Sunday, May 04, 2014

Anti-gay North Carolina Republican State Senate candidate used to be a female impersonator who emceed drag shows. Nothing gay about that.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

A GOP candidate for North Carolina State Senate — who supports the state’s ban on same-sex marriage — has been revealed as a former female impersonator and drag show emcee by the co-owner of the club where he once worked. 

Steve Wiles, 34, of Kernersville, NC, worked at Club Odyssey until 2010 under the name ‘Mona Sinclair,’ former club owner Randy Duggins told the Winston-Salem Journal. 

According to Duggins, Wiles was a frequent patron in the late 1990s at his nightclub where gay, lesbian and straight clientele gathered for weekly shows featuring female impersonators. Around 2001 and 2002, Wiles began working for Duggins as the show director and performance booker, while emceeing the show as Miss Mona Sinclair. 

“He is Mona Sinclair,” Duggins said, referring to Wiles’ female persona. 

In multiple interviews about his past Wiles has alternately denied and confirmed his history. 

“That’s not me,” Wiles said three weeks ago, referring to questions about Mona Sinclair. 

This week, Wiles’ campaign website, Facebook page and Twitter account were shuttered.

However after first denying that he was Miss Mona Sinclair, Wiles finally fessed up in an interview with the Business Insider:  

"I think that everyone has their own choices to make and I'm fine with everyone making their own. For me, from a religious standpoint, just for my life, for me, it just was not something that I wanted to continue," Wiles said of his drag performances. "Of course it was an embarrassment, but you know, you move on. You live life, and you change, and you make yourself what you want yourself to be. And that's where I am now." 

Wiles declined to answer when Business Insider asked whether he considers himself an "ex-gay." 

"No, no, I really wont make any comments on that," he said.

Oh yeah, he's gay.

And yes I DO realize that not all female impersonators or transvestites are homosexual, but in this case I think we all know what is the likeliest possibility.

Just another self loathing homosexual stuffed into a GOP closet, too frightened to live his life in the open and without remorse.


  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    This guy also thinks that gay marriage cannot take place because marriage is a religious institution. Sorry, but legal marriages have also taken place in front of a justice of the peace or the county clerk. Civil marriages are legal.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      And, you can't have a religious ceremony and NOT report to the civil authorities to make it legal. The state is always is not.

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      He is making my "gaydar" go off the "Radar"! No he ain't gay...MUCH!

    3. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Ok he only "admitted" being a drag queen b/c the other guy threatened him.
      Claims he had to "have a job". Hey dude what's wrong with MickyD's?

    4. F U McCain5:02 AM

      Oh come on now, people!

      We can probably all name straight guys in our lives who would dress up as a woman - in front of a large crowd, weekly...for three years, right?



      I don't think his boyfriend believes him either.

      (Ps- they are called Drag QUEENS - and they ain't talking about royalty. )

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    So sad that these people can't just be comfortable with who they are.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      I don't think it's that. I think people in politics know "the gays" still make americans nervous in a bigger way than you'd think. Not just in "confederate areas" either.

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM


      So if you are gay just stay out of politics if you aren't comfortable with how you are perceived. The people that the gays "make nervous" are the old and the bigoted, and those that are hiding their true selves, whether in blue or red states. If you are gay and in politics, then fess up, and live with the consequences or remain a private citizen. Those are your choices. One cannot have it both ways, which is seems this guy is trying to do, he's on the fence so he should just come out or give up politics and stop lying to himself and others.

    3. Anonymous4:50 PM

      @3:45 exactly!!!

    4. F U McCain5:06 AM

      Rethugs were scared about Barney Frank's ability to carve a hole in the GOP.

      no one was scared he would. ..I don't even know. .. explode into glitter, Or something?

      What exactly is scary about "the gay"?

      Is it all the rainbows? Please do tell.

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    G, of course he is gay. Next he will claim he was cured by religion, but we all know that religion just shames people until they submit.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Maybe he was cured by Marcus Bachmann's Pray Away The Gay therapy?

  4. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I think I know him. Hold. I SWEAR I have a picture of him from years ago at a barbecue. Not risqué, not even controversial.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Ooohhh, the fairy tale troll sure gets around!

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Was he with Todd?

    3. Anonymous6:46 PM

      2:58 PM Were you the caterer? Why aren't you working now?

    4. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Still does not mean he could not possibly be gay. Nice try on weak logic.

    5. F U McCain5:12 AM

      Did you expect him to wear his pumps and boa to this little shindig?

      Congratulation s on making even your shortest posts totally devoid of any point.

      We wouldn't have it any other way, Krust.

  5. Anonymous3:01 PM

    One reason it's still a very unfair world for gay people, why gays still experience shame, is all the closeted celebs there are.

    Im not saying they're actually ashamed of themselves, but there are definitely a huge number of people who fear gay people and even vocalize disgust for the sexual actions.

    It's sad.

  6. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Why is it we see this so often w/Republicans? What lying frauds!

    Folks, voting next election will be the time to get majority Republicans out of office across the nation. They are a party that is anti women - are blocking voting rights - anti abortion - religious declared but don't act it or live the teachings - racists - support or are a part of the KKK - etc.

    Vote them out of office in the U.S. Congress, heads of states (governors), state Legislatures and on the city and community levels.


