
Palin: 'Waterboarding Is How We'd Baptize Terrorists' If I Were in Charge
April 28, 2014 - 2:52 PM
"She also took a jab at Vice President Joe Biden's self-defense advice to women:
"Remember when he told women before an assault, just fire a warning shot until the cops show up. Yea, just aim up in the air - that was his directive, his advice. Well, fine, Joe Squirt Gun - if your rapist is a bird," Palin said. "Gals, you know that now-a-days ammo is expensive. Don't waste a bullet on a warning shot."
"Maybe our kids could be defended against criminals on the spot if more Mama Grizzlies carried. And [the] Obama administration wants you ID'd for that? Well, then go ahead and carry a sign too. A sign that says: 'Yeah, I carry a gun - because a cop is too heavy,'" Palin said, drawing cheers from the crowd."
@7:14 Yes. The context was women protecting themselves.
DeleteStand your ground. Shoot first, ask questuions later. Second Amendent Rights. American exceptualisism. Common core values. A gun in every home. The NRA speaks through their puppet Sarah.
DeleteEd Henry is a slimy little Fox Wimp.
DeleteI am not a religious person, but even I was shocked by her remarks about baptism and waterboarding. Even I understand what a sacred thing Baptism is, and would never joke about it.
ReplyDeleteIsn't baptism by torture pretty much what the Inquisition did? So now we're supposed to return to that? My dear God almighty.
DeleteI still love her comment re: "Well, if I were in charge" ...
ReplyDeleteHa, what a coward. She could have ran in 2012, yet she didn't as she's a tease rather than a real and true leader.
Torturing is wrong, and a little Niemoller is in order for the good reason why.
ReplyDeleteAt first, they came for......
Sarah Palin thinks it's CUTE to talk such evil about people she considers evil, but she doesn't consider that there are circumstances in which others would consider HER the evil one and then SHE would be the one tortured with others laughing with glee at her plight. In other words, Sarah, why don't you try following the words of the guy you claim to follow, and pick one: Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.......Be good to your enemies; be kind to those who do you harm...Father, forgiv her for she knows not what she does.
A real Christian would love, not hate.
Jesus wept.
Yes, and thaank you.
DeleteAt a recent meeting for dentists, the speaker made a Sarah Palin joke, and stated she was why McCain lost. Everyone laughed and applauded. Even to this group she is a big joke.
DeleteSarah sees enemies all over the place - now dentists will be on her list. She is the most defensive and reactive idiot on the planet.
DeleteWhen will she finally realize that most of us think she is a total joke? She surely isn't a politician, entertainer, good wife, good mother, good sexual object, good in the sack and on and on.
worth a read:
Finally someone just says it. "It is simply unacceptable for a person who has held the high office of governor of one of these 50 states and who was the nominee for Vice President of the United States of America of one of our two major political parties to talk trashy hatred like this." Trashy Hatred. Exactly what it is.
Deletelol, try to comment there. if you were banned by bristles you're banned there. do tawd, sarah & the frenches own patheos?
DeleteDoes a ban by any of the Patheos bloggers ban the poster from all Patheos blogs? If it does then I have an idea. Maybe a new blog at Patheos to draw the Palin faithful and a little banning... BWAHAHAHA
DeletePlease quick somebody photoshop this pic and change her valleytrash t-shirt to Trashy Hatred.
DeletePatheos also hosts Atheist and other Non-Theist bloggers. It's not just about the xtians.
$arah knows nothing and she's not about to learn anything. What a waste of oxygen.
ReplyDeleteShe always comes off sounding like a rightwing troll commenting on a left wing blog...
ReplyDeleteLOOK AT ME !!! Look how obnoxious I'm willing to be to get your attention !
Hey $arah, please explain how torture fulfills Jesus' commandments to love thy enemy, turn the other cheek and be thy brother's keeper? I guess you must be one of those fake "Christians" who will pull old testament quotes out of your ass all day if they seem to justify whatever hateful nonsense you're attempting to justify, and then forgets entirely everything the guy your religion is named after said to do.
ReplyDeleteBravo, you're either a lying charlatan who seeks only to scam money from the stupid, or you're gonna burn in hell. Or both.
Let me get this straight, she calls waterboarding baptism and offends c o n s e r v a t i v e s and Christians by doubling down on her original comment. Who gets to say who the "enemy" is in "Sarah world"?
ReplyDeleteDumber than a box of rocks, and she's proud of it!
The enemy in her head is the voice that talks to her...
DeleteI think Eminem pegged her, 'She's friends with the monsters under her bed. Gets along with the voices in her head.'
DeleteIf Palin had any balls, she'd be advocating crucifixion as a form of torture for Muslims. I hope someone asks her if she'd support it along with water boarding.
ReplyDeleteLike Daenerys in Game of Thrones last night, she had some evil people crucified!
DeleteAre we tired yet of that stupid little phrase about "stay in the truck" ????? Hey you PhuckUP, why don't you get UNDER the truck!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, and also "so long, Benghazi to know ya!"
This latest Palinista rant makes me think that Fred Phelps has been reincarnated into her hollow head...
There, you made me laugh.
DeleteWow did MSNBC really piss her off! Notice she completely omits any discussion of using baptism to apply the violence to those suspects. I'd say that Costa's WAPO article was just about the final word.
Thanks to John McCain, we have the Queen of the Idiocracy, a clueless gift that keeps on giving.
ReplyDeleteBest quotes from the movie "Idiocracy". They all fit Mrs. Palin's crazy speeches!
"And thank those who have the brains to support them and the guts to defend what they have earned!"
ReplyDeleteHey, twat, what about those who would put them in harm's way for purposes of satisfying their fragile egos? Fucking idiot.
Folks, how many breaths of air did Palin take during the typing of her brainless rant?
ReplyDeleteDefinitely reminiscent of the quitter speech where she was gasping like a fish. Hey Mrs. Palin, you forgot to address the REAL Christians, who are pretty upset at your flippant mocking of Baptism.
Deletekeep digging, baldy.
DeleteSarah cannot take criticism of any kind at all without responding. The response is worse. Each time she tries to justify it, it gets worse. Sarah will never run for President, NEVER! That's a two year non-stop round of speeches, interviews, debates and being criticized. One flub and you're out. Sarah wouldn't last a week. (One flub? Ask Rick Perry how those three things worked out.)
ReplyDeleteHarry Truman said, "If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen." Sarah cannot take any criticism at all, and her immature, unthinking response is the reason that she can never run for any public office.
She's starving to death before our very eyes. Running for POTUS is the least of her goals. I'd have to say surviving until next year is a major goal for her in her current emaciated state.
DeleteAt this rate, when she does die, she won;t become the martyr she already thinks she is. Everyone will just go, "Finally." And no, Sarah, no one will ever think of naming you a saint. Not even the Devil himself, who will be greeting you with open arms.
DeletePalin and the Koch brothers just might be three of the most dangerous people in our country today.
ReplyDeleteThe idea that she might have been one old, sick heartbeat away from the Presidency is truly terrifying.
Luckily for us John McCain lied to Letterman and was called out for it live. Thanks Dave Letterman. Almost as big a fail as Nixon's "I am not a crook speech".
Delete"Dodge a bullet" has never been more apropos.
Delete"Baptizing" doesn't appear in the facebook rant. Palin is expert at burying her blunders in a flood of distraction.
ReplyDeletePalin is steeped in the mindless rhetoric that appeals to bible-clingers. She used "baptize" to stimulate the minds that will respond with coins into Sarah's PAC. And now, she believes she can make rational people forget it. She plays this game well, it's worked for her all her life. How to stop her? Nail her big lie. She was NOT pregnant in April 2008.
Mrs. Palin hadn't been pregnant since 2001. Some believe that pregnancy was not via Todd either since he was away fishing when she became pregnant.
DeleteUmmm...hasn't her running mate, Cranky McCain, long been a vocal opponent of torture? It is way past time for him to speak out against the dangerous and nasty filth coming from Palin.
ReplyDeleteI will NEVER forgive him for unleashing that vile, ugly, hateful, destructive force on our country.
Cranky claims to be an opponent of torture. He is also a liar and a crooked politician.
DeleteI will never forgive McCain either! He's too old and too senile to run for Senator again. I recommend he come clean about Palin and try to rid himself of this stinnky dead albagtross he has tied to his neck before he croaks..
ReplyDeleteKeep talking Sarah. You've pissed off a lot of people, even more than when you said that offensive thing about "blood libel." Don't apologize, Sarah. Say it again and again and again until everyone takes notice and has something to say about it. Then say it again, even louder.
Then, maybe you'll get the attention you deserve (although it won't be the attention you want).
Racism in sports is stealing all of the attention from Sarah. Maybe she should say something racist next time.