  7. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Ha! I read your last line as "...another self-loathing homosexual stuffed into a G.O.P. CORSET"!

    Wild (and living vibrantly) Tortoise

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Gulping inaudibly as well.

  8. Anonymous3:59 PM

    He thinks everyone should make their own choice, but not really.

  9. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Me thinks he doth protest too much!

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      C'mon, $arah, endorse him!
      Why do I hear crickets? It's not summer yet!

  10. Anonymous4:19 PM

    “That’s not me,” Wiles said three weeks ago, referring to questions about Mona Sinclair.

    "Oh wait, yes it is."

    He was lying before he got caught lying.

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      A common affliction amongst Republicans.

  11. Anonymous4:30 PM

    This might sound creepy to some folks, but I haven't even given it a second thought in about 30 years...

    I had a fraternity brother, Michael, whom I was pretty close to, but didn't learn he was gay until after we had both graduated and left school. He was older and started law school when I was just a sophomore. Even though he wasn't active day-to-day in the frat after he finished undergrad, he was a mentor to me. Nothing out of the ordinary here.

    A few years later, after I had finished grad school a couple of states away, I got an invitation to a "female impersonators revue" (or something like that) performance at a club that was primarily an upscale gay club, and I recognized the photo of the headliner as my friend, Michael. At that point, I hadn't heard from him for a couple of years and had lost touch. I took a couple of my buddies and we went to the show and it was a trip. Here the three of us straight guys are in the middle of this club with the "burlesque-type" show going on, and we were hooting and hollering (I can't whistle, but I tried), along with everyone, it seemed. Anyway, it was such an awesome time for all of us that we went to see Mike several times before he "retired". He was "out" in personal/professionally, but of course, he maintained his "persona" and stayed in character whenever performing, kind of like Stephen Colbert does except that Mike was "Michelle" and had fake tits that would make Sarah Lou blush. I don't know how many others there were straight, gay, bi, tran, cross-dressers and whatever else I'm ignorant about, but I do know this---- every person dressed as a female was drop-dead gorgeous. Makeup was perfect, the whole nine yards. There was the "Marilyn Monroe" and "Madonna" and other celebrity look-alikes, but there, but most had their own stage names.

    Anyway, that's my "Penthouse Forum" story.

    This "anti-gay" NC politicial wannabe is trying to recreate himself by lying or denying his past and/or present. In politics, trust is the biggest factor in my opinion, especially for newbies, and this guy loses on the honesty factor right out of the chute. Sounds to me like he has unresolved issues that he needs to deal with before taking on public matters of importance, just from nothing more than a "maturity" standpoint.

    IMO, stage presence and ability to perform is a plus in politics and other public leadership positions, but honesty and integrity are just as important.

    1. F U McCain5:15 AM

      That's cool you supported your friend. It probably meant a lot to him.

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      You're a cool dud. Wish a lot of people have the same feelings like you do. Sunnycalifornia

  12. Anonymous6:22 PM

    So. . . teabaggerism is more profitable?

  13. Anonymous6:53 PM

    GOD to Steve Wiles: "You're gay."

  14. Anonymous6:54 PM

    LOL...just when I think some things are only make believe....sheesh..... Do you think Repubs will ever embrace the "wonder" called the human race?

  15. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I'm confused. Did he go from teabagging to teabagging?

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Yes. Yes, he did.

    2. F U McCain5:15 AM

      Oh my.

  16. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Daily Mail has a picture of Mona performing.

  17. Anita Winecooler7:24 PM

    Ruh Roh! Not only was he a Female Impersonator, he worked his way up, pulled up his bra straps, and became the emcee for the show. It also included Male Strippers!

    You know, not that it means anything, even now, he has fabulous bone structure and really good skin. If he lost a few pounds, he'd be a fabulous crossdresser!! Kind of a drag he's missed his calling.

    1. F U McCain5:16 AM

      Kind of a "drag"?

      I see what you did there, cheeky!

  18. Anonymous7:36 PM

    My female impersonator friend I just talked to said, "yes, there are straight impersonators, just like he was before entering his transition." But then she added "I'm sure they are as common as a Palin virgin on their wedding night!".
    BTW Austin Tx holds some of the best drag Queen Revues!

  19. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Marcus Bachmann V 2.0

  20. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Seems like a "I hate Obama, and the whole VOTE FOR MEEEEE!" type.

    And people with really low intelligence, will not see that as absurd, and WILL vote for the twit.

  21. ibwilliamsi7:33 AM

    "You live life, and you change, and you make yourself what you want yourself to be. And that's where I am now."

    Hell's bells! Forget about "is he gay", the dude is a Progressive!

  22. The Daily Mail has a picture of my close friend in IS NOT Steve Wiles as Mona Sinclair. They really should check their information before posting someone else's picture to the public to be criticized in a negative fashion. This has really caused some hardship on my friend who has absolutely nothing to do with this entire mess of a story.

  23. Ya know, it's almost as predictable as an algebra equation.
    Screaming out loud against "da gays?" Look in the mirror - we see it - do you? Why else would they be carrying on about it?
    Endless projections are more and more obvious these days.

    Hey Steve--If you hate yourself, try a little love instead. Stop resisting your own truth. Come on over from the dark side...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.