DeleteHa! Sarah will fuck them but won't be seen with them. Won't let her daughter Bruistolo be seen with them either.. but fucking them oki?
DeleteOH well girls will be girls.
She's trying once again to win the Zuckerberg Prize for "longest sentence ever written on Facebook."
ReplyDeleteIt's right there in the middle of her jumbled-up screed:
"If you want to talk about what really harms our troops, let’s talk about politicians who gut our military’s budgets, or a president whose skewed budgetary priorities slash military benefits, or an administration that puts our vets on endless waiting lists for care that comes too late to help those who’ve paid the price for our freedom, or those who break bread with those who think it makes no difference how our military heroes died in Benghazi or anywhere else trying to protect America."
Plus, Sarah, all that "innocent" business is transparent manipulation.
Sarah, please name the four Americans killed at Benghazi, and explicate, in detail, what you would have done if you had been "in charge" during the attack.
Finally, you're trying really hard to ignore the fact that many, many people of all political persuasions were appalled by your reference to waterboarding and baptism. You may have thought that was a clever line, but you transgressed the boundaries of true Christians by making your headline-catching remark. Now you ignore that half of your remark and pretend you're "innocent." Do you think people won't remember your offensive denigration of the sacrament of baptism? Do you even know what a sacrament is?
How can Sarah pretend to have been a journalism major when she cannot write clear, simple sentences? She writes the way she talks. It's a mess. Now, we're going to have to keep a running score on the longest sentences from Sarah's Facebook. I guess the easiest way to measure it would be most words in a sentence.
DeleteShe has been talking to Track too much and this talk of hers fits right in with his view. He is paid for research. They really believe their crap and think it is based on internet "facts".
DeleteAmphetamine Annie used to use rilly long sentences
DeleteYour "Amphetamine Annie" nickname hit me hard because in high school we had a friend that was "Anorexic Annie". Sadly she died when we were in college, but we used to all have lots of fun ribbing her about her "problem" except none of us realized it was a problem because we were all doing it; withholding food, overexercising taking uppers and throwing up, not knowing it really could kill us. We were buying size 2's and wishing we could be a size 0 like Annie. My worst (and best) was 5'7" and 98 lbs and my parents got really worried when I came home from college and intervened, thankfully. I thought I looked great, but when I see photos now, not so much.
Palin is spinning her remark as standing for torture editing her baptism reference.
DeleteOh you fucking dingbat! It's degenerates like you and your silly party of hate, whichever one it is today, that are trying to strip away ALL of our rights.
ReplyDelete"You're an idiot babe, it's a wonder that you still know how to breathe."
I just realized why Sarah had to rush out that Facebook post. Everyone in the media is talking about Donald Sterling, racism, sports, the basketball playoffs, and more Donald Sterling. How dare they ignore Sarah when she went to all that trouble to deliver that zinger at the NRA convention.
ReplyDeleteSarah managed to offend Christians who didn't like the idea of baptism being joked about. Sarah must have really pissed off Muslims with thoughts of both being water boarded and baptized. She insulted the UN Convention Against Torture, which the US signed on to. In spite of insulting all of these people, who have criticized Sarah, it's Donald Sterling's remarks which are getting all of the attention. What does Sarah have to do to get noticed around here? Oh, yeah, a Blood Libel Facebook Post, even more offensive than her joke and her interview. She is digging her own political grave. It's too bad that her other career path is that reality show, which is tanking.
'Sarah managed to offend Christians who didn't like the idea of baptism being joked about.'
DeleteSince when has blasphemy been acceptable for Christians? I don't think Sarah has a clue and I don't think anyone she knows could clue her in. Maybe there is a Christian somewhere that can get through to her.
She doesn't care about Muslims at all. She is fine with pissing them off, to her it means she is powerful.
I wonder if she's even on Roger Ailes' radar enough for him to once again call her & tell her to shut the fuck up and lay low? She's so dense she doesn't know she's in the middle of a shit storm...she really got off easy with the crosshairs/blood libel bullshit. I don't think this time will be the same walk in the park. She doesn't know how many of her rabid rubes are Christians and are deeply offended by this. She's been spewing vulgarity for quite some time now & it was tolerated by them, this won't be.
ReplyDeleteThe last time (Blood Libel) she was getting a million dollars a year to appear regularly on Fox. This year, she's on a much reduced schedule and salary. I guess that don't care what she says. Let her sink herself. It will save them some money and embarrassment.
DeleteDidn`t President Obama say something about letting ignorant
ReplyDeletepeople keep talking because they
eventually tell you who they are.
So you do listen to the President--huh Sarah?
I noticed that too! lolol
DeleteSista Sarah - President Obama has your ass nailed...keep talking honey...you've been showing your lack of mental capabilities for years now and boy do Alaskans and many Americans know you!
Divorce is one of the most devastating things a person will ever go through, and no one needs to hear from stepmoms/new wives and how theyre handling it
ReplyDelete6:09 Where the hell did that come from?
DeleteMy divorce was joyous, uplifting, a relief, a two week party. Devastating? Not at all.
Are you referring to Bristol/Levi, Sarah/Todd, Track/Britta...or have you possibly stumbled into the completely wrong blog somehow?
DeleteI suppose it must be Sarah/Todd because I don't think the other two sets were officially married, right?
Are you talking about Bristols divorce from Levi. Yes some do know about it.
Deletehuh? are you lost in cyberspace?
Deleteoh, maybe it was the troll. I was all wtf but if it's the troll then just STFU!!!
DeleteThis is the troll and she is a fucking moron.
Deletechuck_tard jr, you fat inbred fuk,
Deletethe only thing you considered devastating when you divorced your ex is how mangled you were financially after she raked yer lame fat ass over the coals ... and you thought that book-0-lies you and that squinty eyed incestuous piece of shit dad of yours was gonna make you two inbreds rich ...
BTW numbnutz,
having fun keeping your new little wife in line, why's she lookin' to get the fuk away from you inbred dipshit retarded heath's/palin's ?
I think when Levi did divorce Bristol it rocked her world. They got married shortly before he moved in with the Palins in advance of the baby Tripp coming and then she fucked around on him within a few months and he moved out and dissolved the union. Bristol's never gotten over being a foil for her pregnant pre-teen sister.
DeleteLevi and Bristol were never married. Check the records - no marriage application and no divorce decree.
DeleteShe wouldn't even be able to name the country that it's in.
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing to think such a person with so few critical thinking skills would’ve been a heartbeat away from the president. McCain needs to really apologize for unleashing such ignorance. Palin really believes she is a qualified and able person to lead the country and she was wronged when McCain lost the election; it is difficult to imagine somebody could be this deluded. Also imagine our present president making such a lame comment and having to walk it back. Pretty improbable, huh? This is because President Obama has a law degree from a highly respected law school and his critical thinking skills are extremely well honed. Sarah Palin, on the other hand barely made it through five colleges.
ReplyDeleteShe never graduated.
DeleteWhen was the last time she appeared on Fox News? I got so I didn't pay any attention, but now I am wondering.
ReplyDeleteI don't think she's been on at all in 2014
DeleteShe's been on in January and March.
DeletePalin's comments to the NRA folk and her reply to criticism are clear indications as. to why her pipeline of cash in high paid speaking engagements and Fox appearances have all dried up faster than the skin on her face. There is zero substance except for continuing threats she'll never actually exercise. Hurling to the ground at the speed of sound, when will her thud be heard?
ReplyDeletePalin proves time and time again why turkeys die during rainstorms..
ReplyDeleteSarah has no self awareness. She doesn't know how silly her outfits look. She doesn't realize that her wig is a mess and too far back on her head. And she no sense of what might offend people. The more offensive the better, just as long as people notice her.
ReplyDeleteSo, MSNBC noticed Sarah and criticized her. And, she couldn't take criticism. Sarah wants to present such a tough, hard image by talking about torturing and water boarding. Is Sarah tough enough to go on MSNBC to answer the criticism? Of course not. She writes a Facebook post. There, that will show them. It's a childish response, especially since she can't see what was wrong with her original remark. Sarah does not do "introspection." And, Sarah can't handle criticism.
LOL she is so afraid of MSNBC that she filibustered word salad on FB without ever mentioning baptism.
DeleteHey, Sarah, why don't you go on the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC?
DeleteOf course, your answer will be no because you know how smart she is, that she'd run circles around you, and not let you get away w/shit as to your repetitive answers and word salad. She'd literally cream your ass and it would be so damned much fun to watch.
Come on honey, be a brave chick and show your stuff - stop hiding behind your Facebook page!
Here's what I posted (17 minutes ago--still up--and 5 likes!!) on the skank's page:
ReplyDelete"So, you think that Senator McCain is an overly sensitive wuss for saying " It was not torture, or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of detainees that got us the major leads that ultimately enabled our intelligence community to find Osama bin Laden."? You do realize that without his (admittedly poor) decision to give you a platform to spew your vile and obnoxious comments, absolutely no one would be listening to you? There's *my* First Amendment statement--I sincerely hope it does offend you."
bravo, bravo! I'm sure it's been deleted...
DeleteWatch out! She's babbling out of control! After that frothy rant, I felt like I needed to wipe spit flecks off of my computer screen. Something hit a nerve for sure!
ReplyDeleteOne of the few programs they let her on is early Saturday morning on "Cashin' In" (no kidding).
ReplyDeleteNever heard of the show....that's probably why they let her on....
DeleteI don't know if anyone else has noticed but on PBS they have American Experience. Part of the lead in is a clip of the wax Paul Revere repeating his warning that the British are coming. Every time I see that I have to laugh because there's no way it's a coincidence they play that particular clip without making any reasonable person think of the wasilla grifter's mangling and then double downing the story of Paul Revere.
ReplyDeleteLet's start a list of this hateful sicko's violent, racist, twisted comments and imagery. I'll go first.
ReplyDelete1."if I were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists."
2. "You know, I say about this assistant coach, Sandusky, hang him from the highest tree. I'll bring the rope."
3. in her emails called Jewish Republican Rep. Jay Ramras “birdnose” and “vajayjay”
4. ‘Observes’ Martin Luther King Day By Race Baiting President Obama.
5. Shoots wolves from helicopters.
6. Puts rifle scopes on political enemies heads.
Doubling down on her aspirations to be a War Criminal. Nice, job, Sarah.
ReplyDeleteSarah "If You Can't say Anything Nice, Say It Often" Palin
ReplyDeleteDon't forget
Sign the petition: http://act.faithfulamerica.org/sign/palinwaterboarding/?t=1&akid=314.247197.l_XY8N
ReplyDeleteFor Christians, torture is not a joke or a political punchline, but a ghastly reminder of the suffering of Jesus upon the cross. By equating it with Holy Baptism -- the act by which we are united with Christ in his death and resurrection -- Sarah Palin is blasphemously twisting our faith into a weapon of hatred and violence. No media outlet should cover her remarks without reporting on how sincere Christians of all theological and political persuasions are appalled.
We should all contact that country clueless redneck channel she is on and protest her show.
DeleteHere is the link to her show. You can comment on the blog tab or log into Facebook and tell them what you think.
Sarah Palin is the perfect idiots politician
ReplyDeleteQuestion for everyone here:
ReplyDeleteHow would you feel and react to a bunch of mean people online who constantly lie about and attack your family, while acting like a better person? Seriously. Put yourself in those victims shoes in 2008. Pretend your them and act like someone writes the things you write and stalks random people in your town just so they can pull statements from their contexts and put together ridiculous scenarios and propaganda ridden blog posts.
How would you react if that were you and your life people were fictionalizing for no rational reason?
I'm guessing not well.
DeleteWhere do I begin??
DeleteWhen you put up your pregnant daughter as a political prize and you parade a special needs child as a prop you are NO victim! When someone questions your qualifications you are no victim! When someone calls out your lies, you are no victim.
Honey, pulling statements out of context? Really? I've listened to the sarahskank's screeches. She is a hateful piece of shit. "IF, she were in charge..." Well, she will NEVER be in charge. She just sunk herself into the realm of dog shit.
Deleteand if you want to talk about "out of context", keep in mind that the retards went batshit crazy over Martin Bashir. THEY took his sentence out of context. And you shitheads, take President Obama's words out of context, all of the time.
Sarah's an imbecile, whose rants are heard, and read VERBATIM. Do you know what that means, or do I have to draw you a picture?
And really, what lies are you speaking of? I even wondered how the heck Bristol could be the ONLY DWTS contestant who has ever PUT on weight. She was HEFER on stage, while even Kelly Osbourne, lost weight.
Please enlighten me, little Palin ass kisser.
Sally? I would hope that Sally Heath is not as dense as you are, Troll. What you have written applies to the vicious LIES that Sarah and her Family have told about Our President Obama and his wonderful, classy, educated Family. The Dysfunctional Palins have exposed their Trailer Trash ways for all to see. So don't come here with your pathetic Palin Ass Kissing. Your time could be better spent trying to get Track help with his Drug Addiction. You can't help Bristol and Willow, because they like Sex too much and Mommy won't allow them to take birth control.
DeleteIt's Todd! The troll is Todd! I remember his emails and the same bad grammar and lack of proper punctuation are his trademarks.
DeleteQuestion to Anon. 7:28:
DeleteHow would you feel and react to a woman who promised to be an advocate for special needs children and promised to be a servant with a servant's heart for people, and we voted for her, and then all of a sudden, she quits and goes to Hollywood and doesn't advocate for anyone. How would you feel if you trusted someone and supported them and sent them money and they then said really nasty things about the President who wanted to help poor people and sick people and children with pre-existing conditions and that woman laughed at poor people on Fox and told people to hate the President because he wanted to help people. And the woman called him names and mocked him and his family and every chance she got and even in her reality TV shows, she'd jab at him and his family? And how would you feel if that woman gave you hope, then dashed your hope because she didn't care about the middle class and poor people anymore, and wanted to take their only hope of affordable healthcare away, and then she trotted off to Hollywoodland and wrote books and became a multi-millionnaire and is now a celebrity? How do you think people who are sick and dying and have heard this woman say such mean things about homeless and people on food stamps and yell on TV about people who are trying to help the poor??? How would you react? How would you react if one of your children couldn't get that expensive treatment that could save his life because that mean nasty woman goes around trying to put a stop to the people who would help the child??????
Not very good, would you?
Hey troll you forgot to mention the world's best mommy Bristol and how Levi broke her heart and Sunny is a traitor!
DeleteHow would you feel and react to a bunch of mean people online who constantly lie about and attack your family, while acting like a better person?
DeleteThis thing that's wrong with that sentence is mean people acting like a better person. Plural and singular don't mix.
Put yourself in those victims shoes in 2008.
Who are the victims from 2008? The lady who was flown around the country, dressed in thousands of dollars of designer duds? Made more famous than she had ever been in her life?
The last sentence is the worst of all. (Piper, is that you? You really have to spend more time in school). What's the point in stalking random people?
Pretend your them That's Pretend you are them. Who? The victims? The random people being stalked? I am guessing that if it's your family who is being attacked I suggest the following things:'
1. Kid, you really have to spend more time in English class. Your writing sucks.
2. Your family has become so rich and famous that it is really hard to feel sorry for you.
3. If you and your family really don't want the attention and the comments, it's simple. Shut down your facebook accounts, stop posting photos of yourselves on the internet and live your lives privately.
4. However, if your mother wants to run around the country endorsing people in order to collect donations to her PAC, you're going to have a hard time getting her to "go private." That's where most of the money is coming from, and if you want to live vibrantly and privately, you'll have to get jobs and work. If you want the easy route, you have to pay the price.
5. No, seriously, learn how to write. Sarah says that she has a degree (from college) in journalism, so those are some might big shoes to fill, LOL.
No one is lying about anything and we can back up everything we say with pertinent links and data sources.
DeleteYou, on the other hand, seem to have a blind allegiance to a very dysfunctional woman and her equally messed up family and seeking the truth will set you free.
Question for 7:28 PM , Are you a Lesbian? You fawn over Bristol like she is your long lost lover. Do you really believe that any Sane person would be involved with you? You are a NIGHTMARE waiting to happen.
DeleteI am talking about WAY before any of them CHOSE to enter public life temporarily. When the media was writing lies and trashing.
DeleteAnd speaking of qualifications. Dont go there if you voted for Obama. The man HAD NONE.
It was sad that Sarah's brother and father had to write a book justbecause of all the lies about THEM, for no reason. THEY weren't public figures, yet people felt the need to slander them.
There are no words. But it does look like she's working on that rodeo queen look.
ReplyDeleteDon't ya mean rodeo clown look?
DeleteAnonymous 7:28. Why are you always here defending the derange psychopath from Wasilla?
ReplyDeleteHonestly I wonder if this particular troll is a lesbian in love with Bristol.
Delete9:13 PM Yes, she preys on the weak minded.
ReplyDelete"Sarah has done and said many things over the years that I disagree with, am embarrassed by, am furious over - but this one just puts it so far over the line that I feel it's important to make a statement about it.
I know how I became me, and where I got my values. I cannot understand how Sarah got her values, and I resent that every time I tell someone where I am from their first response is "do you know Sarah Palin?" Well, unfortunately, yes. Then I have to go into a 10 minute explanation of how we are completely and utterly different. Because you know, I'm from Wasilla and there's kind of a taint now. Plus, I am a patriot, and I think that word has been co-opted by people whose idea of what it means is incorrect and possibly immoral.
In my mind, a patriot is a person who reads, understands and lives by the values in the Constitution, and who wants America to be an ethical leader in the world. I don't want to be associated with this other woman from Wasilla whose values are so off.
So I just wanted you to know - not everyone from Wasilla agrees with S.P. or shares her ideas. I know you probably know that, but I'm just putting it out there, in writing."
Among her many confused statements, this strikes me: "Actions to stop terrorists who’d utterly annihilate America and delight in massacring our innocent children?"
ReplyDeleteWhere did anyone/thing mention massacring children? Jeesus
There was a terrorist who did kill children, right here in America-- in Oklahoma City when Tim McVeigh blew up the Federal Building. He was a home grown American terrorist, and I don't believe that they had to water board him or baptize him to get him to talk. They had the evidence that they needed to give him a trial, as required by law. What water boarding would have saved the lives of those innocent children, Sarah?
DeleteShe had no objection to the arsenal of weapons a teenager used to kill his mother and massacre innocent children at Sandy Hill.
Deletedon't forget the sandy hook, columbine, tucson etc etc etc terrorist's
DeleteAnd the guy who took her map seriously in Tucson. And the idiot with the guy at Sandy Hill...all NRA friends of Sarah. Thank you Sarah, for supporting groups that do, indeed, kill our children.
DeleteYou $tupid, lying, mofo lying bitch. it was YOUR TeaTHUGlican buddies who just refused to pass a veterans bill. I really, really hope karma gives you what you deserve, and soon.
ReplyDeleteAmen. The gOP cut the funding, as they always do...remember the condition of Walter Reed before Bush was shamed into fixing a few things? The gOP cares nothing for cannon fodder. They just want war because it's a quick way to get money to their buddies. Sarah is an idiot, and is getting dangerous. She needs to be baptized into true religion. Maybe Hannity will do the honors?
DeleteTreasonous birch.
ReplyDeleteSarah, you conveniently failed to justify your comparison of the Christian sacrament of baptism with waterboarding. I believe that is at core of the outrage. Try again please.
Now she has gone and named Trig's dog Jill Hadassa. That second one is a Hebrew name for Esther, and it is also a Zionist Womens Organization. I wonder if Sarah will be wearing her Jewish star when Esther is around.
DeleteHuman garbage indeed.
Sarah and the GOP are the true Xtrians? I renounce the Christian God.
ReplyDeleteSarah has gone too far. First, baptizing muslim terrorists. (are there any other kind?) Then, saying that torture is OK. (It's not OK). Now, she has picked out a dog for Trig (service dog?) and the dog's name is Jill Hadassa. Hadassa (or Hadassah) is the Hebrew name for Esther, as in Queen Esther. It is also the name of a Zionist Jewish women's organization. Could Sarah possibly find any more religious groups to piss off? If she is starving for attention, I think that racist comments top her religious insults in the current news cycle.
ReplyDeleteShe sees herself as Queen Esther. Always has. We see her as a bitch. I think the name is very appropriate.
DeleteI have no TV. So, can someone clue me in as to what Fox Noise is saying about all this sh*t storm brought on by one of their 'contributors'?
ReplyDeleteHeads up their asses and hoping nobody notices THEIR Tundra Turd is talking. The Tundra Turd is bought and paid for by Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch... Their bitch (in the yapping dog sense-talking about you Lou Sarah) comes complete with the Fox News North Bunker located on Lake Lucille.
DeleteThe only thing I have to say to you is, really, you don't have a TV? Do you live in the Bush or in a foreign land without cable? I'm so sorry for you.
DeleteI think Hannity is the only one that has her own since she finished her Christmas book tour. He rarely has her on. I do not watch it but see clips people post on the web.
DeleteI think she lost many Christian supporters using the baptized word in that one liner.
Deleteso i've got a tv but don't pay for anything on tv, all's i utilize it for is watching dvd's and old vhs tapes -
nothing worth watching anyhow plus i've got a life - don't feel sorry for me, k
9:58 pm: i happen to live right here in the U of A, thank you very much. I am w/o TV by choice - we live about 5miles outside city limits, and do not get 'regular' TV channels unless we pay for Satellite TV, which we refuse to do after having had it for a couple of years. Too much garbage on it (like the Fox Noise, or the History Channel that showed SPAC, etc.) We choose to NOT support RethugliCons, and many of the stations we were getting were being run/bought by them. We get our news from the radio, and from the Internet, thank you very much. I believe, I might be 'TAAD' better informed than you.
DeleteHey Sarah Palin you forgot to give President Obama and our troops credit for getting Bin Laden.
ReplyDeleteWithout torturing anyone.
DeleteEven the American Conservative is getting crap from the palin cult for calling her out on this:
ReplyDeleteThe Pro-Torture Palin Populists
Sarah one question fer ya.
ReplyDeleteIs Caint Get Right a true combat vet like ya said he was?
You are a Christian woman that don't lie. So don't lie!
The only combat that Track has had is with Drug Addiction.
DeleteWho/what are you talking about?
DeleteWhy don't you drink some "sense" koolaid.
Lying about people, esp kids, isn't good. Take a hint Anon
Keep talking Sarah
ReplyDeleteLike Barack says Sarah! Please continue to progress your proceeding into insanity and irrelevance.
DeleteSarah Palin's real problem is that she's an evil teocon. She's a wolf who parades around in sheep's clothing. It's only a matter of time before a nation that embraces torture uses that heinous and despicable practice on its own citizens. Just remember it's people like Sarah Palin who are helping sack the rule of law. That's why anybody juxtaposed with Sarah Palin will go down to defeat - and rightfully so.
Is Trig going to be walking that dog or is the dog going to be taking care of Trig? The dog will be having two months of specialized service training at the same kind of place that trains dogs for vets. Is Trig's dog going to be a service dog? And, why, for God's sake, would Sarah pick a Hebrew name for the dog, Jill Hadassa. (Hadassa = Esther). Is it a Jewish dog? Or is Sarah saying at Jewish people are dogs? With Sterling and Bundy stealing all of Sarah's attention, she is going to have to insult some more people in order to get noticed.
ReplyDeleteIt sounded like the dog already had a name, and they added Palin to it because it's theirs soon
DeleteThis new post of Sarah Palin is what Roger Ailes warned Sarah about when she made her blood libel tape a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Sarah Palin didn't learn from last time
"Good Lord, critics... buck up or stay in the truck."
ReplyDeleteHow mentally incompetent is this woman who misuses one of her favorite expressions. It makes NO sense in this context.
As much as she wanted to yell 'shut up' and 'fuck you' [rhymes with 'truck'] to her critics, she did a piss poor job of it.
If Sarah can't take the criticism, she can't run for President. Maybe it's Sarah who should buck up or get back in the truck.
DeleteWell, no ones been more slandered than her. Thanks to irresponsible bloggers.
DeleteActually, the statement works against her. The critics ARE "bucking up" by way of unabated objections to her moronic scree.
DeleteNice goin', "tundra tits!"
Irresponsible bloggers my @ss, 10:56 PM. What's slanderous about posting her words verbatim?
DeleteOh man is this insufferable witch unstable or what. she mentions Benghazi but the fool failed to understand that vitriol smack by some looney American, self-proclaimed preacher caused the Benghazi killings. The idiot doesn't believe her hateful "free speech" insane rants caused the Tucson massacre.
ReplyDeleteWhen will the witch apology for comparing a sacred sacrament to tortured?
Apology for that you evil, sinful, hateful, piece of garbage.
Her rants did not cause the Tucson massacre. Hating on Sarah doesn't have to make you an idiot too.
DeleteWhen will people here apologize for lying about her family for years and writing nasty shit everyday?
DeleteThe petition Christians have far exceeded their original goal and have upped the goal to 20,000 sigs and they now almost have that number.
ReplyDeleteWhat does that tell you,, Sarah? What will you do when you lose your conservative (Christian) base? Better start planning.
Yep- Palin's thin skin is still intact; no criticism of her- petty or not- will go unanswered.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how I found this blog. However, upon a quick perusal on it, I am left with ill feelings toward the "liberal" population. Simply put, you are all rather juvenile. From what I read, you dislike your opponent's messages. Well, what do your messages and comments say about you? What does the filth you put out to the world say about the party of this blogger?
ReplyDeleteNo, the internet isn't known for being a sane place, and the people who anonymously bash those they don't know aren't mentally balanced. It'd be nice if at least half of you really thought about how bad you're making those you align yourself with look. No human deserves the words you scream out from your place of unhappiness. Yes I said unhappiness. No happy person writes the things written above, especially in the blog post content.
Just think about it and the hypocrisy you're living.
WOW. Just WOW.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin once again proves she's Stupid on Steroids.